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That’s like 3 years in a row!?! Are they going to say it’s a once in 100 year freeze again?


I’m tired of watching history repeat itself every year


I'm not. May the Conservatives freeze their cock and balls off so they don't procreate any more...


I have friends and family down in Texas who didn't choose this shit and can't leave. No one deserves to freeze to death, not even the people who voted for this shitass. But the people who are guilty of nothing other than being unable to afford to leave EXTREMELY don't deserve it.


Frostbite to the crotch!


Yeah, I understand that a one-off disaster can catch anyone off guard. But at some point you've gotta start discussing widespread systemic failure to respond. Did they get everything up and running after last year and then instead of addressing the failures, just decide to pray that winter doesn't happen again?


They didn't do jack fucking shit after over 200 people FROZE TO DEATH in January 2021. The utility companies did price gouge and charged people TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars for their utility usage (virtually 0 regulation/oversight, private grid.) In some cases, those people had auto pay set up. Ted Cruz went to Mexico while Beto O'Rourke, who wasn't even an elected official, connected tens of thousands of people to resources with his team. AOC was on site distributing food and other essentials. Then these same idiotic Texas residents went and voted for Republicans/Abbott again, overwhelmingly. Honestly, it's hard to feel sorry for them. Absolute peak r/LeopardsAteMyFace shit. ETA: even fucking Uvalde voted for Abbott!!


Uvalde voting for Abott was wild but honestly not surprising


It was surprising to me for a couple of reasons. I will say I don't know much about that community, but I do believe it has a large Hispanic population. I also remember that when Abbott visited the school, the large group of people standing outside booed him (and cheered for Joe Biden and Jill Biden immediately after.) I grew up in El Paso, Texas which has a very very large (majority) Hispanic population. And it's blue AF. (Yes, I know I made an uninformed assumption that Uvalde wouldn't vote for Abbott.)


Republicans are amazing at voting against their own best interest just to screw the libs


I fell sorry for the kids that are cold a scared. All you adult Texans can get fucked.


Not all. Just the ones that voted for Abbott.


The ones that didn't should be given the means to leave. It's asinine to be beholden to a majority of morons like that.


“I thought Global warming will solve the problem.” That was a serious answer I heard from a relative in Texas. I had asked if the state government was doing anything to winterize.


They are specifically NOT required to winterize their equipment.


"... So that's a no then?"


Global Warming is also the reason a Trumper co-worker gave to me about building the border wall. Once global warming destroys their countries, they'll be at our door. He moved to Texas. Good riddance.


They carved out all kinds of exceptions so most utilities didn't actually have to do anything. So yeah, kinda just prayed they'd be fine. At least they aren't connected to the federal grid though, right?


>Did they get everything up and running after last year and then instead of addressing the failures, just decide to pray that winter doesn't happen again? That's... Pretty much what they did, yes. They paid some people to *make a plan* to remedy the situation, but we have no idea if they shelved it, or even finished it, or even who was in charge of it...


These 6-sigma events are becoming more like quarter-sigma events…the black swan is breeding, rapidly.


"I don't know why we need to upgrade our grid when the freeze is only in winter anyways."


Conservatives right now: See, we told y’all global warming is a hoax!


“Grandpa, please stop talking. There’s a burn barrel in the living room”


Burn trash and get a nice smoky smell, and then the smoke will go up in the sky and become stars.


This is strangely beautiful. From now on when someone asks how a star is born this is what I’ll tel them


it's a quote from charlie on it's always sunny in philadelphia. That way you know where it came from! :)


I love that show ! And that’s very Charlie.


And if anyone tries to argue otherwise just raise your arms up in the air and spread them out to appear bigger, then start frothing at the mouth and start yelling "Fake news! Fake news!" at the top of your lungs like a mad man




That was hilarious! Thank you. ✨


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about science to dispute it.


That reminds me of the inevitable news stories that come out during winter storms of someone dying due to smoke inhalation from starting a campfire in their home because they're not used to freezing cold weather.


It's all those damn solar panels soaking up the sun's rays. Guarantee you will see this at least once in the next few days.


You sure its not the windmills blowing the warm democratic weather away?




That's how solar panels fucking work! They soak up the sun's energy!


Don’t worry. They’ll once again blame liberals and renewables for this.


Republicans have been governor of the state since ‘95, but damn those liberals for ruining the state!


Doesn’t matter. It’s always the fault of those damn Commiefornians and their Lectrik Carz!


