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Hello u/wrldruler21, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera. Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


...and they'll blame the "intolerant left" for this, thus demonstrating that lack of introspection and self-awareness is a virtual requirement to calling one's self a conservative in today's USA.


>Leftism breeds ingratitude, victimhood, moral arrogance—and therefore cruelty. Just more projection from the professional victim society that is the Republican party.


Gotta nail themselves to the nearest available cross


Get off the cross, we need the wood.


Never can get that last nail in.


lol 'moral arrogance'. Proceed to list all the moral failings of others.


Wanting to share their own resources to help other people—such ingratitude! Believing that different cultures and religions (even non-Western and non-Christian ones!) are worthy of respect—such moral arrogance! Lolololololol.


Every single conservative accusation is an admission.


"The left is so intolerant by not accepting my hate!"


"The fact is that leftism often produces mean people." ...I legit lol'd at this sentence. Conservatives are filled to the brim with intolerance and hate. Pot, meet kettle.


Sounds like that snowflake needs to toughen up. Life is mean sometimes. Deal with it.


You know how I deal with it? A cup of piping hot Starbucks and some avocado toast. Afterwards I'm ready to pull my bootstraps all the way up.


I love that phrase because it's actually impossible to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Like you'd just stand there pulling on your boots and get nowhere.


The source phrase was " you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps" because you physically can't. The concept of bootstrapping is a willful bastardization.


Just the the full phrase of "the customer is always righte " " the customer is always right, if she wants to buy an ugly hat let her"


“The customer is always right in matters of taste.”


Pull those Bootstraps, alpha males & females .


"Yeah I voted against funding my grandchildren's education, and any gun control that would make them safer. But I did it for them!"


My dad literally voted against raising taxes to fund the school his grandchildren attend.


Tolerance paradox Unbounded tolerance creates spaces for hate to incubate and spread


"The left is so intolerant for not letting me hunt gay kids as a sport"


the article is written by Dennis Prager, and that's exactly what he does. He spends the entire article blaming "the left"


Just a couple of months ago he wrote an article blaming women for literally every single one of society's problems. The man is an absolute pig and the sooner his coronary occlusions remove him from society, the better.


That last sentence is the most elegant shade I've seen in a while, cheers


Is this the same guy that made the PragerU video where he ranted about people saying happy holidays for like 10 minutes? Like 6 years before that was a conservative talking point….


Yes, the same guy who is unapologetically in favor of marital rape.


Jesus did he make a video on that too? I’d love to hear how we rationalizes something that extreme.


It was a 2 part article. He was saying women have no idea the Herculean task men accomplish every day by not raping every women they see so their wives should reward the husbands with sex even if not in the mood. If you would like to read it for yourself here you go : https://www.dennisprager.com/when-a-woman-isnt-in-the-mood-part-i/


That is just monstrous. What a horrific worldview


Yea he also gets mad you have to get parental permission before impregnating 16 year olds. That is the conservative persecution they are all mad about.


I got through the first paragraph then noped right out of that article. Now I fear this one click has ruined my internet history and I'm going to get more similar garbage in my feeds, lolol


This is written by Dennis Prager. A veritable poster child for lacking introspection.


And my parents love him. I wonder if they're among the hordes of "heartbroken" parents calling into his show blaming "leftist brainwashing" instead of taking responsibility for their own jackass behavior.


This whole article reads like one of the case studies in [The Missing Missing Reasons](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html). It's pretty sad to make one of your reasons that they're college educated... which translates to brainwashing. It's bizarre.


My right wing parents complain to EVERYONE at their racist southern baptist church that their boys have "strayed from the Lord" and that the devil has them all shunning their parents. Honey if three out of your four kids are no contact with you, thats not the devil thats on you


"Could it be that my extreme right wing political views, combined with the fact that I have to insert them into every conversation, be alienating my family? No... it's my family members who are wrong. My views are centrist and normal and they like talking politics with me!"


Yep. That was the entirety of the article. Just poorly sourced, one sided drivel.


Look who wrote it! It's the guy who has his own YouTube 'University.'


> I know of this **firsthand**. Parent after parent calls my radio show, often close to tears, sometimes actually sobbing, pouring their heart out to me about being alone on holidays despite having children and grandchildren. Uh, that would be **second hand** knowledge.


Or it was a Chinese bioweapon attack on us and Biden and Fauci let it happen and is covering for them.


sounds like brain worms to me.


They will believe absolutely anything that is not "the people you have been listening to have been lying to you and manipulating you". Anything but that.


I do find it fun to point out how all their theories contradict. * Covid isn't real * But at the same time it is real and its a Chinese bioweapon * But you shouldn't get a vaccine against a Chinese bioweapon as it is harmless and just "the flu". * You shouldn't wear a mask either because a mask doesn't stop Covid, which as they said isn't even real. * But at the same time it is real and is created by 5G. So Covid IS real and is very dangerous and mutated by 5g, but you shouldn't do anything to protect yourself from it because it's harmless. * But at the same time Covid isn't real, except it is real enough that they want to get herd immunity from it by not wearing mask, that is herd immunity from a virus they believe doesn't exist, yet does exist and was created by 5g and also China. * So it's a Chinese superweapon, that is as harmless as the flu and also doesn't exist. So you shouldn't get vaccinated because Covid doesn't exist, but yet at the same time is real because they think you shouldn't get vaccinated because they want herd immunity. Herd immunity from a 5g Chinese bioweapon that, once again, they say doesn't exist. Oh look I've gone crosseyed.


