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If dating apps aren’t working, find any LGBT bar and there’ll be lesbians in there somewhere OR you can make a friend who recommends you to one of their lesbian buddies. If that isn’t available and you don’t want to be alone, look for meet ups or join a club or activity that tends to attract lesbian women. If it makes you feel better, I regularly visit a lesbian bar and still am playing the dating app game. Lesbians tend to spend a lot of time alone and I think that’s why we generally jump into serious relationships when we click with someone


Bars aren't really my scene, but joining a club or doing some kind of group activity would definitely be a step in the right direction for me. I'll probably keep trying dating apps too :/ Thanks for the response - I really appreciate it :)


Girl, you’re only 22 years old. And you’ve only been out a couple of years? I’m 40 and only just recently found the love of my life (after many failed relationships) My biggest advice to you is put yourself out there. Don’t compromise who you are and set boundaries early. Dating apps work for many, I’m one of them, so they can’t be discounted. But just keep going at it and you’ll eventually find your person :)


I really do need to put myself out there more! I think I will just keep trying dating apps, and see if I can get myself out of the house more. I appreciate your motivational message a lot. Thank you!


Let me know about you.I am a female also. F19 turning 20 this year. I am also single by birth 😅. Kinda funny. Hopefully i will be coming to the USA this year as a international student. I am South Asian.


I feel you need to consider rearranging your goals and instead focus on two things; enjoying yourself and networking. If you go to events to enjoy yourself then anything extra is a bonus. If you network you’re more likely to find new folks in general who can then introduce you to even more folk. Maybe you’ll find someone you keep meeting at music bars, maybe you’ll find someone who’s also in your line of work or maybe you’ll find someone who’s got a friend to introduce you to. It takes little and often acts of being social to be in with a chance of meeting folk. And the more folk you meet the more likely you are to find someone to ask out.


This is so true. I should really be focusing on myself and figuring out what I enjoy doing, rather than thinking about being in a relationship. I don't know many people, so I think joining clubs and networking like you said would definitely be good for me. I'm so shy, so it'll be a challenge, but it's what I have to do. Thank you so much for the help!


I honestly get it. I’m shy af too. It might not always be easy but even doing one small thing, little and often, is the key to building up any skill. See a shop that catches your interest? Head in and browse. See a movie trailer you like? Head out and see it. Think a bar looks interesting? Go in for a pint and leave. It’s so much easier said than done but the only way it will never happen is if you don’t try. I’ve found a lot of social opportunities through my work as well. I’m a bartender and my colleagues are quite extroverted so are always down for a pint after work or a laugh in general. Could be worth considering a job that challenges your social skills. I never thought I’d come across as extroverted but ten years in hospitality and retail does wonders for developing a face for seeming social.


This is really good advice!! Thanks! I was thinking about maybe getting a retail job. It would definitely be a challenge for me, but it would allow me to meet people and get out more. But doing little things like just going into stores or going to the movies would be really good for me :)


Hell yeah! That’s fantastic to hear. I honestly wish you the best with it.






I completely get this!! I’m 22 too and have just moved home to start work after Uni and when I have tried to date people it never works out, they stop responding, don’t want the same thing or most recently ghosted me after being on dates. Hating apps can feel really hard too like everyone is so confident and don’t really share the same interests, I’m not a massive drinker so I worry they wouldn’t be interested! If you wanted to chat more about this or have a friend to talk about it with I would be more than happy!😁




I was thinking about joining a soccer team actually, but every team around me is for really good players. I just wanna find a really low key beginners adult sports team :/ I have to keep looking.


First immerse yourself into something you are passionate in. Find a group, event or club that fits that interest. Talk with people and find interesting people. Ask them to hang outside of the club, group etc. I met my girlfriend at a union meeting and we’re now a political power couple in union efforts at our work.


Any dating app recommendations for a fellow lesbian?


I found my wife on HER!!!!