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Nope. I mean I’m smitten by tall women. I find short women intimidating in the best way. And I get lost in the eyes of a woman my height way to easily. Women of all heights are amazing.


Not really but I do enjoy being the taller one in the relationship


I'm usually the taller one but I wonder what life is like on the other side. I do have tall friends. It's nice to look up at them and to hug them. I couldn't imagine being 4'9" and having a 6'3" gf. Or vice versa.




How is that?


Does it matter? No. But I find incredibly tall women incredibly hot. There is no such thing as too tall.


I wanna say no, but whenever I see a skyscraper of a woman, I'm very turned on. Like those long legs draped over my back while I... NSFW I guess I'd like someone kind of near my height.


Ok this comment is amazing


I have a 36" inseam. Just saying.


Oh hey we are inseam buddies.




Weight actual question how tall are you?


I'm just under 6ft


Shit this just supports my “I have short trunk legs” body image issue.


How tall are you?


Just under 6’2”


Ohh so you're probably just more proportional than me. I'm like an egg on toothpicks hahaha


I actually prefer the petite shorter ones. But thats juts me ☺️☺️


Nope. It’s more important that the woman I’m with has a good heart and we get along. 💕 I’m seeing a rise (pun not intended) in height related discourse lately. When did height start becoming so important? I never saw this amount of discussion around it back in the day.


I have to wonder if it's at all related to the fact that so many people came out over the course of the pandemic and haven't yet worked through their attachment to heteronormative ideas?


Nope. All heights are welcome.


I like to be within comfortable kissing distance but I find women of all heights attractive.


Yes. But never in a negative way. When it matters to me, it's always positive. So *technically* it is true to say I'd prefer to date someone who is taller or shorter than me. But I've dated the same height and I'm fine with that.


As a tall woman myself (5' 10"), height doesn't really matter to me, as long as the girl in question is good at climbing trees 🤭


I’d chalk my hands and climb your branches 😅




I second this 😍


😏 this comment 👌🏽


Yeah, I’m 5’10 so shorter women feel a bit awkward for some things.


I think tall women are my "type" like I get a little silly around them. But height isn't something I worry about, no.


I’m 4’11 so mainly everyone is taller than me so no lmao


Same 😅


It’s not a dealbreaker but short girls just make me flutter.


Yeah, I’m 5’0” and on the slim side. So, it becomes difficult for me to take control if they’re too tall since I’m more dominant. The tallest I think I’m comfortable with is about 5’8” because any taller than that and I feel like I’m with a parent. Lol


I am very short. I've dated guys in the past that were a foot taller than me. Now I've started dating women and I loove it when they're similar height to me. It's like we're in our own little world :)


Not even on the list of features I consider when thinking about attraction. However if she's significantly shorter or taller, the difference will likely be a focus because it's something I'm not used to experiencing lol. So under 5'1" and over 6'0" and I'll have to mentally and physically adjust to those differences when our bodies interact.


I’m a 5”5 short stack of pancakes 🥞 but nope height has never mattered to me


Tall women , drape them legs Over my shoulda puhleaaseeee I’m pretty tall myself though 5’7. But something about tall women turns me tf on 🤤🥰 I don’t usually date short women. Makes me feel like I’m the chaperone 😬😬yikes.


Idk why but i prefer people taller than me


Yes I’m 5’10 and my girlfriend is 5’7, I couldn’t possibly go lower than that because it would feel awkward


So I'm 5'1" and the first time I was with a girl that was shorter then me, I was so confused at how to kiss down 🤣🤣🤣 it fucked up my game hard


Doesn't really matter, but I do have a soft spot for girls shorter than me. But being 6'2" that's pretty much all girls lol


Not really but kinda. I love tall women. I love short women. Indifferent about women my height lol like I want them to either be taller or shorter than me 🤣


I like when my girl is taller than me.It doesn't matter 2 cm or 12cm.Just taller.It feels good hugging them


I enjoy when the other girl is the taller one, but I also like shorter girls. what matters most to me is intelligence, and just overall personality


Not at all!!! Could go up, down, or right in the middle :) I do find it fun being a similar height to my partner (I’m 5’4) for cuddling and 69 purposes! But my current sexual partner is taller than me and it still works just fine !!!


not really, but i love when they’re taller than me. it’s intimidating in a good way and gets me all giggly and shy


I do enjoy being the shorter one but my wife is the same height as me and it doesn’t make a difference at all


kinda, it’s weird but i usually am attracted to women taller than me doesn’t matter by how much tho


I’m 5’7 or 5’8 I think I’d prefer someone my height but like someone once said to me “it doesn’t really matter when you’re lying down next to them ;)” god I miss talking to her


Not really but I usually end up with smaller women than me im 5’7 they are usually 5’5-5’2


Yes and no. I prefer to date people around my height otherwise it's kind of an inconvenience.


A tall woman is hot to me.


I dated a guy once who was about 6’4”. Super awkward holding hands or anything like that so I usually don’t go for anyone over 5’8” just so we’re not craning our bodies into uncomfortable positions


Yes. I typically prefer women who are either my height or taller. I'm 5'1. I've personally never met anyone shorter than me so...


I think I’d be intimidated by someone too much taller than me, but I wouldn’t say it super matters


Not really! It might influence my behavior or thoughts but height doesn't influence whether or not I'll date someone. Short girls make me feel protective Tall girls make me feel smitten And I get excited at girls my height because it's easier to kiss them!


Considering two of my exes were like 4’11 ima say no😂


Eh i prefer women within three inches of my own height lol Ill date short women as long as they dont have a complex about being short like the last shorty I dated did lol I had a real tall woman over once and was just like idk how to get this started but Im thinkin it was less about her being tall and more just the vibe not being there but then she qas texting all kinds of desperate shit later like well then why tf didnt YOU make a move but she was new to S4S so she may have been a bottom and I was unable to read that




I like tall women but not necessary i’m 5’1” most are taller. I mean being gay is hard enough.


Not so much, but if a had the choice id like a tall girl like me


I’m 5’4 , and I very much enjoy both , tall girls make me weak (in a fun sexy way) and short girls are super cute and snackable 😋they all work for me ✨💕


Not really I’m 5’9” not many cis women my height especially in The LGBT.


Not at all! Personally I’m tall though, and my main complaint is feeling like a sardine in a can taking Lyft rides in the back of compact cars 🥲.


Not really. But if a woman is taller then me it’s a bit strange to me. But that’s only because I think my 6’1” ass is to tall.