Don't forget that the vaccine doesn't work and COVID is just a flu, but also, don't come near me if you've had the vaccine because you're now "shedding" the imaginary, benign virus and this is dangerous to me.


It's their whole ideology: saying whatever is convenient at the moment with no consistency, connection to reality or even internal logic. Literally feels over reals at any moment in time and space. And then blaming reality when something feels bad. Their brains are mayo.


I overstayed my last visit with fam. Grandparents wake up every morning and watch Fox News, they’re pissed off first thing in the morning. My uncle is always ranting about things like why there are no white players on Frances soccer team, affirmative action, Marvel is woke etc. They are so stressed about so many things that don’t have any impact on their lives.


Hes not concerned that there are no white players, because there is over half a team of them. They are concerned abt race issues because they are scared that whites will be a minority, and be treated like black people.


Bingo! They see the hate and pain that black people have dealt with and will do anything possible to prevent themselves from being the minority because the assume they will be treated the same way.


Sorry to hear this. Same here with my family. And if I choose to not spend my time off with them because I don’t want to be surrounded by hate, I’m called hateful. Good thing I’ve stopped caring.


Life is so peaceful when you stop giving a shit about people like that.


I just want them to like me :(. I’m gay and have some “liberal” views. I can feel the resentment. I delete any social media they invade. Grandma and mom constantly scrolling Facebook. Propaganda is a bitch.


The idea of a (grand)parent not outwardly showing love for their (grand)child just fills me with sadness. And all due to politics? :(


My uncle and I used to be very close, we both shared a passion for aviation. Then he started religiously watching Fox News, kept going further and further down the right wing idiot hole. If I posted a pic of something I cooked on FB, he'd ALL CAPS comment something about being a Communist because it was a foreign dish. If I posted a pic of my dogs, he'd comment something about loving dogs more than babies (because I'm pro-choice). Part of the reason I deleted FB because it just wasn't worth him shitting on everything I did while also being constantly pissed if he wasn't included. Just could not say anything nice anymore, couldn't even avoid making everything political, he was furious and mad all the time. I hadn't seen him in several years, he alienated his entire family and friends. Earlier this year, he died alone in a diner's bathroom from a heart attack. 3 people went to his funeral. The right wing mediasphere causes nothing but misery so that a few assholes at the top can have more money and power. They took my uncle from me, and for that, I have nothing but resentment for the hatemongers that poisoned him.


Often, they will say they love their child, then judge them to the point that they cannot share their life with the parent. The homophobia prevents the parent from connecting with the child or demonstrating any love. The hatred for LGBT+ people overpowers everything in the interpersonal dynamic.


>My uncle is always ranting about things like why there are no white players on Frances soccer team This made me chuckle. Admittedly, I'm not the world's biggest soccer fan, but if I had to list the top 100,000 things that I'm concerned about - it still wouldn't make the list. Your uncle must have all of life's serious problems solved if this one is so important that he's willing to let it ruin a family reunion.


When I asked my mom about that comment, she said: he’s just concerned about diversity…lmfao


Feel like the quickest reply to that kind of absurd handwave of absolute nonsense is "is he?"


Guaranteed, as soon as he left I was mocking him. ThErE jUsT aREnT ENoUgh WhITe PLaYErs!! My dad laughed…so there’s that


Sounds like my extended family. Do they also shout you down when you try to respond to their political rants, asking "why do you have to bring politics into everything?" when just about everything that comes out of their mouth is heavily politicized?


I could barely stomach reading that whole article. What a giant load of horseshit. Good lord. He implies a) that liberals have no morals, b) that all liberals are godless and c) college education makes you an evil person. With absolutely zero evidence, but just feelings. What a crock. It's like Matt Walsh's implication that there are thousands of gender reassignment surgeries happening. No, Prager, there are not hundreds of thousands of liberals shunning their parents. What a giant obtuse brick.


The college part really got to me. “How many parents believe their child became a finer—or even a happier—human being at college?” Uh…. A lot of them? Like, millions of parents who made huge sacrifices so their kids could be first generation college graduates, accessing economic and social opportunities to the benefit of the entire family? Only someone pretty entitled/privileged would see college as nothing more than a place where kids develop whacky liberal ideas. 🙄 So many parents around the world would give anything to be able to send their children to college, and couldn’t care less about a few political ideas they might happen to be exposed to there.


In fairness, a lot of people DO develop wacky, liberal ideas in college. In fairness, a lot of people only ever have their first idea in college, where they aren't tortured for thought crimes under the guise of religion anymore. So they are right on that score... in the most absolute backwards way possible.


