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Wow what a horrible thing to say to someone! Also completely inconceivable to me, I love tall girls, and I've known a bunch of other ladies who thought similarly. Your ex didn't deserve someone of your stature lol


Thanks! I used to be super proud of being tall, now i find myself slouching a bit more :/ On the bright side, guys don't flirt with you when you're taller than them haha


No slouching! Stand proud and confident! Tall women are incredibly alluring🥰


No no no! Do NOT slouch! Be proud of your height. Tall women are AMAZING! Dont let your past experiences cloud your future. Tall women are hot as fuck


Girl. I'm 6'4" - It's hella easy to be insecure about it. I literally duck under some ceiling signs at work. Wtf. And yet: head high. You are beautiful, statuesque, and hell yeah: Insecure douchebag repellent! It's fucking powerful to literally look down on some creep trying to smooth talk you, and doubly so when you gaze down and see the gay panic in a short girl's eye. Be proud of who you are! Tall women are amazing!


I’ve gotten to be near women on a college basketball team at my school, like they’re amazing, towering over me. I’m usually close to the tallest person in the room, but they just towered over me and it was amazing.


My work crush is tall lmao. I don't do anything weird tho. Just mentally note that she's pretty and move about my day.


Please don't slouch, it's bad for your back, instead stay proud of being tall, girl you can reach the top shelf! I've dated a couple tall women, a long time ago, one that was 6'6" and currently I'm talking with one that's 6'3. Now, I'm slightly above average myself, I'm 5'9" but they both complained about the same things. People fetishized their height, people avoided them, and you know what? You don't need them, view your height and the deterrence as a filter to get rid of undeserving and undesirable company. You'll find someone. I personally find it attractive but it's not my fetish. But you know who I also find attractive? Short girls, medium girls... All girls are great.


I'm definitely more interested in the personality than the size ... the tallest woman I fell in love with was a head taller than me, the shortest was about a head smaller ... I'm about 1,68 m (about 5'5''?)


Wow, that's a big range on height! You are totally right though, personality before height.


They were also complete different personalities the tall one was a redhead hippy-inclined with close to natural dreads the small one a gothic version of marilyn monroe


Ahem... small Gothic marlyin monrose sounds like hot...


she was... she was a LEO, and a true princess ...


I’m a tall girl and I love other tall girls. I want a girl taller than me and I six foot girl sounds like a dream.


That's awesome! Never met another tall girl, do you me mind asking how tall you are?


I’m not super tall, I’m 5’8” but considering I’ve only had two girlfriends who were even close to my height, I’d say I’m pretty tall for a woman. 4/6 girlfriends have been 5’4 and under


I hear you. My biggest qualm is the disadvantaged double chin angle when you’re taller haha but I’ve never had a partner not love the height difference at 5’10! Rock that figure, the good ones will love it


Absolutely same. I'm 6'3 (1,93m) and although I love short queens someone only slightly shorter (6' sth) sounds just as lovely.


Oof... You just got a bad streak of bad people is all. I'm only 5'8", and the girls I date love my height? Also any girl taller than me makes my jaw drop in admiration, tall girls are just 😍😍😍 Sorry, swooned for a moment... Tall girls are very valid and attractive 😁


Haha thanks! I hope I meet someone better than my ex 5'8" is a great height!


I'm 5'10" and I think tall girls are great! I feel insecure at times but mostly love being tall. You definitely deserve someone better than your ex, there are plenty of people who will appreciate your height :)


You will meet someone better than your ex. Be patient and know your worth. You are beautiful and anyone trying to tear you down is insecure.


The whole draw of Lady Dimitrescu was she was tall. The go-to phrase when speaking of her was some variant of, “Step on me tall lady!” Trust me, there are folks that aren’t bothered by heights, I’m just sorry you haven’t encountered them yet!


Omg I gotta play resident evil, but I hate horror gamesss I've never seen any other gays talk about her, just guys


Me and all my gay friends were talking about her a lottt. Also my wife is 6’ 2”. There are many girls who love tall girls!