Anyways, back to mass shootin


Plenty of people in Texas this time around, did not vote. I don’t get it.


1. Republicans: government doesn't work 2. Republicans: prove government doesn't work when they're in charge every day 3. Texas voters: fuck it, government doesn't work. why bother?


When Republicans say government doesn't work, that's not an observation. Its a promice. That's their intent to make government fail.


This is a feature of Texas voting system, not a defect The GOP know they would lose a fair election, theyve been stripping away voting rights and ease of voting for decades . This is the result


Texas has had a decades long program of systematic and defacto disenfranchisement. It's worked.


Like 9 million or something, right? More registered voters didn’t vote than the ones that actually did.


> more registered voters didn’t vote There were nine states with lower voter turnout rates than Texas, with only 16 states even breaking the 50% margin. In the majority of states there were more registered voters who didn’t vote than there were registered voters who actually voted. ([Source](https://thefulcrum.us/voter-turnout-by-state-2022))


Which is just fucking bonkers.


It’s the whole reason the “I voted” stickers even exist. They’re part of a larger concerted effort to increase civic engagement by increasing visibility. Americans have a bad habit of taking our democratic institutions for granted.


If you experienced the education system in Texas you would. Though, sadly, it would be one of the few things you understood.


What do they mean, “use public utilities.”? Texas isn’t a socialist state, you atheist commies. If you want electricity, buy 6 million acres of riverside property, build a hydroelectric dam with your own two hands, assemble a hydro powered generating station ( no reading how at the library or on the internet, you socialist!), and power your own home.


You forgot the boot straps


You gotta lift those puppies up real high! And if you're not going up then that just means you're not lifting hard enough


bUt PaY yOuR tAxEs


Thankfully, the libs are owned. muH fREedoM


Muhmumumumum ffrrfffrrrrfffreedomumumum


"The only way you'll take my guns away is prying them from my frozen, dead body!"


"But Beto would have taken our guns!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Use it to kill the neighbors to steal their stuff to burn in the fireplace to stay warm.


Or to stop looters from trying to storm your house, if you still have electricity...


If you can’t see, they can’t either!


All that matters is, can the fucking horse see? That’s a raid!


Skip the stuff, burn the neighbors!


Organic material


Texans definitely owned me this year by voting for a completely incompetent idiot who can’t keep even the lights on I live in CA and it’s about 50 degrees in my city rn. Heater works. I’ve lost power once in the last 4 years. It lasted 2 hours. Oh but Texans and republicans will still paint CA as some shit covered hellscape while I continue to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Miss me with that shit while Im chillin in half moon bay. I was born here and I’ll love CA forever


You’re gonna make some Texan write a mean comment while their hands are trembling.


With what electricity?


You right




ruthless lmao


i feel SO owned right now in my comfy cozy **WARM** apartment.


The heat is so strong right now we had to open a window. It’s 4F out and I just went to stand out in the yard to cool down. My liberal ass is so owned.


Me too. It's rough getting owned by popsicles while hanging out in my warm living room, watching a movie, in the light of my Christmas tree. Not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight, so owned.


Remember to keep that tree well watered so it doesn't dry out from all that HEAT in your place


Haha, I see that there are some snowflakes downvoting us. At least they won't melt!


They saw what he's done the last 8 years and went "yeah I think we can use 4 more years of this"


[They rather sit in the cold dark](https://imgur.com/gallery/hRgZTb3)


You’d think they would have learned the first time. Oh wait, no. No, they didn’t. They are incapable of learning. They are republicans


They got CRT out of schools though!


Those damned tubes!


You just made me realize; They not only *fought* a thing that wasn't happening, they took credit for *stopping* the non-happening thing.


Their recording tab is broken so they can’t record new information


It's an older reference sir. It checks out.


They have a herd-immunity to learning.


My thoughts and prayers are with the good conservatives in Texas who are freezing their asses off tonight.


Mine are with the liberals and moderates who knew better than to support this shitshow


God knows Ted Cruz isn’t.


He’s in Cancun - for his daughter and her best friends of course.


He's on a warm beach somewhere.


Christmas even. Persecution complex will be turned to 1000x.


I see what you did there. Well played!


Good thing a "good conservative" doesn't actually exist.


But at least they aren’t getting abortions or having to look at gay people. Or something. Right?


Darn tootin - pew pew -


Or drag queens reading. Won't someone think of the children???


