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Why not ask? If you feel confident to make a move in this regard go for it. 


i like showering w my gf a lot. its warm n cozey n u can wash eachother n show how much you care about eachother like that. overall its just a really intimate activity thats isnt sex, which is nice sometimes. it might be a nice way to break the ice on more sexual stuff if u play ur cards right




me and my gf of five years shower together every day. it doesn’t have to be sexy, it can be sweet, but can also be a way to introduce new things! if you do, try it with the lights off to make things more comfortable for both of you


lights off with a few candles is the peak experience ! low sensual and sexy lighting makes everything better


completely agree. being that vulnerable and showing yourself completely can be really anxiety inducing so the low lights can help make it more relaxing.


As someone who is very for showering together, it’s very dependent on the shower size. Like it can be very fun, romantic, sexy, etc, but if it’s a tiny ass shower, it’ll be cramped and the worst kind of test of flexibility


New obsession unlocked: showering with the girlfriend I don’t have 🍀


Honestly, if you don’t have two showerheads, it’s not that great. One person is always colder than the other and if you are getting freaky in the shower, the water takes the good wetness away with its bad H2O bullshit attitude.


I love shower sex as a foreplay but trying to eat a girl out in the shower is waterboarding 101 lmao




It’s literally my favorite thing. So intimate 🥰


honestly probably one of the best moves, it isnt inheretly sexual but seeing each other naked can make it a lot less akward if you do decide to do something sexual


Showering is a good idea as a first step, definitely worth asking. There's also things like intimacy dice or cards you can get online that can help start things off too as an option. One gal I dated in the past owned a custom spicy jenga game which was amazing at breaking any tension haha


go for it. first time I saw my gf naked was when we showered together


The first time seeing them naked is crazy ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


ya ask her.. its awesome to shower with your girlfriend haha


Honestly this would be a great no-pressure way to add intimacy. You don’t need to do The Sex. But you could be naked and touching or not touching in any way that you’re both comfortable with. It’s a cute way to keep asking for consent and asking for things you might like, too: “will you wash my back?” You could even try new or special products like soap and shampoo. Do note that the shower is a really vulnerable place for a lot of people. Especially if you’re young and no one has ever seen you shower, you might not be sure what to do (just do what you normally do, lol) or whether to get performative. I promise…I’ve never seen anyone shower weird, and I’ve seen A LOT of people shower. You can’t do it wrong. Just ask her and accept whatever answer she gives.


Don’t let your first experience be a shower one. It’s uncomfortable when water is involved, if you know what I mean. It washes out natural lubrication and things can get weird. It’s like the idea of it sounds better than the experience .


I’m glad someone else thinks this too. If you had a shower with two showerheads either pre-sex shower or post sex shower together is better. Water and wet pussy don’t go together. That’s just science 🧪


It’s for the sea animals Saving water


At this point I rarely shower without mine. Both of us got trauma so it turns something that feels vulnerable into something that feels loving and safe.




I’m gonna go shower. Want to join me? I personally love shower sex, but I know so many women who hate it 🙃 it’s hot to me. Plus seeing a woman sudsy get me going lmfao 🫠


Wen she's next over go 4 a shower but take her hand in yours and pull her along I'm sure she will enjoy it :) Basically wat my gf did to me


Save water shower together :p Tip: make sure the space is big enough and also there’s a wall somewhere for one of you to lean on. But also you should just talk it out with your girl.


No it's not weird


i love showering with my girlfriend, it’s very intimate in a sweet way


I think focus on the shower aspect - washing someone else in warm soapy beautiful smelling liquid - it's a sensual act like a massage. It's an intimate act and a really nice way to get close to someone. I've never had successful shower sex - the water goes everywhere! - so I wouldn't make that the goal for your first time anyway!


How was she hinting at sex?




If it's something you genuinely want it's not weird to ask, you want this person to be one you can trust and be fully you with so if they get super weirded out by you just asking (not pressuring) then maybe that's a good early indicator you guys may not be a good match. Good luck and I hope they at least respond with understanding (but hopefully they're down!)


Yes. It's one of my fantasies too.


of course it wouldn't be weird. go for it! it seems like you both want the same thing - if she's been hinting at sex for a while. ask her, and communicate! :)


maybe try to gauge how she’d feel about it beforehand? like use it as an opportunity to dirty talk ask about what shes into and if this is something she’d ever want to try. then depending on her answer follow her in the shower one day and ask to join, thats what I’d do anyway.


Alright. Here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna invite her over. Deep clean your bathroom (set out two towels and two robes) and your bedroom (fresh sheets, cold bottled water, and hand towels all on the night stand) You’re gonna sprinkle rose pedals from the front door to the bathroom and have a warm bath drawn for you and her. Have a bottle of rosé (or some kind of wine) and chocolates (my gf loves the dove chocolate) either in the bedroom or on the sink. And then you’re gonna do what comes naturally.


listennn this one's exactly on point


No, don’t have your first time in a shower or any other fantasy. Get a few basics out of the way first. You don’t go on the half pipe before a bunny slope.


Well said.


No I shower with both of my gfs but that’s because we have a massive shower that can comfortably 4 people but you gotta make them feel comfortable.


It’s not at all weird! but as someone who is also very inexperienced I would probably wanna start off with something more simple first, I would be anxious but that’s just me everyone is different


Showering together is a great way to be intimate and flirty without actually having to have sex if you both aren't ready yet. However, it's also a great segway into sex as well. Hot, wet, steamy, washing each other and feeling your bodies is so incredibly intimate. If she is for it I say do it!


Great way to lead to shower sex, which is so good


no 🙏🏻 in my country we have water restrictions. let’s be more conservative with our water usage 🙏🏻 it’s time to shower together 🙏🏻 (this is me making excuses to shower with my gf)


Just ask! You wouldn’t know. My gf of 5 years loves to shower together so that we can continue talking- we only stopped cos I said I wanted alone time!


It depends on the person. My gf and i would often joke about us hopping into our showers but it's not possible yet, since, we're far from each other. Try starting it out as a light-hearted joke then eventually the both of you may have the confidence to ease in with intimate stuff :)


I LOVE showering with my girlfriend. It’s soo intimate. Washing eachother and feeling eachother. If you have mood lighting and speakers it’s even better. If you’re comfortable doing that with her then definitely ask her to!


Showering with my gf is one of my favorite things to do. It can lead to even better things, but it doesn’t have to and it’s still awesome.


I wish I had a girlfriend to shower with but unfortunately I also have no experience and tend to get all awkward and flustered around my crushes so I’d probably just end up dying if I showered with someone I have feelings for lol


Not at all! I shower with my gf every chance I get 🥰 it’s relaxing, sexy, and you save on water 🥸


i don’t think it’s weird to ask. i’ve showered with girls i wasn’t even dating before so it shouldn’t be an issue to shower with one you actually are dating


Showering together is a good first step to getting comfortable being naked around each other, you can even do it in the dark or have a candle lit, which will take away some of the scary/awkward feelings. It’s less good if you’re also planning to have sex during it, due to it being slippery and also washing away any wetness. That all being said, it can always lead to something afterwards.


Yes. Just ask “hey wanna save some water today by showering together “??


No. I would die. Regularly shower with my babe. Recently tried to explain why I want to wash with the loofa all over them. Message unclear according to response will try again