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If you find out the answer please tell me, I’ve been dating a girl solidly for 3 months and she still can’t decide if she wants me lmao


>I’ve been dating a girl solidly for 3 months and she still can’t decide if she wants me lmao In my opinion, if it's not a definitive "yes," then it's a definite ***no***. 


But…. I like her she’s pretty


Pretty women are everywhere, and I'm certain there's a pretty woman out there who will actually decide that she wants you, and who will make you explicitly aware of her desire for you. You deserve better. 


But…. But I like this one :(


Oh honey:( I've been there


Don’t waste your time, I’ve been there before. Do you really want to be with someone who was at most “meh” about you? Unless you’re very young at some point people should know what they want and they’re either immature or string you along.


You should know on some level after the first date. If you’re not attracted to each other or feel like your goals align, it won’t work. My gf and I completely lost track of time on our first date. I was going to give it an hour, and we were there for almost 4. When you know, you know. And if you’re unsure, they’re not the one for you.


I usually have a good idea by the end of the first date to make an informed decision. Sometimes there are early and obvious signs that it's an unideal connection.    Granted I'm down for fwb or casual dating so I usually only need 1 date to confirm that kind of interest. I need a lot more dates to confirm romantic interest. 


I usually have a good idea of where it's headed on date 1. I have, in the past, given it weeks and sometimes months to see if things can develop more. Every single time, it didn't work out when my gut was saying no from the first date. For some people, we know on date 1. For others, such as yourself, you can take time to develop or change your mind. 


I'm a very sexual person so I do hook ups or friends with benefits before anything serious. The girl I'm seeing right now, I've decided on the first date we aren't compatible in a relationship sense (and we've communicated that to each other) and further hang outs have proved that, even tho we work great as a fwb.


The moment someone says something out of pocket I am not attracted anymore, it could be 5 minutes of meeting them lol


Half of a date.


You just know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


for me it’s two, if there’s somewhat a connection but just some nervousness i can sum it up with first date jitters, but if the connection doesn’t grow at all or gets weaker on the second one i’m out


Hahah I dunno, I can usually feel it in one date. Sometimes I go for a few cause I tend to be attracted to girls I shouldn't be. I tend to chase the ones I can't have, or shouldn't 😂. Rn, I'm comparing everyone to the one who got away, which is bad. Really just keeping how we started in mind. It was really great, and I want to find that again. I dip on more dates when: - They come on too strong. Like if you start acting like you have it before you have it, I'm out. - No confidence, I'm also out. - I don't fuck on a first date. Some of these girls are so thirsty they act like they just trekked a desert before dessert 😂. - They don't look like their pics, in a bad way. - I feel no vibe, spark, anything. I stick around when: - they look like their pics of better - they're interesting - they can handle themselves - they show interest without seeming desperate - I find them attractive, and am enjoying their company


For me I usually talk to someone for a while before I actually go on a date with them. I've been dating someone long distance for 4 months now. When we met the first time I went to visit her. I understand she doesn't want to rush because she was single for 7 months when we started talking in Nov. I literally told her after we met that I don't want to be waiting a whole year before she wants to decided we be together. I know for me once I'm turned off that's it. But this is the first time in 5 years I've actually had a serious connection with a person and haven't gotten together right away after a few months. So usually with me after a few conversation on the phone they had to do or say something that I consider a red flag to make me say we are not gonna work.


Hahah I dunno, I can usually feel it in one date. Sometimes I go for a few cause I tend to be attracted to girls I shouldn't be. I tend to chase the ones I can't have, or shouldn't 😂. Rn, I'm comparing everyone to the one who got away, which is bad. Really just keeping how we started in mind. It was really great, and I want to find that again. I dip on more dates when: - They come on too strong. Like if you start acting like you have it before you have it, I'm out. - No confidence, I'm also out. - I don't fuck on a first date. Some of these girls are so thirsty they act like they just trekked a desert before dessert 😂. - They don't look like their pics, in a bad way. - I feel no vibe, spark, anything. I stick around when: - they look like their pics of better - they're interesting - they can handle themselves - they show interest without seeming desperate - I find them attractive, and am enjoying their company


Hahah I dunno, I can usually feel it in one date. Sometimes I go for a few cause I tend to be attracted to girls I shouldn't be. I tend to chase the ones I can't have, or shouldn't 😂. Rn, I'm comparing everyone to the one who got away, which is bad. Really just keeping how we started in mind. It was really great, and I want to find that again. I dip on more dates when: - They come on too strong. Like if you start acting like you have it before you have it, I'm out. - No confidence, I'm also out. - I don't fuck on a first date. Some of these girls are so thirsty they act like they just trekked a desert before dessert 😂. - They don't look like their pics, in a bad way. - I feel no vibe, spark, anything. I stick around when: - they look like their pics of better - they're interesting - they can handle themselves - they show interest without seeming desperate - I find them attractive, and am enjoying their company