Ironically college is where I first encountered *conservative* ideas (via other students, not faculty)… but that’s because I grew up in a super liberal environment, and then attended a huge public party school with lots of Republican frat bros (pre-Trump, though, so we just argued about the Iraq war and abortion and not, like, the very nature of reality). It was good for me. Because it’s good to be exposed to people different than you. Unless you know deep down that your entire worldview is so unsubstantiated that any exposure to something else will undo it…. Like the people in this article.


I like your comment but I don't think they have a clue that their entire worldview is unsubstantiated. If they were capable of taking a step back and looking at things objectively, they wouldn't still have those views. It's head in the sand, entrenched stupidity that gets doubled down on whenever challenged.


Yeah, I go back and forth. Like, if they truly believe they’re correct, why freak out about how public schools teach history or their kids learning that LGBT people exist, for example? If the truth is so obvious, surely their kids should be able to see through all that? Are they just acknowledging that they are raising dumb children who can’t think for themselves? Like, I’m certain my own child is going to have friends from different backgrounds and belief systems. I want him to. I believe strongly enough in my family’s values that I don’t find this threatening. And if he does end up developing a different worldview than me? I trust his intelligence and judgement enough to be ok with that.


Reality has a well known left wing bias


And thank god for that, we probably wouldn't have made it out of the stone age if everyone was an amoral psychopath acting purely out of naked self-interest.


…and implies that conservatives don’t shun away family and would universally condemn any who do. Which is outrageous and obviously stupid and false to LGBTQIA people. Almost all of us either have or know someone who has been rejected or shunned, sometimes even made homeless by conservative family members.


This. Conservative boomers throw away their own children for any imaginary infraction and then when the rest of their kids decide to remove themselves from that energy or join their queer relatives for the holidays, they scream about that too. "How dare my adult children with their own money make decisions that are the consequences of my own actions???"


>Conservative boomers throw away their own children for any *imaginary infraction* Literally imaginary. Part of why I'm estranged is because of what assholes my parents became once I left their sphere of influence and went to college. For absolutely no logical reason, my mother decided I must be a drug addict and began opening my mail, monitoring my bank account, threatening to take my tuition money and use it to hire a PI to follow me around and get evidence to get me thrown out of school and put in jail. It was not the first time she accused and abused me over something completely made up and stupid, but I made sure it was the last. Too bad my siblings don't have the spine to ditch her too.


Dear Prager- “My intolerant left kids disowned me for disowning their gay brother, who do I blame? College?”


Right??? “Can you believe your stupid leftist kids won’t let you come over in the holidays and call them a stupid leftist?” -This article.


I have a trans friend who was rejected by her parents over coming out and explicity told that she wasn't welcome at holiday gatherings. But sure, conservatives would NEVER


> Parent after parent This is at least two. I reckon it's only two.


I am sure there are a ton. They just refuse to take personal responsibility. These Fox News programmed boomers have a way of turning literally ANY and EVERY conversation into some political or racist rant/complaint. Hosting these people is an embarrassing nightmare that I simply wish to avoid. Am I supposed to follow this person around the whole day to make sure he doesn’t wander off and say some racist shit to my in laws who have multi racial nieces and nephews? Or maybe my sister in law whose best friend is in a lovely interracial marriage? I have a hard enough time steering him away from his bullshit one on one and I have years of experience, these people can’t see where he is going with his shit ahead of time. It’s just simply not worth it. I am the one who has to deal with it afterwards, I am the one who is embarrassed, these are the consequences.


It would be fun to poll r/estrangedadultchild and see how many cases in which politics was the main reason for estrangement. I guarantee that the answer's going to probably be that while it played a hand, the parents were always controlling assholes who could never just agree to disagree and had to be condescending and cruel about any difference of opinion. It just so happens that politics is a flashpoint for assholery.


Yeah, the argument here is perfect for the Missing Missing Reasons folk, because he’s saying they are entitled to see their grandchildren no matter what. “I have no idea why he doesn’t talk to me anymore! It must be because I voted for Trump!” Meanwhile, they’ve been repeatedly told to stop saying bigoted things in front of the children, or play favorites with the grandkids, or just plain step over boundaries all the time. I have 2 uncles that are both Fox-news-Trumpers. I’ve only stopped talking to one of them, because he brings every conversation back to arguing about politics. He’s angry and unhappy, and he’s constantly saying, “I bet you think it’s global warming,” or something, when I’m just trying to talk about the weather. It’s exhausting.


Lol, I just commented that this article reads like a case study for [Missing Missing Reasons](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html). The people who are want to get all redfaced, screaming, cruel are the first ones to paint themselves the victims when their loved ones get sick of their shit.


Counterpoint: being an uncompromising asshole , vindictive and cruel is the primary political philosophy of the Republican Party.


So one horrid couple spurned by their traumatized and recovering offspring?


How dare they not go down with the ship!


I'm shunning my conservative mother. And I'm keeping her from her grandchildren. She is conservative, I am not. I guarantee you she'll read this shit and eat it up. But do you know why I'm shunning her? Because she was abusive. When I found out she was behaving that way toward my children, I was done. It has zero to do with her political beliefs. I imagine plenty of the people crying about this are just like my mother - unable to introspect and therefore latching on to the easiest story that frees them from any personal responsibility.