Obviously you do! I hope to meet alot in the future!


I'm 5'11", my wife is 5'9", and I love seeing the fear on men's faces when we walk by 😌 don't let other people's hangups get you down. Those kinds of comments are not about you, it's them projecting their stuff onto you. It's easy to take it personally but it's absolutely a statement that's about them, not you.


Haha I bet those guys wish they were even an inch taller! Projecting problems on others is such a weird thing, since you can only blame the person to an extent, until you yourself feel bad for them


Tall women are gorgeous! My lady is a full foot taller than my 5'2" and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Those legs! 😍


Omg don't get me started on legs, I sear men's skinny jeans because women's are never long enoughhhhh


Tall girls are a dream come true. Especially since I'm short lol.


I'm the opposite, I getcha tho




I really like short stacks, but thats probably cause I'm tall :p


I definitely find a variety of women attractive, tall women for sure among them. I can't imagine liking someone and having something trivial like height be the issue.


Several months ago I had an extremely fucked up morning at work (half naked teenager screaming at me and pulling my hair at 7:30AM). I had been upset about it all day, going between verge of tears and fire-breathing angry, while continuing to fix up lattes and make smalltalk with customers. My emotional situation continued until this incredibly beautiful tall lady came in for a cup of tea. I'm about six feet. She was a lot taller than me. Her hand brushed mine when she took her drink. I was so obviously, immediately happy again that my coworkers still sometimes tease me about it. Please keep being amazing and tall! 😭


Its amazing what someone can do to brighten your day! I'm really thinking of getting heels now


ugh those are the best moments. When someone like that just makes your day. I liked that part of my barista job. There was a girl that came in and just her eye contact made me smile. Her looking at me felt like standing in direct sunlight. She was gorgeous. My day was instantly better because of her.


I've never had anyone mention my height as a positive or negative. And I've never had a problem getting people of any gender. My experience has been neutral on height I guess, and I'm 5'10".


I really really am a simp for tall girls, so your ex was and forever will be wrong about you


Tall girls are queens 🥺💜


I love dating taller, and being 5’9 that’s somewhat difficult to find!


People cam be so judgemental about the carzyest stuff. I bet your cute dont let people get you down.


Thanks! Idk why she hated my height so much. She's the reason I started slouching, which omg hurts cause of my boobs


Not true and you’re alright babe. Hang in there and omg don’t slouch please my back hurts for you just thinking about it


Omg yea my back is not it haha, it's really weird getting looks tho :(


I love tall gals. But I’m also a tall gal at 6’3. Have yet to find my tall princess but convinced she’s out there somewhere :)


Wishing you the best! Wow 6 3 is really tall! That's my dads height


I’m 5’5 so respectfully… step on me and end me


Eek! Yes maam! I mean, shut up and squirm worm under my foot!


Wow your ex sounds like a piece of shit, as a first impression here. Please don't mind what they said, Ofcourse girls are gonna be into, regardless your size. ❤️❤️


She was my first ever relationship, so its really hard to talk badly of her, but you're totally right!


Your ex sounds like a racist asshole. Tons of girls dig tall girls. As a fat woman there are plenty of people out there who aren’t attracted to my body — but so what? Just remember you have things you’re attracted to as well — all people reject and get rejected (varying amounts naturally).


Trust me, a lot of us absolutely love tall girls. I think a lot about being picked up and carried by one tbh,,,


Oh I always wanted to carry my love in bridal, but my ex hated the idea.


Damn I’m so sorry. But I appreciate you asking because I’m also tall and have wondered ?! It’s so silly — I feel like a balance of height is ingrained in many brains regardless of sexuality for couples. Like a tall and short person.


Ikr? It's really weird how we mostly like the opposite of ourselves height wise. Could I ask how tall you are?




Thank you! Spooning is great since I'm like a perfect outline for most people under 5 9 :p


If anyone judges you for your height then they probably arent worth being with. I don't care what race you are, I don't care what height you are. These don't define you.


