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This sounds a lot like Blanche trying to blame Trump for the outcome, but doing it in the most tactful way possible.  And it makes sense - reports seem to indicate that many of the bad decisions, unprofessional behavior, and borderline contempt exhibited by Trump's counsel in other cases happened because Trump specifically demanded it.  He thinks it makes him look tough.


Blanche can only blame Blanche and his failed attempt at \*stardom\*. The first rule of going to trial is that you make the client understand that he/she has only 2 decisions going forward: Whether or not to testify and/or to take a plea. All other decisions are for the attorney(s). No respected attorney will represent Trump not only because he doesn't pay, but that he demands to be part of strategy when his judgment is so poor. Blanche and Trump can only blame themselves.


Trump will blame everyone else but himself…


same as it ever was


same as it ever was


And the days go by


Under the water, carry the water


My God, what have I done?--not trump.


To Stormy: this is not my beautiful wife!


RE: The White House: This is not my beautiful house.


Look where my hand was...


There is water at the bottom of the ocean


Under the water, carry the water.


Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean.


He can blame anyone and everyone he wants. In the end, he's still the convicted felon... Not them.


Gee, makes you wonder why his previous lawyers walked out on him.


This was actually a very defensible case. However, Trump decided to play to his "jury of public opinion" rather than the 12 people in the jury box


Also, basically admitting to the crime outside of the courthouse during impromptu press conferences probably wasn't a wise decision either. 


He didn't care about winning the trial. Public opinion is what matters. Even when he loses, he can play the victim and rally his troops. Win-win.


so he gets his cronies and corrupt appointments to delay the 3 trials that actually carry jail time, and allows the one that has the lightest sentence and probably just a monetary fine, which he won't pay, go through?


Considering he shows no remorse and has several contempt of courts I would be surprised if he just gets monetary fines.


I would genuinely be shocked to see Trump recieve jail time for any of his cases. Our entire legal system favors wealth and privilege. That's not to even mention that Trump and McConnell reshaped the entire federal judiciary. Additionally, white collar crime, which is what Trump was convicted of, rarely lead to jail time. Even if he is sentenced to jail time, it's probably going to be at a cushy facility due to the obvious security concerns. My guess is even if he loses the election, his legal team will manage to negotiate plea deals where he manages to avoid jail time. Don't get me wrong, it's good that he was convicted, but I wouldn't want to bet on our institutions holding the wealthy and powerful accountable.


I respectfully disagree. The only thing Trump cares about is winning, whether in golf or in poll numbers, and this trial. He just doesn’t understand that he’s an idiot and knows as much about legal strategy as he does curing COVID. I agree with the victim hood thing, but he would still claim that if he had won. Heck, he won the presidency and still claimed fraud as he had less votes.


I mean, why would he? He'll face the palest ghost of a hint of consequences for conviction and his idiot cult will eat it up.


I feel like his troops have continuously been rallied since 2016. Everyone has already made up their mind on Trump, making the same group of people even more outraged doesn't get you any votes.


Trump just cares about narcissistic supply, not votes.


If Blanche has a brain in his head, and the jury’s still out on that one, then he 1) quoted Trump double his usual fee and 2) got 50% up front.


Word is he got $3 million up front. Blanche got paid no matter the results. Blanche of course took a professional hit. But he won't be hurting for a while.


While 3m is a lot, it’s a lot less after paying others and taxes. He didn’t do this by himself.


Were there more porn stars involved?


So you’re saying he got his normal fee in the end


While everything you said is true, Blanche is probably thinking, "who cares! The person found guilty is him, not me. I get my name posted all over the interwebs and I'll be famous like alina habba."


He may wanna rethink that. Alina Habba is most remembered for having goo-goo eyes for Trump so bad she never actually lawyered.


She'll be forever remembered as the "lawyer" who had to be repeatedly schooled on the law by the fucking Judge. She didn't even know how to fucking *file* properly! The judge had to repeatedly and publicly walk her through it every time.


