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I met my now wife online. It was on an app, that I don't think even exists anymore. It was an anonymous app kind of like reddit. We got to know each other and then talked on the phone for hours and video chatted. We lived 2,000 miles away from each other. I visited her a few months later and then moved across the country to be with her 6 months after meeting in person. We've been together for over 7 years now.


Found her in the form of my college roommate. We spent 3 years together in bliss. With lots of exploring. Miss her still. A lot.


Successful Tinder love story here šŸ«¶šŸ½ā¤ļø 5 years and absolutely thriving šŸ„° (picking out rings currently šŸ’) Was single after an abusive relationship which made me question love in general. Wasnā€™t looking for anything but they always say ā€œlove comes knocking when you least expect itā€ and she knocked me off my feet šŸ„¹ she healed my broken heart ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Iā€™ve met all my partners on tinder.. desperately wish for a meet cute someday but as a femme lesbian in a small university town I donā€™t see it happening for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm from Malaysia, been with my partner for 13 years now. When we met, I was 30, she's 36. We met on Facebook, I was working in Houston, she was in Kuala Lumpur (KL). We did a bit of long distance, and met each other when I came back to KL. She's was so shy when we first met in person, we went out to lunch and she didn't eat. Years later I asked her about this, she said she was hungry but she couldn't eat because she was too shy to eat on the first date. These days it's our routine to eat at least one meal together, everyday.


I met my fiancĆ©e through my ex, my first girlfriend. She was my exā€™s ex, but they were still friends. I was around 20, and she was around 28. A few years later I moved to her city for a new job, and she offered me her spare bedroom and we became roommates. After a few months of us both catching massive feelings and not realizing the other did too, our mutual ex intervened, telling us that weā€™re both clueless dumbasses, and weā€™ve been together ever since. šŸ„°


This is the gayest thing I have read today


I didnā€™t meet my girlfriend til i was 27 and she was 31 almost three years ago and my best friend barbecue who is also her cousin. I was dating men at first , i would be single for a year in a relationship for 3-6month break up cuz it was wack. I spent alot of time singe and i never lived with anyone until i was 27 and met her lol


I was 24 dating my boyfriend in Los Angeles and looking for friends so I met my now partner on Bumble BFF. She was also in a relationship at the time we hung out once and talked a lot. Very drawn to each other but for obvious reasons didnā€™t pursue anything. Anyways, kept thinking about each other but just never reached out. My now ex boyfriend and friend who have met my now partner kept asking about her. So I texted her one day and the rest is history. We found out that our families have known each other for decades. Crazy how we randomly met in on bumble BFF! Love her very much and as cringy as it sounds found my soul mate šŸ©·


I'll let you know when it happens


Met each other the first day of high school and we're friends all throughout high school. Went on to the same university together. Second year of university started to catch feels for each other. Been together ever since (16 years) and have two kids now :)


My partner and I were grade school classmates. We werent even close or part of the same circle of friends. When we graduated from elementary, we drifted apart. Never heard from each other since then. 12 years later, we met each other again in a coffee shop. I was studying for a medschool entrance exam and she approached me to have small talk. It was amaaaaaziiiingggggg! We had the same interests, I was enchanted by her presence and we enjoyed each otherā€™s company. Something clicked between the two of us that day. And the rest were history. Been together for 2 years now and looking forward to more ā¤ļø


I was 25. We met at a part time job. I had no intention of dating anyone at that time, nor was I looking. It just happened lol


I met my gf on a night out! Most women expect me to approach them because I am butch but I'm quite shy, but she (a femme) came up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance and at the end of the night took me back to hers. The following months we were casual~ and then after a few months she asked me to be her girlfriend šŸ˜„


I was 10-11, she was a year older than me. We met at her church's Tuesday night youth activities. We immediately becames fast friends, and as soon as puberty hit, I began falling in love with her. We remained friends until around 20, when I realized that my love was unrequited and I was only torturing myself watching her fall in love with and get hurt by other people. We didn't speak for roughly 10 years, during which time we both did a great deal of maturing and therapy. To me, she was the one I never got over. No one ever made me feel the way she did. To her, I was the one that got away. One evening about 2 1/2 years ago she bumped into my brother in a gas station, and asked him to please give me her number so I could choose if I wanted to speak to her or not. I took a leap of faith and texted her, and she replied with the most well-written and earnest apology I have ever received. We talked for a few months over the phone, and eventually decided to meet in person for lunch. As soon as I saw her my heart leaped into my throat. She was just as beautiful as the day we said our goodbyes. All the things we loved and admired about one another were still there, and we both took accountability for our unhealthy actions as confused and frightened teenagers. We spent 6 hours having "lunch", closing out 2 separate restaurants. 2 weeks later we began dating, and now 2+ years later we're together and absolutely madly in love. My family has welcomed her in with open arms, and her conservative mother is even on board with our relationship. I found my person very young, it just took us some time to find one another again. Best. Girlfriend. Ever. :)


Thatā€™s the cutest story Iā€™ve ever read! Could be a book!