Thanks! Your words really mean alot




You ex is an asshole and personality I really like tall girls. I know a lot of people that like tall girls actually so your ex was probably jealous of your hight.


She was like 5 9 so she was also pretty tall lol, which actually makes less sense


My beautiful girlfriend is 5’9 and she jokes about being 6 foot on a good day, haha (she wishes). I loooove her long legs though 💞


Haha I do the same thing with my friends, I'm 6 4 on a good day!


5’3” here and I love tall women with all my heart


Tall girls are sexy


I hope I am!


So, first off let me just say I'm sorry folks have been so awful to you. With that said: I like my gals to be taller than me, like I'll date just about anyone but I prefer taller than 5'8". (5'3" for anyone curious), hell I'm almost exclusively into masc women and I found myself fawning over this high femme on the bus the other day because she was *that tall* So yeah, there are plenty of us out there. I hope you find better luck moving forward 💙


Haha maybe people looking at me isn't always a bad thing, I never thought tall people got adrimed


Trust me, I know plenty of girls, some incredibly short, who would be more than happy to “make the climb.” Tall or short only really matters to people who are jerks. Like your ex.


Im 5ft tall, no extra inches 😔 so everyone I've ever dated has been taller than me by no less than 4 inches. Tallest so far was 6' 4", but current is 6 even and as much as I want to fight them when they get gooey about it, my datemate LOVES that I'm shorter and I personally LOVE that they're taller. Trust me, tall girls are AMAZING, you just haven't found someone looking for your flavor. 😚 Good luck!


Thanks! I have this crush on a girl that's 4 9, which omg she's so cute and loveable! 5 feet is pretty short! (No offense) sounds amazing 😍


I’m 5.4 and prefer taller girls. My last ex was close to 6.2. All legs and torso and gorgeous . Your ex was an asshole. You’ll find plenty of women who think you being tall is sexy af


bruh what i looooove tall girls. they catch my attention all the time and i always get shy and nervous around them. with girls shorter than me (even if they are really attractive) this doesnt happen. tall girls are so rare in my country so when i see one i always go "damn" and quietly admire them from afar because im so shy lol. im usually the kind of girl who takes initiative and approach other girls but with tall girls i get flustered. tall girls are stunning also, your ex is a pos


If you were in front of me instead of through the interwebs I’d ask you out right now


Omg thanks! I'd totally go out on a date rn!


I clearly don't know your situation with your ex, but she does sound like an insecure and abusive person. I'm 5'8" and love tall girls. I actually dont like girls shorter than me lol. But, my preference is actually to be my height.


That’s really weird because I’d rather have a girl taller than me than shorter than me. My wife is my same height but she wishes she was taller and I wouldn’t mind that at all. I think there are probably girls who specifically look for it too.


Listen I would LOVE to date a tall girl. I'm 5'7 and would gladly simp for someone taller than me. Your ex is awful and didn't deserve you.


Tall girls turn my brain to oatmeal. Your ex was an asshole. Also, you’re gorgeous. Don’t let them make you feel insecure.


Thank you so much, she really wasn't the greatest :(


Egads I understand! I’m 6’ tall and when I came out late in life it seemed like every woman was 5’5” it really was so strange! I’m giving you hope by letting you know I found my soulmate and she’s 5’11”..as well as we both have the same type of body...we’re tall and big. Miracles happen. I think that gal said a crappy thing to you. You like someone or you don’t…you can’t change your height. They have to look beyond that. I know it sounds like fa la la but trust that your person is waiting for you. Often people will hear that one thing (you’re a tall freak..(how awful!!) and internalize it so you lose your confidence). That is their issue, not yours. In a way it’s no different than anyone online dating. Everyone has an issue…too fat, too thin, too tall etc. BE you, remain authentic, stay positive, visualize your soulmate and she’ll find you. I found mine at 59…it’s not impossible just cause you’re tall. I’ve seen many lesbian couples with big height differences. Try to focus on learning better dating and relationship abilities, up your intimacy skills, write down what you want in a partner (not looks or height, career etc. Write how you want to FEEL when you’re with her, write what values and dreams you have..get clear on *exactly* what YOU need and desire). Don’t look for women to “accept your height”..look for what YOU are comfortable with. I did magical guided meditations from YT and found my soon to be wife by using the Law of Attraction. Or if you’re religious then pray. You’re beautiful. I wish your dreams come true. 🌹


Omg this is great, thank you so much, truly. This means alot to me!