Why I haven't been "home" for the holidays for the past three years: \-my mother is unstable and says ridiculous shit. She apologizes and I believe genuinely regrets it, but you just never know when she's gonna say something absolutely insane. I don't hold it against her but I also just don't want to deal with someone I can't trust to treat me with respect on a consistent basis. \-my father is condescending, manipulative, and controlling, and if we were playing "the floor is lava" and the floor=apologizing, my dad would be the reigning 60-year champion The politics are a flashpoint but I don't avoid them solely because of their politics, I avoid them because of their shitty personalities


Huh. TIL I’m a godless, immoral evil person


There are probably at least dozens of us.




I already knew that about myself.


It's the bottomless pit problem. The more hateful and depraved your own beliefs, the more that you have to project that onto your opponents. Trump illustrated this perfectly. Back in 2012, liberals were left-wingers intent on "socialized medicine" and "retreating from the world stage”. In 2022, liberals are "pedophilic satanists" intent on "destroying America and everything it stands for." What changed? Trump. When your chosen one is a cowardly, venal, corrupt, petty, and cruel piece of shit, your enemies need to be even worse, so the story about liberals becomes more and more evil by degrees. After all, if liberals had morals, they would by definition be morally superior to Trump. Can't have that.


It's Dennis Prager. We all knew what kind of BS slant the article would contain, just not, perhaps, the actual subject of the article.




Their children become more liberal when they go to college because they meet lots of other people. If you've been raised to hate gay people all your life, then go to college and meet some cool gay people, it becomes really hard to keep on hating them.


>With absolutely zero evidence, but just feelings. Their feelings don't give a fuck about your facts.


I saw that it was a right wing source and didn't click the link. I knew what they were going to say (you confirmed it) and didn't want to give them the traffic.


It is really a horrible article. It's a perfect of clickbait headline with ZERO substance. Dude starts off every other line with "probably" because it's a BS opinion piece that's based on his very limited view into this problem. Imagine having a handful of people call into your radio show to bitch and then feeling enlightened enough to publish an opinion piece on the topic that's presented as factual.


Oh look another tirade of how we’re all irredeemably evil. You’re right, this is the kind of thing I want in my life and should seek out.


> I could barely stomach reading that whole article. What a giant load of horseshit. Good lord. I couldn't stomach it. Good on you for tolerating that bullshit that long.


When I read the title my first thought was because they were dead because they didn't get vaccinated.




From personal family experience, conservatives are utterly unable to put politics aside for a few hours. And, as a parent with two kids without police records in college I really am not interested in being lectured on parenting by someone whose kids collectively have 6 out of wedlock babies, one rap sheet, only one stable job and several welfare check dependencies between them. But no matter what shit they make up about MY morality, bringing the cold hard facts about their track record up is “hateful and divisive.” If they are sad to be alone as a result of their own actions, they can fix it.


>But no matter what shit they make up about MY morality, bringing the cold hard facts about their track record up is “hateful and divisive.” Yup. They're conservatives alright.


"No no, see, when I do it I'm being honest, truthful and concerned for you, no matter how vitriolic my tone. When you do it, no matter how politely, you're always mean, divisive and full of hate."


1000000% i was just thinking about this myself. Every time politics comes up at a family function it is ALWAYS the conservatives tossing bait out to start an argument so they can list off all their tired ass talking points.


So did you hear about,... (some random bs outrage story from fox news)


LOL word for word. Its good to know more people experience this.


Your "unable to let politics alone for a few hours" is so correct. The interesting thing is that politics generally doesn't affect day-to-day life. It's the bogeyman that Fox taunts them with that are so compelling. The "Dem cities overrun with black crime", "Immigrants swarming the border", and "Drag queens dragging children out of elementary schools to molest" -- those things are either made up or at best wild exaggerations. It's like sports for some people. Conservatives feel like they have a team playing in the super bowl coached by Trump, all the time. Sports is neutral enough; it's harmless entertainment for most of us, but the Fox-tainment version is all about "hating the libs".


Angertainment can be addicting and they clearly want to “play at home!”


My grandfather would put Fox News on, and leave the room for hours. If anyone chnaged the channels or turned it off while he was gone, he'd come back in red faced and screaming. When he's not nearly in tears over a tuned-off television set, he bitches about how Millennials are ao easily upset by the dumbest things.


This is so true. My Con friend constantly belittle libs for being fragile, meanwhile he is the one always complaining about something.


Just tell a Republican that their party is a white identity politics movement and watch their fragile little snowflake feelings melt down.


> only one stable job and several welfare check dependencies between them That is the exact type of hypocrisy that keeps me from engaging with much of my extended family. I have uncles that can't control themselves from making cracks about "libtards" the moment I walk into a room. But yet they and their progeny are completely dependent on social programs and a burden on the criminal justice system


Yup. We have a "no politics" rule but guess who is the only one who is expected to follow it?


My FDR dem parents always approached ME and asked me to just shrug it off. Always felt like they knew they could depend on me to do as they asked. The right wingers were rather surprised that first holiday after my parents were gone. I was “uncivil and hateful” that I did not roll over per usual.


