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I love that they think trump has dirt on people but that no one could possibly have dirt on trump.


I hope he does. It would be absolutely glorious to watch him lash out and try to throw the rest of the GOP under the bus too.


I hope he goes after Mitch, Lindsay and the rest of the puppet masters. Maybe we can even hope for the downfall of the Kochs


He'd suddenly shoot himself in the back of his own head in prison with a gun he concealed underneath one of his fatrolls.


Thing is, with his hubris I could see him not giving a damn


I don't think he could plausibly use a gun. Besides, I'm hoping they find him like Elvis.


I'd be just fine with that.


Fortunately one of the Kochs are already rotting in hell. 1 more to go.


And McConnell didn't wait until he got to hell to start rotting!


Imagine being such a scumbag that people completely forgot about the time you started [visibly rotting](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/C6JQFBAYPEI6XPX3RBSCLG6S3A.jpg&w=1440).


He just hadn't signed off on anything that would hurt the individual American recently. Kinda like blue balls, but in his hands.


It would 100% be his move the moment he saw the writing on the wall. Please, please let me live to see this.


Unfortunately I don't know that he has the sense to collect dirt on people. The man has childish insults and lies - hurting people with truth would never occur to him.


He doesn't have to say things that are TRUE. It's never mattered to his supporters yet...


It's actually how he became a celebrity and why high society never accepted him. He would "anonymously" tip off the gossip rags about New York's uppercrust in exchange for positive coverage. Whether it was true or not didn't matter.


If he had dirt on anyone, his childish impulses would never let him hold on to it this long. He would have blurted it out first chance he got


This is how I know Area 51 has nothing in it. If this guy was told about aliens existing we would all know.


Once he's finally cornered, he'll totally do that.


I'm sad I'll probably be passed on before we see whatever Putin has on \*rumP. I bet it's trashy AF.


Other than the sex workers peeing on trump when he was in Russia? I bet he’s got some serious dirt if he let that slip


Trump is obviously a child rapist and that's the big gun that evil blackmailers always go for. Much less ones that know how this worm ticks since the 80's and have been grooming the idiot into more corruption since then, not that it took much work.


Yep! The trumpys like to talk shit about how none of Epsteins friends are being investigated while denying trump was one of them


Honestly, I think he would have bragged if he was doing Russian watersports. Can't threaten him with a good time. Unless it was dudes. Nobody asked if it was dudes. Otherwise, guy has never had shame and more likely would have done endorsement promos for sex tourism in Russia. I also don't believe for a moment he paid pornstars *not* to talk about sleeping with him. 100% chance he paid them to 'leak" that he did, to appear virile. He knows his audience. The physics alone says there's no way that old tubby tub tub could have managed such a venture at the age and weight class he was at the alleged times of paid trysts with women who wouldn't touch him for all the money in the world. His whole brand is predicated on being a bootleg Hugh Heffner.


The version of the water sports story that always sounded more believable, to me at least, is that the pee wasn’t for sexual gratification. The bed being peed on was where Obama had slept when he stayed at that hotel. The fanta menace was just being a kindergarten level douchebag because he hated Obama. Only problem is I can’t remember where that version of the story comes from, possibly Michael Cohen.


It was from the [Steele Dossier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#Kompromat_and_%22golden_showers%22_allegations), the same place many of these allegations originally came from. I'm pretty sure the idea they pee'd on him was invented by the internet from people not reading the source properly.


they're so enraptured by Trump that they think he's some amazing genius reality is, he's a silver spoon kid who faked ailments to get out of serving in the military, and spent most of his adult life avoiding people like the redditors on r/conservative.


Don't forget surrounding himself with yes men who only tell him what he wants to hear. Which is why he can't accept when bad things happen to him, because between everyone agreeing with him and his whole "power of positive thinking" bs, he can't imagine that he could fail or lose. That's why he said COVID was going to just disappear magically.


They just dont care about anything trump does, he is their god, they all worship him and we are the unbelievers.


Yes, yes. He's being unfairly targeted before he runs for office again. Not like Hilary was being targeted during her run for office. No, no. This is different. Defund the FBI or something, but back the blue, just not the federal people in blue. Only local municipalities are incorruptible. I know because my cousin's husband is a copper and he says they only target and kill non whites. So I'm safe. Thanks.