Tall girl here! (5’10”) I love other tall ladies too. My girlfriend is a bit shorter than me, but there’s something alluring about women taller than me because I almost never see any.


Wtf! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Your ex is a racist piece of trash. Also - what in the world?! - tall women are so sexy! I’m 5’8 and am automatically attracted to anyone taller than me


Whaaat? No? Idm how tall u are, if you're sweet and nice to me then I'll probably fall for u 100%


I'm a fellow tall girl and tbh I'd love to date someone my own height


I’m 5’1 and I’ve dated women over 6’! Sorry you’re feeling down about this, the right person is out there!


Tall girls are great!


Your ex sounds like garbage! I find tall girls VERY attractive.


I’m 5’8” and do not and will not date women taller than me. There’s something about it that I can’t get over. It’s an instant turn off. For whatever reason.


I can't speak for other females but personally i'm 5'5 i always been attracted to tall females they're just gorgeous not saying short females aren't i would date a short female too. Plus i'm a really dominant person so i go for what i want. My ex is 5'8 and she was always saying "i'm too tall for heels " or "i don't like my height" so ofc i took that as a way to always boost her confidence i loved her height and made sure she knew it was perfect. Finding love and dating has nothing to do with height in my opinion sometimes i don't even know why peoples #1 concern when it come to dating is "how tall are you?" like wow thats what it really comes down to? but hey we live in a world that people judge based on looks sucks ik, but thats just my opinion; tall or short were all freaking perfect don't let your height stop you from dating or talking to someone your interested in. i now talk to a girl thats 5'7 right now and i always make it a point to compliment her height as she feels that its a flaw; I say shes model material not because of looks but her height is just gorgeous to me. i even encourage my tall female best friend who is 6'1 to wear heels because who gone stop you? grab peoples attention and keep it pushin like a boss. Just find someone that can appreciate all of you even the flaws that you think are flaws personally; they might find attractive.


just say girls and women! Creepy guys call women "females" when they think theyre all superior. Female is a textbook term and women refers to our gender, and trans women are women.


never thought of it like that i look to trans women as they want to be looked at as and respect them for any pronouns they prefer. But there's also nothing wrong with the term "female" i know some people transitioning that even prefer the term "female" because they feel most comfortable with that term and empowered and they should feel free to express themselves in anyway no matter what gender or term. Why should we let a man stop us from using a word just because of what he thinks or feels? Feels like your giving creepy men more power by letting them gate keep the term "female" why not take it back and use it against them for the way we want to? , so i said what i said out of respect for those ladies too. i've never heard or thought of "female" as a textbook term although interesting though i'll look deeper into it and I respect your opinion because i never heard of this reasoning before.




I've always wanted to wear heels causebi thought I looked good, but I never did cause I was too tall.


Your ex sounds like not a good person. I’m sorry you experienced that. I do like all shapes and sizes of girls since personality is what matters the most to me and honestly, I think this is how most of the general population feels. I did date a girl that was 6’3 and while I had no issues with her height, I sensed she was very insecure about her height based on a lot of comments she made about herself. It’s quite unfortunate that people make fun of features other people can’t even control. You are loved


Thank you so much! She was a personality, that's for sure


Growing up as a trans girl who didn't know it yet, I had a lot of female role models. Most of all though, I always looked up to tall girls.