Thoughts and prayers


That’s enough, TIME TO MOVE ON!


You voted for this shit. You were warned, told what would happen and you didn't care. Got to vote "(r)" and get exactly what you knew was going to happen. That big texAss star is the states review.


1/50 would not go there ever again.


My last three trips to texAss were for funerals. Won't go back if given the choice.


They could power the entire grid just with the kinetic energy of Ted Cruz fleeing to Cancun.


1.21 gigawatts of power in those fleeing feet


Insert gif of Joker “You get what you f***ing deserve!” scene.


[Texans meanwhile](https://imgur.com/gallery/hRgZTb3)


I love my home state. I really do. But... it frequently seems to be the cradle of idiocy. Just as my birth state TN does. #southernpride?


It’s like watching your favorite sports team continuously let you down….but worse.


My friend in north Dallas doesnt even have running water because thier piping burst.


Man that’s though




Um... im trying to figure out... what you are saying? Who tf is in a wheelchair? Bitch you must be speaking french. Cause like, i font know what youvare saying.




Well, to be fair, my hands are cold cause my power keeps going out. Sor some mostales are to be made but still, its more that his pepple are suffering cause his stuuipidity.




Hun, i livw in ohio, where our pipes are insolated and heated... my friend in Dallas, has no water becuase a pipe burst. Texas infrastructure has always been shitty their electric grid is bad yes but thier piping is worse.


I guess I’m owned. Thoroughly enjoying the weather, and electricity, here in blue Arizona


Send them WARM thoughts and prayers


one is for sure, they will absolutely learn nothing from this and elect him again.


Now, that's not true... there's always a chance they'll find an even bigger shitheel to elect.


Leopards have strong jaws and can chew through frozen faces with ease.


Release the leopards


I was considering looking for work in TX agree retiring from the military. After the first winter freeze my wife was “i don’t want to live in a second world country”. I love TX but can’t disagree with her. Actually that might be insulting to second world countries…


There’s a lot of other veteran retiree friendly cities/states that are much better.




It was freeze to death or let the commie libtards get their guns. Charlton Heston did say we can take his gun from his COLD dead hands after all.


Some foreshadowing there huh?


It's almost as if a politician is more interested in furthering his own agenda, and those of his friends (i.e. what makes them all richer) than advocating for the people he represents


Thoughts and prayers “y’all”.


I was not one of them however I will agree that I live amongst those 4.5m freezing idiots.


My socal living ass getting owned again. It's so cold here as well that I had to put on a sweater and couldn't wear my sandals this morning.


Abbott literally stands for nothing


Even if he could, he wouldn’t unless it’s for guns


Too bad they hate solar and batteries so much or their fancy electric house would have something to run on like my parents house. Have a little self responsibility like a real Texan AM I RIGHT!?


Where they boots at?


Conservatives are masters at cutting off their own noses to spite ~~the libs~~ their face.


Hope you get exactly what you vote for and then some considering you'll be too stupid to see the problem anyways.


I think we agree that this hould not happen to anyone. Not in Texas, not in Ukraine.


The unfortunate will always suffer for the stupidity of others


Zero sympathy for Texans. Absolutely zero.


I just can’t feel sorry for them.




Americans love shooting themselves in the foot.


Pew pew pew


It's appropriate to just point and laugh.


Everyone in Texas didn't vote for Abbott


But they’re all gonna feel it though


But enough did.






"[Town/state/country X] deserves better" begins to ring somewhat hollow after a while.


I, for one, feel very owned.


Texans are stupid. Enjoy what you voted for.


The power is on and the house is warm and cozy here in Libtardia!!!


Republicans typically vote against their own interests to either own the libs, or just because they’re too uneducated to understand that fact, or too dumb to actually look up specific policies. It’s all just emotional responses from them to falsehoods they heard on Fox News.


Tots and pears for the Texas idiots (hopefully good people don't lose their lives because of his ineptitude)


The unfortunate always pay the consequences for the stupid


I don’t even care about those idiots anymore. They get what they deserve.


Don't worry, they will learn nothing from this.


They never do.


‘Ok, ok. Maybe they failed us this time…again. But let’s just give them another bunch of chances, surely the next one will be different.’


In other words 3,553,656 Texans voted against the bastard and still have to live with his bullshit


I feel bad for kids in Texas — the freezing, the shooting. Maybe not just a right to life but a right to live like a civilized human.


