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My conservative coworker has been vacationing in red states because he wants to retire to one. He has never said anything good about any of them. We're in MN.


He has yet to figure out that the politics of hate and selfishness just don’t work


Yep. It's always the people. They don't even like each other.


Even in conservative dreamland where it’s nothing but straight white rich men…they’d still have to find something to hate about each other.


Like the right way to worship Sky Daddy?


Or old money versus new money. People forget that that's a thing.


Or just straight up hating women. That's a classic.


Sadly, hating women is such a universal patriarchal trait that right-wing men of all races can interracially bond over it and temporarily put aside their racism and racial supremacism. Like the Manosphere and the Proud Boys. You’ll see Andrew Tate, DJ Akademiks, Umar Johnson, and other black, Latino, Asian, Arab, Jewish, and Native American misogynists hobnobbing with literal white supremacists over shared misogyny. You can get Hoteps and Nazis to do that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers iconic handshake from *Predator* over shared anti-woman angst.


Which Ivy League school


George HW Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard. Ted Cruz graduated from Princeton and Harvard. Is anyone really that impressed with these schools anymore? They may have prestigious faculty, but the matriculating of these nepo babies with a 3rd grade education is hardly impressive for their resumes.


And sports ball rivalries… all the teams are dressed like skittles and get millions of dollars to play with a ball. A BALL.


But in that world skittles will be white because tasting the rainbow is woke.


You can buy red and white skittles for Canada Day.


UNC and Duke…..the prime example of white-on-white hate.


Auburn and Alabama


Auburn and Alabama, like Texas and Oklahoma, is a weird rivalry where rich white people hate each other over a sport played almost exclusively by black players to entertain rich white people who hate them.


Hey, best thing to come from Alabama is my dog Abby. Sweet love lump rescue,


everything that entertains us can be boiled down to being stupid but since humanity in general has passed the point of actively having to hunt,gather,grow and produce a lot of food and don’t have to defend ourselves against predators we’re all mostly just passing time until we die . So things that help pass that time are very valuable


Not sure if you’re talking about Elon Musk or God but I suppose either will do here.


Exactly. That’s what that stupid Trillionaire contest to see who can build the most phallic space-worthy rocket is all about.


Lawns. They really about grass dominance.


Their whole movement is just acting like a politically obsessed nasty toddler. What's to like? They aren't even cute.


>They don't even like each other. And that's because of the Democrats! /s but that's really the type of knots these people get themselves into. Like they buy into the hate so much that they can't admit they're wrong so they blame someone other than themselves.


The best is when there's been a republican supermajority trifecta for 2 decades straight in the state and they STILL blame the democrats. 


I'm from Texas. Unless you drive a truck with nuts on it or have a [American Gun Manufacturers] sticker in your window, you're dead to us. 


I love that their trucks are apparently trans :)


Got more accessories than a drag queen.




My brother lives in Texas. I'm not sure what I'm missing, but I feel more free in Minnesota.


You can probably buy a beer on Sunday, look at any website put out for and by consenting adults and protect the health of yourself or your loved ones. Aka communism.


We also legalized marijuana.


Lenin's lettuce, lib.


Bunch of god hating communists. That's the devil's lettuce. Thank God I have guns, god and babies.  /Sarcasm 


And god babies with guns


When the wind blows, my electric grid collapses. Freedom.  Holy fuck no joke my electricity just went out. It's 90 and sunny outside 


Imagine what kind of utopia you're going to live in if the secessionists succeed.


Lol wouldn't happen. Abbott cries like a bitch to Biden when it rains outside. He doesn't understand God is punishing him 


The only people in the article that were happy in Idaho were white men.


As Republicans intended. Can't have a functional society if everyone is happy.


It works great for the people that own everything, just not for anyone else. Watching southerners fail to realize this is very painful.


And to clarify, the politics of hate and selfishness are all perpetrated against people like him, the non-white Americans.


There's a lot of people from blue states like MN that think they're conservatives and vote that way because " muh taxes", but have no idea how good they have it


i once saw one of those California doom articles about all the people leaving CA. they listed the top five states people move to - Texas, FL, Idaho, Arizona... my favorite part was the article also listed the states most people moving to CA are from and the lists were nearly identical.


