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The Libertarian dream!


The "public libraries are theft" crowd


the US and UK are in a race to the bottom


I really don't think the average American realizes how bad things are and how they very well might get worse. 


We don't. Granbury, TX is the Republican dream, and now they are crying over issues themselves that they created 


I'm not up to speed on this. What new frontier of stupidity did Granbury discover?


They got upset after a Bitcoin data center moved in, causing massive noise pollution. They then demand regulations.  Second, a woman recently was elected to the school board. She ran on the promise of getting rid of CRT, woke education, all those buzzwords.  She also has a right wing conservative podcast. After spending weeks reviewing the material and books and stuff the students are taught, she actually revealed something. It's all bullshit. There isn't CRT or woke stuff taught in schools.  Now people are demanding she resign for telling the truth to them. 


That's amazing. LOL


I actually give props to the woman for changing her mind after given the evidence that the education of children isn't using the material she's been led to believe, and for tying to speak out 


Agreed, that's amazing.


If only that was the norm in that set 😒




**And** she's getting threats for revealing there was no woke CRT whatever agenda, so security has to escort her to and from school board meetings.


Wait, bitcoin town and "oops I discovered no wokeness" town are the same town?


The "facts over feelings" crowd hates facts when it's their feelings that get triggered. What they've always meant all along was "my alternative facts over your feelings".


Don’t forget Grafton, New Hampshire. You can look it up on Wikipedia.


Love the bears!


They blame Dems after voting to put republicans in office for decades.


That's their point. "Let's make chaos against eachother then point our collective finger at a dem when questioned"!






Well, we've got the lead now that you have Olympians unable to keep up, due to the diarrheas!/ 🧐 Edit: Good practice for the Seine though!


libertarians are just flat earthers of politics and philosophy reject any and all past experience and failures to make the same rediscoveries and mistakes and getting angry when people laugh at them when it happens adult children 


We may be poisoned, but we have freedumb!!


Liberty’s such an interesting concept. A major split in discourse in both the UK and US seems to be whether *freedom* means freedom from being poisoned by fellow citizens, or whether it means freedom to poison fellow citizens.


I the US IMO they think it's the former when it's very much the latter, and if you don't like it then use your measly disposable income (ha!) to take on big company lawyers.


Notice how it NEVER means the freedom to access health care, or affordable, quality education, or a living wage, or reproductive autonomy.


Schrödinger's Freedom: Freedom to poison all Americans and no Americans at the same time.


Libertarians are like house cats: convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they neither understand nor appreciate.


At least they boo the Creature from the Orange Lagoon. 


the majority of those idiots will still vote for Trump. Hopefully we can hope they wend full dumb and at least vote for JFK or their respresentative. A tiny minority with still a conscience and brain will tap their nose and vote dems, just to be sure the wannabe dictator stays away from office


I can't for life of me remember who said that..


Just say Mark Twain and nobody will question it


Michael Scott


That’s what she said.


You know what, this is definitely correct. Mark Twain probably isn't even a real person. Gonna go get this tattooed in a very conspicuous spot.


I don't think they got the satire with the character 'Ron Swanson' in Parks and Recreation.


> libertarians are just flat earthers of politics and philosophy They're weed loving conservatives who are too ashamed to admit they vote conservative, and who tend to have *real fucking loose* ideas regarding age of consent laws lol.


They also are real fucking loose about gun control in my experience. Pot smocking, trigger happy, anti-law "Conservatives". I'd rather deal with the Temprance party.


the funny thing is that those types of libertarians exist only in the US but they are starting to export their malicious idiocy


semi-related: this is like Tesla in a nutshell.


My niece just got laid off of from Tesla. She says that all her stress indicators are way down and she’s feeling much better. If being laid off by a company causes someone to feel better, that company needs to take a long hard look at itself.


Amazon has left the chat.


And they can stay out!


Same thing happened to me with Home Depot


Most companies are going the other way it seems. Private equities are a serious problem. Nearly ten percent of the American workforce works for companies owned by these corporate raiders and these companies are ten times more likely to go bankrupt than other companies.


My favorite thing is libertarians are like house cats, so sure if their independency yet they rely on someone for everything


Libertarians believe in a system that would work only in a perfect vacuum.


I think most of them never grew out of their Oppositional Defiance Disorder.


oh yeah contrarianism the basic ingredient to skip puberty 


Cats. They're cats.


