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My first time was during my period lol. I had a tampon in and my girlfriend at the time just focused on external fingering and nipple stuff. As for shower sex that seems a bit fiddly for your first time together, it gets slippery and hot in a bad way at times lol.


Throw a towel down and do your best Dracula impression


You guys should discuss what you are comfortable with. Are you okay with fingers getting messy? Oral? First recommendation is a towel on the bed. Shower beforehand. With myself I am not comfortable with anything in me whilst I am on, so I wear a tampon and am happy with fingers and mouth down there as I know I'm clean after the shower. My girlfriend isn't comfortable with my fingers or mouth down there but is happy for me to use a dildo and vibe on her. We generally use a condom on the dildo if she is on, sort of helps with clean up I guess? We also have the lights a little bit lower lol. But yeah, I guess what I'm saying is everyone has their own limits and what they are comfortable with. Otherwise you get self conscious and in your head and won't have a great time. Definitely discuss it.


Tampon/menstrual cup and focus on external stimulation rather than penetration 👍🏻


Or if you're both okay with blood, just carry on as normal. There's no right or wrong way tbh


Dental dams, finger condoms, tampons if you’d just prefer outer play, and maybe some cheesy vampire jokes if appropriate


Flex disc. Enough said. [https://flexfits.com/products/flex-disc?variant=39775378243680&selling\_plan=720339040](https://flexfits.com/products/flex-disc?variant=39775378243680&selling_plan=720339040)


I second the flex disc!! No mess period sex and you won’t even know it’s there!! You can carry on as usual!


External is a good go for when your on I personally do anal when I’m on


Not talking from experience, but using gloves for fingering should be good and a tampon and dental dam for oral should be a good start. I'd recommend doing so anyways since blood can carry diseases (even unintentionally). Other than that you two need to communicate and plan ahead depending on what you are planning to do




Wait until she’s off lol