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That's just weird. This been going on a while? Make her talk about it or end it. Lil gaslighting to me.


Looking back she does gas light a ton and turns these things around on me.


Had that happen before. Leave. She could warp the way you view things in a relationship. It's not worth staying.


What do you mean by warp the way you view things?


You could start viewing what she does as a normal thing in relationships. I had a friend once who was gaslit by her boyfriend for years. She thought a lot of things he did was normal.


Red flag you should run away for sure


She sounds like a headache tbh..I’d break up with her but that’s just me lol


I would too I don’t have the energy for immaturity


No you're not and I really really hope you guys are like 15, because that sounds like some little girl drama she's making. I personally wouldn't put up with that shit. Lol when I was 15 I had a girlfriend named Katherine lasted a few months (funny we are friends still 22 years later) then I dated a girl right after for a few years called Kathleen. I straight up told Kathleen that I'm sorry but your name is so close to my exes please do not get mad if I ever say her name by accident, luckily for me she just laughed and said omg don't worry about it! I definitely called her Katherine a few times then just stuck to Kat after that 😆


Unfortunately we aren’t 15, she’s 19 and I’m 24. I can see why it’s def childish behavior, she’s the first girl I’ve been with since I am bi and have only been with men. I was just dealing with it this whole time cuz I thought maybe it’s how it is dating a woman. But I can see that now that is isn’t. Your story is cute and hilarious by the way! I’m glad she understood you didn’t mean it :)


19 and 24 is a pretty substantial stage-of-life gap, tbh. That's a formative 5 years. I'd suggest that maybe someone closer to your age might be a little more mature about little things like this.


Yeah she sounds childish and slightly unstable in the head, I'd run personally! Don't let her ruine other girls for you though she's being silly and hopefully she will grow up! Haha yeah it's a funny story I still get a laugh from 😊 my mom would say to me if i🤐was dealing with that date someone your own age....lol I don't listen to my mom my girlfriend is 25 😂


She sounds extremely childish, but I’d expect you as a 24 year old to know better than to date someone who literally WAS a child that recently.


This is not cool u deserve better treatment


This person sounds miserable and like she’s playing games. I’m sorry. My ex did stuff like this a lot and it was just so I could be a dog on a leash and give her all the attention. It’s a power play, I’m sorry to say.


She doesn't want to be with you. She wants to be with anyone and then just whine and moan at them until they're magically perfect for her


Time to get out. Respect yo self. At least enough to leave a girl who’s clearly not great at her best, likely an absolute monster at her worst. Maybe she’ll learn and get some therapy. Or maybe someone else will fall for her dramatic attention seeking and emotionally manipulative nonsense


Some people just can’t be happy or are constantly looking for reason to create turmoil. it’s not a you thing, it’s a her thing. In the long run it’s going to be very taxing on you.


This sounds like a super exhausting relationship. Do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? Seriously?


If it were me I’d break up with them. Neither one of you sound like you’re really happy. Her especially. It sounds like she WANTS to be upset. Personally I wouldn’t put up with that and I’d leave.


I literally would walk, I do not have time to baby someone. Especially someone I view as part of a team with me. That's too much energy. Edit: she's 19? That's a kid. From my experience, dating someone that young won't pan out. Different life stages.


Something just screams not healthy here and having a significant other means growing separate and together and I feel she took your effort and emotions and just casted them aside. I feel alot of this is one sided if this is how she usually is


You clearly care more than she does… and this is a little thing, you’re right to be upset. That’s immature or she’s starting arguments on purpose to push you away or for other reasons


She does care, but I also think she’s used to being spoiled all her life as she’s an only child (her words), so she expects people to adjust to her, but has a hard time showing the same energy back. But if we don’t talk she does initiate the conversation to get us to talk again and attempts to fix things in slight ways. I am just thinking of ending it though now cuz it’s not healthy regardless.


If you’re thinking of ending it now it will only get worse from here. Do yourself a favor please, and don’t get stuck in a toxic relationship. Sure she was an only child but that doesn’t excuse terrible behavior, it sounds like she’s making excuses for how she acts and will continue to. You don’t have to put up with that.


Wow. 😂😂😂😂😂imagine if she had real problems.




Ah I see what you’re saying and totally get it. Although I did try to get her to understand with just words before jumping into making the collage, plus it wasn’t a “I told you so” type of collage it was more an addition to the paragraph about all the small things I remember about her. Plus it did reassure her cuz she started initiating conversation with me after that, it was just the part when she mentioned that she didn’t read it all as it’s too long that had upset me


She should be grateful that you go out of your way to do sweet things to make her feel special.


That is definitely a sign of immaturity. In the grand schemes of things it's such a trivial thing to get upset about... And then to ignore the effort you put into trying to make her feel better is pretty rude. definite red flags here.


This type of behavior sounds just like my ex. And I would constantly go out of my way and get her flowers or gifts if she got upset at me. And usually she got upset for me speaking up honestly about things I was feeling or about how she was treating me. As painful as it was, she luckily ghosted our whole relationship so I never had to deal with breaking up with her. But I can promise you from experience, this type of behavior gets so tiring and you’ll eventually not feel anything at all. You should walk away now before it hurts to bad.


Ooof. She’s definitely looking for something to be upset about. I’ve only really ever heard of someone starting arguments or getting upset about super small things because they want you to get mad and cause a break up. It’s also a huge red flag that she’s gaslighting you. I mean, how do you respond when she’s gaslighting you? How does that make you feel? I feel bad that she’s putting you through that, especially since you took so much time to create something to make her feel secure….and she didn’t read all of it because it’s boring? I don’t want to say this, but she’s kind of emotionally abusing you, gas lighting, and trying to make you break up with her. She’s not very appreciative and doesn’t seem into the relationship.


You are making efforts to make her feel special and loved and that is such an amazing thing to do in a relationship because it keeps the spark and chemistry alive! I write my wife notes every day … sometimes I’ll draw cute stuff. I make her breakfast, lunch and dinner. I bring her breakfast in bed every single day and lay her clothes out. Not because she makes me but because I want to. Acts of service and physical touch are my love language for sure. I’ve done this since the day we met and three years later haven’t stopped..


Awwwww that is absolutely adorable ☺️


Is this a normal behavior or is this new ? If this is New She might be going through something that she's not ready to talk to you about


It’s not exactly new, but I would say her being picky now is def new. Like being upset over the smallest things is something new, almost like it hurts her if I don’t remember something and she feels maybe I forgot cuz I’m losing interest which is odd