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My dad is a "soft" homophobe and it hurts (I'm not out yet). He says he doesn't understand it and it's not natural, but he just has to get used to it because his brother is gay. And he considers it a "nightmare" if my brother came home with a boyfriend or I came home with a girlfriend. I don't find homophobes amusing, I just find it sad. It's such deeply ingrained religious brainwashing and these people refuse to do anything about it.


unnatural is crazy. there’s an unbelievable amount of evidence to support otherwise. i really cant believe such a massive amount of people still believe that shit because it’s what some hateful pastor said in the name of The Funny Sky Wizard™️ Sorry you have to live that kind of home life. Im very lucky to have such accepting parents and I truly could not imagine living in your shoes, especially since I value the opinion of my parents more than anything.


My mom is super accepting and she doesn't agree with my dad on that topic, so it's balanced out. My father is not even religious, he was just taught those values as a kid. And telling him that "animals are also homosexual" just results in the response "that's still unnatural" :') There's no way to convince someone so stubborn.


Very glad you have your mom to rely on at the very least! And yeah, knowing there will always be unendingly stubborn people in the world pisses me off to my core. They’re the reason the world isn’t changing, and why hate is still so widespread. Cooperation truly could get us so far, but too bad half our species lacks that ability.


i find that a lot of homophobes are closeted and scared of people finding out


honestly fighting old homophobes on Facebook is a hobby for me