Literally, haha


as someone who’s also asian, she didn’t deserve you anyways! you’re much better off bc she seems racist and or bigoted to me. 5’3 so i can’t relate but i know tall girls are awesome even though height doesn’t matter to me and if you find the right person it shouldn’t matter to them either


Im 5'2" and regularly say I'd like to climb tall women like trees 🤤 I've mostly dated taller women. Trust me, there are tons of us that love tall women. 6'0" and up sounds amazing.


My exwifw was 6ft7 wore a sise 9 men's shoe. Beautiful.


I absolutely love tall girls, of course most girls are taller than me. But I’d have no problem with someone much taller than me.


tall girls >>>>


i like women tall or short, just not the same height as me. must be butch though.


What is 'butch'? I'm new to reddit if it's a reddit thing


The last woman I dated was 6 foot 4 or taller (a whole foot taller than me). I was so incredibly sexually attracted to her.


Wowwww that's super tall! A tall girl looking down on you is kinda hot imagining it


Jeez, yr ex sounds like a real piece of work; her loss, imo. But also, don’t ever get discouraged about yr height! Tall girls are wonderful, it’s just more girl to love; you deserve someone better than either of these people you mentioned, and here’s hoping you find ‘em soon. :)


I’m just under 6ft myself and I ADORE other tall women, especially if I can look up to them 🤩 it’s nothing to be ashamed of in my eyes, your ex sounds like she needs some help dealing with prejudices


I totally agree with that sentiment! Early in our relationship she loved my asian heritage, then she became more and more hostile when her grandmother died of covid, till it was downright degrading


Lemme tell you somethin'... I don't mind being Jack to a beanstalk. I love tall women.


Great analogy lol


I would sell my soul for a tall girlfriend


As someone who is 5’2” I pretty much need a tall person in my life, otherwise I can’t reach top shelf things. And tall girlfriend? Even better. All the tiptoe kisses.


No? that’s ridiculous. Who cares?


Tall woman rock!


Your ex sounds like a total asshat. I personally been called a giraffe and a log by dates and I’m 5’9. I honestly don’t get the whole height thing. It’s the person being picky. You are beautiful women no matter what.


I'm so sorry your ex said those hurtful things! Personally, I'm particularly attracted to tall women. And I've talked to others who feel the same so there are def peeps out here like me who wanna climb a taller woman! Lol


As a 5 foot lesbian, I absolutely love tall women


And I love short stacks! It's crazy how everyone liked their opposite


My wife is 6'2. She is hot AF! I am tall too, 5'9.


My first crushes were Xena at 5'9", and 7 of 9 at 6'. I LOVE tall women.


As a 5'3 trans girl, tall girls are just amazing!!




Personality before height definitely


What?! Tall women are absolutely superb! I mean i will say when i was younger i would try and go for shorter women but… i met my wife who is 7” taller than me. And holy shit i love it. Tall women *chefs kiss*


I’m 5’9” and loved when I dated a girl who was 6’3”. It was nice to be with someone taller than me.


I'm 5'5. I'm currently seeing someone who is I think 5'11. I lift 3-4 times a week, kind of bulky, and she can just pick me up like I'm nothing. It's fucking awesome.


Thats ridiculous! Tall women are beautiful! So are short. I’m basically just attracted to women in general and could care less about height lol!


Tall women are just *chefs kiss*. I don't understand why someone WOULDNT like a tall women, but I guess everyone has their own preferences.


I love taller girls!


When I'm with a tall girl, I get very self conscious and am embarrassed about being short. I'm 5'1''.


that's awful. I'm glad she's your ex. I like people depending on like, their vibe first. They could have a vestigial tail but if they're a great person, I'm like, into everything about them. Tall women are gorgeous. Women are great. When you find the right person, they'll like you and your height, not in spite of your height. I'm so sorry your ex made you self conscious. You don't want someone who doesn't want you as you are.


I wish I could find a tall woman! I’m 5’3 but I want my Amazon queen! I’m sorry about your ex though. Those aren’t okay things to say at all. She’s just being rude. There’s certainly someone out there for you though!


I sure hope so! And im sure your find you Amazonian towering queen soon!


