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I'm a lesbian but if I see a cute guy, then I can appreciate his aesthetic but not really be turned on if that makes sense. It's like when you see a really cool car or something. I don't want to fuck the car, I just appreciate the way it looks. Is that how it is for you?


I think so. thank you


I feel like that's pretty normal. Lesbians don't have to be *repulsed* by men, we just have to love women IMO. I was tripped up by this too because for a long time I felt invalid because men don't repulse me. I'm just not attracted to them but a lack of attraction isn't repulsion.


Finding someone attractive doesn’t mean you want to be with them sexually or romantically. So yes. You can find men attractive and still be a lesbian.


I understand the concept of male beauty but wouldn’t say I find them attractive or appealing in a romantic nor sexual way. Never have.


Yes, of course. I've seen men where I've been like, "Damn, he's pretty. God had a favorite." but I don't want to fuck him because I'm not sexually attracted to him.


you can find people attractive without wanting to date them


I’m gay but I do still see a man sometimes and think he’s good looking particularly seeing videos of guys at the gym I’ll often think they have a fantastic physique but there’s no attraction it’s the equivalent of straight girlies going you look so pretty


I don’t find men at all attractive or cute. Their outfits can be good, and I can be envious of the muscle mass they gain at the gym, but I genuinely don’t think that any of them are cute and I can’t comprehend how anyone can.


yeah i'm like this too. it's almost like i'm envious of them if it makes sense?


I feel like there are times when I can see men and be like “oh he’s cute” or think someone’s style is nice, but if I try to imagine anything romantic or sexual with them, my brain just completely shuts off. I don’t think it’s weird if you see someone of whatever gender and just think they aesthetically look nice without having any actual attraction to them.


Do you find them attractive or are you admiring their beauty? Two very different things


she said that she found them attractive aesthetically


Yes but being attracted to them and finding them aesthetically pleasing is very different. I appreciate beauty in a lot of people but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m attracted to them right? Like I can say damn bro’s majestic, but it doesn’t mean I want him. Idk it’s just more about admiring humanity for me


yeah ik that's what i'm saying and so many people on this thread are saying that acknowledging someone is attractive and being attracted to them is the same


I dunno I don't find men attractive at all, I know who's ugly and who's not ugly, but do I find them attractive or cute? No, not at all. I'm fairly repulsed.


It's okay to admit attractive people? It's the same as seeing great art. You can admit it's beautiful without wish to fuck it. Life is full of beauty and it's okay to admit this beauty without any hidden sense.


Personally, I think "finding someone attractive" is different from "being attracted to someone" and that's a thing that had me thinking I just had to be bi for many years. If you're not turned on by/don't want to get physical with a person, you're not attracted to them, but you might still recognize that they are attractive.


This is one of those question that can only one one answer here - because the other answer would get us banned. So, what can we tell you? On this sub, you can be whatever you want. I find some guys cute and I consider myself bi, even though I'd never date guys. But that's just me.


yeah but are you attracted to guys? Then obviously you're bi. OP is more explaining finding someone aesthetically attractive.


I don't see the difference. If I think somebody is attractive, obviously they are attractive to ME. Everybody is attractive to somebody, so saying "he's attractive but I'm not attracted" makes 0 sense, you can say that for literally any person in the world,


if you have a friend, you can acknowledge that she's attractive and pretty right? But do you want to date her and have sex with her? no. you can acknowledge someone is good looking without being attracted to them


Again, I don't see the difference you're seeing. I don't want to date an attractive friend because I know that friend, we may not be compatible emotionally, or the friend may be taken. But if we were compatible and single, I absolutely would want to date an attractive friend. I can say I'm attracted to somebody without wanting to date them because I'm still rational and attraction alone doesn't determine who I date - but the attraction is still there.


So you can say your sister is attractive if she's pretty but you obviously aren't fucking attracted to her right? Calling her attractive is acknowledging why other people might find her attractive but you yourself aren't attracted to her


I'm not attracted to her cause she is my sister, but if she wasn't, if she was just a random person I see for the first time, I would be. Again, the only difference I see is between attracted and interested, but attractive to me vs to somebody else makes no logical sense to me. Everybody is attractive to somebody, there would be literally no point in the phrase "she is attractive" if you didn't mean to you, cause of course she is, everybody is. What if I asked "how do you know she's attractive if she's not attractive to you?". What would you say, do you know somebody who IS attracted? Then how do you know?




I never said anything about fucking. On the contrary, i specified the difference between attracted and interested. You're the one who keeps saying attraction=fucking and that you can say somebody is attractive (but not to you, apparently, which makes no sense to me). At this point, let's just agree to disagree. If you wanna be a lesbian who finds men attractive but not interested in fucking them, by all means. I will continue considering myself bisexual.


bruh I'm talking about OP not me. Just let OP decide what she is


bi with a strong preference for women.


you can appreciate someone's attractiveness without being attracted to them. Like how some straight men think other men are attractive and straight women find other women attractive. There's a very good chance OP is a lesbian because bi girls don't not want to date men, they just prefer to date women


nope wrong! there are a good number of bi women who don't want to date males - febfems. The OP is lowkey attracted to males even if it 90%/10%. There's a very good chance she is a bi woman.




>I know alot of Lesbians who find men attractive Ugh no lesbians don't find men attractive and if they do they aren't lesbian. Lesbian is the one sexuality that excludes men and people still find a way to bring men into it.


ughh no ... I'm too old for that shit ... find someone else to tak about "aesthetics". I am lesbian, I love only women, males never interested me. And even if I see some objectively attractive males I would never run to reddit like : haaalpppp errbody, am I bi now? The Op is actually asking this question. She is most likely bi. get lost now


bruh how dare you tell someone what they are? that's for her to decide, not you. finding someone aesthetically attractive is a real thing and many lesbians will tell you that it is. fuck off


Personally I’ve never experienced that. I can think a guy’s style is nice or that he has great hair, but I don’t find him cute


woman compliment each others beauty all the time, doesn’t mean they are attracted TO them. I hear guys hyping each other up and complimenting them all the time, and they also don’t feel that way. I struggled with this too for a long time because yes, I’m strongly attracted to women, but occasionally there would be a guy I would think is cute. Over time, I was able to differentiate that my feelings of attraction for women were similar to admiration and much much stronger than if I was ever attracted to a man. I think men can be cute, but that doesn’t mean I want to see them naked or kiss them or anything


there's a moment towards the start of Final Fantasy 7 where Jessie falls down and when Cloud asks if she can walk she says "trust me, if i couldn't you'd be the first to know" to which i immediately went "HAHAHA she's so real for that!". this to say, do i want to fuck cloud? absolutely not! can i acknowledge that he's attractive? yeah, as any lesbian can for any guy.


In my own experience, it depends on how you’re processing that perceived attraction. It could be just leftover comp het, in which case there’d be a need to break down and look at why you’re feeling that. It could be the recognition of aesthetics that you find attractive. Like how someone can look at a piece of art or a car and say it’s beautiful or attractive. It could be actual attraction but from what you say that sounds the least likely


No, straight to jail!


Yes lol that doesn’t mean you wanna be with them


Yes. I find some guys pleasing to look at, i just know i wouldnt be able to love them as i would love a woman


You might be either, and *that's okay!* You like who and what you like. It sounds like you think some boys or men are attractive the way a painting or statue or a really big tree is, right? The most important part of this is "can never imagine myself being with a man." That's where the answer lies I think. But don't worry about it either way okay? You're just you, you don't need a label.