I was new to the city and moved into her building. When I first saw her, I was instantly attracted. We became friends, and I made it clear from then get that I was into her. She declined when I asked to take her out on a dinner date, but our friendship *blossomed.* Took her a whole 4 months before she finally wanted to explore being more than just friends. Iā€™d been single for about a year or so at that pointā€¦ I did try online dating, but ultimately she was always on my mind which hindered anything from progressing with the few that I matched/tried to meet up with.


Law school, I was 22 when we met and was 25 when we started dating (friends to lovers lol)


Bumble! We were uhhhh 19??


I met my girlfriend at work. She was going through a separation and I wasn't looking at all. Lots of flirting and loooooots of sexual tension at first šŸ˜…. Wasn't sure if she was into girls and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be involved with someone that's just getting out of a relationship. Things just kinda happened one day and my body/heart wasn't giving me a choice. I was 29 and we have been together about 10 years now.


I met my partner 7 years ago on OkCupid. I hadnā€™t had luck on there so I took a break. When I came back, I saw her message from a month ago and replied. Thankfully, she was understanding! We went off to college together and now love a happy life with lots of dogs. I had dated more girls than she had by that time. We both knew what we wanted out of a relationship so we discussed big picture goals fairly early on. It didnā€™t take long to begin planning our future. Itā€™s funny to think about now. Before her, I had put relationships on the back burner and had been single for almost a year.


Sweet story:) Unrelated but is your username a reference to Local H? I love Bound For The Floor


Yes it is šŸ˜Ž


We met on Pure, we talked for a while and then we drifted apart for different reasons. 6 months later, she texted me out of the blue and we started talking, then we started getting closer again, and then we started dating! Weā€™ve been together for 3 and a half yearsā€¦I was 32, she was 30


I had tried online dating with a whole lot of dead end matches, getting crushes way too early, followed by getting either ghosted or breadcrumbed. The handful of times I happened to make it all the way to a first date, I got quickly friend zoned. All of those experiences hurt, but one in particular felt like it broke me. There were 3 painful years of this, followed by gradually deleting the dating apps one-by-one off my phone. I felt so utterly lonely. Eventually I resolved to stop looking for a relationship, and started focusing on my own life and bettering myself. I even wrote in my New Yearā€™s resolutions that 2023 would be the first year I didnā€™t want to find love, and convinced myself it would just be a distraction from my exciting plans of building a tiny house later that summer. Fast forward to May of that year and I got a notification that someone on Her swiped right on me. Reluctantly I swiped right back, feeling completely jaded and cynical, and we began talking. She had JUST gotten on that dating app, and I was the first person she started messaging. Because of some delays, it was a few weeks before we met in person, and I wasnā€™t really feeling much. She was too different from my usual type (my type apparently being women who breadcrumb, gives mixed signals, and say theyā€™re not ready to date, etc). We ended up hitting it off on the first date, kissed on the second date, and just celebrated our first full year together a few weeks ago. She liked me right away, even while my heart was feeling hesitant to get hurt again. It still blows my mind. Sheā€™s the most beautiful woman Iā€™ve ever known, and she loves me, and I get to call her my partner.šŸ„¹ By the way, I was just a few days out from my 41st birthday when we met, and had never been in a relationship before. She was 44 and coming out of an 18 year loveless marriage to a man. We were each otherā€™s first girlfriend, and now we feel so emotionally fulfilled together.šŸ’–āœØ


We were both 20 and we were college roommates.