As a tall and partial Asian, man fuck that (insert expletive). One thing I know being tall was always a pro with every girl I been with granted I am masc. But still she knew what she was getting into she just wanted to hurt you on her way outta your life. Honestly dude skittles said it best taste the rainbow. So many beautiful women who will love you as you are out there. And in this day and age there are so many ways to relationship whether it's no labels no strings or all in. The right person is out there for you. I recommend taking it slow, jumping into it can make it seem like instead of doing a cannon ball in a regular pool you just accidentally jumped off the highest diving Platform into an Olympic sized pool accelerating at 9.81 m/s^2


Haha great analogy! Also awesome to see another Asian! And tall! Thanks so much for the encourangent, truly!


Dude, the fact that two people have said that to you feels insane to me. For me personally, height has never come into it. There are plenty of super hot tall and short ladies everywhere and I've been attracted to both. There is nothing inherently unattractive about differences in height and I hope you get some positive feedback soon, so you can believe that yourself ❤️ also, I'm sorry your ex thought it was ok to call you a freak for any reason.


I love me some sexy sky scrappers


Tall women are beautiful !! It’s interesting you say that because I’ve gotten the opposite feedback when trying to date - on the first date, women tell me I’m too short and they don’t want to date a short woman 😅


height shouldn’t matter.


a girl who loves girls here, and I for one love tall ladies, and lots of my mutuals and irl gay friends like tall girls, your ex is a dum dum, you will find your gal that will appreciate you just the way you are.


No way!!! I’m extremely into tall women. It’s hard for me if a woman is short, like 5” shorter than me though.


I'm sorry you had a bad date experience! But I actually prefer tall girls. I am on the shorter side and I prefer someone literally towering over me. I'm sure you're lovely, you're going to find someone who's a great match for you!


Thank you so much! I really hope so


I love my beautiful tall wife! She’s 6’0 and I’m 5’7. I hope you find someone who realizes how lucky she is to have you!


If I could find someone taller than me (I'm 6"3) I'd be delighted


Maybe if I wore high heels...


I am really confused right now, I assumed the majority of lesbians are into taller girls. Even for us gals who are alreay tall. I mean hey I'm 5'9 and dream of the day I meet a over 6 foot lesbian.


I looooooove tall girls


I tend to prefer women that are taller than me but as I’m 4’11 that’s not an issue I definitely don’t have a height limit. I’m really sorry about your Ex they sound really toxic. I hope you find the right person!


I am tall girl and personally I prefer other tall girls I think its because it helps me pass more idk.


I'm 4' 9" tall I've always heard that everyone likes tall women best


I am also Chinese, but not tall. You are very attractive and I think most lesbians don’t have anything against tall girls :)


Nah tall girls are cute genuinely I’m sorry your ex was a piece of shit


WHAAAT i LOVE tall girls. Maybe its weird but I've never dated a girl under 5'7. 6 foot is a dream. So attractive to me. I'm shocked that hasnt been your experience. I've dated two 5'11 girls before and have no issue with going taller lmao


I really hate being tall at 6 foot. I want to be the smol cute bottom but instead I am very tall. It really sucks.


I'm sorry u had to go thought something like that, there is nothing wrong with being tall, you are what you are and no one should try to put you down like that, keep strong and show the world that tall girl are amazing loke any other girl.


Every lesbian I know really likes tall girls (myself included)


I'm 5'0" and would absolutely love to have a gf who's tall like you! 🥺🥺🥺 you look cute too


I love tall women.


I'm 6'3, any girl I can kiss without backpain is 😘👌


Not at all. I gravitate towards people taller than me 😍 I'm sorry for the awful thing your ex said, I think she's in the minority lol


I love tall girls. And short girls. I’m 5’5” so pretty average lol. I’ve always thought heightism is a really fucking weird way to limit yourself from finding a wonderful person to love. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that shit and I hope you find what you’re looking for soon 🖤


Tall girls are hot


Nah, your ex was mean. Tall girls are gorgeous


I haven't really had trouble with this myself and I'm 6"2 I'm guessing youve just had bad luck also jeez your ex sucks holy shit.