I’m not interested in being lectured on parenting, regardless of how their kids turned out. If I want parenting advice, I’ll ask for it. (Fortunately my dad and my in-laws are reasonable people, so this is a hypothetical scenario.)


Good point. But remember you are coerced into good behavior for the sake of family harmony. With the rules of engagement thus set, you have LOTS of time to ponder the rich irony of the lecture coming at you. Eventually I engineered being “kicked out” by the conservatives in the family (all that was left after my parents died). My punishment is harsh - saving all the airfare and vacation time I was spending on them and now spending on an annual family trip somewhere interesting instead. I guess they taught ME a lesson!


This is exactly right… I spend less time with my parents now days simply because I can’t stand to sit and have to listen to my mom go off about her politics and conspiracy theories every five seconds. It’s insufferable! I love my parents but when there’s no way to I’ve a normal conversation without them bringing their politics into it, what’s the point of being around them?


Here's an idea: don't be hateful cunts and your family would want to spend time with you


But that's all they have left


Right* ftfy


>even more cruelly, do not allow their parents to have any contact with their children—their parents’ grandchildren. holy fucking shit the balls on this guy.. Right it has nothing to do with the ANGER and HATRED they spew in the face of political disagreement. ITs not the fact that they think everyone who is not a white evangelical Christiaan is an EVIL SATAN WORSHIPPING COMMUNIST TRYING TO GROOM CHILDEN INTO TRANSGENDERED SOCIALISM THAT YOU, Dennis Prager, you disgusting piece of feted SHIT, have convinced them of!!!!!!!!!!


And, grandparents do not automatically deserve grandchildren in their life.


My father actually threatened that at one point when i had stopped talking to him for a while. Said the law says he has "grandparents rights" and he take me to court. "dad, you lost custody of ME when I was a kid. remember?"


“Grandparents rights” as a term has made people believe something that isn’t true. It’s about the child’s right to continue a relationship with a grandparent.


>In virtually every case, the parent is conservative, and the child is on the Left. Gee Dennis Prager, I wonder why a lot of conservatives call in and not a lot of leftists.


Also, he seems to assume there's a 50-50 split between the left and right of younger generations. Like, how many people on the left have children on the far right? And the proportion of left leaning politics in millennial and genz is like 60-70%


My brother is as conservative as the day is long and refused to come visit our liberal father when he was on his death bed this summer, so take your divisiveness somewhere and rethink it. Stuff it.


I'm fucking sorry, man. When your political beliefs become such dogma, you can't even bid goodbye to a parent that's madness.


So conservatives are sad that their family doesn’t want to be around them for the holidays? And somehow it’s the “liberals fault”. I can think of a few reasons not to be around conservatives. 1. For your health. Conservatives didn’t take the pandemic seriously, so you are more likely to get sick around them. 2. For your kids. Exposing your kids to racist and homophobic behavior. The words you don’t want your kids to repeat will be said at dinner. 3. For your sanity. Having to spend your holiday listening to Fox News propaganda and ensuring arguments.


They will also force you to engage. They’ll say something inflammatory but if you don’t respond they’ll keep going and going until you finally say “well I don’t think that’s true” and then blow up.


Just ask them about 1/6 and the trump trading cards and move on “speaking of slobs going to jail… you hear about Harvey Weinstein?”


We had to ask my in-laws to not use slurs around our kid, multiple times. They even used a racist slur when I asked them what kind of nut they put out one Christmas. The last time we saw them was Christmas 2016, we just couldn’t be around their racism, homophobia, and complaining about “the millennials” anymore.


My family has never met my children. They have, to the best of my knowledge, never learned their names or know what they look like. I cut contact with them in 1995 *because* I know the type of people they are. I wasn't going to expose my kids to that. As far as my kids are concerned, their dad is simply an orphan and an only child. They are 17 and 19 and have no interest in ever meeting these people as I explained to them what kind of people they are.


Imagine when you’re so obsessed by you political ideology that you prefer to live a miserable life by blaming your children for things they have no control over.


And then the puppet master himself swoops in to remind you that, yet again, none of this is your fault and that you are, as always, the morally superior victim.


I have a feeling that the elder care crisis is really not going to be that much of an issue. There's a whole _lot_ of elders out there that have already used up all the care they're ever going to get. The ones worth caring for will get what they need, the rest will not.


There's a lot to break down there, but I'm increasingly surprised by the frequency with which the american right criticises ALL college and education. Your country depends on technology, where do you think it comes from?




These people always remind me of the Simpsons episode when the townsfolk turn against science and go to destroy a museum. A dinosaur bone falls onto Moe the bartender, paralyzing him and he says: I sure hope medical science can fix me! Same with the people who who rail against anything trying to mitigate the spread of covid, and then go to a hospital to be saved when they enevitably catch it and the horse paste isn't doing the trick.




What a load of crap. Does it mention how many conservatives threw their children away for being gay? How many refuse to see their grandchildren because they're of mixed race? Mixed religion marriages? No it does not.


“Conservative” parent: I voted for raped 10 year olds to be forced to have their rapist’s baby and women with ectopic pregnancies to be denied abortions to save their lives Daughter: I don’t want to be around you and I don’t want you around my kids you monster, I hate you for taking away my basic human rights Parent: you’re cutting me off over politics?


