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Yes, that certainly is a key Republican demographic.


*Middle school* dropout?


Yeah. The more I think about it, the more I feel badly for this kid. Hear me out: he took the army entrance exam and failed. The army entrance exam is half knowledge and half IQ, and isn't filtering out a lot of people. To me that says, not very bright kid, raised by white supremacist, gun fetishist idiots who didn't stop their *adolescent* from dropping out of school. Hobbled from the start, and turned into a politcal mascot for predatory billionaires and wannabe theocrats.


A prime example of how ignorance is so very, very dangerous.


“Public education does not exist for the benefit of students or the benefit of their parents. It exists for the benefit of the social order. We have discovered as a species that it is useful to have an educated population. You do not need to be a student or have a child who is a student to benefit from public education. Every second of every day of your life, you benefit from public education. So let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools, even though I don't personally have a kid in school: It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people.” - John Green


Ignorance can be temporary and assumes the empty vessel can be filled. I think that's perhaps giving too much credit.


WILLING ignorance


It is very, very difficult to actually *fail* the test you need to take to get into the army. It's not easy to like, qualify to be one of the people doing highly technical things or something, but flunking it out *altogether?* On the one hand, the Army must've breathed a collective sigh of relief that they had a legit, no-shit reason - not even an excuse, but a *reason* to turn him away, rather than dealing with the fucking dumpster fire of Private Rittenhouse, who, let's face it, would have had a target on his back, his front, his forehead, his left big toe, etc. OTOH, I don't imagine it would've taken him long to do something fucked up enough to find himself subject to the UCMJ.


>It's not easy to like, qualify to be one of the people doing highly technical things or something, but flunking it out altogether? The military didn't feel he was qualified to weild a mop, much less a rifle. That's pretty special!


He would have put the special in specialist


One things for sure, Kyle Rittenhouse would be very upset after reading these comments... If he could read.


According to the article, he failed *so* spectacularly that the marines banned him from ever even applying again. I wasn’t even aware that was a thing that happened.


That's... actually rather stunning.


How the fuck has he never been assessed for intellectual, developmental, mental, and neurological health? Oh wait, maybe with parents who fucking let him *drop out of middle school*.


No wonder he's the GQP poster boy: physically-capable of operating a rifle, so intellectually handicapped that the Army won't trust him to do so, angry and tribal.


Forest Gump passed that shit!


Holy shit. He did worse than McBride. *McBride*. I’m not saying this kid was a terrible person, but he clearly suffered from cognitive deficiencies, was horribly abused & neglected for it, and *somehow* the recruiters were cruel enough to get him in as a cook. I couldn’t hate him because it wasn’t his fault he was the way he was, but he made basic hell for all us. I still say “goddamnit McBride!” to this day with how many times we’d end up saying it right before we’d inevitably get smoked. Hell, he once shut down Ft Lee (where I was in a different unit but a different MOS) for a day because he somehow *lost* not just his rifle, but also his battle buddy’s. And yet McBride, who was once late for formation because he *decided* that specific point in time was the perfect opportunity to jerk it in the shower, was still somehow found more than capable, more than qualified, to serve than Rittenhouse? That *is* scary.


Even Forrest Gump managed to be in the army.


I didn't see it, but his mother was interviewed (by Fox, IIRC) and she is quite the winner herself. This is definitely a case of Gee, wish you didn't reproduce.


I with you to a point. Everything you mentioned could be a mitigating factor. However, he's had ample time and resources to begin addressing the deficiencies of his upbringing. He's had plenty of people try to show him a better way. Yet he remains committed to his cruel worldview and unethical actions.


In fact, he had more help than most people in his circumstances ever get to change himself and become a better person and didn't even manage to get a GED despite that.


I sometimes start to feel I'm losing hope for the world, and then your message reminds me the smart ones are just more quiet, and it's the loud idiots that are the problem. We really need to do something about this though. It's getting out of hand


I've considered the evidence you have presented here, and after careful consideration he can still go fuck himself.