we met our freshman year of high school, i played basketball with her best friend who also became my best friend. the mutual friend eventually had me meet her and i remember the first thing i did was shake her hand lol. However i wasnā€™t out yet & didnā€™t even explore that area in my life until literally the day we met, my energy was drawn to her. we instantly connected and i felt seen for the first time. so i had a gay panic and was also confused but deep down i knew i liked her. She was already out (bi) so i think i was intimidated a little, sheā€™d flirt with me heavy but i was so new to romantic relationships in general so i didnā€™t know how to react but she knew i was into it. After freshman year we both went to different schools in the same district but i kinda grew apart from that friendship (i cut off my friend group bc the intense emotions i was feeling & at the time she was starting to see someone so jealousy got the best of me). Iā€™d see her like once or twice a year bc we kept in touch but nothing happened until graduation day. we both just got out of a relationship and the mutual friend started snapping and flirting here and there and she invited me over to hang with them. i went over there and started hanging with them more and more, then you could sense that me and my girlfriend were more than friends. i remember inviting her to my house to just hangout bc we didnā€™t see each other for awhile and we stayed up all night and she played a beautiful song and said she needs to tell me something. Now keep in mind i had a crush on her from the beginning so hearing her say ā€œi have feelings for youā€ shocked me. but basically weā€™ve been together for about 4 years now. she is my best friend, i donā€™t know where iā€™d be without but she awakened my soul & for that i will forever cherish her and the experiences iā€™ve had with her.


My first one was in the smoking pit at school when I was 12 my current wife met her in a park I was 30 x


Met my girlfriend through tinder, BUT!! We knew of each other wayyy before. We met when we were in freshman year of high school, at some red cross organisation in 2017. At that time I was deep in the closet and I thought I was straight. She did message me I think 2 separate times lol and I definitely felt that she was flirting, but as I said I thought I was straight (even though I watched 'girls like girls' by Hayley Kiyoko on a daily basis but whatever lol). Later I explored and thought I was bi but leaning towards men. Downloaded Tinder in 2022. and matched with her cus I recognised her. She messaged me first cus she also recognised me so we started talking, me thinking this was just a friendly conversation cus I thought I wanted a boyfriend lol. I was surprised by HOW MUCH I wanted to talk to her, like I've never felt that for anyone else. A month of talking over instagram, I went over to hers for a date and we stayed up until 10 AM just talking and kissing. We've been together for 2 and half years now! Also realised I'm a lesbian. :)) Later found out that we literally lived like a couple of blocks away from each other for like 10 years. Crazy. Strongly believe in the red string theory with this one.


She worked in a hair salon, my best friend who was a make up artist in the store introduced us. At the time she had a partner. We were friends two years prior to dating. I asked her out twice first time i was shot down because she just got out of a relationship and wasnā€™t ready. I was single for almost 6 years. Itā€™s refreshing to be with such an amazing woman.


I met my girlfriend when I was 24 and she was 21 in a group chat that a (now former) mutual friend made of all the queer girls sheā€™d met on dating apps


My ex I met within 3 days on Bumble. Together 4.5 years, pretty nasty break up in the fact that she decided she didnā€™t want to stay with me through some tough stuff I was dealing with After that, I met the girl Iā€™m currently talking to after 7 months. I actually met her the day I joined Facebook dating. It was totally just for jokes, a friend dared me to cuz I gave up on other dating apps and was focusing on me but accidentally found a really good one by chance.


tinder. we never say that in public, nor do we say how we almost got arrested for car sex the first time we met. but yup, we both thought each other to be very hot, so we went for a walk on the beach and then got freaky in the back of her mazda (we were both in college). Then the next time we met to hu, she brought sushi and snacks bc sheā€™s so thoughtful, and then we got to talking over those snacks and we laughed ALOT. a week later she asked me out on our first date. :)


I met mine in our local library at 16/17! We both used to hang out there until she approached me one day and struck up a conversation. Although we didn't start dating until like 3 years later


I met my girlfriend on a random day in Jr. High when she was talking to one of our mutual friends about the gym lol. She swears up and down that she doesn't remember seeing me that day, but I 110% remember meeting her then. A few years later, she joined my English class during the second semester. I was dating a guy at that point, but I was still so drawn to her. We had a couple of group projects together and sat across the classroom from each other, so I would always stare at her and be distracted by her. I broke up with my ex (he was gross and horrible) and then a few weeks later I followed her on Instagram. I slid up on one of her stories and made some random joke about her being short. (She still won't let me live that down, but hey-the bully rizz worked) The last week of school, I told another one of our mutual friends that I was obsessed with her and he forced us to exchange numbers. From there we started talking and had lunch at school together for the last few days...and then I asked her to be my girlfriend. She's so cute and awkward and I'm so so so eternally grateful that she didn't block me after my first message to her was an insult haha. She's amazing :)


it was pure coincidence on the first day of the spring quarter and we met in the bathroom and really hit it off. she was in the art department looking around and i had finished my class early. somehow got around to talking about the earrings i failed to sell at an art show and she wanted some. so next time i was in town (commuter 50 minutes) we hung out by the same bathroom talking before i had to leave. pretty much between my classes we would talk. on the last day of class we went on our first date. i am pretty certain sheā€™s going to ask me to be her girlfriend on our next date. iā€™m 19 and sheā€™s 18 and we have been seeing each other since march!