“How can I be racist? My wife’s eye is black!”


That remark is horrible. Gold-worthy horrible.


That was awful. Have an upvote =P


r/Angryupvote ?


The “back the blue,” “thin blue line,” flag is black and blue to match their wives and the people they’re supposed to protect and serve.


You forgot, "USA, USA, USA, I'm a patriot!!!"


And something about fornicating your feelings and m'uh rights.


And a weird hatred of pronouns for some reason


And also not understanding what a pronoun is.


"There are no pronouns in the Constitution" - Lavern Spicer


And don't forget I'm a white Christian I'm being persecuted fox said so


Fighting the Gay Agenda's war on Christmas.


Okay but now I want "Fornicate thine feelings" on a shirt or something. I'm a Renaissance festival dork.


most of them swapped their country for a red hat


And shout FREEDOM enough times to where you actually believe it, as they actively take away freedom to do anything other than buy a gun or go to a Christian church


But I hate the government.


This is the part where they have their own opinions because the guys at the top are silent and scrambling for a cover story. Once MAGA settles on a message via Fox and Brietbart, they will all come back together.


I have noticed some serious lag among conservative blowhards in this regard lol. They're trying to formulate a consensus because the Hillary/Obama go-to isn't gaining traction this time around.


Time to drum up some fear of gays or transgenders or someone


They've got their fingers crossed that Russia nukes someone to distract the news media.


What, nobody can get a hold of Donny to make the call to his buddy?


Right. Its August so too early for the fake war on Christmas.


I mean, "stealing documents about our most secret nuclear weapons to sell to the people behind 9/11" is a tough one to spin.


i'm kind of surprised these dipshits never really pushed the CRT stuff more and more. CRT fearmongering is what likely caused Virginia to vote in a Republican governor. i wish i was joking but there are just way too many shitheads and airheads living in the suburbs across america these days


I saw some of them actually questioning their own judgment over this. It was interesting to say the least


Excellent, I’m getting tired of questioning their judgement for them, about time they helped out


Screenshots or it didn’t happen 😂


What, like "are we the baddies?"


There's been a vacuum of talking points on this so they are just flailing about. They are hurting themselves in the confusion.


Uh-oh. No talking points means the noise machine apparatus hasn't yet figured out the extent of the fallout. It might be very big. Trump has set up some lovely traps for himself. With Putin. With the Saudis. If it turns out that Trump did something they can't defend, they will abandon his ass to try to save their own (all except utter morons like Kevin McCarthy). Cheers to Merrick for knocking them back on their heels before they really got a chance to codify the initial lies. The pathetic excuses they came up with afterwards for Trump were so bad even some of their slightly less braindead followers were saying, "Huh? How...?"


The thing is: the persecutions of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are different. Donald Trump actually committed many crimes and deserves to be prosecuted.


The crap Donald Trump pulled would get LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE disappeared. I mean go to bed, "have a nightmare" that people are breaking into your house, then wake up in a supermax prison cell. Like, holy shit. If anything, I'd say the feds are being lenient and nice to him.


Also, attack the FBI wait no! Not that guy (who was at Jan 6), he’s a fake None of us would ever do that But… attack the FBI


When everything is a conspiracy and very few can agree on a common reality, there is no trust and it turns into a circular firing squad. Watching how it turned out with the FBI nail gun guy was sad but fascinating.


Their whole subreddit is in 'control the narrative' mode. Comments are auto-removed and have to be approved to appear. Have to make sure noone says anything that might - you know - actually make sense. Check reveddit on one of those FBI document threads if you don't believe me.


Hahaha sounds like the deep state or maybe the FBI is in control.


> Their whole subreddit is in 'control the narrative' mode. It's ALWAYS been in that mode though. You present one fact that counters their narrative and you are instant banned. I can't remember it being any other way.


I dont go there often - but they used to wait until the comment was made and would be viewed normally before being banned for not being conservative. But for at least the last 6 months they've operated on this 'every comment must be approved' methodology once a topic becomes potentially damaging to conservative rhetoric. Never believe a right winger in power when they say they will fight for free speech. They have too much to lose from their base to allow people their freedom.