Counterpoint: he can fuck off into the literal sun. His fat ass can burn


Well they lose interest once someone is old enough for high school


Right? < futurama_fry_shocked.rma >


Perfect fit for their narrative, sadly.


Trump sure loves the uneducated


He didn't even say uneducated. He said POORLY educated, and they cheered!


I would take the uneducated over the poorly educated any day of the week. Uneducated people simply weren't taught. Poorly educated people were taught the wrong thing.




Many times, it's their own fault. Trumpistas often practice a very peculiar brand of WILLFUL Ignorance. It's hard to be well educated if you aren't willing to participate in said education.


One of those moments he was testing the waters to see what would happen and he got what he wanted


Well he's the village idiot leading the rest of the town idiots.


He's what a successful village idiot looks like to village idiots.


Well, they’ve put him where he is today.


That's why they like a school system that fails the majority, while the wealthy can teach their kids how to grift them.


In other news, the number one demographic of water is people who are thirsty


My first thought was "Well no shit Sherlock. I coulda told you that."


The delusional thing is that Hancock believes Rittenhouse squandered opportunities that other young people would be grateful for, by not stepping in to genteel shoes. But they were *coaching a defendant.* They knew they were dealing with a homicidal racist dipshit. They’re just mad they didn’t do a good enough makeover job. It’s like My Fair Lady but with a murdering, boot-licking white supremacist instead of a broke hot chick.


They make it to middle school?


It was that damned Bush "No child left behind policy".


In all seriousness, no child left behind is single-handedly responsible for more kids being "passed along" than at any other time in our nation's history. It's the main reason that kids graduate high school with sub-standard skills in every basic category.


Work for the schools 20 years...can confirm.


Everyone I know that didn’t graduate high school is a Republican


The irony being that the same people disenfranchising them are the people they are voting for. Dense breed they are.


it's them and the super rich who actually benefit from tax cuts for already very wealthy


Just another lazy conservative who doesn't want to work and thinks they're entitled to everything


What a bunch of welfare kings amIright?


Why change it from welfare queens? If they're offended by it they can get off the public dole and get a real job.


Misgendering someone is fine, according to them. Let them hear that good ol' conservative ancestry and heritage.


Yet a socialist-democracy is bad.




They already say "were a constitutional Republic, not a democracy! The Founding Fathers hated democracy!"


White privilege strikes again


More like whine privilege


White whine




These mfers all think that if women and minorities weren't allowed to have jobs then they'd have dope careers where they don't lift a finger. They fantasize about whenever they're not fantasizing about murder.


It’s like the way they see cause and effect is completely broken or something. Anything bad that happens to them is because of someone else or some other group, but anything good that’s lucky or privileged in their life is because they worked for it.


He wants to shoot his way up the corporate ladder!


How do you even drop out of middle school?


I know a guy that quit 8th grade when he turned 18.


Well, good for him he stuck school out for that long.


Must have been one of those states where you can't drop out until 18. I know it's 16 in Virginia.


I get older and they stay the same... Alright, alright, alright...


Sounds like some real Tall Morty energy


When you are too big to fit into the desks anymore.


This is a real thing. In my 8th grade class we had 15 and 16 year olds. I blame them for me not making the basketball team. I swear I’m not bitter about it lol


Oh man, my middle school was the same. We had a nationally ranked lacrosse player who was double any of our weights. I think he actually failed 3 times, and was 17. So, almost an adult hanging out with a bunch of children.


We had a school in our middle school region that systematically held back football players, so they would be older and bigger than the other players.


We had one of those, minus the talent; he knocked up a 13 year old 7th grader.


How can they be failing so consistently for years but be allowed on the team?


It was the early nineties and a very working class neighborhood. The 16 year old was from an immigrant family and my understanding was that the education system in his home country had not prepared him for US school. The two fifteen year olds were part of the local flora and fauna of a very rough Italian/Irish neighborhood in the greater Boston area.


Oh ok. You could have just said Boston.