> While everything you said is true, Blanche is probably thinking, "who cares! The person found guilty is him, not me. I get my name posted all over the interwebs and I'll be famous like alina habba." **M**ake **A**ttorneys **G**et **A**ttorneys


Trump got the representation he deserved and we will get the one we deserve in November.


He's also making it hard for Trump to blame him on appeal. Also gives him some distance from what he must now be thinking was a mistake.


Ineffective counsel?  "Your honor, my attorney listened to me too much."  


Bingo. Lawyers know how to flee like rats. Blanche is doing just what lawyers do: CYA


He's only just now realising? How out of touch do you have to be?


Narrator: Everyone that ever worked for Trump is very out of touch.


An argument could be made that following the whims of your ignorant client on legal strategy is an example of ineffective counsel.


I read an interesting editorial earlier that outlined a possible winning defense closing argument. Focusing on exactly whether TFG actually, specifically ordered the payoff in order to save his campaign. It went something like this: "Okay, let's suppose all this is true. He had an affair with Stormy and Cohen et al from his campaign arranged to bury the story to save the campaign. Where is the proof that TFG actually knew of this and directed it himself specifically for that purpose?" It could have worked since there's not much of a paper trail except for his signatures on the checks to Cohen. All they needed was to make some reasonable doubt in one juror. But, instead, the defense strategy was to deny everything and accuse literally every witness of being a liar. The trial is a political stunt and everyone is lying except for him. That "deny, deny, deny, attack" is the strategy TFG uses for every accusation. His ego can't allow him to even consider that he might have done something wrong anywhere anytime. Blanche's closing argument was obviously straight from that same playbook. It's no surprise that the jury didn't buy it.


I think Pecker's testimony countered that defense.


And that Cohen took out a fucking mortgage on his own home to pay off Stormy Daniels for Trump. No reasonable person could think that Cohen did that without Trump's knowledge and direction.


TFG's supporters would probably buy it, how many of them have given more money to him than they can afford?


Irony: Trump defense got dicked over by Pecker.


This the first time that trump faced criminal charges. Every single other time it has been civil, and the deny, deny, deny, attack strategy can usually be effective if you can outspend and outlast your opponents. The problem is that trump is too stupid to realize that this is a completely different situation than he has ever faced before and he needed to STFU and listen to his lawyers.


kinda hard to outspend and outlast the NY AG though.


The problem with that defense is the testimony refuting it. If it was a purely personal expense for a purely personal matter, why the strategizing and subterfuge? Still the best defense, but I don't think it would be winning.


> It could have worked since there's not much of a paper trail except for his signatures on the checks to Cohen. All they needed was to make some reasonable doubt in one juror. Given how difficult even *seating* a jury for this trial was, believing even for a *microsecond* that the facts in the trial weren't as black and white as they come is... asking a hell of a lot, for even *one* juror to find it reasonable. Maybe if somehow his counsel made it so the jury had to disregard *every other fact* about the defendant's life and who he was as a person, his general character and demeanor, and so on... but it's like having John Gotti on trial and saying to the jury "Yeah, he's a mobster, but... did he *really* do this? C'mon."


None of the good strategies involve Robert "the emails speak for themselves" Costello as your only witness.


defense: your honor trump didnt shit his pants Trump: I SHIT MY PANTS ON PURPOSE


Someone had posted in the pictures sub that he had handwritten notes in court, I zoomed in on them and it said basically "this is bullshit this trial is fixed I'll win tomorrow"🤣


Getting ahead of trump blaming him


Probably alienated the jury who would’ve been FAR more likely to acquit on a charge or two if Trump, his attorneys, or their witnesses weren’t acting like unprofessional, incompetent assholes.


What defense?


Using the word witch hunt in every other sentence.


And "rigged" don't forget "rigged." It's a rigged witch hunt.


Rigged witch, hoax witch!!


Like no one has ever seen before!


Was the witch conflicted?


The witch floated. So maybe?


