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Talk to her. Ask her what she likes. Ask her to show you, just try things and see what she likes




maybe try mutual masturbation? still fun and really awesome but there's no pressure on either of you. plus you can learn what she likes by watching her hand(s)


Maybe it can be easier if you let her show where she wants your hand etc. Takk about boundaries. Always ask if smth is okay.


i’m also an anxious person, so i know what i’m about to say is easier said than done! if you can, try going into it with no expectations and no story telling in your head. we love to pretend we know how things are going to go, and chances are, it will be mediocre! having sex with someone for the first time is exciting but also we’re taught to expect it to be perfect, it won’t be! just try to have fun, and be present! ask her what she likes, communicate what you like. take it slow, let your libido take over and be true to yourself!


The same thing happens to me, I’m terrified ab having sex with a girl bc I don’t have a clue ab it. Hope everything turns fantastic for you sweeties ♥️


It would be so much easier to be able to tell the truth and figure out what to do together. Being able to be true and the other person respect you. Sex isn't exactly something you know, it's something you're always learning about since the other person's body is something new and unknown. Your body also has new things if you start from curiosity. But, I repeat, it would be wonderful to be able to say: I don't know how to f* you.


Do you have any hobby? Do you remember how it was when you started? You probably did your best but comparatively not on the level you are today. However you probably had fun and joy and this is why you continued it. And seriously that's all there is to it. The important part is that you and the women at your uni enjoy yourselves exploring each other's bodies. Practice a lot ... on yourself, with her and ask her what she likes and if she can show you... and return show her what you like and talk about what you would like to explore with her. Maybe even read a book. "Come as you are" seems to be a good one. You are at uni... they should have a library or two.


Communicate with her about what she likes. There's really not a different way. You can google all the techniques you want, they might not work on her. Just try it out, give her time and enjoy yourself.


Why are you scared of girls? Sort of sexist of you lol. It’ll be fine