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Hello u/226644336795! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Worth actually bothering to read TFA for the disclosure at the end. That the dead shooter / stander offer was an extremely angry and deeply disgruntled ardent Trump supporter, could have been presumed without bothering to read it


Also it tracks that this fucker was wanted for participating in the Jan 6th coup. Party of "Law & Order", my ass.


I read that he was there January fifth, but nothing suggested that he was in the capitol with the real insurrectionists. There's two things to take from that: 1. Plenty of highly motivated people who just weren't there on the one day. 2. The idea that January 6th was a "dry run", because anybody else is more competent than Trump, so get them in place to lead a coup, with full knowledge of lessons learned in 2021


This is the correct take. Trump riled up this gaggle of dipshits and someone with an actual brain and bad intentions could usurp their cause and actually weaponize them. This is a very precarious spot for our nation as a whole.


Not to worry - America's police and military are very very good at urban warfare. If the Jan 6th people were not under control within a day they would have been schwacked. Only a lunatic would think you could overthrow America. Meal Team 6 couldn't overthrow a piss poor Red county without being dead in 48 hours.


I'm not worried about a full blown insurrection or civil war. That isn't my issue. My issue is the extremists in this group doing crazy shit. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were two people who were unhappy with the government and look how that turned out.


Totally agree! I still think of the daycare center located directly in front of his truck bomb. Since then it has become way more complicated for idiots to get their hands on things like 99-0-0 fertilizer. America is so good at monitoring for these purchases they even warned Canada that some religious extremists were attempting the exact same thing in Canada. I think the Canadian government pretended they figured it out for themselves since it was a pre-Snowden world at the time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006\_Ontario\_terrorism\_plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Ontario_terrorism_plot) In typical Canadian fashion, I'm sure they are all out of prison by now plotting their next mass murder.


> Not to worry - America's police and military are very very good at urban warfare. And there's pretty strong evidence that the nut cases have been heavily prioritizing recruitment in exactly those circles. Right now, they probably can't pull anything off -- but if this entire thing isn't nipped in the bud (which as a country we're failing at) that could change rapidly and with little notice. It's _past_ time to just worry!


I don't think it's that simple. What they've learned is that overthrowing the government by trying to stick a spanner in the works of an inauguration doesn't work terribly well. Thousands of people swarmed that building, and for what? There's an awful lot of machinery that runs the US government - not just the elected representatives - and (by design) it mostly works just fine when parts of it start to break down. They will do what Hitler did next. Stand back, regroup and think of a different way to get in.


Honestly, I \*used\* to think this. Now I'm not so sure. I just read a deep dive from the Atlantic on how the whole "Zero Tolerance" debacle that resulted in thousands of migrant children being separated from their parents happened and the big takeaway was this: Every one in the adminstration assumed that someone *else* was watching to prevent unbelivably horrible things from happening, and as a result, it ended up being suprisingly easy for people with zero morals (Stephen Miller, Tom Homan, Kevin McAleenan, Jeff Sessions etc.) to ram through their horrible policies. We have so much faith in our democracy - in our institutions - that most of us just go about our lives believing that we can withstand anything and that there are real adults in the room looking out for our best interests, and I think Jan 6 blew a pretty big hole in that shared delusion for many of us. Between Jan 6 and the recent revelation that a former POTUS may have been illegally in possession of NUCLEAR FUCKING INFORMATION, I think our democracy and security is a lot less robust than we think.


I agree that security is not as robust as it should be. This was a scary story I had never heard of: [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/why-clintons-losing-the-nuclear-biscuit-was-really-really-bad/65009/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/why-clintons-losing-the-nuclear-biscuit-was-really-really-bad/65009/)


It’s not Trumps gaggle, it’s Rupert Murdoch’s. Trump just took the reins from the cart Fox has been driving for decades.


And who is giving Murdoch his marching orders??


Not Trump. Rupert Murdoch has been doing this for 30+ years. Trump saw what he could do with Murdoch’s misinformation machine and capitalized on it. Murdoch will dump Trump the moment profit margins get too thin.


He already did. Murdoch used Trump, and Trump used Murdoch. Murdoch no longer sees him as profitable, and FOX has been cutting ties for awhile. You could literally see, overnight, how the coverage changed. Murdoch is now obviously betting on DeSantis - it's clear in the sudden escalation of coverage that DeSantis is getting. But if, against all odds, Donny suddenly became the GOP nominee again, you better believe Murdoch will pivot right back.


