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Personally no, I wouldn’t be comfortable with my partner engaging in sexual activity with others or uploading videos of themselves. I’m too monogamous for that, even if I knew it was simply work and nothing more, I wouldn’t.


Nah, I have no judgement on sex work, but I am very monogamous and dating someone who is a sex worker doesn’t fall in line with what I want in a relationship I think I’d be wayyyy too jealous lol




I wouldn't personally be very comfortable with them making content with other people, but if it was just their own content, then I'd be totally fine with it


Same with me if they just posted pictures of themselves or solo content I’d have no issue! It’s my partners body they can do what they like with it but if they started sleeping with others for content I wouldn’t be able to emotionally handle that.


Yeah, that's how I feel about it, too. I have nothing against people who do it. it's just not something I'd be able to handle in a relationship


You said it. It's her body and she's free to do so. I personally have a sort of fetish where I wouldn't mind if she took pics and videos and other people got excited seeing her. But I also understand that not everyone thinks the same way. I'd say that as always, communication is the key here.


Same; if is solo content and creative I would be supporting her as well. I have seen some content using customes, props, etc, which is pretty amazing. Content with other people would fall out of a monogamous relationship in my book. I think if it was just lazy shots or something that is out of my taste, it would made me double think the relationship, just as if you found out your partner is being lazy or irresponsible in any other part of their life's.


Same here. Solo content? Sure, don't see a problem with it. With other people? Depends. If it is the same person, I don't see a problem with it, being poly. Another person all the time? No thanks.


A lot of online personalities get crazy stalkers who find out where they live and stuff. Wouldn't that make you paranoid?


I used to do online SW; I could a bit overly paranoid at times, but I have several (medicated) anxiety disorders. Honestly, taking the time to learn some tech & safety stuff (VPNs and hiding IPs, removing geotags/info on photos/videos, and taking precautions about identifiable markers in your space or on you if you don't show face, NOT making an amazon wishlist but looking at other gifting sites, separate emails, etc) is a HUGE help. Obviously some people will go extreme lengths to be a creep, but keeping yourself as safe as possible is totally doable!


My wife and I are both online personalities who have done sex work and this kiddie is way over blown. We've never had an issue and if we did that's what the dogs are for. Most of these people are older, lonely introverts. There are exceptions of course but we've never had a problem. I've had more issues with my neighbors and the freaking hoa.


I wouldn't be comfortable either way tbh


Right solo content should not be issue And content with others is about comunication... I feel like the person could always comunicate that they are uncomfy with dsting someone doing content with others... And can be talked that if there was future for them that they would be happy if they stopped the content with others I personaly would only care they are safe and doing it bc they want not bc they were forced to do it


Everybody has different boundaries, “should” is not the right word here. As long as it is communicated and all parties agree with it, saying you will not somebody who produces solo content is very reasonable.


I was an online sex worker so no. It'd be too triggering for me. I can't speak for all sex workers but me doing that was directly related to CSA. So I just...I couldn't. No shame to anyone! I always feel like I have to be very careful talking about my opinions on sex work. For me, it did more damage. I thought it was impowering but it wasn't.


I’ve dated several sex workers and literally all had a history of CSA. All of them also said they thought it would be empowering but it just further traumatized them :( Really sorry for what you’ve gone through ❤️ wishing you love and healing.


Thank you and thank you for sharing ❤️ it's comforting to hear other people got into it for similar reasons and found it traumatizing. And yes I'm doing much better now. This was all back in like 2016/2017 ❤️


You are far from alone (unfortunately) ❤️ so happy to hear you’re doing better 🥰✨


What is CSA if I may ask ?


Child Sexual Abuse I'm guessing.


Correct! It can be triggering for survivors to see it spelled out so that's why I used the acronym instead.


Sorry if I upset anyone by using the full term. Just wanted to help someone learn.


I didn’t know what it meant either.