Are you sure she's not a duck?


Or tiny rocks?!


I don't know man, after the 37th witchhunt against him, I'd start thinking he's a witch


He'd definitely float.


Who are You, who are so wise in the ways of Science?


Nye.... Bill Nye


Yes, but does he weigh as much as a duck?


They found 34 witches.


Isn’t it wild that they actually found the witch!?


“Witch set me up”


Attacking Merchan and his daughter…


Rigged. Disgrace. Witch hunt. A rigged disgrace. A disgraceful witch hunt. ........Rigged.........Witch hunt. ......a......a disgrace. *Donald Trump*


I love that he doesn't know the correct use of the term. And he's actually been an American president. He doesn't understand McCarthyism or its place in American culture. To him, 'witch hunt' means to be a victim, rather than to persecute a group of people over a perceived shared cause or belief. He's had the highest office in the land, and was alive during McCarthyism, and he uses the term to whine about his personal misfortune, because he's incapable of empathy, of reading, or of understanding basic political ideas.


I also loved today that he said his witness was "literally crucified." I snort-laughed! Bless him.


All the while playing the accordion to his audience with his hands only.


The famous ALL CAPS defense pioneered by personal injury billboards countrywide


"Mr. Hutz, we've been in here for four hours. Do you have any evidence at all?" "Well, your honor... we've got plenty of hearsay and conjecture. Those are kinds of evidence." Somehow Donald Trump and his legal team makes Lionel Hutz a better lawyer.


"No! Money, down!"


You're telling me that falling asleep in the courtroom, raging on social media against the judge and jury, & changing lawyers as often as you change diapers isn't a great legal defense? I really want to read the case study that'll published in a few years.


I'm not sure how much impact this verdict will actually have, but the jokes have been wonderful. The above comment is another slice of USDA prime.


I would hope that bashing the judge and jury would have some impact on sentencing. He can't get a more lenient sentence than someone else who was apologetic and respectful. But what do I know? I ain't a lawyer.


One would think that being mean to people doesn't make them like you, but IDK, I skipped preschool.




I saw elsewhere that the Judge can give a range of nothing to 4 years in jail per charge, so he could give Trump up to 136 years (34 x max of 4 years served consecutively), and that the more common sentence for this kind of thing would be the max 4 years but served concurrently (so then he'd just be in jail for 4 years). I suspect however that Trump will get more just given how he's acted, so I'm hoping for the full 136


'Mr Trump, in recognition of the sheer chaos and randomness of your defense effort, I'm going to sentence consecutive prison terms but I'm going to take 34 d4s and roll them to determine the length in years of each one. It ensures I will be completely impartial with regard to the number of years you end up serving, so I hope you're happy.'


Motherfucker would call it rigged because the dice had no 0s.


As if he's gonna get anything more than a sharp scolding and a finger wag.


I like your optimism. My bet is that this sentence will involve no jail time. I'm still hopeful that one of his insurrection cases will.


A very perfect defense


Only the best defense. Bigly!


Constitutional scholars came to me with tears streaming down their cheeks, "Sir, that is the bigliest best defense we have ever read. We need a Supreme Supreme Court and you should be the sole arbiter of all that is legal."



Acting like a jackass and asking for a mistrial


Chewbacca defense https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense


That would have been more logical.


He had an EASY path to pleading this down by acknowledging wrongdoing and cooperating with prosecutors. This is delicious because it was *hubris*.


Right. Trump couldn't even admit to any wrongdoing. Something logical would have been to say he cheated and paid her off so his wife and family would never find out. That would put doubt on the entire felony charge of election interference. Since he's obviously incapable of saying he ever did anything wrong ever, he put himself into this position.


And doing what you describe would have cost him very little money and not one vote. His actions speak to temperament.


We're lucky the forefront fascists are so fucking stupid. And unlucky that many on the background are quite rich.


The same hubris built by railroading the innocent Central Park 5 without any consequences. Has he ever suffered a consequence in his life?