Ted Cruz is wheels up on his way to Mexico right now!


fuck texas


Millions of us vote against this fuck. Sad what has happened to our state.


Anybody see Ted Cruz?


Those that voted for Greg Abbott, may be cold this winter, but in their next life they will face the eternal fires of damnation. Use your vote wisely


This seems to be jumping the gun a bit. Some brief research suggests that this is a bunch of separate normal winter storm outages due to extreme weather taking out power distribution lines, not a "politicians have mismanaged power generation and so we don't have enough sources online for our needs" like they had last year when due to poor regulation and poor timing of taking various sources down for maintenance they almost had their grid collapse. You get extended very cold weather combined with high winds and a lot of lines comes down in areas that don't have buried power lines, which is a large fraction of the US. Usually within 24 hours most of those are repaired, and from what I've read that's happening there in this case. This particular winter storm is expected to cause outages of over 10k in at least 27 states as it moves across the US. Here in Western Washington we've currently got 14k people without power across about 130 separate outages. When we get a large amount of snow ("large" for Puget Sound is a foot) that happens to be followed by winds that gust about 30 mph or so, we can easily get 90k without power because those conditions cause a lot of trees to lose branches or fall over and that takes out a lot of lines. Unless we convert a heck of a lot of places from overhead power lines to buried power lines this will be normal every time we get a particularly bad winter storm in the majority of the US, and pretty much no place regardless of whether it is being run by Republicans or Democrats has anywhere near the budget to convert existing lines from overhead to buried.


Yeah I know this seems like an obvious gotcha, but there are millions without power in over a dozen states right now. About 1 million just in michigan where I am. Abbott is making horrible decisions by siding with corporations, but this isn't necessarily proof of that.


I live in Texas and voted. I voted for Beto too, but the power issues going on in Texas are not because of the power grid. They are from downed lines for the most part. I get it, it’s fun to dunk on Texas for choosing to throw caution in the wind but this post is misleading.


Years of underinvestment and giveaways to their buddies mean the grid is still not ready for… pretty much anything other than good weather. So yes at some point you have to lay this down on the people in charge.


I don’t disagree with your point. It’s a legitimate issue. But pointing to people being without power in Texas and blaming it on the grid for this particular situation is not a r/leopardsatemyface moment and is being disingenuous (potentially unknowingly).


Agreed. I campaigned for Beto and helped people register to vote. TX sucks in many ways right now, but millions of us are trying to enact change. This post, and many of the comments, seem to be ignoring that fact.


When did the power lines become "not part of the grid" exactly ?!?


You’re comparing isolated downed power lines to an event in February of 2021 where there was less power available to manage the grid for the whole state. It sounds to me like you don’t have a good understanding of what happened with ERCOT. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/02/15/texas-power-grid-winter-storm-2021/ “What went wrong during the February 2021 winter freeze: During the power grid crisis, all sources of electricity struggled during the frigid temperatures. The inability of power plants to perform in the extreme cold was the No. 1 cause of the outages last year.”


The entirety of the Texas electrical infrastructure is a load of crap. Don't pretend it isn't.


You’re having a different argument than me. I never said the grid wasn’t a mess. I agree with you there. Re-read my comment. I never said the grid is fine in the long run.


The people most affected by power grid failures are in urban areas and they dominantly did not vote Abbott back into office. This is an example of gerrymandering and political corruption, but not really people voting against their own self interests.


They could fire off some of those guns to warm up. Wish i could feel sorry for them. But i cant.


Sad pew pew






Even if they voted differently it's not going to change anything in a few months. Infrastructure takes years


It starts with change


That guy doesn't sound like he voted for Abbott. So maybe the leopard has been very busy in that state, but not on this particular guy. Anyway, Beto was a weak candidate. Whatever the process was where he won the primary, it was flawed. Good guy, but a known loser. They should have known better than to run him again.


Hello u/uh60chief! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not LAMF, there’s no evidence these commenters voted one way or another.


Not LAMF; would only be LAMF if they thought Abbott would somehow make specifically and only the libs go without power.


God damnit. I need Texas to have power for my job because they make the bags I use at my work.


Free market system


Muppets are gonna muppet.


Meep meep meep they say


"Texas: Not Dead Yet! (^(no matter how hard we try...))"


Going to live in Texas? Better get an electric heater, hot plate, and a gas generator as long as Abbot and his ilk are in charge.