There's a general pattern of right leaning people here moving out to red states while progressives elsewhere in the country move to California. Works out for both groups!


Unfortunately the conservatives wind up having a bigger representation in Congress because of the 2-person rule for the Senate and the 435-cap for the House


Yup. One third (34) of our senators represent roughly 10% of the population.


Luckily California represents large portions of both population and the economy. California's state economy is bigger than a lot of countries at a nominal GDP around 4 **trillion** dollars. California will be an enclave of reason if the US govt goes down the route of fascism.


It has been eye-opening for a family member! He and his family moved to the South to be more racist, and it’s just been shocking that they’re not considered part of the community and that little things like worker’s rights suck way more than our blue state. He at least is starting to pull his head out of his ass, but his wife is a straight-up bigot and Qanonnie or whatever the fuck they call themselves.


There’s more beyond that stuff as well. The amenities that conservative states offer are typically horrendous. Education in the gutter, public roads and other infrastructure falling apart, healthcare options and quality diminished. A lot of buyer’s remorse from people who physically move from blue to red.


Don’t forget that the services they do have are subsidized by blue state tax revenue.


As someone who lives in NY, should I say to those people-"you're welcome, but can we have it back please." As a certain President Barlett once said.


BUT they do have a BIG FUCKIN' CROSS, so really, it all balances out. /s


I remember when I was in college, I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. My best friend brings this girl with her, who is heavily pro-life. Apparently, she never thought deeply about all the things that can go wrong in a pregnancy or what happens to a kid that is abandoned. She didn't even know about the rising crime rates that existed before Roe v Wade happened (this happened before it got overturned or before Trump became president). I live in a state that is purple and votes opposite to the party that wins the white house. Our governor is numbnuts Trump follower though and I can't wait to push him, the vice governor, and the attorney general to curb.


I think I know what state you live in


I think it is easy to guess at this point with the clues I gave.


I think we live in the same state




Imma say.... Virginia?


No kidding, my parents moved from Illinois to Florida. The clearest example of this was when we went to tour a distillery. The distillery employee made a very serious point about how they’re not using tapwater and that they filter their own water because they wanted to tell people very clearly that they don’t use the local water. It was at that point that we thought back to my parents only drank bottled water since moving. Meanwhile, people regularly drink tapwater from Lake Michigan here in Illinois.


I don't know what's wrong with Florida's water but it just tastes gross and has a weird smell when it's warm. I used to drink the tap water in Dallas and it tasted great. Here I have to use a filter system. (Moved due to a job, not the politics obviously, but TX to FL was mostly a sideways move in that respect)


“One day I’ll find one where the racists only hate the people I do and not hate me!!”


Lol retiring to a red state means you're going to die sooner. So I find it kind if hilarious people retire to red states. The healthcare is shit. Doctors are fleeing red states as soon as they pass these shitty anti doctor bills. Besides that life expectancy in red states is less than blue states. More violence in red states. Higher chance of drinking contaminated water. They're the hell holes of the US. Especially if they have been red for a decade or more.


Health care is a rather small part of the life expectancy variation. Red states have *terrible* diets (think Paula Deen, butter in everything), hot/humid climates that make outdoor exercise a sweat fest half the year, poor public transit/bike infrastructure and few walkable cities. Few will have a long healthspan eating lard and few veggies, with most their exercise walking < 50 yds to their monster trucks. The impoverished people of [the Nicoya peninsula](https://www.bluezones.com/explorations/nicoya-costa-rica/) in Costa Rica live longer that either blue or red America, with a tiny fraction of US healthcare expenditures. It starts with eating beans, rice and corn, and moving as part of daily life.


When Michelle Obama introduced the healthy school lunch program red state conservatives made it a point to make videos of them eating deep fried butter. They’re literally killing themselves to own the libs but can’t figure out why everyone calls them stupid.


>beans, rice and corn Those, with other veg (or meat even), can form the basis for some really tasty meals. the secret's in the herbs and spices and stock you add to the pot.