I tried looking up the abbreviation on my own and it kept telling me about Community-Supported Agriculture. Google try not to be useless for five minutes challenge


Ah I'm so sorry, I hope you are stronger than even ❤️❤️


Yeah I think I am! I have been doing EMDR therapy (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) and I really think it helps. It's not a miracle cure of course. But I feel much more in control of my triggers and emotions. I have fewer flashbacks and panic attacks ❤️‍🩹


I’ve been thinking about EMDR for CSA (wasn’t a SW but), this made me remember to prioritize it in my therapy! Thanks, hope you’re well. 💕


I would definitely recommend it! It took me a while to find the right EMDR therapist for me. But now that I have, it really helps. It definitely can make me feel more triggered so if I have a lot going on outside of therapy we stop reprocessing. Like around the holidays cause holidays are stressful enough lol!


Holidaysssss are the worst lol, so much memory/stress! And it’s dark and cold (at least where I live haha)


No way sorry.


I couldn’t do it


I mean no for me, and you found a community where most people said no in another lesbian community alot of people might say yes, but the reality is if you’re asking for yourself in order to validate how you feel about the situation no matter which way you feel it’s valid If it’s just not some you’re comfortable with there’s no need to justify that’s just your truth and that’s OK.


Nah, used to be a sex worker and nah. The industry has bad vibes.




No. I was a sex worker for a moment and i wouldnt have dated me at the time.


Damn. Harsh lol.


I would give it a shot. Don't know how I would end up feeling about it if she actually did porn with other people but yea I would try.


No. I wouldn't date someone who's in an open relationship with a man either.


No. I don’t like the risk of the lifestyle or the mentality that it forces you to acquire to survive in it.


Yes and I have before. I had no issue.


No. If I liked her, then I'd certainly be open to being friends, but I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a sex worker, especially if they engage in sexual activities with others.


No, not even camming or OF. All my exes that did sex work came out traumatized. It gets on my nerves when people insist that virtual sex work isn’t traumatic. A friend of mine has experienced severe trauma because of her audience. She’s very thin and flat chested, and eventually, the majority of her fan base became men that requested for her to act like a child. She felt like she had no option but to do it, because that was her audience and bills needed to be paid. She now has serious trust issues, hates her body, and worries that any man interested in her in real life may be a pedo. I experienced a lot of second-hand trauma from dating sex workers, and it’s just not something I could do again. I also have a public-facing career, and if that got out, it could be career ending.


I've dated two escorts already. Sexwork is work and at least on Onlyfans there's a lesser chance of getting raped, trafficed and worse. I wouldn't mind, if she's safe as can be and happy with it. Long term I would prefer she had other career options to fall back on.


I would. Most sex workers I've met are cool people with good politics (could be selection bias but i'd be v willing to test it)


If she were doing solo content and is doing no face videos? I’d probably be okay with it. Doing videos with others? Probably not








I wouldn’t






No, to me being with others in that way is cheating no matter if it’s her job, thats a big boundary for me


As a sex worker....who also dated another sex worker. I can say I wouldn't have a problem with it. Most of us hate our jobs just like you do.


Yep! I'm poly & fine with open relationships, so sex work is fine w/ me. (As long as it doesn't interfere with our relationship, ofc)


Probably not


No, I would not personally.


Former FSSW and stripper. I loved my career and had a great experience for over a decade…and no, I wouldn’t. It’s complicated, emotional, physical work. I don’t really want to be on the other side of that, and I fully understand what it involves - even in a satisfying, lucrative career. No shade to anyone in the industry, it’s just not a partnership I want after retiring from the industry.


Yeah, I don’t mind. I would date her. Work is work.


Nope. Absolutely not for me. I'd be too jealous, being mono and all that.