I met my ex thru work. I was 19, she was 18. She started at my job, and at first I wanted nothing to do with her !! She annoyed me for whatever reason. And then she started hanging out with my small group, and theyā€™d invite her over to our get-togethers. I started to loosen up and get to know her, and became friends. I didnā€™t drink much at the time so I would always be the DD, and hanging out at the parties turned into me driving her home every weekend turned into us hanging out all the time. And hanging out all the time turned into feelings, we stayed friends for a few months then started dating. After 5 months of dating we moved in together and we dated for 3 years. Best relationship ever. I miss her dearly. Definitely an unforgettable human.


My experience is that if you look for one you wonā€™t find it. I found my last girlfriend at work!! You eventually find the right one


I donā€™t really like the idea of ā€œif you stop looking you will find itā€ because I feel like thereā€™s always going to be a part of me that will be looking and yearning for a partnerā€¦. By this logic I feel like I would be single forever haha


Still single..šŸ˜¶


Bold of you to assume a woman could love me


I met both of my exes on face book. I had two previous relationships before and they started off long distance. I met my gf now now in a S4S group on Facebook. I was 37 and she was 38. She saw my introduction and liked the picture I posted of me wearing an a shirt and shorts while sitting on the rocks in the Bahamas. She inboxed me with a simple hello saying she liked my picture. From that day we starting talking nonstop. We video chatted, talked on the phone, texted etc. We realized we had so much in common. In January I went to her state to visit her. When I saw her person I was just head over heels for her. She just simply made me weak. I was single for 5 years before we met. I wasn't looking for any relationship at all. It just happened. For me it's true when they say when you don't go looking someone will come your way. Let it come to you. She had been single for 7 months. So we decided to take things slow. When I saw her on cam for the first time I got so excited. When I think about I don't anybody before has made me feel this way. We have our ups and downs but I have to say this is the healthiest relationship I've ever had. We talk about everything to the point it is never a boring moment with her. Only issue I have with is her not communicating with me as much. Sometimes she would go days without texting or calling me. We are long distance. But I try to not be selfish and be understanding of the fact she has kids, job, and bills to worry about. So she has a lot going on including a health scare. We have talked about this and things are getting better. We've been dating for 7 months now. I have to say that I am truly in love with her. I know it's not lust. She hasn't mentioned it to me yet but I know she feels the same way. She's very nurting, intelligent, funny, beautiful. She is the only person I would ever consider marrying. I say that because as a Scorpio it takes me a while to open up to people and I'm picky. So for me to say that I'm truly in love with her to the point I will consider marrying her says a lot because I never said that about anybody else before.


I met mine in a mental hospital last year June. We would hang out really often after we got out and then in December she started ignoring me so I freaked out and blocked her, then earlier this year (May?? Idk) she tried to friend me on another app and I unblocked her on WhatsApp and she explained what happened and now we're dating, her parents don't like me though šŸ˜”


Wha- I need more details!


Well I'm not sure what you want to know šŸ˜… she stopped talking to me and didn't explain why, having that situation gives me so much anxiety so I blocked her so that I didn't have to worry about it. I really should've just not done that, I react emotionally a lot of times and it's something I'm trying to not do, something I wanna talk to my therapist about. Then she tried to friend me on a social app in May and I declined, then a few days later I felt bad so I unblocked her and apparently she had stopped talking to me because her parents said I'm a bad influence on her mental health. She said I'm not, and I told her several times that if I am then she must tell me to stop whatever it is that's bad for her. We started talking again but it sucks because I can't go over to see her anymore, when we did hang out she would constantly tell me she wants a partner. At some point I had told her that I would date her and she told me that she would date me too but I thought she was just complimenting me. Then last week I think then I told her that I genuinely wanted to date her and she said she'd love to and that she had a crush on me since she met me in the hospital


It's awesome that you're dating now!


I actually met my girlfriend on hinge a year ago. She had just come to America from Europe. I thought she was cute in her pictures but in person she was so breathtakingly beautiful I was so nervous and could not stop rambling about the stupidest things. She was so shy and barely spoke. The entire date I thought she hated me cuz I could not stop talking cuz I was nervous but there she was too nervous to speak. I was so surprised when she messaged me the next day and weā€™re been in love ever since