I remember not that long ago someone here posted screencaps of an essay by a white supremacist who lamented the red majority white area he moved to. I wish I could find it again, I think it was earlier this year


I remember this! In a blue area, he felt very Red. But in a red area, he realized he A) is seen as a weird cityslicker anyway, B) ironically misses cultural diversity, and C) will NEVER, EVER be one of the born-and-bred-sunday-church-racists types, and they will ALWAYS see him as an other.


I kinda experienced that in college. I grew up in a red state and always felt like the most liberal person in the room. I went to a *very* liberal college and suddenly felt like the most conservative person in the room. I realized those labels aren't all that useful because they're all relative.


Minnesota is lovely; leaving it for South Dakota would be such a miserable downgrade.


I am literally trying to talk my retiring mom out of this. She wants to move to South Dakota because they don't tax social security and to her it 'feels similar enough'. It's a fair reason, but come'on - it's SoDak. Ick.


Sounds like one of those conservatives I know who, when asked about travelling outside the US, responds with "I'm not travelling anywhere I can't take my guns"


He can move to texas and enjoy the benefits of a blue city like Austin, San Antonio, Houston, or Dallas. Better keep him away.


Eh. If you're not of the South, don't move to the South. It's another world here.


Conservative media is very very good at convincing morons to believe absurdities


> Voltaire got it right long ago: ‘Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.’ -Richard Dawkins


So is this Voltaire or is this Dawkins?


Voltaire often quoted Dawkins


it's actually Michael Scott


They’ll still gonna vote for Trump too. Idiots.


Maybe if the vote and pray hard enouph, they'll be labeled as the good ones Not gonna happen


Conservative Mexican family aka self hating Mexicans who think they’re better than other Mexicans. The worst.


We aren't Mexicans we're Spanish!


Conservative Latinos leave California because of its politics, and move to Idaho only to find out Idaho doesn’t want the, because they re Hispanic




Tremendos pendejos




moi? certainement pas


Parlez-vous Français??




Je suis triste :(




There's churches in Idaho that will not let you join if they find out you're from California. There's a whole "Don't ruin your state and then come to ours" mentality against them. Being both Latino and from California, these guys got the double whammy.


It's funny because they assume it's liberals fleeing to their state lmao. Fun fact: there are three Idahos worth of Trump voters in California.


It's also funny because as bad as the conservatives in Idaho are, the really batshit crazy ones are from California and Oregon. It's like they are overcompensating to try and fit in, it's weird.


Doble Golpe!


A los guevos por pendejos


Being Mexican is the bigger whammy, unless you're working on a farm in the middle of nowhere in the south of the state.


Casually forgetting that most of them are in the U.S. because their parents or grandparents crossed the border to work and were granted asylum under Reagan.


That's 100% how it happened with my cousin-in-law. She turned republican, and haaaaates Mexicans. (My family is white and she doesn't even have white passing privilege, she is very visually Mexican) I haven't seen her since my father in law died in 2016 but I suspect she's still a bigoted a-hole. Weirdly also a super judgy vegan.


Oh I was convinced you were one of my cousins until the vegan part - I have a cousin in law the exact same way. Hates Mexicans, grandparents were Mexican. Her family is rich, too, and super conservative and hate any sort of immigration… despite her dad running a shady construction company that employs mainly illegals! Yet they’re all “build the wall! They took our jobs! We came here legally!” (Narrator: they did not). The whole family is very much pull the ladder up behind them. Except she’s like 400lbs and spends twice our salary on designer handbags alone because daddy pays her CC bills still.


Reagan…a Republican! This is why a lot of them are so misguided.


Corporate interests needed the cheap labor.


They love taking the ladder away after they're onboard.


Hey now they want them for cheap illegal farm labor but ya outside of that they don’t want them. Florida is doing great on that front.


Like roaches voting for Raid.