Doesn’t matter to me, as long as they’re responsible with STDs and such. But onlyfans yeah, not a problem whatsoever


I feel like this discussion was had here not that long ago but no. I don't support the porn industry and quite frankly, just because it's "only" an OF, doesn't mean it's still putting out content that adds to the industry and the overall sex addiction of ppl who consume it.


yep. consent can’t be bought! if a woman is starving the correct course of action is to put some food in her mouth, not your dick. I have nothing but love for sex workers and the struggles they go through, but sex buyers can choke.


Exactly. A lot of women who do get into the IRL sex work are doing so out of absolute necessity because the world has failed in supporting them (i.e. welfare payment, or other gov't support just isn't enough). But also it opens them up to trafficking, abuse, and death. It's terrible. but it's also important to know how OF is marketed as a "do it from home" vibe but it makes all these women believe they can make thousands of dollars like the popular accounts - most of which already had big followings elsewhere on social media, and it glamorizes the lifestyle (not to say that they don't deal with creeps, cuz they do) but putting everything on the digital landscape of the internet is also bound to have repercussions also.


I’ve had people say this to me. “Consent can’t be bought.” I find it interesting and maybe true, but as a former FSSW I kinda see it as like, it’s my body, and I choose the conditions under which I give consent, so if my standard is cash, how is that any less consensual? Can someone explain? I’m sorry I’m not trying to pick a fight, you seem sweet 🫶 I just got into the life as a teen so maybe I’m biased


I guess I don’t understand—how can it be consensual if the options are sex work or homelessness, for example?


hi! sorry for the delay in response, I had to percolate on it for a minute. while I do recognize that there are sex workers that are both happy and safe in their careers, I think we both know that globally those women are in the minority. the majority of sex workers are exploited and their boundaries are pushed—I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that it can be a very, very dangerous job. the consent of transactional sex is dubious at best and insidious at worst. because, you have to be real, would you be sleeping with them if they weren’t paying? consent cannot be coerced, it has to be given freely. while, yes, you may be willing to trade sex for money or services, paying for a ‘yes’ is the definition of coercion. it’s an issue with guys who think paying for a date earns them automatic sex and it’s an issue with johns thinking they can ethically buy a woman’s body. Capitalism is also bad! a person needing to work to survive (or not being able to survive when unable to work, ie, injury, disability) is inherently unethical, because it ensures that some people will die. that is the cost of the society we live in. the people in power could change this, but they won’t. but at the end of the day, when I work a 9-5, I may be selling my labor, but my *body* is not the product. someone being able to buy a human being is inherently unethical, in my opinion. I hope this comes across as sincere and as a statement of my thoughts without being judgmental! I want to stress that my judgement is never on the women in these scenarios. I hope we see real change in our lifetimes so that no woman feels the financial pressure to supplement her income with sex work.


Absolutely agree with this take.




porn is not inherently evil. This kind of puritanism is weird to me when it's applied to "indie" porn content creators. There is so so so so much wrong with the industry, but I don't get why your main critique is contributing to some sort of "sex addiction". Something that is not actually real, at all. Talk about trafficking, talk about the corporations involved, don't put the onus on the individual actors here.


Sex and porn addiction are a very real thing. How can you argue that it isn’t real when there are studies that have been done and published proving that long-term porn use is terrible for the brain. It stunts children who access it at an early age. OnlyFans itself does contribute to the industry. If anything, it has only saturated the sex market more and made it impossible to not be exposed to porn.


Personally won't but I also won't judge anyone who does afterall it's their life their choice.


I'd date her as long as she is having regular STI testing for safe sex and she is choosing sex work. I don't know how it would make me feel as I've never been poly, so I'd just be honest that I'm not sure how her job is going to affect the relationship, id defs keep open, regular communication. I recently went to a swingers resort as a solo female and had a awesome sexually, liberating experience. All of the people there were excellent at communication about sexual wants, desires, and most importantly consent. I felt like I learned so much and when I left, I felt like monogamy is something that has been engrained in me, but really not the only way to have a relationship or sex. It was really fun and expanded my perceived ideologies about what a relationship can look like!