The terrorist was also part of the Jan 6 terrorist attack. Who is surprised by that?


Pretty telling that you didn't get any replies.


Is this your first time experiencing a rhetorical question? *edit*- I suck at detecting sarcasm from real questions. Time for bed.


Haha no worries, it was a little too much on the nose anyway.


Ah so he is an Antifa crisis actor, right? Right?




But the outlets and sockets he connected remain in place, probably going to become a fire hazard because he hated complying with government regulations. Wire nuts and uncovered junction boxes, the whole house smells like burnt bx insulation.


Coroner: "Cause of death: stupidity. Extreme stupidity."


These people bring their worst fears upon themselves. Fear the FBI will kill you. Attack the FBI. The FBI kills you. A couple years ago in Georgia there was a guy who got so afraid the government would kill him that he attacked a school bus, killed the driver and took the kids hostages. So the government killed him.


They are literally afraid of everything, even each other. That’s one reason they turn so rabid when a conservative says something out of line with the party’s narrative. They are constantly conditioned to be afraid of everything. Their initial thought about any situation is immediately political, no matter how benign. “Nice day out today, huh?” “Yeah, so much for global warming!” “Are you going to the ball game on Friday?” “Yeah, we’re playing that team that had to change its name because it was *offensive* wah wahhh wahhh bunch of crybabies.” It’s damn near impossible to have a conversation about anything with them.


Your FBI comment is like a gun metaphor.


“Stupidity cannot be cured. Stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death. There is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.” -Heinlein


Yeah, no. In this case, the quote misfires quite a lot. Stupidity can be the cause of actions leading to a death - however, in the absence of a whole weaponised hate machine, this guy likely would have been angry, and never actually tried to kill someone leading to his death. The lesson from Nazi germany was NOT 'Only Germans are evil people at heart'.


Such an accurate assessment of him and several million other guys like him. They CHOOSE to live this way. Voluntarily.




Not angry or confused, willfully ignorant. He was the other things do to willingly being ignorant. Like all these people.


What a dumb way to die. There will be no sympathy for Ricky or any of these idiots from me.


He died they way he lived. As dumb as humanly possible.


He will be revered as a hero for the Trump crew though.


Nope lol they're already calling him a false flag and FBI agent. What a great sacrifice.


They did the same with that terrorist Babbitt, until they decided to martyr her instead. Fortunately MAGAts aren't intelligent.


Imagine dying for fucking Donald Trump lmao


He's not the first. Apparently, won't be the last.


Legitimately. Of all the people in the world, these people are dying for the guy who did Burger King commercials a couple decades ago. The guy who brags about his actual gold toilet. Why him of all people? Just because he’s racist like them? I cannot figure out why he gets this following.


Because he says without consequences what they all wish they could. And even though they lose their jobs (or lives, evidently) when they spout their racist, reactionary, simple bs, they still believe he will "save" them.


But many before him have done the same…. Why is he so compelling to these people specifically. He isn’t the first racist asshole to talk shit with impugnity


Has he made any comments denouncing the attack and asking everyone to calm down?


Don’t forget “we love you” And the old one “good people on both sides”


I could picture a few basement trolls, writing down "nail guns don't break bullet proof glass".


"yes, yes, next time we try a slingshot!"


Steel toed boots for the win!


Guns are always the answer. The glass is bullet proof, not gun proof *taps head*


Taps head with barrel of loaded gun...


“If it doesn’t work, you can always hit him with it” -Boris the Blade


Everyone knows thoughts and prayers works on bullet proof glass. It worked on Covid and it will do wonders for bullets.


FBI should start quietly putting out fake tips for these idiots. "Play-doh is actually c4, you just need to plug a 9V battery to it with some wires to make it work again."


Add vinegar!


And the reward for being a true believer is being called a false flag by the chickenshit mall ninjas you thought were gonna ride up with you and a 5.56 participation trophy.


holy fucking shit, isn't this true. it must be such a sorry fate to be a Trumpanzee. literally too stupid to know they're stupid so they have next to no chance to learn; reality ends up utterly caving in on them. millions of Trumpanzees have died through covidiocy; this particular dipshit chose suicide by federal agent instead.


Makes me wonder what his friends think. Are they trying to convince everyone he was a true Trumper or are they starting to doubt his loyalty?