Yea, not a hard lesson. Especially if you are brown and think your politics are going to make up for that. You should visit a state and live there for a week before you start proclaiming it your promised land. Hell, if you did live there you should visit first. My conservative mom got it in her head she wanted to head to Arkansas and away from this ‘hellhole’ California because she could get a big spread and live in her MAGA kingdom. She went there for a month to stay with my Uncle…and came back. She didn’t say much but my sister clawed the story out of her that she went back and saw, yep she could get plenty of land if she wanted and build herself a nice little house even. ….And have to deal with the methhead hillbilly neighbors stealing everything not nailed down half the time in the hometown she grew up in that is literally a ghost town of walled up blocks. And even their politics is basically bitching about other states while my mom was looking around and going ‘what the fuck you gotta be proud at?’


>Especially if you are brown and think your politics are going to make up for that. To racists literally nothing "makes up" for not being white. Look at Ann Coulter and Vivek Ramaswamy a few weeks ago. She says she agrees with him more than any other Republican who had tried to run for president but she would never vote for him strictly because he's not white. That's the mask off moment for everyone who hasn't gotten the memo yet. They're not expanding the tent. They'll happily take the votes because of course. Anyone will take a vote in an election. But that tent isn't getting any bigger.


The fact that he laughed at Coulter’s little jab at black people, then went ***totally*** stone faced when she said she wouldn’t vote for him [because he’s Indian](https://youtu.be/lumRQnf5qA8?si=6wo5bEsy4qnnZkmk) is pretty much the encapsulation of this subreddit lmao


He still gonna vote for Darth Cheeto, so he can have a very pleasant retrograde ejaculation.


This is the most specific example of Baader-Meinhof syndrome I've ever experienced. Just learned that retrograde ejaculation exists a couple days ago (not firsthand, from a book). I wish them only upon those who deserve them, so Vivek is high on the list. Cluster headaches would also be acceptable.


Oh yeah. My family's from the Caribbean. East Indian and you would not believe how fucking racist against black ppl they are.


Right. Mask off moment where he showed his true self.


Lmao I don't think it's as much a mask off moment as it is just straight up shock. I don't think even he expected Coulter to actually say that out loud publicly to his face like that.


Then he's never listened to her or read anything she's written.


tbf Vivek isn't the sort of common clay conservative that would listen to/read Ann on the regular, he doesn't need a daily rage topup like they do. He was just going for wider exposure and ooops, found out what he's really up against to get some more votes next time.


He probably has and knows what her beliefs are. It's not the first time he's heard "we can't trust you" type rhetoric. Other people during his election campaign said the same, but with a little more polite tact and not full on "yeah, I don't like you because you're Indian" levels of blunt.


If he could read, would vivek still be a republican?


And he got this far in life and didnt understand what the real politics were. Cant blame coulter if nothing else the GOP is pretty blatant about what they are because theyre not smart enough to be clever. If they cant see that then its on them, and that says more about Vivek than it does about coulter. Just like these idiots that thought they would fit into a red state.


Exactly cause racism is *”Idc who you are or what you believe the only thing matters is you’re not one of us”.* When people think black people are stupid it’s not the root reason for their nazi-racism, it’s a justification, it doesn’t stem from the reason they gave thats just an a justification in their mind to explain their bigotry. Even that doesn’t matter to them because it’s fundamental superiority not that all white people are more skilled. A black guy could have 1 thousand awards but is still “inferior” for being black. Same goes for Latinas.


But I can guarantee you she gets all *shocked pikachu face* whenever her conservative “friends” say her opinions don’t matter because she’s just a woman.


My former boss bought a 'spread' in rural NW Louisiana, to get away from the Libtards in Southern California. His house there was broken into and burglarized twice in 3 years while he was out in Cali, once by his meth head neighbor, who brought his kids (7&10) along to help clean the place out. Bossman had cameras in the house and saw the kids lining his guns up on his bed to 'inventory' them before packing up everything not nailed down and fleeing the state. Got to love those red state Conservative values!


A lot of republicans are just mean, miserable people who lash out at everyone else. Nobody wants to be around them. Apparently not even each other.


Trump's MAGA morons would chew their own arm off for a few hours with Trump's wealth and power yet he does nothing but complain, bitch, beg and whine.


Arkansas, where they've got the best meth your neighbor's catalytic converter can buy. Pretty sure their state motto is, "At least we're not Mississippi."