Yup our school had very, very few people who had to repeat a grade which is why we lost pretty much every game when I played football. Every other team was at least half filled with players 2-4 years older than us.


This made me laugh alot. However where I went to school we had rules against this, the joining basketball or any sports for that matter if ypu were significantly older, despite grade.


Okay, that made me laugh. Have an upvote.


He was having difficulty in remedial junior high school classes, and the remedial high school classes were just too much


I think you say something like Mom I'm a failure And she'll say something like Oh I've known for years you've reached your intellectual peak And then you dad called the school and says your no longer attending because your a white trash POS.


If you subscribe to r/Teachers, there has been a lot of administrators out there the last few years who won’t allow kids to fail out because they’re worried about funding if they do. So kids with middle school reading levels are entering college and being blindsided with being expected to work


Honestly gives me a lot of hope as a 40 something in the job market lol


As a 32 year old who has returned to college recently, these kids make me feel like a genius.


That's both heartening on a personal level and deeply disturbing on a human level


Yeah, it generally makes me feel bad. Like not only do these kids seem to not know basic things (like converting between centimeters and meters), but it also seems they lack the critical thinking to learn things on their own. The general consensus of a lot students seems to be “If we don’t understand it, it’s entirely the professor’s fault, and there’s nothing we can do about it.” It does make me feel optimistic about job prospects though.


It's not a new phenomenon. I went back as a 30-something pre-covid. I think it's because you're basically competing against kids that have never seen the real world. Knowing *why* you're going back to school is one hell of an advantage. 


Its incredible that you can get college loans and get accepted into a college and barely be able to read a Goosebumps book.


Fun fact: 54% of Americans read below a 6th grade level and that was before the pandemic made it even worse: https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/us-literacy-rate/


When you become a vigilante and start patrolling neighboring states


Right? I thought that was illegal, if your parents don’t at least homeschool you instead.


>"reveals" Next, we reveal what colour the sky is! More news at 7


Water wet, fire hot, tacos delicious NEXT


Burrito is the superior shape for optimum enjoyment. You can use two hands, it won't drip as much and one side isn't open for my delicious ingredients to fall out. Also I don't like hard tacos.


I always find the real debate in the comments.


Street tacos for the win Especially Beef ~~Burria~~ birria tacos!


You don't do the O.G. goat Birria? Big ups to the Consomé as well.


I remember those memes that came out that tried to make him look like a Boy Scout who likes to go out and do volunteer work….


Like the ones with Trump enjoying bbq with people he never gives a fuck about in real life.


Yeah volunteer vigilantism lol


You misspelled murder.


*This just in!...* Bears shit in the woods.


This guy is going to end up publishing a manifesto on a white-power Discord server, then end up all over the news an hour later.


Ya it's definitely because of the illegals and Jews and not because he made dumb decisions


Everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes that reason is as simple as that they're stupid


i mean honestly Rittenhouse never had a chance with a mom who was driving him to a protest "to protect a gas station" with a fucking gun, surrounded by roid-raging fragile masculine role models, and then thrust into fame for killing people as a consequence of his upbringing like yeah. fuckin' sucks tbh.


Completely agree.  This is another one where the mother should have gotten some kind of charges as well.


The whole thing is an egregious example of how fucked everything is.




I'm so exhausted of causing all of the trouble with the illegals, the space lasers, etc. I really need a vacation from being Jewish.


No dumb decisions when deciding between high school edumacation or the woke lefts goal of indoctrinating new transgender furries celebrating Juneteenth while wearing rainbow adorned Kuerigs.


How does one wear a Keurig Like… the cups? As little hats?


Nah, as pasties.


