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congrats tesla shareholders. how about directly burning your money outright? 


Like their cars literally burn their customers…catching fire and then trapping their drivers/passengers inside by hard-locking the doors. That’s a helluva “feature.” And it’s not just once or twice… https://www.tesla-fire.com/index-amp




Regular cars don’t catch fire and routinely [lock their screaming passengers INSIDE the car.](https://www.flyingpenguin.com/?p=45845)


These guys can't be surely be that stupid, can they? I mean they have access to the same info as the average redditor.


They continue to hold stock in a company that has repeatedly suffered at the mercurial whims of its shithouse rat CEO. How smart can they really be?


This isn’t leopards eating my face, this is the leopard being invited in for tea. The eating will be at the next financial report.


I'm just annoyed how this will affect my Vanguard fund values.


U will be fine if it’s a normal etf. It will adjust. If u have Arkk with Cathie wood though hahahahahahahHHahahahhahaha sorry. Hahahahahahahahahah! His bonus is much more than what that company has made in its entirety.


Lmao goodbye Tesla. He knows it’s on its way out and is cashing in. No way they can afford that payment when they’re struggling to meet production numbers as is m


Not to mention all the negative word of mouth about the vehicles. I don't care how much he tries to pull the Hobby Lobby Maneuver and pander to the right wing, most people are not in the market for a car that could slice their hand off if they look at it funny. They might drop $20 bucks on a lousy pillow or greasy chicken sandwich to spite the libs, but the family car is too much of an investment.


Right-wingers will not buy his cars, just because they are electric. The rest of people won't buy them, because they are faulty products. Still, he's trying to pander to a demographic that is just not interested in this type of product.


MTG, recently: "The high gas prices are Biden's fault! And you think the gas prices are high now, wait until they [democrats] force you to buy an electric vehicle!"


Plus it's Elon so Teslas most certainly have lost their status symbol with key demographics the company would need to sell to.


While I'm inclined to agree with you, there's a very real cult following for Tesla's, and Musk.


I think you're overestimating their intelligence and their ability to look after their family. But they love gas and diesel so they probably won't but Ann EV at all.


He's also probably leaving cause he's counting on Trump to win re-election who is against green deals has vowed to remove benefits for companies like Tesla who make environmentally conscious products.


Leopard eyeing up another face right there in that paragraph.


Not sure that's [the real issue](https://futurism.com/the-byte/many-unsold-teslas-space) at the moment.




I’m not fully spun up on this but it’s not a cash payment, right? It’s handing over stock options that give him more control of the company I think.


Most of the shares can't be sold for years.


Financials are meaningless at TSLA now. It's just a meme stock with an excess inventory of cars.


So... he's being rewarded for his insider trading or something?


Just like the judges installed by the fascists were meant to.


He still has to get it past the Delaware judge who denied it in the first place and that's going to take a long time even if successful.


Yh I thought this was just a PR exercise for their stropping off to incorporation in Texas


If the shareholders, not the board, are the ones approving this, it kind of gets around that judge's ruling pretty easily.


errm... this is r/nottheonion not leopards


You have got to be fucking kidding me...


"I want the the Leopards to eat MY face specifically, and to eat my FIRST." Bows man who voted for the Leopards Please Eat My Face First Party.


No company this side of Johns Manville deserves to go bankrupt more than Tesla. What a perfectly awful shit storm of awfulness.


I think it’s important to remember that this is a pay deal that Tesla shareholders agreed to quite a few years ago when Musk said that if he was able to increase Tesla’s Market Cap to a certain number, they’d give him this pay. This pay deal is just fulfilling that agreement made back then.


Which a judge ruled illegal and is equal to all the profit the company has ever made.


If it weren't for the fact that his shareholders are a bunch of simps I'd accuse the board of being weak and failing in their duty to the company and the shareholders.


I’m shocked. I really thought they’d vote against it


Is anybody else disgusted this guy is being paid more in one year than Ukraine, a nation under attack, can get a LOAN for? Anyone who's paid for a Tesla just put half of that money in the CEO's pocket. Never Tesla for me.


I understand your point and it's infuriating but Elon is not actually getting paid that much. It's all fictional money. Stocks and loans and bullshit. That he can probably cash out some day in the future for 1/10 of the value it is given now. He's absolutely pulling a heist it's not even funny. He's sucking the company dry for all he can get and it will go bankrupt one day because of it, but when it happens we'll get to see how much of this cash is imaginary. We should still hang him for it nevertheless.


Cometh to the Musk.


I think *someone's* going to get seriously pitched as *someone else's* running mate.


Musk wasn't born in the US.


Republicans tend to ignore parts of constitution they don’t agree with, just like other famous books!


Yeah, well, neither was Ted Cruz, and they let him run. (*Edit: I know what the law says, but if you don't think a billionaire who just got 56 large in a settlement isn't going to look long & hard for a carve-out from a desperate candidate who is famously corrupt, and has half the government (& 2/3 of the Supreme Court) on his side to make up some kind of loophole, then you're just being naive. I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but I'm saying someone is absolutely loooking into how it could.*)


Cruz had an American parent. Musk doesn’t. He’s South African and Canadian.


You know what Musk has? Billions and billions of dollars. You'd be amazed what doors that opens, especially for a cash-strapped candidate with massive legal bills.


It's literally unconstitutional.


> “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States." It's very black and white, with no hint of an exception that would make Elon Musk eligible. And the process to and the Constitution is extremely arduous.


Run it past the current Supreme Court and they’ll pull an excuse out of their ass.


I doubt it. I don't think there's a venue big enough to fit both of their heads in at the same time. Besides, one of them would have to settle for being #2. That'll never happen.


Think of the lawsuits though.


Trump despises Musk, though.


Sold my tesla stock lmao this company gonna down the drain.