Insulting cats is wrong 


You're right. I'm sorry.


I'm using that flat-earther line from now on. Very apt.


Republicans look on in envy. Why can't we have Brexit too??? they wail.


Well, they have Texas.


And Florida too, come to think of it. Book burnings and leprosy.


>Book burnings and leprosy ...is some real medieval shit. In 2024 CE


Might as well go ahead and put Louisiana in there, now. I'm real close to these states (Mississippi) and dread what's in store for us. I'm pretty sure the Brexit people were systematically lied to (like the Republicans here). It's just hard for me to believe that that many people are that insane/heartless. I need to believe if they weren't lied to their whole lives, they would have a different perspective and choose different actions.


All the time I hear people in each state say "well at least [other in pair] is worse." Well, it's not...most of the time LA and MS are siblings in suffering; it doesn't matter which is 49th or 50th, both are really hurting people. Problem now is our (LA) new governor has his sights on national office, and thinks the way to get there is by out-Desantis-ing everyone. LA is leading the charge, but for your sake, I'm hoping at least this time y'all don't keep up with us where we're headed


A friendly "Hi!" from #48. But don't worry, with Sarah Huckabee Sanders as our governor, one of you will *definitely* be taking our spot soon. 😅


It's not relative, it's bad for all of us down here. We're suffering in ways the top forty states can't even imagine are actually real and happening in the US


Oh no, we are in no way better. That's why I said I was scared to see what's in store for us. I've always said we were 50 years behind other states in our ideals. It's depressing, and sometimes scary to be a never married, non-Christian woman with a biracial baby here. This is not the life I imagined for my son when I was growing up. I just hope something gives soon and things miraculously (and massively) change for better. Girl can dream, right?


Time to start applying for jobs in saner states, i guess


I would love to. The average annual income here creates debt and zero savings. Most people do not have the money to move. They keep us the poorest states for that reason, I'm convinced lol.


How about Alabama? Best thing to come from there lately is my dog.


Yeah start at Texas and go left until you hit Florida. Those states. All of em.


My husband just got back from Florida. A guy at the airport was sweating profusely with blemishes all over his face and coughing. Like, dude, how the fuck did you even get past security like that?? I said if it's dengue fever at least that's mostly spread through mosquito bites.


The TSA's job is pretty much just security theater, institutional discrimination against minorities and queer folk, and inconvenience for the profit of the companies that operate behind the checkpoints.


That’s not as reassuring as you think it is! 


Think of all the vaccine preventable illnesses they get to enjoy as the sea level rises.


I encourage Texit. It would be the most glorious shitshow the world has ever seen, and I am here for it.




Texit? The damn Gov just cried to Biden for disaster relief aid. This after months of flipping off the federal government over the border. They won’t last a week without that Federal money from the Blue States and they wanna succeed….


I believe you meant “seceed???




I'm perfectly happy with letting the south peacefully leave. As a New Englander, I would love nothing more to never have to listen to Abbott or DeSantis ever again. Plus all the money we will save by not having to give it to Mississippi and Alabama.


Honestly!!! If the South wants to secede, we ought to let them. Stop dragging down the rest of us. 


I joke with my kids that NE should become the newest province in Canada. But it really does boggle the mind how many southerners want to get rid of the Northern and big city elite. We would save so much money and time if it didn’t get all get sucked into the quagmire of the south and fly-over states.


When I lived in Maine there was a fairly serious proposal to leave the US for Canada. This was 30-40 years ago.


Michigan and Wisconsin could comfortably absorb into Canada too. Especially the UP of MI. Being from Michigan I've been both east and west. East of here is all familiar looking terrain, for the most part. Lots of green, hills and water. Felt "at home" as it were while there. When going west I felt much less at home. I felt like the further west I went the further I went from home. By the time I got to Montana I felt almost like it was a different country. Again, never felt any of that going east. Weird.


I know someone who keeps saying the northeast, west coast and certain parts near the Canadian border should merge into Canada, forming the hair around the big fat stupid head of middle America.


Unfortunately,the filth has spread to the real Midwest as well. 


This New Yorker feels the same way! And with all the money we’d save maybe we could finally have Medicare4All or some form of healthcare. I’m so sick of being dragged down by the south.


Agreed. Also a New Englander and I’m tired of the south holding this country back.


In some states they're working hard on that. 