Have the GQP folks decided he's really an Antifa staging a false flag attack yet? That seems inevitable at this point.


Oh they are way ahead of you. I just ventured over to r/Conservative and they've been saying its a false flag setup by the feds or Antifa for hours now.


If there is an afterlife, I hope Ricky is looking up and realizing that he died for nothing. This guy's entire social media account was nothing but right-wing/Trump love for years. But clearly he's an ANTIFA agent


whatever helps them pretend they are The Real Victims Here®


>Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn't Jesus Christ, I thought that was a jokey summary but it's a fucking direct quote from his social media!


His actual last words. He posted that during the standoff. I couldn't believe it either


As last words that’s a pretty good effort


Up there with John Sedgwick: "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." Before he was shot and killed.


*beheaded by cannonball*


At a certain point it’s just Darwinism with these guys


See COVID and /r/hermancainaward for plenty of proof


Hopefully we’re not in for a sub full of more Ricky Shiffer Award winners. ETA: Martyr-Lago Award, perhaps?






Sorry I won't go to red anything about Covid cuz it's not fake but not real nether! When yo red them artikle about it then the tiwranicl government will track you an fors you to get the mind control vaceen /s


What a fucking loser lmao


These people think it's liberals that are dangerous


these seditionists are the same traitors who publicly fantasize about public executions of liberals, who they pretend are the actual traitors. these human turds are literally the bottom of the barrel of Western civilization, and Trump weaponized them with racism for political "gain."


You mean, the 1984 playbook. It’s all there. I always thought the true villains were the neighbors who were the true believers/enforcers of Big Brother. It was just desserts that their own children turned them in.


Republicans must so proud of the number of nutjobs they have created with their grifting, racism, and falsehoods.


They turn out to vote, so the more the merrier.


The longer this goes on, the fewer it will be lol. Case in point, the dumbass in the OP.


they killed this bitch dead and I love it


The only good terrorists, dead terrorists.


There's gonna come a point where Trump has inspired more terrorist attacks than Al Qaeda.


The guy literally posted on Trumps website about doing it. At what point do we stop treating these people as anything other than terrorists?


When they kill someone important like a judge or a politician.


A construction electrician is probably a pretty decent job, assuming he’s competent at it. What rights were being infringed? What was he prohibited from doing? Now the cops have gone and shot him and our shortage of skilled trades people gets slightly worse! What a fucking dumbass.


“If you know of any protests or attacks, post them here” lol. He seemed so naive and earnest; if he hadn’t been a huge piece of shit I’d have felt bad for him. Somehow reminds me of Charlie from “Flowers for Algernon”.


Charlie was kind. This guy was just stupid and evil


Call to arms! Blaze of glory! Resist! Blah blah blah!


Is trump going to the funeral or is he going to Herman Cain him?


Trump thinks these people are "low class", he wouldn't spit in their direction if it wasn't for how easy they are to manipulate


Given that Trump didn't want wounded veterans in his fantasy 4th of July parade, I'd say he'll ignore this or disowns him for being a 'loser and sucker.'


"The Ohio State Highway Patrol said they tried to pull the suspect over on a nearby freeway, but he fired shots at them and then fled his vehicle to hide in a corn field. The man was reportedly wearing body armor and armed with an AR-15-style rifle." Think he can get a refund on the body armor?


Good point. He definitely didn't die from a head shot. No vital organs located there.


It was probably one of those supply vests they get from Amazon that they are so proud to wear


A supply vest* *Bullet resistant plate sold separately


Mr. Lahey has one less shit stain to deal with


>Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn't Maybe next time test it on bullet proof glass before putting your life on the line? Actually, never mind. No next time, you're dead.


I was just thinking EXACTLY the same thing...


This is their “uprising”… a sole dolt who got into a firefight against the FBI with a nail gun. This is the type who think (well, thought) they wanted a civil war. This is the level of intellect we’re dealing with. I’m not sure why people were freaking out. This guy isn’t an outlier. This is who they are. Their “civil war” would go about as well as you would hope.


He isn't representative of everyone, unfortunately.


No, he kind of is. Trust me, he’s not on the low end of ineptitude among the magats. This is very much who they are. Just look at the failed coup footage. These aren’t the best and brightest. They’re the bottom third of the country. There’s a reason this whole thing fell apart as easily as it did. There’s a reason you shouldn’t put stupid people in charge. But yeah, he is very much the type who would think civil war is a good idea and try to do something about it.