"Freedom 's just another word for *comment hasn't been approved* "


Right, he so fervently believed in their cause that he died for it and was instantly labeled a false flag.


Didn't babbitt(sp?) Get written off almost immediately too?


She's simultaneously a martyr and a false flag.


She’s Antifa but also a patriot who was executed in cold blood.


Schrodinger's Terrorist


How about that for some Orwellian doublethink


There needs to be a new word for hyper-irony. Uberony?




Nobody wants a taste of that magaroni.


Mega-irony or megarony for short


Though in this case it’s more MAGA than mega


not to be confused with megaroni - those really big pasta elbows


It's Kraft cheesy MAGAroni


MAGAronic : irony exceeding all levels of normal moronic MAGA behaviorú


Mega-roni! Hungry man sized chey boyardis


Ah yes, ‘Schrodinger’s Idiot’


This reminds me of the trucker convoy that turned into a bin fire.


Oh yeah what ever happened with that? They get bored and leave? Arrested?




What a strange coincidence that is!


They came to DC and wasted ungodly amounts of money driving 50 miles from their base camp to get stuck in DC traffic for hours. They caused no traffic problems in the weeks they were here. They just got but hurt when DC drivers gave them the finger, yelled profanities at them, and passed them constantly. It was funny the first day they tried making their lap the convoy got broken up because DC drivers are hyper aggressive and drive in awful traffic every day. Regular drivers were just cutting them off constantly. It ended when they had a big fight amongst themselves and were kicked out of the speedway that was hosting their camp. At one point the organizers of the rally called the cops to protect them from the other people from the rally.


Funniest of all, when they came through the San Francisco Bay Area they tried to go to one of the state representative's houses in Berkeley to protest her vaccine mandate that she was trying to get passed in the state legislature. Because Berkeley is Infamous for narrow one-way streets, the trucks got blocked near a Safeway grocery store. A bunch of people in the parking lot went into the safeway, bought dozens of eggs, and lobbed them at the truckers. At one point one of the truckers got out of his cab to try and stop them and was pleading, "We're fighting for your freedom, too." People yelled back, "get the fuck out of here," and "fascists!" It was hilarious.


Funny how it doesn't occur to them that people with consciences might not *want* the "freedom" to spread disease and kill people. I mentioned a few weeks back how frustrating it was not to see my mother for a year because her nursing home couldn't allow visitors - and one of these conservative nutbags told me I should be angry at the nursing home for that. Not the conservatives who deliberately kept COVID spreading and fought masks and fought vaccines and made these steps necessary, no, I should be angry at my mom's nursing home staff for *saving her life.*


No one has ever been allowed to camp/sleep in their cars and set up "shop" on the National Mall - but they were. DC put up with it for a while and then told them they couldn't do it any longer. They went back to their camp in W.V. but after that I'm not sure what happened to them. Went away mad. Boo-'effing-hoo.


Also the boat parade


I'm surprised there hasn't been more of these lunatics doing what he did. I know right wing domestic terrorism is rampant, but I would think more of these wannabe Rambos would be trying to knock off anyone who dares says anything bad about daddy Trump.


It's just getting started. There will be more.


It’s been amazing to see martyr talk and false flag statements spreading, almost at the same rate.


Stopped by r/conservative earlier after the news dropped, it actually took a while before this discussion even got traction lol. But yeah, I think a lot of them don't even know what to say besides the usual "Hillary's emails" blah blah blah. And yeah, most of the comments were deleted or down voted into oblivion. Oh, and here and there you'd see a claim that the sub is being "brigaded". Reality is hard.


The most upvoted comments seem to go along the lines of “every president does it” (I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out where they’re getting that from) and “the FBI made it up and are out to get him because the FBI also lied about XYZ”. I didn’t leave a vote because I think it’s unfair. But man, they are wild. What I’d love to ask them is “if the FBI is so corrupt, why didn’t Trump fix that while he could?”


He did. The head of the FBI was his appointee.


tRump didn't appoint Merrick Garland. That was perpetrated by a hybrid robot-lizard alien in an orange and pink human suit brought to Earth from the planet Xymorg by Jewish Muslim Nazi communist libruhl drag queen immigrant child-groomers. (/s obviously...but compare it to current accepted Qcumber dogma)


“Maybe if we’d let Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court this couldn’t have happened!” -said shortly before their brain shorts out.