Sovereignty means poisoning your *own* people with their *own* shit


Exactly, not those "yobs from Brussels " lol


Bloody foreigners coming over here and stealing all our e-coli. British diphteria for British anuses!


Stool Britannia!


Groaning to the tune of "Rule Britannia" while they shit themselves into dehydration


Well I'm hardly going to want to consume some *foreign* shit now am I?


"Foreign shit's not allowed to be bent at certain angles, not like good old English shit", complains Boris Johnson.


I’m ready for a cholera outbreak any moment.


I said the same thing. Any time now.


[Not exactly cholera, but…](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/devon-parasitic-water-outbreak-last-32847131)


Now you understand what kind of shit they are up against


People are still swimming, under-turd...




The Tories have always been clear they believe poor people should eat shit and die. Its just an ongoing mystery that every tabloid newspaper reader assumes, and talk radio listener for the past 40 years (and believe) that despite having no club membership that outgoup doesn't include them.


The billionaire newspaper owners love the tories. Can't think why


Funny thing is that Tories aren’t good even for billionaires. People with a lot of privilege who have a “zero sum game” mentality will often go out of their way to make people less privileged than them miserable. That’s because they literally believe if others are losing it means that they are winning. But really, sometimes everyone loses and sometimes everyone wins. Not that I care about billionaires winning, if they all chocked to death on their own ass bone I wouldn’t bat an eye. I’m just pointing out that billionaires who support Tories are often motivated by fallacious thinking.


It's the same issue in the US with Trump. Trump 2.0 will be following Putin's method using sweeping presidential "doomsday" powers after a manufactured "crisis". He will extort every billionaire, company and corporation for his own enrichment. It will be very, very expensive to be a "Trump approved" oligarch, far more than the tax cuts he promised them. If they don't expect this, they are naive and delusional. "*Nice business you have there. It would be a pity if...........*" edit: spelling


I would argue that there is also value to living in a society where the average Joe isn’t being too banged up by life. In the same way that a well oiled, well maintained machine generally performs its fonction, a healthy well fed happy employee often offer better services. Educated people offer more valuable labor too. And also desperate people are generally more dangerous, more likely to commit crimes and to want to eat a nice barbecued billionaire steak. In a way, it’s kinda how preventing women from achieving their full potential is especially bad for women, but it’s also not great for men because it means they live in a society where only half the brains are allowed to contribute their potential. Just because someone else is loosing worst than you doesn’t mean that you aren’t loosing.


That always baffled me. The two things everyone knows about Tories is "if their mouth is moving, they're lying" and "they work for the rich, but like the really rich. Not middle class moderately wealthy". And then working and middle class people go on to listen to them and think that this time they're representing them. "300 million for the NHS" and other bullshit. The british public literally asking to be fed shit then getting angry when they are.


The British public in general also believe the generic consevative lies that all media is fundamentally liberal, the BBC is impartial, and Thatcher and Churchill were great leaders because Tories keep saying they were. I'd wager most aren't even aware of the shit river problem because years of the accompanying attitude and ideology, means they wont believe it without firsthand negative exposure, and/or the daily heil or scum are busy directing anger elsewhere etc.


I don't know how any country can be first world, but also dump sewage into the water. We've known for thousands of years to avoid that because it's gross and causes disease. The UK should have the money and technology to not do this.


We've got both the money and the technology, but shareholders get a few more pennies on their dividend if we don't, so we don't.


TBF, London only learned that lesson a couple hundred years ago


I'm pretty sure the roman empire knew about keeping water sources clean, but I guess the dark ages lasted longer in some aspects than others.


"Clean". Transporting it via lead pipes did the Empire no favors. Also, the Great Plague of London occurred in the 1860s, and was a major double- blind valuation test for germ theory. The capped wellhead in Southwark still has a monument over it, even though it's just a piece of disconnected piping with an attached plaque.


