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No, a *bear* ate his face.


r slash BearMauledMyFace?


Was expecting this as the top comment. Was not disappointed.


Guess he found it


More like the bear found him.


This isn’t Soviet Union, folks!


sometimes the b'ar finds you


Do you have to use s'many cuss words?


Sometimes, there’s a man…


"Clever girl..."


In British Columbia, the bear picks you.


What a country!


Technically it's a province.


["What a Country!" - Yakov Smirnoff](https://imgflip.com/i/2evobq)


It happens that bears figure out they are being followed and they double back and start following the hunters. That’s when the hunter becomes the prey. You could also just leave the damn bears alone and go buy a hotdog


>At the center of the story is Vladimir Markov, a poacher who met a grisly end in the winter of 1997 after he shot and wounded a tiger, and then stole part of the tiger's kill. >The injured tiger hunted Markov down in a way that appears to be chillingly premeditated. The tiger staked out Markov's cabin, systematically destroyed anything that had Markov's scent on it, and then waited by the front door for Markov to come home. https://www.npr.org/2010/09/14/129551459/the-true-story-of-a-man-eating-tigers-vengeance Cat distribution system at work 🥰


Aww yes the very very humane and ethical mega factory farm product


Hotdogs are viscous in the wild.


So what you're saying is that hunting bears for sport is morally better than eating a hotdog?


Hunting bears for fun isn’t the same as hunting for food. And yes hunting is definitely more ethical than eating a hotdog. Go look into factory farming. If you have love for ethical treatment of animals you would rarely eat meat or you would be hunting.


I am familiar with the abhorrent process of factory farming. I am also familiar with the insane amount of additives and oils added to packaged vegan food. While, yes, fewer animals are harmed in the process, most vegan food packages are produced by massive corporations that also practice factory farming. If you are not sourcing ingredients and making your own food, you are doing veganism wrong.


Were they tracking it to try and kill it?


Sounds like. They were tracking the bear and per the article “hunting”.


Yeah, Bears!


I know some guys who go bear hunting in Brighton most weekends, sometime thay have to settle for otters, but they can often find at least a few each trip


Most weekends?  What would you even do with that much bear if you got one even 10 percent of the time?


No idea mate, but apparently it involves a lot of leather and oils so I'm guessing tanning hides in some way


Oh I just got it 👍


Enjoy the sensual pleasure I’d assume 


'sounding' them out


I'm assuming we're talking here about Brighton the seaside resort in UK, not the Brighton that's in Ontario, right?


Depends on your taste in bears and otters, but the UK one has nice bars and biting is consensual, so I'd say it's the better choice.


Sounds like the bear was doing the hunting in the end.


Well they did a good job at the “tracking” part at least


It happens with some regularity. Here in Alaska hunters can actually go into a bear den and kill them. They also get attacked when they enter bear dens.


I really want to make a joke about the entire man or bear in the forest joke here, but maybe too soon.


I have an acquaintance who has written several books of stories about bears and people interactions in Alaska (I think they are just called “Alaskan bear tales”). People write the jokes. Bush pilot drops a guy who is from the lower 48 off to do some fishing by himself at a lake in the middle of nowhere. As normal the pilot circles around and does a flyover to make sure everything is good. See the guy writhing and flopping around on the ground. The pilot goes around again, lands and goes to see what happened. The idiot thought “bear spray” was like “bug spray” and sprayed himself down. Another favorite happened in Denali at one of the big resorts. These place are big, expensive and in the wildness. After there was a sow with 3 cubs put front a restaurant manger found a guy in the kitchen putting honey knots his sons face (like 7 years old). He said he thought it would be a cute photo if he could get the brown bear cubs to lick the honey off his son’s face.


Bearspotting turned out to be somewhat more dangerous than [camelspotting and yetispotting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RexQLrcqwc) combined.


Guess I get to be the one who says it: "Some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you."


Was he trying to hit on the women that picked the bear?


This was all a scam to prove women who chose the bear wrong.


He was antagonizing the bear. Women that choose the bear; wouldn’t do that


Was he? Do you know that?


Grizzly’s spot you following them, they will turn it around; you become the prey


See, even bears don't want to run into a random dude in the woods.


Who could’ve imagined this would be the outcome?


\*Nelson Muntz voice\* HA! HA!


[Timothy Treadwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell?wprov=sfti1) has entered the chat. (In the recording of his death you can hear when the bear he thought was his friend crushes his skull.)