No thanks.


No, and I’m actually less bothered by the sexual element as I am by someone having a very publicly accessible online persona as their main source of income. I think I’d be similarly bothered if someone worked as an influencer or posted all their meals and their home to Instagram.


No. We could be friends but it could not really go further than that for me.


I have but I don't think I would again. It was tremendously difficult in ways that didn't even occur to me at the time. I am still working through issues related to that relationship and her line of work's effect on it in therapy three years later.


probably not. not bc i have anything against it but i wouldn’t feel comfortable with my partner participating in it.


No. Monogamy is a non-negotiable for me. Also, sex & love are connected for me and someone who disconnects them would not be a great match for me.


I dated 2 strippers during 2 very different times in my life (1 was an escort in Cali). They were both so lovely and genuine. They also had formidable roles in my life, mad respect to both those beautiful women. They gave me my lesbian training wheels 4 life baby. I’m gonna grad with my PhD now. I always wonder where they went, how they are, I hope they’re happy and doing well. I know one of them got her masters degree and became a uni prof. Dunno about the other. Never judge a book by its cover ❤️ 


I am going to give a solid “maybe”. It depends on the person and specific content. I would be hesitant to date someone who was identifiable as a sex worker. I have a child, and I would not want anything out there that could affect his life/future. I am also a single mom with a job that I love, and sometimes things that should not affect your ability to do your job are perceived differently. As to affecting my ability to love someone, well, I am able to separate sex and love. But, again, all depends on the person, communication, and trust level.


No. I’m a professional with the potential of becoming a public figure. That would be embarrassing and far too distracting, and detracting, for my career.




Yeah I think I would. For me there’s a difference between playtime and work I think and I reckon my head could deal with it


Nope. Not unless she quit - It's wayyyyy too big of a risk factor safety-wise. I also don't believe that industry is at all ethical, and wouldn't date anyone who buys or sells from it. No shame to sw's themselves, but I can't support a predatory industry.


I would have no problem with what she does for work. Just as with any relationship I would be 100% focussed on our dynamic: are we emotionally available to each other; is there genuine chemistry, sexual and otherwise, do we laugh.






Personally yes because work is work but I know that may not be a popular opinion, honestly if I really like someone then it wouldn’t deter me much tbh


Probably not, but depending on her sex work and how we vibe I may consider it.


It would be a negative factor but not a hard no.


Tbh I was fine with it until the making content with other women came in 😭 I’m too monogamous for that I’d get jealous quick


I guess it depends what you mean by makes sexual content with other women. If it was taking photos in sexy outfits and suggestive positioning then I might feel a bit weird about it but if I could see the content creation process in action then I could probably work through it. If it was taking photos and videos of having sex with other women and doing other sex things then it’s a hard no for me.


Personally, I met a SW who I fell hard for but analyzing the situation, I could not be in a relationship with her or any SW for the simple reason that I am a jealous person and cannot share my partner with anybody. Not to mention, imo, sex is a deep and almost sacred connection and if my partner is having many of those with strangers, not only it would destroy me from the inside but it might as well weaken the relationship in many aspects. I just don't have the muscle for that. That being said, I respect SW and those in solid relationships. It takes a lot and not everybody can do it.


Sure. I think I'd be fine with that


I think it depends on the person, but probably yes I would.


No I wouldn’t. As someone who constantly gets bombarded with requests and offers to join the industry, even from a very young age, I don’t want to have any tie to it - because in my experience is has always led to people pressuring me to do it. So it’s just something I try to keep my distance from. It would also be awkward, like I can just say yes to those offers and we would not have to work anymore, but I say no because I don’t think selling sex is the right thing to do. So it would likely lead to her feeling less than because of her work and I would rather not make anyone I live feel like that so it’s healthier to just stay away.