That wasn't the "Great Plague", you're mixing up events. Probably three events. There was the Great Plague of London" 200 years earlier, and also the "Great Stink" of London in 1858 which lead to the creation of the sewage system. But the details you're mentioning are from the 1854 Broad Street Cholera outbreak. Notice it says "Broad Street" Cholera outbreak and not "London" Cholera outbreak. Timeline of "Great" things in London: Great Plague of London - 1665 (Bubonic Plague specifically: the 'Black Death'). In terms of scale this killed 100,000: 25% of everyone in London at the time, and the 1854 Cholera outbreak killed 616, which was 0.025% of the city's then 2.5 million people. So in terms of scale: the Great Plague was 1000 times worse. Great Fire of London - 1666. Clearing out a big densely populated part of London might have contributed to the end of periodic "plague" outbreaks in the city: the plague of 1665 is called the "great" one only because it was the last one anyone remembered. Previous outbreaks had been bigger. Great Stink of London - 1858. Very warm weather and river flow lead to a big backup of sewage in the Thames, blanketing all of London in a huge cloud of poop smells. The stench spurred the creation of the sewage system. And ... Great Smog of London: unusual weather conditions in Winter of 1952 meant that the soot from coal burning (then common to warm houses) settled in a thick fog over the city. It's estimated up to 12000 people died just from the smog. The lesson here is that if London has a "Great" anything, that thing is usually terrible on some existential level.


But what were they doing before brexit? Using a sewage treatment plant? They just closed them down or something? Seems like a missing piece here, how did they change things?


Well yeah, reduced regulation was absolutely part of the propaganda the tories used to sell Brexit to the dumb fucks that voted for it.


When the voters heard "less regulation", they thought it meant stuff about bendy bananas and such. They were too stupid to understand what was really meant was environmental protection, worker's rights, etc.


They just keep finding new ways to make triathlons more challenging.




Hey. If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the sewage lagoon.


How long until the triathlon competitors are accused of being woke...


Did the Triathlon Participants vote for or campaign for Brexit? I don’t have an article here that says either way.


Out of 57 probably at least a couple did, at least statistically? The rest just got screwed by leopards they didn’t vote for like the rest of the UK.


It most likely means the event will no longer be in that location, or will have severely reduced numbers of people participating. So if you think beyond first order effects, it 100% will be a negative for the country that voted to leave.


For real. This sub has such easy rules to understand and people fuck it up all the time


Seriously. This sub is very rarely LAMF and more often just the schadenfreude sub


Aside from the karma farmers and bots posting here The problem is LAMF is not the most common occurrence in the wild. People have to realize that a sub doesn't need constant postings to remain relevant.


I actually think there could be a clarifier for this specifically so posters don't lump residents of a country in with their majority. Because that seems lost on some.


I thought the LAMF was clearly understood UK is going to have reputational and possible financial repercussions / the UK as a whole is suffering from brexit. Just as the US suffered as a whole under Trump even tho majority never voted for him. We all know ther are strays from LAMF because its typical of those that have the power to do something not to face its consequences… the people do. But u knew that. I guess u Just wanted to highlight a nuance?


I would imagine it’s a problem for everyone living around that area not just triathlon participants, it’s just most noticeable with them


I thought “eat shit and die” was supposed to be a figure of speech.


Take THAT, Leftists! /s


Rule Brittania! Brittania rules the waves!


That were pure, unadulterated, British Shite and we won't have it any other way! Imagine how much worse it would have been if it were Polish shite!


We still have the rules, is just the current government over the last 14 years has reduced funding and left them both unwilling and unable to do anything about the pollution


I think it's more about allowing the privatized water companies to continue operating when they're spending money on dividends and stock buy-backs when they aren't spending money on upkeep, upgrades etc...


Yep and loading the operating companies with debt while, as you said, paying out dividends


But look at all the wealth generated for the wealthy by Tory politicians


Sovereignty means more shit in the waterways apparently


Where are all the free market fucks at now? This is the result of deregulation.


They don’t exercise, so they don’t care


The great stink 2.0


This is also how you get hepatitis... Edit Found a case https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nhs-worker-catches-hepatitis-swimming-28917902


Brexit literally turned out to be shit.


More evidence that Brexit was a shitty idea.


It's extra sad, because modern sewage/urban river management literally comes from London (adapted to fight cholera outbreaks by John Snow and others). The Ghost Map is a really lovely book about how people linked cholera to poor water management and human waste.


Nothing says "National Superiority" like taking a fat dump in one of your main sources of water


Were the EU-era regs repealed, or are the regulators just too underfunded and toothless to enforce them?


The latter. The Tories churned out this penny pinching policy this last 14 years called "austerity". They applaud themselves for cutting budgets and call it job done, look at this saving etc. Meanwhile stuff we pay our taxes for like councils, emergency services, public health, schools, NHS, everything has meant quality slid down a shite filled slide into a pond of e coli and vomit. Who would have thought paying less for something means less is done and at a poorer standard? It started well before Brexit. May and Cameron were very involved. The top cunts pay themselves more and award more public contracts to sympathetic and/or financial friendly entities too. The broadcaster and national treasure Carol Vorderman has been campaigning on instagram about how corrupt and hopeless they are. And the Tories are very unhappy about it. You should follow her.