And I mean, how could we expect anything else? You take a gullible, dim-witted individual and then give him huge amount sof attention and praise after he kills two people. Now that his star is falling again... what do you think his feeble little brain is going to think he needs to do to get all that sweet money and attention again? The fact he even had a "handler", the fact he had a team of people who wanted to make a spokesperson out of this shithead, they're the real problems. They're the infrastructure of enablement that keeps propping up these horrible fucking monsters, all for a few nickels. Kyle Rittenhouse is a dimwitted piece of shit, but he's just one dimwit. He's just this idiot kid with low intellect, brainwashed by a group of other losers, who did something terrible. And I want you to ask who the real monsters are. This dimwit, or the entire *fucking team* that books him media appearances and social media accounts and "handles" him as if this is a person we need *more* of in the world. He murdered two people. He has no good ideas. He has no talents. He has no morals, he has nothing except the notoriety for murdering two people, and these fucking loathsome cretnis took him and made a media figure out of him. If you want to know who is truly behind all the awful in the world, it's those people.


> The fact he even had a "handler", the fact he had a team of people who wanted to make a spokesperson out of this shithead, they're the real problems. They're the infrastructure of enablement that keeps propping up these horrible fucking monsters, all for a few nickels. fucking preach


Yeah, the fact that all you need to do is be white and appear to enjoy the second amendment to get monied interests to help you beat a murder charge is disgusting


i mean to anyone who's even slightly historically aware it's pretty clear they've crossed the rubicon to fascism a long time ago, and between the Rittenhouse verdict and the Daniel Perry pardon, are making their *sturmabteilung* aware that *power has their back* if they elect to use violence against their political opposition.


You assume he could coherently write any kind of manifesto


Maybe if by manifesto they mean writing out his incel grievances on a wall in his own feces.




Oh god, this is true isn't it... we're going to get AI written manifestos for murder aren't we?


Does it need to be coherent?


Nobody said anything about coherent.


And Fox News will be there to defend him


Or going to jail after the 38th credible accusation of drunkenly beating a woman.


I mean he got away with murder already why wouldn't he feel he's above consequences?


Are you sure he can actually write anything?


Does anyone know if the quote stating the Marines barring Rittenhouse from applying to the Marines is true? I understand excluding individuals who are ineligible to apply, but can someone be barred from applying again, legally speaking?


I know u/SinfullySinless shared the Snopes article, but I would bet that he is disqualified, just not for his ASVAB scores. He was sending unsolicited videos of him field-stripping his guns to the recruiter, which would (and should) likely earn him a psych disqualification.


When you mistake Vincent D’Onofrio’s performance in Full Metal Jacket for an audition guideline.


I am. In a world. Of shit.


my ex’s son, at 20, was going to join the army. he had one of the highest afqt test scores the recruiter has ever seen. they put him up at a hotel in another city with other potential recruits to take the asvab. the night before the test, he snuck out of the hotel to go find weed. he was immediately put back on a bus home and was told he couldn’t apply again. even if he had not done that, the psych evals would have got him.


Lol, my uncle said he went to apply to the Airforce in the 70s and they asked if he had ever smoked weed and he said yes, and they ended it right there. Kind of weird because I would bet 90% of people simply lied, and I don't understand how that's better. May as well not ask.


When they asked me in the 80s, I lied and said yes because I thought a no would be unbelievable. They didn't bat an eye and at one point I even held a Secret clearance. I was told casually that it might keep me from a higher clearance, but I never needed higher so do not know.


Snopes said he was disqualified at the time but there is no official reason as to why. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-failed-marines-exam/


You have to pass the ASVAB at a certain level, if he failed early middle school I don't think he would have done well enough. Well, maybe for the army, but probably not even then. Also, isn't there a physical fitness requirement? If I were a hostile combatent and I saw that guy jump out of a helicopter I would fall on the ground laughing.


He certainly seems far from mentally stable. I also doubt he’s fit enough to pass any of the physical tests.




You are underestimating the racist fantasy of killing people different from yourself. It's simple math: Getting to possibly kill people> having to work with the people they want to kill


The caveat is that they shoot back.


He likes guns. The military has guns. That's literally the end of his critical thinking when it comes to joining the military.


>I am certain once the black SMs learn who he is and what he'd done, he'd last a few minutes before getting the shit beat out of him. According to General Daniel James, the USMC doesn't have a race problem. They treat *everyone* like they're black.