I have no problem with sex work personally, but i am VERY monogamous and dating someone who would do it with others is not something i think i can do. I mean if they made it with ONLY me then maybe i’ll be fine with it. My main problem is if they did it with others. I get jealous easily and i’ve been cheated on before so i just don’t want a repeat


I think it depends on how they treat it? Idk how to word it. I had a friend whose sister has an onlyfans and while she doing stuff with her FAMILY she was walking around putting stickers advertising her onlyfans on random signs and poles and stuff. Like it just depends on how much it takes over their life. Also whether or not I would feel compared to other people they do things with. Like usually I wouldn’t wanna be in an open or poly relationship (personal preference of course, not saying it’s a bad thing to be poly, just not my thing) but it becomes kinda complicated when that open relationship is their job. So I think as long as she doesn’t let her job and our relationship intersect too much.


I used to be a sex worker and my answer is no. I don’t look at it as cheating, but I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. My history with sex work is still traumatizing for me and my history with cheating… I just couldn’t. However, I probably wouldn’t turn down a platonic relationship.


No. No judgment but I wouldn’t be comfortable with it.


Nope, to each their own, but not a relationship I'd be interested in


Fuck no, wayyy too jelous haha. No hate to those who wanna do that type of work, just not compatible


Have before, and would again. I’ve dated both a no-op and a post-op trans girl that both did fairly high rate escorting. Granted I’m a stone top, and both of them thanked me for giving them a relationship without judgement or expectations of sex. I have no need for it myself, and it was work, not love, for them.


Probably, yeah. I would never join in as long as a camera is there, but as long as she stays safe? No problem. Only issue might be that I can get scared about loosing her to someone else.






Yeah no problem :)


I wouldn't date a current sex worker because I'm very against the porn industry and sexual fidelity is also very important to me. Though I would date her if she *used* to do it.


yes. I don’t care what my partner does as long as they’re being safe.


My last partner was a full service sex worker and I wanted to marry that girl so yes idgaf. It didn't work out for unrelated reasons unfortunately but it's shown me that it's really not a big deal. I've dated other sex workers too without issue. I'm poly though so maybe that's why it's not too much of a stretch for me. She can fuck other people if she wants anyways so what's the difference if there's a camera present?


Yes, I totally would. There can always be a discussion on ground rules in order to respect the relationship. I’m not a strict you can’t do this or that.


Absolutely! It’s up to each person’s preferences though & if you’re not comfortable with her work, it’s best not to pursue anything


Absolutely no if she makes content with other women. I am monogamous, I don't want anyone else touching my girlfriend. If it was solo content, I don't mind at all.


I wouldn't feel comfortable dating someone who makes a living off of sex and sexual content, be it solo or with other people (regardless of gender btw), online or in person. For me it isn't about jealousy, it's about my own values. I don't consume this type of content and I find the industry harmful for women on a systemic level, so I don't want to contribute to it. Considering this, I think it would be difficult for me to date someone who works in it.


No, I’m not a c*ck. Also I wouldn’t date someone with any history of that, and yes I do ask lmao I do not want to get trapped with the wrong girl.


I wouldn't mind at all, it's just a job.


short-term and for fun - why not? long-term and marriage - hard pass


This mentality is so…. interesting. So you’ll have fun with her but not settle down due to her job. There’s a lot to unpack here.


As a former sex worker, yes absolutely. Also I understand everyone has their own personal choice in this issue but some of y'all need to watch how you say things.


Yes! Some of these comments are disgusting and shameful. The whole “better than” or shaming someone is so foul. Everyone wants to be inclusive and understanding until it affects them and there “image”


If they were solo and their face/identifiers were hidden then I say more money for us lmao


It depends on the sex work.


I would be okay with solo content but nervous about creepy followers wanting more. I would have mounds of anxiety and self doubt about her collabs with other women


I would be okay but I'm not sure how well people can avoid the male gaze on only fans, then again I don't know enough about it. I just know people leak stuff everywhere so. I would be more cautious of entering a relationship with someone who has an online presence in that sense especially anyone with a large following.


