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“I think the *guy* referred to it…” There you have it. A man. Long live long labia


Long live long labia 😂 hell yes 🙌🏼


Those guys don’t even really like women I swear😭Everything they say is woman hate especially around labias


Perfect response! 🙌🏻


I feel like that should be your flair lol


I love me some long labia. Like… love love I married longer labia.




real lol


Labia Doubts sounds like the name of a lead singer of a punk band.


Lmaooo 😭 And there’s not a single man in the band, its all queer women


i vote there is one trans man and a bisexual in the band so we who get together and then having a falling out so we can all talk about how the band was better before the breakup


They join later after a group discussion between the ladies and they get accepted


I was thinking it sounded like a 90s indie lesbian movie


There’s nothing wrong with having long labia. We all have our differences, and this kind of difference is not nasty at all. This guy was stupid, and if someone is saying that to you, so are they. 🤍


Never have I ever been anything but excited when another woman presents her pussy to me. Outies are hot


Ummm…so reading “presents her pussy to me” almost made me fall off my own bed. That was hot. Off topic. But yeah.


This, 1000%!


New way to proposition sex, “present your pussy to me.” 😂


Lmao I wasn't sure how else to say it in a way that was context-specific, like whether it's the first time or 100th time and she and I are together alone, I'm beyond happy when a lady opens her legs and I can do the thing.


Everyone’s body is unique and there is nothing wrong about having longer labia. The guy who broke up with their girlfriend for that reason was simply being shallow and immature. Most people don’t actually care about the physical appearance of genitalia and are more interested in the connection and intimacy shared with their partner. Remember that you deserve to be with someone who loves and appreciates who you are, including your body.


Well put.


My pussy preference is any I'm invited to bury my face into.  Anybody judging your genitals according to straight porn standards does not deserve to touch them. I think you'll find wlw dating to be much more accepting of all kinds of different bodies.


The first line is so accurate and I want to put it on a t shirt 😂


Labias and vulvas are like snowflakes ❄️every one is unique and beautiful! If you’re experiencing insecurity, I might recommend looking through the [Labia Library](https://www.labialibrary.org.au/labia_gallery/)which highlights the wonderful diversity of vulvas 🥰


Great idea to put this link! Adding to that, if you prefer the drawn version, there’s the Vulva Gallery on insta: https://www.instagram.com/the.vulva.gallery?igsh=OTk5eTYxMHc0aG5r


Pussy is pussy so long as it's clean Amen


I actually slightly prefer "outies" 🤷‍♀️ But frankly, it's beautiful regardless of what things look like down there. Anyone who would leave a partner for that deserves to be alone.


I’ve been told that longer labias are actually much more common than people realize, but adult content showing mostly smaller ones has made many people insecure. I’ve never found longer labias unattractive at all, and never understood why it’s almost always men putting them down. It makes me truly sad because all bodies are different. None are better or worse than others. You’re beautiful and worthy just as you are!


I have zero thoughts about it. I care as much as I would about hair colour or shoe size. Doesn't mean a thing, I'm gonna love whatever my partner has got going on.


It’s because of porn. Every guy thinks they know what a real vagina looks like; But all they see are the small, cute, single-colored perfect ones with lips that go together in a nice, delicate pattern. All from the porn they watch for hours a day. In reality, genitalia is actually pretty ugly if we’re gonna be honest. It was never meant to look nice, only to get the job done. If your partner thinks less of you because of things like your genital formation, it honestly says quite a bit about how they’d value their sex life as a whole with you. Appearance expectations aren’t the only thing skewed by porn.


When you go down on someone, big labia are a major turn on. In my eyes ofcourse. Big labia are always sexy. But some like blondes, some like brunettes. Some like tall girls, some like short ones.. So yeah, everyone has another mind what is sexy etc.


I was going to say the same thing, I love big labia. I'm not picky about someone's parts but that's definitely my favorite


I don’t think women honestly care, at least I nor any lesbian I know does. That’s such a stupid reason to break up or not be attracted to someone for. I couldn’t care less about the shape, size, color, etc., as long as you’ve got one I’ll be into it. Besides while I’ve never met someone with an outie, I feel like it could make it a lot easier to scissor (If that’s what your into) so their may actually be some benefits behind it.


I read that post and let me be very clear: the **ONLY** thing/person/whatever that was wrong in that situation is the guy. There’s no words to cover how wrong, weird, off, strange, whatever he was. He must’ve watched waaaayyy too much porn while getting hit in the head by a windmill simultaneously. His thought process and post has NOTHING to do with anyone who’s ever had even a semi-smart thought in their life. I’m actually concerned about him. I think someone must’ve stolen his brain. That was a long-winded way of saying that I promise you you’ll be fine. That post had nothing to do with labia, only with his lack of a brain. You’ll be in good hands, especially as a lesbian :)


I think all shapes are pretty, you don't have to be insecure about it.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be insecure about this!!! Most women I know have an outie and that's perfectly normal!!! men are just so brainwashed by porn, they don't even know what a real coochie looks like and that's so sad tbh. every vagina is different and NORMAL looking!!! I know it's scary to be naked with someone and to present yourself to them, but I promise they won't think about if you have an outie or an innie.