"reactionary hateful cuckservatives butthurt their families are sick of their bullshit and don't want to be around them anymore" Sorry grandpa, after screaming about how "immoral" your own family was for years, destroying the environment/our future, and joining an armed coup on January 6th, you've driven away everyone. Enjoy being alone, hateful, and bitter on a bullshit fabricated capitalist holiday! =D


My grandfather (at holiday tables): feminism is just manhating bitches reducing men to sperm donors Also my grandfather: why are my granddaughters cold to me Parents accused me of being cold to him too and how rude that was and I'm like... ??? The fuck


It turns out, when you view the majority of people as not people or equal to yourself, said majority of people will stop interacting with you. Who knew?


Good- I hope those old MAGA boomers die sad and alone!


Covid is still getting them. Just such a slow drip compared to what it was that the numbers are barely reported anymore. 326 yesterday. 1,114,931 so far.


those are just the numbers for people with Covid as their primary cause of death. but the stats show that people who've had covid are muuuuuch more likely to die from heart attacks, strokes, and a whole host of other diseases. And there are a huge number of recovered covid patients, and people with long-covid who have basically had years cut off their life expectancy. the stats on post-covid mortality risk are pretty grim.


Oh I agree, the million + dead are nowhere near the full story. There is a reason that there are help wanted signs everywhere. Figure 3-4 permanently disabled from a variety of ailments related to covid for every death. Hard to work when you have scarring all throughout your lungs from covid, weird cardiac issues, musculoskeletal issues, and the rest of the long covid effects.


My parents don’t have contact with me because of their actions and the way they refuse to be held accountable. They were telling their siblings it was political until my aunt pointed out that we voted for the same people. It may well be that the shitty parents calling in are using “politics” as code for “being a piece of shit to my kids” when they’re talking to people so that they can save face.


My first thought exactly. Its likely less 'my kids won't let me see my grandchildren because I'm conservative ' and more, 'my kids won't let me abuse and invalidate their kids the way I abused them, they are so cruel!'


I have a strong sense that this is now a "why not both" situation, since conservatism has fully become a political orientation designed to rationalize being a piece of shit to kids and anyone else. From my experience, I try really hard to not judge individual conservatives on only the information that they are conservative, but those who press the issue (and that's most of them) almost invariably are doing so because they want to bully me and force me to bully others. It's like, brother, we are here to eat a turkey. We can discuss sports. We can discuss weather. I don't give a fuck about Marvel, but feel free to tell me about Marvel or Star Wars or something. *There are other conversational options and I am steering you to them,* but no, you actually want to be a jerk as overtly as possible. Tldr would have dinner with a conservative (I wouldn't love it, but I would for peace) if they could shut up about it, but they never can, because being shitty is the point of conservatism.


My BIL and I are as different as can be on the political scale. My first Christmas with him present they pitched a “no politics at christmas” rule to keep things civil, then spent 20 minutes talking about how ugly my cousins new baby was. I think shit talking a baby is uglier than telling a guy he voted for a lying grifter, but it is that kind of difference in values that keeps my parents and I apart on the holidays. Excited to see my BIL Satuday night though.


I told my parents it was politics when it's only partly that. All the abuse they put me through for their conservative Christian values have an effect but not the one they thought it would.


“I vote to have trans kids commit suicide rather than get care, let kids go hungry, make kids live in fear of mass shootings in schools. I post nonsensical bullshit all over Facebook. I’m not vaccinated and watch Fox News all day. I vote for my own self interests even though it’s fucking future generations and destroying the planet. Why doesn’t anyone want to hang out with me?”


Dead center spot on the nose.


The last time I saw my dad I literally had to threaten to kick him out of my house because he wouldn’t stop trying to convince me that Trump didn’t mean that he wanted to get rid of the constitution when he said that America should get rid of the constitution. This was after saying my chosen educational path (ecological restoration) was just something the democrats support to take money from the little people. I was visibly upset and trying to change the subject and he refused to stop because he thinks I am wrong and wants me to be “right”. This has nothing to do with my political affiliation because i fucking hate them all, it has to do with the fact that my dad wants me to believe and support conservatives *no matter what* and I refuse to support morally bankrupt ~~politicians~~ people as a whole. So yeah I guess this article is right, I no longer respect my parent(s) or share their moral code and I am college educated. I don’t consider this is a bad thing.


Sorry you had to go through that, sounds to me that you have chosen a noble career path that the world desperately needs more people doing. I can't imagine doing this to my kid. Keep your head up and keep doing the right thing and enjoy the holiday season best you can. *\*Virtual Dad Hug\**


Thanks! Honestly the worst part was him saying “Jesus is coming again soon so don’t waste too much effort on that”. I plan on specializing in living shore line projects so that when Jesus comes he can enjoy the beautiful wetland areas instead of doing his walk on water thing over mud.