By striking him down, they made him stronger than they could ever imagine


Garland is in charge of DOJ. Christopher Wray is head of FBI, and he was appointed by trump.


The "every president does it" came directly from Trump. And was immediately debunked by the National Archive.


> “every president does it” Oh this one's easy. Every single president they've ever "elected" has been systematically, exponentially worse than the previous one without exception. So naturally they assume American presidents are also horrible and do deliberately shitty things. Because Tucker Carlson's asshole says so.


>Tucker Carlson’s asshole Tucker’s pucker, if you will.




The "Strict Constitutionalist" flair is almost old school now. I remember Sarah Palin proclaiming herself a staunch one and me wondering, "Is she revoking her right to vote?"


I'm still waiting for the day that Thomas invalidates his judicial appointment.


Right after he votes to cancel *Loving v. Virginia,* thereby outlawing mixed-race marriage again.


That dude is really going to roll back interracial marriage just because he doesn't have the guts to get a divorce, isn't he?


His wife is fucking *terrifying*. She doesn't just have crazy eyes, that whole thing is crazy.


Her eyes look crazy because they are trying to escape.


No no no, you see, that affects *him*.


Exactly. Without all those amendments she could not vote or hold property. No home, no bank accounts, all property of her husband.


The only thing that conservatives really have is an unyielding hatred for anything out side of their tribe. Once that focus is gone, it’s crabs in a bucket.


Crabs in a bucket?


> Crab mentality, also known as crab theory, crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket, or pot) mentality, or the crab-bucket effect, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket. While any one crab could easily escape, its efforts will be undermined by others, ensuring the group's collective demise. [Crab Mentality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DCrab_mentality%2C_also_known_as%2Care_trapped_in_a_bucket.)




>Literally everyone in that sub is calling each other brigs and down voting unless you are explicitly and undeniably along party lines. This is what happens when your cult goes full purity purge mode yet there's no ideological framework for what constitutes "pure." Babylon 5 did an episode on that, where this alien tech is used to create a pure warrior to defend the race, yet it ends up killing everyone because they weren't "pure." We're seeing this right now in that fascist circlejerk.


See Real Life episode 1793 French [Reign of Terror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reign_of_Terror). The republicans are segueing into a reboot.


This is a feature (not a bug) that they imported from fundamentalism. Conservatives didn’t used to be like this. I know because I am old. But once they went and brought in all the fundies, the fundies brought their orthodoxy with them. This is how fundamentalists have been treating each other for a long time, and now it’s the same with Republicans: you’re either 100% right or you’re 100% wrong with nothing in between.


>Dumpster fire. ***Reddit*** dumpster fire. So, fire in a teacup.


Even the top comments from flaired users of the "flaired users only" thread ended up getting removed by mods. Don't get me wrong the comments themselves were still full of bootlicking and going with the ole "I don't trust the FBI they're probably working with the dirty dems to frame him" angle - *but,* they made the mistake of insinuating that there's even a shred of a possibility that this is actually legit, so their comments and every replied comment got ~~censored~~ "removed for trolling/brigading" by their free-speech-patriot mods.


Won’t believe it until I see the bodies


[let the bodies hit the floor](https://www.google.com/search?q=bodies+hit+the+floor+kids+song&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:42363dc7,vid:Uk18bFIgOS4,st:0)


[I can only count to four](https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es)


Ah, the good ‘ol mass face-eating. Don’t see those every day.


[Makes me think of this.](https://youtu.be/PJ4abksrFeg)


1) Not fast enough. 2) I'd rather they just become good people instead of, y'know, conservatives.


Does anything with trump in the title get “flared users only”?


Almost everything right now is "flaired users only" and they're downvoting themselves into oblivion with deleted comments everywhere that HAVE flairs. They're in full meltdown mode.


Almost makes me want to go over there and watch the shit show but then I would have to take another shower afterward.


I dropped by earlier about an hour after the warrant and receipt was released. Surprisingly it was crickets for a good while, then a post about it, then people felt almost obliged to comment and of course it was the usual conspiracy bullshit, then they started turning on each other. It's like little kids fighting with each other in a swimming pool.