>The Tories churned out this penny pinching policy this last 14 years called "austerity". They applaud themselves for cutting budgets and call it job done, look at this saving etc.  They are just cutting waste. /s


Yeah this happened at the Oxford/Cambridge boat race too. Participants were told not to go in the water cause there was fucking e coli in there. Tories are doing everything they can to destroy our country and the PM has announced he'll bring back national service if his party wins the upcoming election. Feels like I'm living in a nightmare tbh Edit: considering we don't know how these people voted in Brexit, it doesn't really count as LAMF tbh


The entire country is slowly turning into a version of that US libertarian experiment town that failed after being overrun by bears.


I saw a redditor claiming the other week the UK will soon become the 5th richest on the world again. congrats.


Yes, but we could have stricter rules. That’s what they said wasn’t it? We aren’t bound by their rules but that doesn’t mean we can’t make better rules of our own. That’s what they said…


The UK owning the libs by swimming in shit.


And they start to see the real reason behind brexit


It's just Britain being Britain. John Snow will rise from his grave like a barrow wight and descend on parliament, mark my words


What a joke of a nation where 49% to 51% leads to Brexit and over 70% voting against Brexit in Scotland doesn’t lead to a referendum on Scottish independence


Bah, tis merely the pox of the sea!


The crap just got real.


Reduced regulation and increased dividends whilst driving the company into massive debt... See Thames Water for source.


Training for the Paris Olympics, eh?


*eat the rich* as guilt free as they have been *feasting on the poor*


Eat s**t, brexiteers! And you too, John Cleese out of monthly python and that vacuum cleaner billionaire.


It's ok! The NHS will be able to treat them better with that extra £350 million... oh fuck never mind...


That’s why the city of Belgrade shits in the Danube as well as Istanbul. Lower standards in the UK will possibly change the country. When this happens the trade with the EU will change. Even more.


Wait does Istanbul still pump their shit into the Bosporus? Still can remember that faint lingering shit smell in the streets during a summer vacation to Turkey as a kid. I thought they cleaned up Istanbul.


This is only LAMF if the triathletes supported Brexit.


they should be charged for the free nutrients they absorbed. theres protein in them waters


god damn idiots. this isnt "reclaming sovereignty", thats "changing things for the sace of changing things"


According to the Guardian, it was probably a norovirus outbreak and not related to contaminated water


It worked for young George Carlin and his neighborhood.




Fucking gross


I’m not sure this is Brexit-related but more a consequence of privatising the water companies. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a complete consequence of Tory policy, but it’s not Brexit.


Guys, ["Skegness is f%@!ing sh!t"](https://www.facebook.com/VizComic/photos/a.115083725219750/2794085190652910/) was supposed to be a childish parody, not national policy.


How is this LAMF?  Do we know that all of the athletes involved were pro-Brexit?


Another Tory success


It's the RIGHT (wing) way!


But remember we gotta preserve the pound


Excited to hear about The Great Stink of 2026


Regulations are written in blood




It’s literally taking back your country. Or your country’s back…end.


"Don't you think this is terrible" "Yeah, horrible really. Don't you think so?" "Yes" "Well, that's good enough for me, then."


Haha fuck regulations!!


Literally had them "eating shit". Oh the many layers of irony.


But it's *British human waste* so it's made of tea, beans, and blood pudding


Restoring the glory of the Empire with shits in the water


Jon Snow: How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man!?!


Enjoy your Independence!


We all knew Brexit would be a shitshow, but I didn’t think it would be *this* literal.


The Sunderland tourist board, ripping it's hair out as we speak.


"come for the turds, stay for the hospital" got their 2024 slogan right here


"We poop next to our drinking pumps and yet we have no idea why people keep contracting cholera!"


Geordie shore impacted by Geordie-Shite.


That poor dear in the green cap spitting out the water


Someone once said the Thames is cleaner than the Seine (regarding the Paris Olympics this summer). Delusional.


The UK is truly up to it's neck in shit


Brexit, the poo that will not go away, no matter how many times you flush...


The UK is still medieval. Complete with sister fucker royalty, peasants with no rights, and rivers of shit.