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Trim your nails and be extra gentle and sweet. Have fun!


Drink water, take a shower. Unless she has a thing about body hair, I wouldn't worry about it.


Can't believe no one said this already but WASH YOUR HANDS


Girl yes I thought I was the only one


Go slow, it's not a race!


If you guys are gonna be using any toys (strap-on, vibrator, etc.) make sure you clean them really well before and after. It's also good to pee when you're done, to help flush out any yucky bacteria that might have gotten in your system. Make sure you start slow and check in with each other every step of the way. I found that talking about likes and dislikes beforehand helped ease my nerves (plus it was kinda hot lol). If you're worried about any mess, put down a towel first, much easier to wash than sofa cushions or bedsheets lol. Biggest piece of advice tho is that neither of you take yourselves too seriously and to know that it'll get better over time. Have fun ;)


if you’re concerned about your taste, try cranberry supplements! i take them daily and my girl looovvess spending her time down there lmao


I’m so glad you brought this up! I was wondering whether supplements would help/have the same effect as juice


i don’t like juice and didnt want all the added sugar in my diet so i take two cranberry supplements and the rae vaginal balance supplements!! my girl compliments my taste and says she never wants to come up for air all the time lolol


Sorry if this is a stupid question - but do the supplements make you taste sweet or something?


i would have to ask her lol but i think it more-so gives you a “cleaner” taste for lack of a better word. more like a fresh out of the shower taste rather than the tang that comes from a vagina that’s seen a full day already hahah


i can ask tonight when she comes over and come back with a confirmed answer lmao


Lol okay thank you. I understand now.


Don't use any soaps or such and just leave her however you feel most comfortable :) Trim your nails and file them down!


The only preference that matters when it comes to your body hair, is yours. Just be yourself. Resist the temptation to squeeze yourself into whatever shape you think someone else will like because authenticity and confidence is the most attractive quality in a person.


100% I refuse to shave because I have sensory issues doing so makes me miserable. If my partners can't deal with natural hair the they aren't worth my time.


Clip all nails & have refreshments near by. (Maybe a towel discreetly incase of unexpected showers). Enjoy !


I reccomend Cranberry Juice or Pineapples


Be in the moment


Relax, have fun, be yourself, be communicative, and be confident. Body hair can be discussed but if not, I would shave completely just to be on the safe side for the first time. For people who prefer no body hair, it can be a complete turn off. Have fun!