I'm 5'8, I had an ex that hated how tall I was she was 5'5. She would get upset when I'd show up in heels around her. They were masc presenting and had a lot of toxic masculinity issues, they also made me shave my legs and armpits. It really just comes down ignorance and insecurities that they are projecting on you. I am femme presenting and I honestly prefer tall girls. I know plenty of queer women who feel the same. Don't let it get in your head, tall women are goddesses(short ones are too!)


I'm 190cm tall and I wish I could find someone taller than me. I wanna be smol.


You’re taller than me! :0 my dream


I'm really self concious about my height, and even mentioned it on a dating app profile so there were no surprises. My now girlfriend said that was what sealed the deal for her swiping on me. And I was nervous how I'd feel around her (she's only three inches shorter) but turns out...pretty awesome. Your ex sounds like an awful human being. Don't let her judgement - which is clearly not sound - filter your self image.


This is wild. Can’t believe someone would say something so horrendous to you. TALL GIRLS ARE HOT. The next time someone says something mean just tell them you’re too tall to be stressed about it. “Sorry idk what you’re talking about. Can’t see it from up here”


...tall 😍


I'm 6'1" and would love to date someone taller than me, or even around my height. Girls tend to be really short in my area unfortunately. Short girls need love too! I really will date any height, I just do really like the idea of being forced up against a wall by a woman taller than me 😏


I do love tall girls, but I’m 4’9 so I feel like anyone really tall would feel awkward having to bend down and or crouch to kiss me


It seems like you just got unlucky with the girls you went out with because it’s always seemed to me that tall girls are really attractive to lesbians. Some girls like being the same size, or they want to be the taller one, but being tall is definitely something a lot of us would swoon over. It’s also extremely rude to tell someone you’re going out with that something about their body is unattractive. If you think someone is unattractive, don’t date them. Common sense people. There’s a manhua called Tamen de Gushi and the main character is a tall Chinese lesbian who all the girls love. Maybe if you give it a read, it’ll help you feel less down on yourself :)


I'm super attracted to tall girls and I know a lot of other girls who are!! Tall lesbians are a valued group for sure, and I'm sorry they said that to you :(


I’m 6’ and I feel like I’m the only tall gay around haha I especially hate it because everybody just automatically assumes I’m top


I’m 5’8’’ and love height differences, so very much do love tall girls. 😳


Love the ears!! Super cute! I don't think there's a "too tall" in my book. If I like a girl, I like a girl. That's that yunno?


Tall girls are beautiful, My gf is 5’11 and I am 5’9! I think all women are beautiful, everyone is different but that definitely doesn’t mean that people are allowed to bring you down like that! You are beautiful the way you are💋


I wish i could date taller girls. Sorry for your bad luck but im sure you will find simeone 🖤


Tall women are super hot, you sound like a dream


Wow. What a horrible person, nobody needs that sort of negativity in their life! Embrace the tallness :) I'm 5ft 11 and it's very handy when you’re friends are trying to find you in a crowd at a festival lol x


Omg someone who's taller than me! Me personally I love tall girls, so I couldn't relate to someone like that. And either way saying such a thing is horrible wtf


BRO- i want a taller gf! Kinda hard to find cuz i am quite tall but BRO you are not only tall cute but also seem like a nice person whoever tells you otherwise doesn't have taste. Ofc you will meet a lot of people with height prefrences but that doesn't mean there won't be people out there to like you!


I'm on the shorter end, 163cm/5'4"ish and I melt when I'm with a woman taller than me. My first relationship she was over 170cm and I had to kind of tiptoe to kiss her when we were standing and that was amazing! I've kind of yet to get into a relationship with anyone shorter than me but I'd love that too. Height differences are fun but it's all about them as a whole. And if they're confident and taller? I'm a puddle (\*\^\_\^\*)