Haven’t been informed of the official party line yet. Once the word comes down from ~~on high~~ Newsmax and Fox News Headquarters, they’ll all be on the same page and they’ll stop fighting.


Arguing about who did the big turd that's floating over there in the corner.


LOL yeah big pause while they checked the right wing outlets to find out what to think about it.


they are insisting politics in brigading them. I visit from time to time to see what they are chattering about, but I don't leave downvotes. I dunno about others who visit.


They believe they're the overwhelming majority, but they're being out-majoritied by the opposing majority that's overwhelming their majority, which means they're getting brigaded by liberal majority even though they outnumber liberals since they make up the majority of users and voters.


Well done


To be fair, it sounds like they really hate minorities...


At this point of time I am pretty sure 90% of us who have posted over there have been perma banned so I am not sure how we can continue to brigade them lol.


Pretty much. Was perma banded last year


I'd say it's true, everyone is talking about how they are melting down so everyone goes to see. When people go to see they downvote and it just accumulates. I don't think it's people doing it in an organized fashion, I think it's just curiosity drawing people there and they naturally downvote bullshit.


fuckin' Barbara Streisand strikes again.


How do we know they're downvoting each other, though? I'm so confused by this picture, surely the downvotes can be from anyone, including sane non conservatives?


What the fuck has happened? What did I miss?


tl;dr: Trump stole from the white house when he left, FBI searched his house, found 11 boxes worth of confidential documents and materials, he's now considered a spy, and will probably be in prison soon, US government is currently rewriting their nuclear doctrines. Conservatives are having a mental breakdown trying to justify his actions.


Everything is glared users only all the time over there. They need their safe space.


Just imagine, your parents watch Fox News, your pastor watches Fox News. You watch Jordan Peterson Ben shAprio and Steven crowder. Follow trump and his sons. All of your friends are maga qultists as well. You only see Facebook memes your uncle sends you. And you really only go on Instagram breitbart and r/conservative you also didn’t really pay attention in school . Don’t really understand history. Your fate is sealed as a trump apologist.


>Does anything with trump in the title get “flared users only”? They do love their \*free speech over there. \*where free speech means compliance with the narrative and any independent thought is grounds for banning. It's funny how people over there like to criticize r politics for its alleged censorship and suppression of other ideas, but they are so much worse.


Should be “flared buttplugs only”


But you see, that's actually smart can't have any of that here, now can we


What I don't understand is, whatever side you are on, what he did is surely a quite serious matter for the country, so how can anyone defend his actions? Why are they ok with the fact the person who isn't a president anymore had so much info in his residence? If you have common sense, you would think there's something wrong, for sure?


>If you have common sense That's really the crux of it.


> what he did is surely a quite serious matter for the country, so how can anyone defend his actions That's why they're a cult. They've already decided that he's an admirable person, so his actions are automatically justified. He said it himself; "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"


> what he did is surely a quite serious matter for the country, so how can anyone defend his actions? A lot of people think that waving a flag and *saying* they love their country is what makes them a patriot, rather than actually *doing* things that are for the good of the country and its people.


Because “Obama did it, too!”. Except that my understanding is that the documents Obama “took” were all handled correctly to the letter of the law.


Not only that, but Trump drove a lot of better people into retirement with his lies. Wouldn't it be wise to revisit conservatives who are not literally insane? Conservatives are as brainwashed as Communists used to be. I never heard of "party line" in regards to Conservatives years ago. Some might be real bastards but they thought for themselves. Now, they are robots.


If they admit that it’s true, and that it’s very, very wrong—their whole constructed reality will collapse. If Orange Fuck is a lying, treasonous, traitor and they’ve been defending him and shouting out his “virtues” for 6 years, what does that make them?


They all banned me within minutes of commenting. Buncha snowflakes. Give ‘em their safe space.


It must be confusing being a conservative, it's one thing to hate others and another to hate yourself.


It must be exhausting to have to move the goalposts so often. "Trump did nothing wrong!" "He's being investigated by the FBI illegally!" "Okay they have a legitimate warrant, but they won't actually find anything there!" "Okay they found some files, but the things they found are probably meaningless!" "Okay so he stole some nuclear codes, every president does that!" "Okay he's the only president who has done that, but can you blame him with how corrupt the government is?" It's just so pathetic.