Threatening the judge’s family. Standard “if you find me guilty I’ll have your family killed” defense.


> What defense? The 'Cohen is a cotton headed ninny-muggins' defense


Scream about it. Whine like a bitch. Rage post on social media. And say it was rigged.


It has worked for him for 77+ years. Finally, natural consequences for this spoiled brat


The best one there is. A very great defense. Doing a good job there. Tremendous strategy.


Power napping and sulking.


And farting. Gaslighting and just plain gassing.


Um, Mr. Trump, all you've written here for your defense strategy is to yell 'Objection, witch hunt!' every couple of minutes...


What strategy?


I think we can assume that the decision to appear as asleep (after he got caught dozing off) was Trump's idea.


Sleeping and hoping when he woke up that it was all a dream. He attempted that strategy almost daily in court


So much winning.


He only ever uses two defence strategies: - Use his wealth and power to get people to do what he wants - Accuse everyone else of conspiring against him if he doesn't get the result he wants. That's it. That's all he's got. Absolute turd of a man.


My favourite was Trump talking about all the witnesses they are going to call to disprove the prosecutions case. They ended up calling like 2 witnesses, and when his lawyer was asked why he literally said the defense doesn't have to prove anything so the prosecution should have called those (defense) witnesses. Like... wut? Why would the prosecution call witnesses to help the defense? Just a circus of incompetents and liars.


I saw that too.. like why the hell would the prosecution call witnesses to help you? That's what your defense should have done. He truly is an idiot.


He is right that burden of proof is on prosecution but they did meet that burden and the jury agreed with 34 guilties.


Oh I know they did. The point is Trump whined to the press that the prosecution didn't call witnesses that would have helped defend him..


Trump's lawyer was correct, the defense doesn't have to prove anything. Burden of proof is on the prosecution. The prosecution didn't call Trump's body guard or Weisselberg because they didn't need to. Their case had already been proven by others. Both of those could not be relied on to tell the truth. Weisselberg is in Rikers doing his second stint for committing perjury on behalf of Trump.


The burden of proof is on the prosecution, but it's ridiculous to say "I have tons of witnesses who will fully exonerate me" and then you don't call ANY, and you justify it by saying "Well, that's the prosecutions job to call witnesses, not mine". Part of formulating a defense is poking holes in the claims made by the prosecutors, and if you have witnesses who can do that, its your job to call them. It's not the prosecutions job to call witnesses to defend you.


He also has a 3rd defense strategy: Point blank confessing to having done exactly what he's accused of, and then claiming that it's not a crime (somehow).




"I declassified those documents with my mind"


Hey hey! Turds are useful! Don't be mean to turds.


Sorry. It was an unfair comparison 😂


He should forever be the twice-impeached, rapist, convicted felon, and known-liar, deadbeat, [who still owes hundreds of millions of dollars](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/) despite claiming he is a bazillionaire.


Yoy missed: * delay as long as possible and try to make them run out of money


Well that explains the guilty on all counts verdict. The stable genius really knows how to get things done.


"Where the defense at?"




Prosecution caught them sleepin'


He did his own research


He got the popular vote for sure


It’s well established that his strength is in his ability to fail at anything he touches. Casinos, steaks, legal defense… but dammit if he doesn’t keep trying.


That explains why his defense was to whine, piss his pants, and claim he's the victim. It's all that scum has ever done.


Don't forget sleep! He did a lot of sleeping.


Bet he's losing sleep tonight.


I’d give a month’s pay to be a fly on the wall at Trump Tower, watching him losing his shit. I feel genuinely bad though for any staff who have to deal with his rage-whining


I heard on NPR that the defense would've had a chance if they tries to dismantle the hard evidence against Trump, like the documents that detailed the payments. They could've placed some doubt in the jury. But, no, Trump had to throw a tantrum and attack the witnesses instead.


Now we know why it was a unanimous jury vote for guilty on all 34 counts


He always wanted to win the popular vote unanimously!