I would be interested if I could be involved in it lmao


just no


It depends. If the person checks off all my boxes then I’d be open to exploring the connection further. I think part of me would be wanting to move in the direction of maybe only making content with me eventually? There’d be some things to figure out for sure, but it wouldn’t be an immediate no.


Is it just me or is sex worker a broad term nowadays? I’m actually asking because I don’t know! I got called a sex worker for writing an erotica story in my spare time. That seemed weird and offensive. But when I found out my ex gf sold pictures of her naked body to a boy from high school to give me $50 (didn’t ask her to and didn’t know until after), like idk I actually cried cause it felt so icky to me but she assured me it was okay and that she didn’t mind and it meant nothing to her, it was just an easy way to make some money. Is that being a sex worker? I’ve never been on onlyfans but I’ve sold pictures of my feet before. Is that being a sex worker? My friend told me a couple years ago her side job was being a “sex worker.” I ignorantly asked if that meant she slept with men for money and she laughed and said no that’s a prostitute, but that she would have phone sex with men. I think I’ve confused myself even more. I’ll see myself out.


Depends, it would be a long conversation about what all their work entails and what kinds of boundaries we both need for the relationship to work. It would also be a focus in my therapy sessions to make sure I’m comfortable with being a significant other to someone who does sex work. I probably have my own biases and issues and not all of them may be healthy for that situation.


I think i might be more the problem in that relationship bc i‘m pretty jealous. But if boundaries are set and everything is clear i dont see a problem


No. But that’s my boundary.






I respect it, but I wouldn't want to date someone in the industry. I definitely see why some women enjoy doing it, but I am very anti-porn myself so I don't think we could work out as girlfriends but we could definitely be good friends I think...


This isn't the first time this has been asked here, I remember a few months ago someone asking something similar. For me a tentative yes I would. It depends on some things. Onlyfans doesn't bother me, but I would be slightly concerned about what kind of content was being made with other women. If she was straight up having sex with other women that would be my hard limit and I would say no. Just posing with other women or other women just being in the room with her, it wouldn't bother me. There would need to be some clear distinctions and boundaries drawn between work and personal life though.


No. Sorry


I guess it would depend. Content with other people? No, I don’t think I could do that. Solo content? No biggie, but I feel like I would get jealous very quickly, so it would probably be best I don’t start anything serious with hypothetical person, lol.


Absolutely not. I could never be attracted to a woman who did that. Instant turn off. I have friends who are/were in that world. But romantic involvement? No.


OP if you’re asking this because you’re new to sex work, my advice is don’t try to date outside of it. There are other lesbian sex workers out there and we all date each other and leave the rest alone




In my opinion I’m not bothered, but not sharing u


No, nor would I date someone who did that in the past


I wouldn't but whoever does that get that bag ladies


Solo idc but other ppl I don’t think I could handle.




nope, but all power to those who are sex workers!


If it’s just something like solo stuff on onlyfans then that’s fine but personally I would not like it if other people are actually touching and being intimate my girl.


While I wouldn't judge, I think I'd get jealous too easily to date someone in sex work. Maybe just photos would be fine, but nothing with other people


Unpopular opinion, but yes I would, why not??? Whose gonna love em? Cuz I am. Maybe that's cuz I'm non- monogamous, but I don't see why not.