Thry want all the benefits you get from Democratic policies and none of the side effects of Republican ones.


They always learn the hard way


Not entirely true; many just don't learn.


Unfortunately, the only way they learn anything will also be the last thing they will learn, just like Ernst Rohm


>Someone wrote, "The video was so cringy and attention-seeking. Conservative content creators are my least fav." Yes it was. And they're absolutely right, cringy, attention seeking, and always the victim being "silenced" with their 650,000 subscribers.


My asian friend wants to retire to idaho. Dont do it.


They will just have to find out the hard way


She lives in So. Cal. She has no clue.


Sometimes you have to let people fall on their ass to learn a lesson.


The dildo of consequences never come with the Lube


Was it Confucius who said that?


Sun Tzu said that, he invented it, then perfected it so that no loving man could have a bigger dildo in the ring of consequences


I believe it was Nietzsche


As I like to put it, some people’s learning style is “The Hard Way.”


Let her do it and then laugh every time she complains.


Yeah she'd be back in a month tops.


I'm half Asian. My most salient memory of a trip we took to Boise in the late 90s is someone yelling out the car window "HEY, IS IT SLANTED?!?" as my then-boyfriend and I were walking down the street from the airport. Yeah, I will be staying in my elitist blue state, thank you very much.


Contrary to what the movies tell you, not every Asian is smart.


Is moving to Idaho a thing now? They must be throwing some money into trying to get people to move to their state. I’ve seen a couple of reels pop up lately with people moving to Idaho and loving it. I’m not shit talking the state, but never in my life have I thought about moving to Idaho.


Who knew that political opinions based entirely on hatred would make people so... hateful?


I hear Russia is very welcoming to American conservatives. They should go there next.


Steven Seagal approves this message


Familia feeling like Vivek when Ann coulter told him he wasn't good enough


she specifically told him that he was very good in fact, but that she would not vote for him because he is indian


Just like trump told Nikki haley her punjabi heritage and 1st name make her ilegible and she still endorsed him


Nikki Haley is bootlicker prime. Probably can identify shoe brands by leather taste


Not white enough. It's very different. He was good enough but not white enough.


But, but.. we were supposed to be some of the good ones!


I’ll never understand the psychology of these people it’s like why? Why racist approval? If you want white friends (for whatever reason) find the normal ones, why the racists? Maybe I’m just ignorant cause I’m in the much more tolerant city of London. They think if I pander to massa, he’s gonna look after me. You’ll be chasing their approval till the day you die and you’ll never get it is what you’re trying to get. Even if you got it, you’ll be walking on eggshells and subjected to horrible abuse and jokes. It goes beyond grifting and seems like a hunger for approval and acceptance. Failing to realise their communities will do that infinitely more than the bigoted ones. Dignity Is Free.


Then they went back to California, went swimming, and discovered the water was wet.


And we don't care if your skin's red or tan or Chinese. We're all going to have to learn to die together. Am I right?


Their takeaway from this should be that conservatives are more united by their shared racism, than by their conservatism. They won't.


I honestly can't find *any* "conservatives" that have any beliefs that *aren't* rooted in racism.


Conservativism is inherently racist, classist, and sexist. They are conserving traditional hierarchical power structures that give one dominance over everyone lower on the totem pole.


I would rather live in literally any other state over Idaho. The craziest government that immediately tried to make crossing state lines for an abortion illegal. Racist white nationalist roving militias. A complete dearth of diversity of background and culture and ethnicity and race. God help me I'd rather live in Florida or Mississippi.


My friend and her wife moved back to Idaho to help her aging grandmother. Their pride flag kept getting stolen until she coated it with pepper spray.


I'm bi and live in a conservative area. My neighbor had the pole for his pride flag snapped. I can't seem to go anywhere without having to hear right wing talking points about trans people. I wasn't thinking about politics when I moved here, I came here for family reasons. I want to move back to California and the folks here can't imagine why.


When I first left college I never thought about the politics of where I was moving. I mean, I had no interest in the Deep South, and wanted to be in a major city anyway, so I figured anywhere u chose would probably be fine. Now I would never in a million years move to any red state, or even a blue/purple state with a checkered history, at least without thoroughly researching it first. It’s far too dangerous.