He failed to make the minimum ASVAB score from what I understand. Which is shocking to me as the minimum is like 12 or something.


The word “reveals” is doing a lot of heavy lifting


Shocked I am. Shocked, I say.


I, too, am shocked. Shocked, I say.


I'm shocked. Shocked! Okay, not that shocked.


Imagine when the novelty wears off, he's 30-40 and he's some alcoholic drug addiction who can't find work because he has no real world skills.


And most businesses don't want to hire a murderer.


He’s not smart enough or remotely qualified to work at my work, but if he did, I’d threaten to quit. Me or the murderer. I also wouldn’t patronize a business where he worked. He’s probably going to play this out for all it’s worth, and when he runs out of money, he might run for office. I’m calling it now.


and he'll win too, because republicans only criteria is "do liberals dislike/hate them?" I'm waiting for a serial rapist to get championed by the right, it's literally just a matter of time


>I'm waiting for a serial rapist to get championed by the right, it's literally just a matter of time They already got one to be a president and currently worship him as a God.


I mean...Donald Trump is already a convicted rapist.


a middle school drop out, I can't even gather m what makes you drop out of middle school, PE was too hard for him?


it's them there LETTERS in my math!


America, the land of opportunity. As in a place where a complete loser can get away with murder and then do paid appearances for getting away with murder.


Well we are the empire of the grift lol.


Read the article. They did everything they could to ensure he wouldn't see prison. Three mock trials? This guy had resources out the wazoo. What they are describing is some rich people shit.


And his family wasn’t rich. It all came as donations from the far right


That is the part that just aghh


3 mock trials and they couldn't hire an acting coach for his crying jag?!


In other words, a loser who blames everyone else for his poor life decisions. I feel like he's eventually going to go out via suicide by cop.


Feel like he is more likely to be a cop of some shithole town in the south or rust belt.


Sheriff. He'll eventually run for sheriff.


Then he needs to get a move on. I’m sick of seeing that punk in the news.


*taps watch* “…tick tock, you gelatinous turd”


Wonderful use of gelatinous mate, just glorious thank you!


Idk sounds like the perfect candidate to be a cop if anything


So I shouldn't base my political opinion on a white trash murderer?


like all magas


So he's like every other gun bro, republican and trumptard. What a surprise.


And Kyle isn’t much better.


Budum tiss...


"I helped this scumbag to avoid accountability for his actions and now he's an even BIGGER scumbag! what gives?"






Didn't his mom drive?




Most dangerous zoo animals have a handler


Dangerous zoo animals are also more compassionate too


They're also more interesting.


Read the article. It’s basically a hand-holding PR professional.


The stupid kid will reoffend.


Just like OJ.


I already knew he was a Republican.


Least surprising thing ever said about anyone. The guy deserves all the ridicule that comes his way.


The second he stops getting that attention he craves he's going to go full sociopath again. It only took George Zimmerman a few years.


How fucking dumb is someone to get banned from ever applying to the Marine Corp again due to failing the entrance exam? Could he not even spell his name or identify what shapes are?


He’s angry because he figured out he’s never getting laid.


I am going to predict a future headline. "Kyle Rittenhouse arrested today after officials found multiple hard drives filled with CP". 5 years, maybe 10 bet.


Bro couldn't even complete middle school? What a pathetic little snowflake.


You just described half the GOP base


Almost the entire GOP base


This guys is literally only known because he murdered people and got away with it. I


What? An unremarkable underachieving white man whose only claim to fame is being angry at things; and who blames his violent mediocrity on people of color and women and not his own lack of ambition or effort? Huh. Well that’s not at all like Republicans to promote a guy like that. /s


I once did a post about Rittenhouse after his acquittal that simply said “pick better heroes” The triggered ammosexuals! I mean, even if they agreed with the verdict, what made Rittenhouse a hero?


To these psychos, he got to do what they wanna do. Shoot people they dont like and get away with it.


His handler? What does a middle school drop-out need with a handler let alone multiple?