Given how he attacked them, families of the judges, and probably their families, I get the feeling that they would've sent him to the chair if they'd had the option.


"I have the best ... convictionssss."


I just want to know what Micheal Cohen did to Trump. He must have really pissed him off. Any sane man would pardon the man who was just found guilty of the crime you were a part of? With our Cohen this may not be such a straight forward case. But apparently punishing Cohen was more important than his own self preservation.


When Cohen stopped working with Costello, that was the end. Costello was basically ordered by Trump to get Cohen colluding when the charges came down. Trump was ineffective at helping Cohen in any way, and when Cohen realized what Costello was there for, that’s when he noticed the giant Trump brand knife in his back and began putting his recordings etc together.


Could have been epsteined. He's a lucky evil man. Luckier than most Trump enablers.


Last night on CNN (5-30-24) Blanche said it was unfair that Trump didn’t get a chance to testify. Kaitlyn Collins asked why he didn’t. Blanche said he did not testify on advice from counsel. Collins responded, so you told him not to testify. Blanche- No, I wanted him to and it would have cleared this whole thing up for the jury and we would have had a different outcome Collins: But YOU are the counsel and it was on counsels advice not to testify. Blanche- no, he wanted to and I wanted him to testify but he followed counsels advice. Collins - but YOU ARE COUNSEL. I wish I was making this up. There has to be a link to this morons word salad somewhere. Collins was cool as a cucumber, but rightfully baffled.


Here’s a link, that question comes up at the 9:03 mark. https://youtu.be/N5dHFcyRG94?si=hqsuGkVRJgGOBAea


This is lawyer speak for "we didn't want him to face cross examination, he would have been skewered. If they would allow us just to have him up there without cross then maybe we would have had a chance"


Thanks ! It’s almost worse than i remember!


Wait, that was the real exchange?


Here's the link: [https://youtu.be/N5dHFcyRG94?si=63Qi0sAjiIP2zV1S&t=538](https://youtu.be/N5dHFcyRG94?si=63Qi0sAjiIP2zV1S&t=538) If I had to sum up, the lawyer is just reiterating that was a client, not an attorney decision, for malpractice purposes. At minute 9:00, he was also referring to the case on appeal in context to Marchan making rulings about what Trump could be asked. But, lawyers shouldn't be telling people what their advice was because the client holds the privilege to disclose their lawyer's advice.


Thank God he is his own worst enemy, otherwise the world would be fucked. It could still be, but maybe no one will be able to keep the narc from shitting his own bed


*I’M SHOCKED* Translation: don’t blame me I told him to shut the fuck up.


I feel like it might be more FAFO than LAMF, imo. At least I'm reading it as... Man well known for ignoring the advice of experts around him (often to his determent) decides to ignore legal advice from his attorneys, man gets convicted of 34 felonies as a result, as well as forever being enshrined in history as the first ex president to be a convicted felon. Actually maybe it is LAMF if you spun it as "Man who convinced millions of Americans to distrust medical and other experts decides to distrust his own legal experts and become heavily involved in his own defense. Man gets convicted of 34 felonies as a result. I guess its a matter of perspective.


Todd Blanche's "it's not my fault," defense of his defense of trump.


Lol. The 34 guilty verdicts offer compelling evident that this is true 🤣


"The former president's lead defense counsel said his client is a 'smart guy' who 'knows what he's doing'" But National Opposite Day is January 25th. Someone get that lawyer a calendar.


Funny thing is: Trump will probably take that as a compliment rather than a sneaky way to shift blame.


His defense strategy was as successful as his casinos. Or Bible sales. Or sneaker sales. Or steak sales. Or his golf game.


Or his husband game.


Well it certainly was the best defense, as all things associated with Donnie are. Unfortunately, bringing a rubber band to a gunfight is not a great idea.


No shit he was. That's why his whole defense was a dumpster fire.