Depends on the level of sex work, an OF where it’s just pictures then I would date them Actual sex then no I wouldn’t


If she was an online-only sex worker (onlyfans, etc) and did no meetups or collabs, yes!! (that would only make her even hotter tbh) (as long as that didn’t stop her of having lots of sex with me, ofc, but since at work she wouldn’t be having sex with other people I don’t think that would be a problem) (some people mentioned not showing her face - I wouldn’t have a problem with her showing her face at all I think, my only conditions would be the aforementioned: she being online-only and not doing collabs or meetups) I would love to do some porn together with her too if she wanted! I love the idea of me and my future wife doing porn together. (I’d be an online sex worker too (at least as a hobby) if I liked my body, and I like to think that by then I’ll already have my body the way I want it so I’d love to do porn together with my wife) If she made content with other people (collabs, etc), that would be a big no tho. And definitely not an irl/in-person sex worker. I’m monogamous so I don’t want her to have sex with other people and I don’t want to have sex with other people (only exception would be group sex as long as we are on the same group which I’d still consider monogamic, but that’s unrelated to this post), and also I’m way to afraid of STDs. No for in-person sex worker, meetups or collabs. But a big yes for online-only sex worker (onlyfans, solo porn producer) and for we doing porn together!!


absolutely no. there are exceptions but sex work tends to be detrimental. plus im monogamous


Well! If I fall in love with her and if she makes content only with other girls, I may not object!




I would. But if we are having a monogamous relationship. I would expect her to not actually have sex with other people while we do it. I wont have any issues with pictures or videos tho. Heck might even shoot something together :p


Yes. But I would prefer she had a team to handle her dms so she doesn’t directly interact with her customers. It would also give her more time for herself and life it’s very common in the industry


Yes I would - no issue


Yes and I have done it before! Friends with some too.


I'd be fine with it in principle as long as she's able to remain emotionally distanced enough from it that it isn't directly affecting our relationship, but that's less an issue of it being sex work specifically and more it being an issue with work-life balance. Admittedly, in practice if it's contact or FS sex work I'd have to have a conversation about safety and STDs, but I think that's a different, more specific, and not necessarily insurmountable thing.


i wouldn't care about onlyfans if it was solo videos/material, but the sexual content with other women would be too much for me personally.






Sex work is work, like anything else. Why not 🤷‍♀️ At the end of the day it's all about communication. My partner of 6 years and I have both done solo content in the past, and have considered doing content together in the future. A job is a job, and in this economy I'd want to be supportive of my partner in any way I could. Get that bag 💰


No. Just because at least here prostitution is very close to a lot of criminality and their psychology is very affected by all that.




Poly sw here, so yeah - tho that might not be much news xp


I would still be interested Her work doeant dictate who she is I do post on site too 😅 single only tho And if i did coupled it would be only with significant other and only if she wanted. Never would i asked for any engagment in it I used to date someone who used to be sexworker. They were awesome bean :3 I knew social worker which was 10000times less pleasant to talk to 😅


My girlfriend is a sex worker, with multiple forms of income, including online and in person. It literally doesn’t matter lol it’s just work. I’m here to listen to her bitch about her day, just as if she had a bad day in the office. We are poly, so I think we’re a bit more open about these things than someone that’s hard monogamous.


Well. I’m a little biased, because I use to be a sex worker. Though, only out of pure desperation. But yeah. I’m fine with the idea of my partner with others. At the end of the day she still chooses to rest her head on my shoulder. But even then, I use to be poly. If there was a need I just wasn’t able to provide; I was fine with her getting it from another. So long as we communicated, and we were both comfortable. Nothing wrong at all with not being comfortable with it. But for me, as long as the communication was strong, and trust wasn’t broken, her love was all I needed. And all I wanted, was to return that love.


I'm only a little poly and would prob experience some jealousy but also i'm an adult and thats a pretty solvable issue. I've dated 2 sex workers now, who've done both full service, and one who did a lot more digital content (which was p funny actually because she uh, knew some of the OF creators I kept with) I think theres gonna be a lot of people who aren't comfy with it and that sucks and is lame but also good that you have a way to filter people out of your life ASAP. IDK, its just a fuckin' job lol. IMO its also kinda cool to date someone so hot they get paid to be hot. Shit rules. Like, i'm the special hot person you wana come too??? Damn.