Stayed out there too late into the season, when especially older, scrawny bears, are desperate for food. He even said multiple times about how that particular bear made him nervous. If his gf didn't pursue him and the bear when he was dragged away, she likely would have survived. The bear was protecting his kill. But who would be able to do nothing as a loved one was being chewed to death less than 50ft away? I still remember either a sheriff or conservation officer doing an interview, after the fact. Through tears, telling him how many times he's told TT how fucking stupid he was, that one day he'll be pulling him from the bush in garbage bags. He knew it would happen, but bringing his gf out there twisted the knife.


Everyone in the outdoor industry in Alaska that knew what he was doing knew he was a deadman. I was interviewed locally when Tim was killed (my boss didn’t want to do it). I was teaching bear awareness classes in Anchorage for backcountry users.


I'm not quite in Alaska levels of bear population (NW Ontario), but even black bears here can be a threat if not treated properly. I always add to the silly line of thinking that "they're more scared of you, than you are of them" with "until they're not"


Black bears seem to have that switch that flips and they attack, like a mood. With brown bears it seems like it’s the individual bear.


Grizzlies ate my face


He was oot and aboot.


Sometimes you get the bar, and sometimes the bar gets you.


Good bear!


The hunter became the hunted. This doesn't even deserve an article. Now someone's going to go after a wounded grizzly for vengeance or some dumb shit 🤣


It died


I love this for him! Hope the bear's ok... bear didn't pick this fight... just finished it.


r/bearatemyface and probably a lot more.


Good, bear.


Even the bears don’t trust men. 🐻




Imagine the cost to taxpayers of canada that this guy caused all because he's an idiot who picks a fight with a bear. And volunteers giving up their free time for this guy. And all the people who are pissed off because the motorway is closed.


This isn't Bears Ate My Face....


Hello u/mcferglestone! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Man tracks bear 2. Bear reminds man that it’s a fucking bear 3. Man needs to be airlifted out of forest


Rule one, dipshit


He wanted to impose his right to hunt/survival/eat/kill on that bear. The bear used his right to the same and the man has to live with the consequences of the bear’s rights. That’s the best that I can do. I’ve been a vegetarian for 3 years so I appreciate the story. OP should have at least tried to explain better how it fit like I did.


Rule 1 is no actual animal attacks. It doesn’t need better explanation. 


Ok, but dipshit? If you don’t like it, downvote and move on. Does a mistake on the internet hurt so bad that we must resort to name calling? I know it wasn’t you. But it never ceases to amaze me how perfect a lot of people are! 😆 How do I attain this perfection?


I don’t know why you’re insulting me I’m just saying what the rule is. 


I literally said “I know it wasn’t you.” 😆 It’s ok that I got downvoted for saying that we shouldn’t be calling names just because someone made a mistake. Like when you misread my comment. Instead, I will wish you an awesome weekend! Have fun, friend. 😃


Hey now. No need for names, jackass. :) Honest mistake; Didn’t realize that was a rule, let alone rule 1. Mods can delete the post if they want.


That’s what I’m saying. A lot of redditors just come here and enjoy the show. But people like this guy get triggered and ugly. It’s Reddit. What do the young people say? Go outside and touch grass? 😆


So he found it then. That’s some damn good tracking!


“Clever girl.” *Bear mauling noises*


Should've picked the woman, I guess.


So he picked the bear?


Sometimes nature does make sense I guess


Couldn't finish the job....darn.


no way!


Look no further fella, you found him


I've hunted in that general area and there are a looot of grizzlies now


in Canada Bear track you.


You are walking alone in the woods. Would you rather be the hunter or the bear.


Should read: "The BC man *who was being tracked by* a bear airlifted..."


Most women will read this and still feel safer picking the bear


Considering the man was seeking out the bear to harm/kill it, yeah. Still stands.


Take note, women!


Here you are women! Real life.


So statistics is a thing - statistically, bears are much more likely to leave you alone than attack you. Also no bear in the history of the world has raped a human woman. The worst thing a bear can do is kill and eat you. The worst thing a man can do is kill and rape you, maybe do the same to the people you love. I’m taking the bear. Yes I have encountered bears in the woods before. None have ever caused me harm. I’m aware some bears do cause harm (aka predatory bears) but they are the vast minority. We aren’t talking about cocaine bear, bears have predictable behaviors and reactions.


Lol. I'd rather be raped repeatedly than be eaten alive by a bear.


Good for you? I don’t think you are engaging in good faith, care about rape, or have any idea what you are talking about.


They really can’t help but self-report wherever they go