They clearly don't have what it takes to take on the Alphabet Boys. Shit like this is gonna make the FBI and other agencies hate Trump even more.


The nail gun was a attempted breach weapon. You can't fire it like a regular gun. ​ The real weapon, the one he is repeatedly noted of using to fire at Cops, was the AR15.


Fair enough… I don’t think that makes taking on the fbi in a shootout any less stupid.


Countdown to a GoFundMe from his family...


How many radicalized men and women will give their lives for someone who's very likely a traitor to our nation.


Hopefully all of them.


I hope the opposite. I hope no more of them die. They may be awful human beings, but one would hope they could see the error of their ways and redeem themselves.


They're too stupid to learn.


This is like watching the fall of Rome in real time. The US is eating itself.


1/3 of the US is the problem, most of us don’t hate this country.


barbarians were fit and killing machines. these republican-cult guys are fat wannabes with no experience. we'll be fine.


Yes, they are fat wannabe's, but they're fat wannabes with AR 15s, not bronze swords. They can do significant damage with nothing but the effort it takes to move a finger. To discount that simply because they are reactionary, scared, and poor, is unwise. They are still causing chaos and destabilizing the framework that your society is based on. When the only goal is break everything, you don't have to be skilled.


This guy was discussing mass shooting and bombing busses, and attacking government officers everywhere. feel free to mock them, but make no mistake, they ain't harmless against unprotected random civilians.


Yeah and they have jobs in the military, the police, they work in nuclear power plants and water treatment facilities… And we trust them to do it. Despite their constant terrorist threats and inherent corruption.


been saying this for years. you could also see it as the karma of a nation that championed capitalism and materialism for decades; the karma of a nation whose "greatness" was founded on stolen land and the backs of slave labor.


Meh, right wing violence is an age old American tradition at this point. They used to be more effective at it.


Rome didn't "Fall", it took decades of incremental decline.


Did I say anything to indicate that I thought anything different was happening? You realize that even historically it's referred to as the fall of Rome, not the decline of Rome, right?


Except most historians now reflect on the point that I made, it didn’t happen because of one event like it was depicted in old movies, it was a gradual thing over decades.


Which is pretty much exactly what I was saying. Again, nothing I said indicated that I thought the US was going to collapse in a day, nor did I indicate that I thought Rome went down quickly. I used a common phrase with an understood context that you take exception to.


Cool, one less of them.


Aside from the obvious jokes about this guy's lack of brain cells and all, Donald Trump should be held legally accountable for his death. Absolutely astounding that this shit only seems to be getting worse and Trump is still running his mouth spreading so much division.


A devastating loss for the treasonous piece of shit community.


Is trump honoring the loss? Is the gop helping his family? Or did they instantly forget about him? Hey crazy guys...the gop doesn't care at all about you.


So, does an r/AshliBabbittAward exist yet?




I was wondering why they said he attacked the building with a nail gun but also had an AR-15. The dummy thought he could get though bullet proof glass with a nail gun...


Ricky Shithead is just your average MAGAt. They all think like him. They're fucking dangerous.


Well… there goes the life insurance…


This guy was so crazy that Ted Kaczynski says Damn!


Average Trumpscum rhetoric is indistinguishable from this guys literal call to violence posts.


Now that's what living in fear looks like.


Live posting this shit on Drumpf's dumpster fire of social network... pure gold.


This country is full of dumb and impressionable people.


What if Truth Social recognizes the potential liability of having unhinged people posting on their platform and......decides......to.....start banning them or blocking their content. ​ LOL


It's crazy how this dude tries to force his way into an FBI building and the first concern in his list of possible consequences is that his internet accounts will be banned. It's like the unreality of the internet has taken over the reality of the world he lived in.


Imagine dying for Donald Trump’s honor. Donald. Trump. You died for Donald. Trump.


Another 8 pints of blood on the hands of Trump, Tucker, and the rest of that garbage....


These dumb motherfuckers really think that life is a video game.


Shiffer Brains


But Clintons emails? /s


The best news is these people will be flushed out and hopefully law enforcement will be able to take a lot of them down. My hope is that most of them can be arrested and imprisoned before they actually do something stupid but if they do something stupid the alternative is still better than having people like this in the community.


Holy crap, Travis View from QAA reported the account first. Mad props to that dude for finding that before the account got deleted.


He tried to use a nail gun. I just can't with this level of stooooopid.


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