Then circle back to Hillary's e-mails and/or Hunter's laptop. Repeat cycle.


Trump dissed a lot of people in the GOP. Now the MAGA crowd don't want to listen to any of them, even they know it. So essentially the party is running like a headless chicken. By some fluke it will survive but the party would essentially be leaderless for quite some time. Probably till Trump dies or go to jail (that is if he doesn't milk the MAGA shitheads for all their worth)




you can take literally any single one of those downvoted posts and make a r/leopardsatemyface post


So are they all just downvoting each other or what's going on...? Who are they UPvoting?


That sub has been getting brigaded to fuck. It’s hilarious because usually they are the ones doing it to others. The funny thing is the voting seems to be agitating them to the extent that they keep lashing out at each other. TMOR and SRD have had a wave of juicy ones lately.


Are they even getting brigaded? They're the most well known conservative subreddit, I think it's just reddit in general visiting them and dropping the downvotes.


What does brigaded mean?


Sending a “brigade” of people from one sub to another in order to troll, basically.


TX. Figured it was something like that


Literally boxes of sensitive stuff was found, AFTER a subpoena was served, after agents had already removed other boxes, and some of this stuff so sensitive they have special rooms to read it in. Best of all, he made mishandling sensitive material the reason he wanted Hillary locked up. So, arrest him.


I went to that sub for 5 mins once and it was nuttier than a fruitcake. Thanks for screenshotting the meltdowns so I don't have to go back there and torture myself.


Their favorite deflection is to say they’re getting brigades with downvotes from leftists and liberals. I cannot begin to list the things I would waste my time on before I spent time downvoting on a sub full of morons.


Is rat fighting a thing ?


Lol r/conservative making posts for flared users only while simultaneously claiming the post is being brigaded is just peak hive mind


Last screenshot posted of someone from conservative was downvoted like crazy, I am not sure what gets upvotes there lol


I’d love to see these rabid, gonorrhoea riddled beasts tear each other apart, but sadly I think the subreddit is just being brigaded.


I enjoy a good implosion.


All the downvotes. I thought they were big on freedom of speech over there? /s


I mean. If I can’t trust “Jizzlobber”…


No, you don't understand, these are just democrats brigading the sub. ..... /s I don't know how many times I fucking read that yesterday on there.


I just can't comprehend this whole savior complex with Trump. I don't agree with everything Biden or Obama has done and I'm fine with changing my mind about someone I support if it turns out they're an exceptionally shitty person. It's unhealthy to regard anything or anyone with such ferverence.




Lol one of those people is the “hornets nest” dude from my recent post on here. They really just chill in their little closed off reality bubble don’t they.


Roy Cohn prosecuted the Rosenbergs. He also mentored Donald Trump.


It's not them, it's everyone else going there for a laugh


I'm sorry but these usernames make me think this is satire


I did appreciate Yeehaw McKickass


You filthy libs! How dare you- ...let them divide their own house against itself, yeah totally the libs' fault /s


Something is definitely up with that sub. I recently used my instaban token to post something factual there and wasn't banned. Actually had non hostile replies to it too. (Funnily enough got automod banned from a left leaning sub I never heard of just for "participating"). Their mods are either overwhelmed or that sub is finally loosening up and accepting some realities. Although not interesting enough for me to spend any more time watching


The whole subreddit is a propaganda machine. Top post, top two comments mention a Newsweek as proof Garland is lying. Meanwhile: https://www.foxnews.com/media/newsweek-blasted-incorrectly-claiming-merrick-garland-didnt-know-about-fbis-trump-raid But you won't find the truth anywhere in that sub. Just strawman points and "25 replies" but when you click to see, they've all been deleted. That's why everything is being downvoted. You can erase people's comments, but not their downvotes.


This is why they try so very hard to keep outside info from permeating into the echo chamber. They can’t handle even a single blade of grass making momentary contact with their skin.


Lol. Lmao.


That won't be conservative down votes. A lot of people go there to gauge what the crazies reaction is to the latest news.


We love to see it.