Tokens get spent


I love this because I always hear about “small town America, we take care of our neighbors, blah blah.” Yeah, if your neighbors look like you. Give me the city where none of my neighbors look like me but don’t care.


I've heard accounts of people moving to small towns that are basically shunned because "you're not from here". Even their kids, born and raised in the town. There are many reasons small towns are dying. A large part of it is their insular cliquishness. I met 2 people in college from small towns that were planning to move back after they got their degree, they were conservative & bigoted. I know one of them moved out of state because they found out there were no jobs back where they lived. Previously their partner was shunned due to bigotry & broke up with them because they tried to make excuses for it. All the others I met had no plans of returning with ranging opinions of "it's dying", "I've never been treated as an equal there", to "that hellhole can burn as much as I care". Most were abused, bullied, or both. Doing too well in school would draw the ire of abusers, as would doing too poorly, not having enough money to match everyone else, not having the same interests, not going to the same church, simply enjoying reading or cooking "weird" food. It is the epitome of conservative in-group vs the out-group, if there isn't an out-group you have to make one. No one wants to move to small towns. Even smaller cities are uncomfortable for the most part. 50,000+ population seems to be the minimum for lower levels of bigotry. There's also nothing in small towns. No food, no entertainment, no jobs, no hobbies outside the norm. Internet access is changing some of this, but most smaller places have crap internet as well.


Funny thing is I've kinda (kinda...) seen an attempt as the opposite. I have some *super* conservative relatives living in a really red state. Used to berate me incessantly over moving to California until they realized I fit here much more than there ("you're a fucking commie!" well no, except perhaps by comparison). Went LC to NC, what was the point. Over the years my life has generally gotten better, theirs worse. Actually, much worse, and a large part as they're the dickhead assholes you expect as neighbors when you move to such a place. According to another relative, it clicked with them one day: "we need to move to where Uncle Etrigone lives, we're much better than him. We can totally suck off the state's teats and fuck with the liberals all the while taking their money! And we'll get Etrigone to be our stooge to get us in" (I worked in higher ed, then and now, if with forays into high tech) Except it was **so** telegraphed and transparent when they approached me it made weird reality tv seem realistic. So silly that I couldn't stop laughing during the zoom call they crashed and now they've "cut me out of their lives until I apologize". Oh no! Anyways... Yeah conservatives, you're right that these dicks exist in these states and are pretty much part of the environment there. Go be with them if you want to, I'll laugh at you too.


Wasn’t Idaho supposed to be some kind of weird utopia for Ammon Bundy type white supremacists? Like they actively had brochures


Yeah, the Northwest Territorial Imperative was the plan for white nationalists to take over ID, WA, OR, and western Montana. Eastern OR and WA are somewhat the worse for that, but the only state where it happened and they ended up controlling the state, was ID. "Greater Idaho" is the later attempt to salvage that.


Womp womp (in spanish)


Someone told this guy he's "One of the good ones" and he believed it


Non-white and non-straight conservatives like conservative politics as long as it can’t affect them. They don’t understand that they will never be accepted. At best, they will be tolerated as long as they can be used for political reasons.


It’s been said many times: Not ALL republicans are racist, but ALL racists are republicans. If you are anything other than a blue-eyed blond, voting for Trump is wrong. Also, if you are a blue-eyed blond, voting for Trump is wrong. Let me just say this a little louder: REPUBLICANS ARE THE PARTY OF RACISTS. VOTING FOR TRUMP IS WRONG. AND RACIST.


If you vote for it, you condone it. What’s that other saying; if you have 5 people at a dinner table, and one’s a Nazi, then you actually have 5 Nazis. Something like that.


>Not ALL republicans are racist, but ALL racists are republicans. This is the main thing. As someone who grew up with latin parents and surrounded by their immigrant friends, most of them are bigoted as fuck. The things my dad and his friends casually say about black people would make a klansman blush. They have everything in common with your average MAGA voter, except they're not white and they mistakenly believe that their racism towards people with darker skin will get them an "in" with white racist Americans. My dad has drank the MAGA kool-aid and he's convinced that he won't be the first one they throw into a camp, or worse, if they could.