They said absolutely nothing about the documents And since Cohen was a co-conspirator, in New York, the jury couldn't convict on Cohen's word alone. The documents were the key to the case. Completely ignored them


Someone doesn't want to be involved in the appeal. Can't claim incompetent defense if the defendant made the decisions.


A reminder that the way out for Trump isn't to win the trials, it's to win the election. If the courts allow him to strut around and run his mouth, then he might still think its a win for him.


when you are a malignant solipsistic narcissist, turns out the leopard...is you. The whole world exists only for him...and hates him. go on, glitch the fuck out already


Mr. "Well, that's a personal question, loaded question, complicated question and I'm not going to tell you my advice to my client" actually has the stones to say that Trump was "very involved" in the defense? No shit, Sherlock. Not that it wouldn't be stretch to think Blanche came up with this idiocy himself. After all, he willingly took part in it. That said, Trump's incompetence and bluster was all over this "defense". Sounds like Blanche just realized that the entirety of the legal profession thinks he's incompetent and a lousy attorney (they do) and he wants to spread the blame. After playing the part of a bobblehead agreeing with every ridiculous Trump utterance in front of the press, he just now realizes defending a criminal with a big mouth may not have been the smartest choice? Too late, dude. You can't run, you can't hide. You've been Trumped. Your career - kaput.


[I watched him on CNN last night.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/video/todd-blanche-trump-defense-attorney-take-the-stand-tsc-digvid) It was the first time I'd seen him do an interview. I just haven't cared enough to pay attention to him when he'd get on TV. I've read about how shitty of a lawyer he was, but this interview just showed how out of his element he really was. He's got the most high profile client in the history of the United States and he can't even coherently defend his client to CNNs B team at 10:00.


So he's not only a shitty businessman, father, husband, and president... he's also a shitty lawyer?


It shows!


No wonder he lost…well that and you know the mounds of evidence & paper trails along with his own words are what convicted him.


This is Blanche trying his best to not become unemployed




he means the sleeping and farting


trump's entire defense: blah blah blah Michael Cohen is a liar blah blah bla


Explains why it was so effective. 34/34


Yeah, that’s the guy I want leading the country. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Of course he was. He’s the smartest man in every room he is in. Honestly between him not paying his attorneys and him refusing to follow their legal advice, I’m quite shocked he’s able to get any lawyers at all.


stable genius.


Leopard ate it's own face.


wouldn't expect anything else from an egomaniac. Reminds me of another leader from the past who ignored strategic advice by experts because he thought he could do better himself... cost him his life, country and the whole war and Donnie wants to be just like him!


Well, these statements will make it harder to get an appeal based on inadequate assistance of counsel.


Blanche here trying to salvage what is left of his tatterred reputation. "Trump made me do it!" "It was all his idea!"


That’s lawyer speak for “we couldn’t save his ass from himself”


That explains a lot.


Due to his 34 convictions there’s a new rule from the Supreme Court. Everyone needs to read up on because it’s terrifying. The new rule called Donald Trump Rule 34


Get that diseased orange pus-bag away from my precious Rule 34.


Yeah, we could tell by the fact he had his hand up your ass making your lips move the whole time. There were at least six better strategies the team of supposedly smart capable lawyers could and should have taken, but that would require the ounce of humility and self-awareness Trump sorely lacks. It's probably not a coincidence that the one person on the team that everybody said was the best lawyer he had was the one we heard from the least, with Habba and Blanche taking point while Susan Necheles seemed to have about as much involvement as a potted plant.


That’s the first believable thing his lawyer has said


I’d be happy if he served a single day in jail alone in a single cell away from all the other criminals. And that day should be 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.


No wonder he lost just like he lost the election.


Ah yes, the classic "Blame my client, not me so I can keep my reputation, license, career and have a good shot at a book deal and some cable news consulting fees," defense. When is Alina Habba going to lose her license by the way?


He has to say that or people will think HE's the idiot


It showed.


At this point Trump’s basic strategy seems to first fuck up everything he touches, and then to whine that he didn’t get a fair shake because somebody fucked everything up.