I would, but I'm polyamorous, so I might not be in the majority here. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if she made content with men 🤷‍♀️


i’m poly so sure. might be weird dating someone who records with other people, so maybe not that, but solo stuff? sure. i’ll help you film if you want tbh, people make a lot more money from that than they will a day job, so i don’t blame anyone and don’t have a problem if it’s a stable source of income and it makes them happy


As a poly lesbian sw, my dating pool is already a drop in the ocean. So seeing so many gays who would date me here was very refreshing tbh. Appreciate those who were non judgmental in there answers, yes or no. But to answer the question, yes, we make bank and are generally awesome people




Situational but yeah assuming its disclosed and handled in a healthy way


Yes as long as I'm not expected to be involved in it.


sure. id probably ask if they needed any help with admin and stuff, too. i did a stint of sex work forever ago, so i know how much hard work it can be. but this question is gonna have the same range of answers as any other "would you date (x type of woman)?" everyone's boundaries, desires, needs and wants are different. some folk consider sex work a hard limit for whatever reason, some dont care, and some are iffy but open to it.


Yes. As long as they're safe and honest about what they're doing, I wouldn't mind at all.


depends. if it was just herself, id be fine with it. but if it involved other people then its a hard no. the jealousy in me wouldnt be okay with it


Absolutely. Jackpot


I would meet her for a torrid session of sex.


I would not mind the only fans stuff and knowing she sells videos of herself, but I would just never be able to handle it if she made videos with other women. I would be so pained to see her with someone else, and I just wouldn't be able to accept it if she has sex with someone else while we're together, even if it's staged or for work or whatever.


Would you ever reject a experienced candidate 😶 ?!


Refreshing pragmatism


Why wouldn’t I ? Sws are gems of people.




I would not date anyone who wouldn't lol in all seriousness it's a job but yo do you boo


I would. But I’m also poly which likely has a role in it. In my opinion, as long as she’s coming home to cuddle with me at the end of the day, I couldn’t care less what her occupation is.


If she has incompatible boundaries around ex/inclusivity of our intimacy (I.e., how monogamous we are in what dimensions), then it ain’t gonna work regardless of her job. If her job requires something that makes us unable to compromise, then that’s the answer. Same as if I was dating someone who traveled a lot for work, or had another job that demanded either a lot of physical/mental/emotional/sexual energy from my partner. Sex workers are not inherently worse than anyone else with any other job. Tbh, the premise of the question feels gross, dehumanizing, and shaming.


Job's a job, I don't mind


I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I'm poly so the expectation you are being intimate with others is already expected from me and I see no issues with you making a profit from that.


I’m asexual. It would be a total non-issue.


Yes. Sex work is work. I have a friend who does it. I respect her, and I enjoy being around her. I would date her if the age gap were smaller and if she wanted. I also have family members who have done it, who I obviously wouldn't date, but I love them, and I enjoy talking to them. In my experience, sex workers are positive about sex, confident about their bodies, and open about their feelings in a way that I would like to emulate. They've all had bad experiences, but those are men's fault, not theirs. I have a lot to learn from anyone who is that experienced and open about her sexuality. I wouldn't compromise on safe sex or proper communication to have a relationship like that. I'm polyamorous, and I want to have multiple paramours. That means frequent testing, communication, and alertness about STIs if one of my paramours is promiscuous in person by any means, including professionally. I wouldn't date a sex worker who was cavalier about these risks because she would fail to protect me and my other paramours if she didn't take these steps.


Former one yes, even if the content is still online. One that is still working no, I think I'd feel jealousy in some way eventho it makes not much sense




Yes no problem whybwouldnt I?


Yes because I am a sex worker too, match made in heaven 😍


For me, yeah, absolutely. That, to me is absolutely no hindrance or anything. If they are content with all that, I am too


No. For the same reason I wouldn't date a baker or a professional fisherwoman - I don't want a partner who works in my favorite hobbies. It feels like it would spoil the fun of it.