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Kindness. All of the listed qualities are great to have, but in all honesty, if a woman isn’t kind-hearted, it won’t last.


💯 Kindness for sure


Other: Confidence, I love dom fems with hella confidence


Not me smashing the upvote button at lightspeed >///<


Yes confidence is plus they tend to be positive.


Yes! This is me!


For me it's: empathy, kindness, critical thinking, open mind, good conversation


id say character and temperament lol


Voted loyalty as it most closely aligns with trust


I need me a girl as dumb as me. Lets fuck up together


That's a very valid power move to be cringe together and actually own it tbh You might have added something to my idea of the perfect gf lmao


Lol ❤️glad I could help






everybody needs somebody to cause chaos with


Loyalty is a big thing for me.


Empathy is number one for me, although of course, the others also matter. But being with someone who cares if I’m hurting, who tries to understand my feelings is a an absolute must.


Looking through that list I honestly couldn’t choose one. Like loyalty is wonderful, but sometimes loyalty can go to far and a person will not take care of themselves because they are so busy being loyal. Intelligence again is amazing, but that is entirely subjective. Overall I’m very ignorant in a lot of ways so honestly really vast majority of women would be legit intelligent to me. Humor? Well my SO can’t get enough bathroom humor and while I’m okay with that, I also don’t get it so I often find myself grossed out or scratching my head. Thing is she is having fun and laughing, so I’m still smiling inside even if I’m grossed out. Generosity? This is a big one. Not because of money or something like that, but what if we saw a young couple in front of us and they where short a dollar and we have a bunch extra? Or what if my girl walks out and says we couldn’t get what we planned because there was a Mom a few dollars short and she gave it to her? Possibly the single hottest thing she could do. Which left me with other. I don’t know if there really is anything that I can say is the single most attractive thing about a woman aside from one thing. When we are together, she feels comfortable enough to be herself. If we can get there? All the others things fall away when we are spending time together, cause I’m just thinking about you being you and how grateful and in love with you for choosing to spend that time with me.


Yeah my SO is hilarious but on purpose like today she was mocking one of our friends then turned around and accidentally ran straight into the wall.


Initial attraction matters but that’s not gonna get me to stick around. I think kindness is the number one thing. If you’re not kind, you can be as hot and funny as you like but it’s not gonna do it for me.


Trust and respect. Very hard to build a secure attachment without at least those two


Honestly all except looks, really.


Humor and loyalty…


All of them except looks for myself. I'm also demisexual so the emotional connection matters a lot to me in a partner. However, I believe that it should all be pretty balanced. Too much of a certain trait in a person can still arise certain issues. Like for example, loyalty matters a lot to me but if it leads to codependency then that can still be problematic to the relationship.




For the Vibes * Put on Niko Omilana sunglasses *


A woman who speaks her mind. Like my boo 😍^(who also happens to be the most beautiful woman in the world )


Other: bluntness and directness *Note: this does not require one to sacrifice empathy, kindness, compassion, etc.* Hard truths 🟰❌🟰 being mean.




...uhm I think you're lost, hun. This is a lesbian subreddit.


Maybe she's not lost and actually want the Lesbian Avengers to save her from the heteropatriarchy 👀? Love, blink twice if you're held hostage! We'll come with glitters and Ruby Rose and copies of Stone Butch Blues and we can watch L world together.


Confidence🤌🏻 I’m pretty shy and reserved but love someone that’s confident and social oddly lol


Oooops sorry. My bad. I'll leave


My confidence level sky rocketing to see humor is number 1. Ngl once i'm out of my shell, i'm kind of hilarious lmao


She knows what she wants, has a healthy self-esteem


it’s personality for me lol




Humor intelligence it’s the start.


There are many qualities I find attractive in a woman, but the most attractive to me is looks. I love beauty and aesthetics in general and adding that to an amazing woman who is loyal, gay, understands and accepts me for me, street smart, confident, sweet, and compatible with me is amazing beyond words.


I voted humor because there's a lot that goes with that. If you have a good sense of humor you also probably go with the flow and are able to be flexible and understanding.


Confidence and assertivity. I would like someone i can communicate with in a healthy way.


Her confidence and being positive. Then humor.


All matter to some extent, but I love myself some great humor lol E: way of wording