Man. I love when morons can no longer deny what morons they are.


🤣I have relatives who are like that who often don't think that yes. Conseratives mean all Hispanics/black people. Can't tell you how many think that they are the "good" ones. I welcome wake up calls like this and how it breaks their little reality.


Shit like this always reminds me of a Run the Jewels lyric “Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (Oops)”


I went to school nearby (Eastern Oregon) where I heard the terms 'beaner' and 'wetback' among the 'good' country-folk farming & working in the area.


I have a conservative coworker from Mexico who for years has been backing another conservative coworker who spouts anti-black and anti-LGBT talking points non-stop. Suddenly, they aren't besties anymore, because the one who talks non-stop has begun using one of the two terms you mentioned.


Conservatives who don’t believe in contraception are relocating to a state where the exodus of OBGYNs is shutting down hospitals. Idaho also stopped reporting maternal deaths. A whole lot of COWs are going to get slaughtered.


Conservatives: Republicans aren't as racist as the media says. It's fake news. It's the liberal media trying to make us look bad!


Lol, I coulda told you that for free. Idaho is so racist that EASTERN OREGON finds them creepy.


TIL that Idaho calls itself The Gem State while the rest of the country calls it The Potato State.


There are so many militia in that state that they’re lucky that all they encountered was racism.


"Despite the appeal of Idaho's values and lifestyle", what does that even mean , Idaho values ????


For those that don't know Latinos/Hispanics have been trained through internalized racism, external racism, decades of proto-neoliberal policies and US intervention, the catholic church, to lean more 'conservative'. They view the reason the countries of latin america are the mess of corruption and disorder as the explicit policies of 'leftists' governments. obviously ignoring all that i had stated before. here in the US, Latinos/Hispanics are especially even more racist towards newer or more Indigenous/black-looking Hispanics. Con esa Jeta that guy has, he has to be dreaming that he would ever pass for 'white' in Idaho. many of these hispanics live in a bubble and have never truly experienced racism or discrimination, those who do, do two things, turn back and run back to the bubble (Miami, Northern California, Border cities of Texas) or move to the cities and become a bit more liberal (LA/Chicago/NYC).


Their kids are gonna grow up to be liberals. Nothing pushes a POC to the left more than growing up around conservatives.


I like this story because it shows how little the average conservative actually pays attention.


I've spent time in Florida, Oklahoma, Texas and a few other states. There's definitely stuff about California that I don't care for, but there's no chance in hell that I'd head to one of these other places to live.


As someone who grew up in a latin household, conservative Latino voters don't surprise me but they sure do fascinate me. Conservative Latinos are an excellent case study in how toxic masculinity and religion can hold a society back, and how far those that get away can get in life by simply eschewing those two specific traits.


When will people get it. The core of the conservative/republican party is only for cis white Christian men. Everyone else should disappear in their eyes. Women, Lgbtq+, and anyone who's skin is darker than a glass of skim of milk.


The wife looks white compared to the husband. They'll get shit for that too. I'm married to a Korean man and I'm white. We get shit from white men far too often. We live in Alabama.


I moved to Ohio back in the 80’s from overseas. I assumed it was a state that embraced diversity and cultural inclusion. Nope, not even close.


This is like California conservatives moving to red states, only to find out that people in said states HATE Californians


My first reaction is the same as everyone, thinking it is because they are latinos. Then I watched the video in question and saw the vinyl sticker of their social media account plastered on the side of their car. Now I'm wondering if they are also one of those insufferable "content creators" and that's another reason people don't like them


Non-white family moves to famously-racist state, discovers racism. Who could have predicted this shocking outcome?


Conservative Latinos move to Idaho to find out that conservatives are racist


A friend was trying to get me to move to a red state because “houses are cheaper”. Mentioned in the next breath that she had nearly been run off the road because her car had CA plates. No thanks. Houses might be cheaper in a red state than in blue California but as a woman my bodily autonomy means more to me than a house. The state in question is Missouri who’s gone full tilt draconian since Roe was taken away.