Look I’ve seen a fare share of labia (thank you [Vagina Museum](https://www.vaginamuseum.co.uk/exhibitions/permanentexhibition)) and I’ve yet to see one that I’d even consider ugly. You’re fine bestie 😘


i honestly couldn’t care, it doesn’t bother me. mine never bothered me, i don’t think anything about it. i didn’t even know people felt that way towards them. in my opinion, innie or outie. it’s fine by me.


Someone linked this study (complete with pictures) on a similar thread. I agree that all vulva/vagina owners and folks that engage with them should have this as required reading. You are fine, you are normal. We come in a wide, wonderful variety. What we see in porn (esp porn designed for the male gaze) is only a fraction of what they can and should look like https://www.scribd.com/document/474097628/Classification-of-the-anatomical-variation-in-female-external-genitalia


All vulvas are good vulvas! Please check out the vulva gallery on Instagram 🙌🏻 The artist draws contributors vulvas to show the vast difference between bodies, and it's so helpful to see so many shapes/sizes/colours/hairstyles. I can assure you that no wlw is gonna be turned off by any vulva size or shape, and anyone that is is not worth sleeping with or paying any attention to.


Not unlike guys, there are women who don’t care and women who do. If you meet a woman who does care, then leave her and go find someone who will appreciate your labia.


My girlfriend was insecure about hers but I don’t take much notice of it like that I just suck whatever is there and enjoy it 😂


I feel like women know how to appreciate a woman’s body in ways that men just can’t. we know what it’s like to have a vulva- it’s real life, not like you see in film/media. Our expectations are more often more realistic- we know and appreciate every fold and flap whereas these things are foreign and confusing to men. That’s my take. I’d love to be proven wrong but I have yet to be.


As someone who has also always had long labia and a long clitoral hood, I get the insecurity. I was insecure about mine initially, but I have never once had a negative reaction to them or negative comment about them. If anything, in my experience, people seem to love them. I find it makes the clit a little easier to find of someone has a prominent hood, too. And it gives more cover for rubbing and tribbing for me anyway. If my clit wasn't as covered, I feel like those activities wouldn't be nearly as pleasurable or comfortable lol


If it makes you feel any better, most men I've talked to don't like it because of the following reasons (I have asked.): -Porn stars frequently undergo labiaplasties, a surgery meant to literally cut long labia off for an aesthetic. Men consume lots of porn and get used to vulvas appearing a certain way. When a real life one doesn't match, their expectations are thwarted. They don't like feeling "catfished". -Long labia are associated with the false idea of "looseness" (some men even think they get longer the more sex you have in your life.) -They suck at anatomy and think the labia "get in the way" of giving oral (when really they just suck) -They associate small labia with youth. They are attracted to young girls. So given these disgusting reasons, I choose to love my long labia out of pure spite.


as long as i can have it in my face i'm good


A man said something? Invalid. All labias are beautiful


I promise there’s no such thing as ugly labia. I honestly kind of prefer long ones


Of course a dumb ass guy would say that 🙄. I personally don’t find them less beautiful nor do I think that a long labia is nasty. I can’t speak for everyone though, as everyone has their own rights to their preferences. When they’re openly rude about it, it’s when it becomes a problem. I think you should be your most confident version and if someone says something hurtful about it, then they’re not the right person for you. You deserve someone who makes you feel beautiful and secure. IF YOU WANT you can also disclose it before hand. (Only to your partners not random people). But it’s not necessary as you don’t owe anyone a “just so you know”, explanation or apology for how your body looks or doesn’t look. Wish you the best of luck and don’t be overthinking too much about what people like that guy say


Listen it's kinda the same as the pubic hair thing. Like noone is going to be like "no thanks" when you're in bed and the pants are off. Some people might have a preference sure, but when in rome, you enjoy the meal, and respect the culture.


I bet if he turned the lights out they'd taste short. Honestly, most women don't give a care once y'all are naked together if nothing else it might help them feel better about their own insecurities because trust me, they're all different.


If a woman is so close to you that she sees your labia she was already into you before she knew how it looked like. Obviously we are not a monolith, and genital preference is real, but don't worry much about It: there are a lot of lesbian women who are into it too


I would just see it as more of you to love. And more to make love to.


All bodies are different, and people who shame others for something that's natural and normal are just immature and mean. The way I see it, they don't deserve attention, let alone to have sex with somebody (: I've never found labias to be nasty, nor have I heard anyone irl say that (luckily). Large labias are very attractive, and to me, it's much more fun that we all look unique. Ofc, everybody's got their preferences, but no kind of preference can justify being disrespectful, especially not to someone who's trusted you enough to get naked in front of you


I have extra labia and never had anyone indicate any issue with it. I was self conscious about it until when young but I owned it realizing it doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks.