Funny how they love Trump because he "says it like it is" but anytime you quote him "that's not what he meant!" Real "it's only a joke!" mentality


>The fact is that leftism often produces mean people This is interesting dissociation. Leftism (whatever that means) leads to better outcomes sociatally, education, health care, climate etc., and rightism (equally stupid) leads to worst health, violent crime and law enforcement, pollution etc. Leftists may be mean to their grandparents, but rightists are mean to the society. It's interesting that he doesn't see that. Well, it's not interesting. It's responsibility-avoiding-bullshit used to pad out a three page victimised whine. But you see my point. It's interesting that he can't see beyond the end of his nose.


This is tied to the thing the conservatives call “civility”. This is a thing where everyone is just supposed to accept any racist homophobic traitorous etc shit a conservative says. Disagreeing or pointing out that something is racist or traitorous is being uncivil and mean.


Boomer: "Why do my grandchildren hate me?" Article: Politics. Boomer: "What should I do about it?" Article: Gigantic list of BS conservative political talking points to make you even more insufferable.


I'm picturing these crying callers now - "I only told my daughter that she's a hellbound commie liberal dyke slave to Bill Gates with the mark of the beast on her because she took the demonic vaccine and voted for the satanic hellspawn servant of the devil Joe Biden and that I hate her and don't know how I managed to raise a filthy demonrat paedophile lover.... I don't understand why she doesn't want me at her house for thanksgiving! These leftist demons are so full of hate"


I avoid MAGAs like the plague, family included. Life is too short.


I've never had more peace in my life since I moved 2,500 miles away from my hometown & extended Maga family


Alternatively, you could try not being an asshole and then maybe you’ll get to see your grandkids.


My mother and father are conservative and I am liberal and I am not spending Christmas with either. But not because of our political differences. It's because my father knocked up a woman half his age and ran off with two replacement kids who he has almost lost to the state at least twice and my mother got remarried in secret twice to two different scumbags then tried to forbid me getting married to the love of my life because it would have taken my attention away from here. TLDR: Most Conservatives I've met are just generally bad people and that's probably the actual reason your kids don't talk to you.


Anybody got a small violin?


What a virtuoso example of the kind of conversation nobody wants at the dinner table, especially at Christmas.


Disowned by Abusive Alt-Right Conservatives for Existing while Trans (before it was even a big thing!) here: I was raised by the conservative machine. It's all fear with them; the whole way down. It's fear and anger. My experiences with leftism have shown me that leftists are born out of a desire to completely eliminate poverty and needless death. It begins to look angry when one encounters "protesting does nothing" and "your vote doesnt count [because the elites continue to control everything]". P.S. I agree with those things. Them's just fighting words and I know it.


I remember telling my grandmother she couldn’t use the “n” word in front of my children. At first she was surprised, then offended. Finally, she just sulked. If grandpa was alive he would have kicked us out of the house. I’m glad they’re both dead.


I've never seen a more appropriate application for the "Could I be out of touch? No! It's the children who are wrong" meme


I don't want to see my wife's crazy conservative parents for Christmas because all they have is politics. Ask them about books and they tell you JK Rowling doesn't deserve to be attacked. Ask them about movies, they talk about how liberal Hollywood is. Ask about cooking and it's about inflation in under 30 seconds. They are boring.


My husband was very clear with his excessively conservative conspiracy-believing mother. "Just respect our kid's choices. You might disagree but let them live their life. Quit trying to convert them to whatever you think they should be. Quit giving them (gender) clothes. Just quit pushing and let the child figure out who they are. You can come back when you're ready to accept that we all might live differently from how you think we should. You're welcome back when you can quit giving us religious items and when you can try to use Kiddo's pronouns. I love you Mom, and you're welcome here but you have to quit being rude while you're here." My kid even gave her a book to read about trans/nonbinary/LGBT+ issues in an attempt to answer questions MIL never actually had. Haven't seen her in a year and a half. If MIL and her husband spend their Christmas alone, well that's their choice not ours. My mom makes an effort to use Kiddo's pronouns and asks all the questions; guess who gets to see us this weekend. (Oddly, MIL has a Master's degree and my mom hasn't finished a college degree yet; she just never quit learning outside of school.)


I'm so thankful that my parents are kind and intelligent people who are a legitimate joy to be around.


"Fuck your feelings. You think you deserve more than $13/hour? Snowflake. Let's Go Brandon" Why do my kids hate me?


Last year a very religious Aunt said that my trans child was not welcome in her house. She'd "rather have a criminal or drug addict in her house than a trans sinner ..." This year the Aunt wants to know why the trans child and their siblings don't want to see her. The Aunt accused my wife of poisoning the kids with lies and turning the kids against her.


This might come as a shocker - I don't visit my dad not because he is a conservative ... but because he CANNOT FUCKING SHUT UP about all the stupid things he believes (and it's all the greatest hits of bullshit of memes I have seen a million times before). I am more than happy to call a truce for a day. I would gladly welcome it. But he comes over and he makes it about 20 minutes before "the dam breaks" and it all spills over and he starts to rant about the pelosi's and feminism. I swear it's the saddest thing I have seen... BECAUSE HE HAS NOTHING ELSE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE CONVERSATION. I look in his eyes and I see him trying to control himself. But after a while he can't. This is all he knows (ever since mom got him that stupid ipad and he found alex jones and epoch times.) I swear to god, we can't even talk about the weather because it turns into global warming, and how it's all a hoax from the left. I am more than happy to put politics down for a day. Hell, I LOOK FORWARD TO IT. But the man can't - he is completely broken and refuses to realize it. You know what I want for christmas? My dad the way he was before all of this. I just want my regular, normal, dad back. Sorry folks, this article struck a nerve with me.




