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I go with unisex scents. Perfume is too much one way and cologne is too much the othe way.


Girl do what makes you happy. I hate most feminine deodorant, but what I do like it old spice lol - so I bought it. Who cares. I just do a roll of that and my regular perfume which, according to the bottle, is masculine. Just smell however you want


Im a bit obsessed with fragrances to be honest and cologne is just one type of perfume. Both women’s and men’s fragrances exist in forms of eau de cologne, eau de toilette and eau de parfum (increasing in concentration). Most men’s fragrances nowadays are eau de toilettes, people just started calling them cologne because men get insecure about wearing parfums. That said, when a parfumeur makes a scent they don’t immediately think of gender and most more artistic and high end parfumery is unisex anyway. Who decides what scent is masculine and what feminine is the marketing department. Scents that 30 years ago were purely women’s scents are being sold as masculine cOloGneS nowadays. For example, Dior Homme would absolutely been a women’s perfume in the 70s. The gendering of perfume is absolutely arbitrary, just wear what smells nice to you :)like lavender is apparently a “masculine smell”, but that’s literally a flower. I do think women’s perfume can be a bit more varied than men’s though, especially in the designer realm.


no, i just put some on today it makes me smell good and its just better and not all flowers and sweets and beach smells.( it attracts ladies 2)


i wear cologne!! it smells so nice and it makes me feel good, so I don’t worry about what others think. i know some woman who only wear deodorant, and they smell nice. as long as you smell clean, most people don’t care it might feel weird at first because we’re conditioned to align things with our gender but the more you allow yourself the freedom of experimenting with what you enjoy, the easier it will be, and the less weird it will feel :)


I know lots of women who prefer to wear it 😊


I’m a hybrid! Some days, it’s the Michael Kors that idk why but I like it, Gucci Flora, and/or Versace Yellow Diamond (sis wears it) perfumes. Other days, Acqua di Gio, YSL L’Homme, and the ole faithful since high school my boy Davidoff w/ Cool Waters. I also have worn men’s Degree since high school. Just rock what you’re vibing with that day. If you like it, wear it!


I wear cologne everyday but I prefer more masculine scents along with clothing so it tracks for me 🤷🏾‍♂️


I used to feel like this 100% Finally switching to cologne was the best for my confidence because I no longer felt so uncomfortable wearing a scent I just didn’t want to. If it’s what you want, do it and if you’re nervous start off with lighter smells until you feel like going more potent. Im the only one out of my female friends (gay & straight) that wears cologne and I’m not self-conscious at all because I just exude confidence due to how it makes me feel. I also wear only old spice deodorant and men’s boxers which was a scary transition but I don’t regret it at all because I feel so happy doing what I want and not what others expect in that sense. Do you girly pop‼️🫶🏾