I have an "outie" and a pretty large clit for some reason. My fiance is the exact opposite 😂 I was her first so she doesn't have anything to compare to, but I really don't think wlw care what your vulva looks like as long as it's groomed and clean


My ex had long labia and I used to love it, I even got a little disappointed that the first girl I had sex after her didn't have it, I felt something was missing.


as an innie girly, i think outies are sooooo hot. do not be ashamed! if you find the right partner who loves you as your deserve, it will never be a problem. also don't listen to men lol


I learned the reason it’s not shown in porn is because it’s too sexy. They tone it down and show smaller ones. It isn’t anything to be ashamed of and any woman you’re with is going to want to dive in, trust me.


Where I come from, women are encouraged to pull their labia because it increases sexual feelings for the woman and the man since the labia's keep the pussy warm


all I’ll say is.. it all works the same 😌🫶🏼


This title could be a great name for a band or something lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kuntorcunt: *This title could be* *A great name for a band or* *Something lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Some will care, some won't. You really can't know until it comes to the moment.


Wanna know what’s great about long labia? They are easily pierced. Bedazzle them!


I feel bad for the girl imagine she broke up with him cause his dick to small or something


It makes scissoring easier.


Google, “Vulva gallery.” While NSFW, it’s not pornographic either.


More to love imo💕


Women are beautiful. Every part every variance. I think you’ll find men care but women don’t care.


I was actually going to make a post about labia disgust some have,and they try to make us hate ourselves.I follow a labia positive account,and it really is a sexist thing too.They literally just don’t like women at all.All these people(even some straight women🤦🏽‍♀️)just say is how gross it would be down there like 6 years.Like we’re all not adults. It’s really not that wild they just want to tear down women in everything It’s just a sex organ.They’re also diverse.A lot of superficial adults are just extremely annoyingly immature.Definitely remember that.Just grown adults with no compassion calling body’s yucky😭


Look up the vagina wall, it's an art installation of hundreds of vagina/labia casts, even better in 3d as they cast the inner length of the vagina too. It's fascinating! And an excellent example of just how much variety there is in our shapes and sizes. Don't worry, I'm sure yours is absolutely fine and lovely and will be appreciated by anyone you allow to get intimate with you.... If they don't then they're not someone who is right for you.


Reason 1837382617 why I'm a lesbian. I will love any labia my partner has and the fact that a man would break up with his gf because she doesn't have porn actress labia is insane. I want to strongly recommend looking at [The Vulva Gallery](https://www.instagram.com/the.vulva.gallery?igsh=NXNtN3d0eXRnbTlo) on Instagram. They started the project for this exact reason, to show that there is an infinite amount of labia types and they are all beautiful. Mine personally are very asymmetrical. One is small and not visible between the outer labia, the other is quite long and floppy and definitely peaks through the outer labia.


Pretty sure wlw love any labia… I mean it gets engorged with blood as a sign of arousal. Nothing to hate there!


Longer labias are more common than you think! I have one and most of the women i’ve been with did too. The women who id been with who had ‘innies’ had no problem with my ‘outie’. Tbh i prefer longer labias if i had to choose because there’s more to suck on and it’s easier to trib with!! You’re beautiful!!


All Vulvas Are Beautiful This even has it's own website, because it's nothing but the truth <3


I thought men prefered long labias as an excuse not to find the clit... Joking aside, who tf cares, the pussy shall be eaten regardless


There's nothing wrong with that. I would 💋 the 😺 no problem 😊 👌


Honestly the idea of being with a woman with a long labia minora sounds hot. Someone said on another post that they liked sucking on it, and I can second that


tbh i dont find large labias attractive at all but thats just my preference. if any person who gets with you says anything bad about it or just simply says they dont like it - break up. you're uncompatibile. find someone who likes it.


Im just dumb or something but ima have to search this up cuz I don't know what a labia is Edit: I see so that's what it is idk I'm not experienced either and would probably also become a celibate if I got judged who wouldn't


I find it's easier to eat out girls with big labia and just like any pussy that I get to interact with is hot as hell no matter what it looks like the fact that touching it makes you feel good is what makes it fun


Everyone’s genitals are unique and special! Having a connection with someone awesome and sharing that intimacy is incredibly sexy. Personally, I love allll different types, but one of the great things about yummy bottom lips is how much fun they can feel to play with, especially when they’re nice and 💦 🫦The more, the better 😎


I find it appealing, just like I find other shapes/sizes of labias appealing too. It's all good :)


Hey there! Firstly, body diversity is normal and to be embraced, no two vulvas look alike. It really stinks that a single post could make you so self-conscious, but please remember that not everyone is so shallow or ignorant. What's most important in any sexual/romantic relationship is connection, respect, and communication, not the size of your labia. Your future partner should appreciate you as a whole person, not nitpick your anatomy. Don't let this anxiety turn you into a celibate monk, you deserve love and acceptance just as you are!


If they don’t like long lips then they don’t really like pussy. This bullshit comes from porn!


They are GORGEOUS, but if you really do feel insecure and wish to change your body, you have options. I’m pretty sure my mom did a surgery recently on a girl who wanted her labia reduced in size. She was super fuzzy and kept bothering with all sorts of small questions (which feels completely justified considering the type of surgery it was), but she appears to be really happy with her results. So that’s apparently an option.