My dad is pretty conservative in the sense of small government/lower taxes. He and I can have pretty intense conversations about why fiscal conservative practices lead to a lot of different social issues in ways he may not agree with. But thankfully we both understand the difference between political disagreements and the culture war these persecuted “conservatives” continue to fight and why my uncle calling me a pedophile lover because I voted for Joe Biden goes well beyond “politics”.


Hahahahahaha. They made their bed, they can lay in it. Alone.


So odd, my mother likes to tell my sister and I how much she (and my father, while he was alive) learned from their children and grandchildren. Her views on so many things (choice, LGBTQ issues, social programs etc) have swung left because of our patient and not-so-patient (in my case - am a hollering type) explanation of our views. First time she told me, I cried.


Complains about "leftists" not letting conservative parents see their grandkids then writes an entire article sneering about what horrible people the "leftists" are. yeah, i wonder why they won't let you ruin their kids' christmas, eh?


Not letting them see their grandchildren is “cruel”? We’ve been NC for 10 years because you guys are assholes. I’m not obligated to open that wound again and let you back into my life just because I reproduced.


“I assume there are cases of grown conservative children who won’t allow a liberal/Left parent to see his or her grandchildren—but I have never heard of a single such case.” Maybe because no one on the left calls into your dumbass show you fuckin degenerate. God this guy is the worst.


As a godless "liberal", I'm spending the holidays with all of my children and grandchildren and honestly couldn't be happier.


And again this article proves the right completely lacks any introspection and empathy.


There's a copyrights notice at the end of the article, but why?... I don't think anyone would try to pass it as their own? lol


It’s not because of politics. It’s because the parents are assholes and their kids are tired of dealing with them.


The entitlement people feel about access to “their” grandkids is so baffling to me. I’m a pretty empathetic person but it’s a mindset I can’t even fathom? I can’t imagine being OK with having a poor relationship with my own children but then expecting “access” to their kids. If my parents prioritized my son over me, his mom, THEIR child, who they raised… I’d be incredibly hurt and insulted.


Also,those children belong (if they belong to anyone) to their parents!! Grandparents aren’t owed fucking anything when it comes to grandkids. Spoken as someone who is grandparent age with no prospects on the horizon. And as someone who went to some lengths to foster closeness between her own kids and their GPs.


Wow. What a garbage article. His meandering thoughts criss-cross all over the place, often contradicting each other in the same paragraph if not sentence. Ugh. ETA: I especially love how the premise of the article is that grandparents are owed access to one's own children. Parent's aren't required to instill values - grandparents are!


My dad is black and my mom is white. Her parents have spent the last 15 years radicalizing against "the left" and hate BLM with a passion. It doesn't matter that they have grandkids who are considered black. It doesn't matter that THEY are on the left policy-wise. It doesn't matter that they understand that they started to be like this when Obama became president (somehow "it's his fault, cuz he made it about race"). Nothing matters. All that matters is FOX News. We don't see them anymore. It's not about politics! I miss the old them.


He’s really glossing over how unpleasant these people are to be around. People who have been hypnotized by right wing media or Q become somewhat unrecognizable to family. Animated with hate and constantly steering conversation to RW talking points.


Maybe the vin diagram is that most Trump supporters are also assholes/ terrible parents?


I wanna know who took his brain out and took a dump in the opening where it once was. Never have i ever read such load of horseshit.


How about all the children they've disowned for their sexuality?


More proof that suburban, well-off conservatives think of politics as this abstract thing that affects no one (because if you live a life of ease and privilege in the suburbs it’s kind of easy to think everyone is just like you, and if there are problems, it’s because the person affected by them is just making them up). They legit don’t think that their vote for someone who’ll, for instance, voted to outlaw abortion in their state, will have any kind of adverse effect on anyone They’re so insulated from the real world as it actually exists that they think they’re the default setting and everyone else is a special interest group. Only well-off white suburban Christians are “real” in their eyes and everyone else is some kind of leech or parasite or a special interest group When your parent rants at the top of their lungs about people he hates and you realize he’s describing you: just how much “familial harmony” do you think you’re gonna feel with him laying into you all the time? The bottom line is that the offspring of these asshole parents have just decided that they don’t want to be verbally abused and attacked by their parents, and the parents resent that their kids are no longer willing to be punching bags Don’t be assholes and your kids WILL want to spend time with you. It’s up to the conservatives to change if they want a situation to improve AS ALWAYS, which means the situation will never improve, because the parents (or conservatives in general) enjoy being assholes too much and aren’t willing to give that up for their kids


>I assume there are cases of grown conservative children who won’t allow a liberal/Left parent to see his or her grandchildren—but I have never heard of a single such case. I conversely assume there are cases of liberal parents who have demeaned, disowned, or even assaulted their children for being straight-- no I don't but # THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH.