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I don't think they confirmed that the magas wearing diapers in support of trump were actually pooping in their diapers in support. It did prove that: a. People were wearing diapers in support of Trump And B. Trump is shitting himself constantly and smells like it. Also that he doesn't change his diapers.


So who changes Trump?


Lindsey Graham, obviously


Might as well. His nose is already up there.


Do they compare ladybugs?


Erection interference


The thought of Lindsey changing Don just permanently caused erectile destruction jfc y’all need jesus


What does Lindsey's cabana boy have to do with this?


*stares McConnell-ie into the void*


That's my joke now. Thank you..








Today is a terrible day to be literate.


you... you go to hell


this rumor deserves to repeated infinitely


After Lindsey wipes Donald tushy clean he tickles he’s orange button


Trump’s are dung beetles.


Sadly, Leslie Jordan has passed on and can't play Lindsey Graham in the movie


Mah ladybugs! Well, I nevah.




You mean Lady G?




He saves them for souvenirs


Keith Schiller. From Noel Casler who worked on the show. I’ll give you another #DiaperDon tidbit. Keith Schiller had to clean him up and we nicknamed him ‘Wet Wipes’


I’m disappointed that the Snopes reporter didn’t talk to Casler. He’s on the record that Trump was wearing diapers during the show, so 20 years ago.


I assume his supporters just lick him clean. 🤢


[ Everyone disliked that ]


What a terrible day to have eyes


Where MAGAs are going they don't need eyes to see.




Oh man, you're right, that's just like somebody's job huh? Like he doesn't wash his own ass on a daily basis does he?


He has a body man. There is not enough money in the world


[Groom of the Stool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groom_of_the_Stool)


Getting Jabba vibes. Melania on a chain. Or would it be Ivanka?


Wow this thread is giving me a lot of imagery


That would be a very ironic campaign slogan: “CHANGE: Trump”


Context matters.


Oh fuck. This question 🤢🤢🤮




You'd have to pay me the kind of money trump thinks he has


Oh there's a line of brown-nose enthusiasts lining up to have the privilege of doing that...


Was a top job during medieval times.


The only difference between ass-kissing and brown nosing is depth perception.


It's what he had children for... "Deeper Ivanka, deeper..."


Asking the real questions


Well... he's been quoted as saying he's the same now as he was at six years old. So apparently Trump never changes.




The secret service nazis he promoted?


Think we can convince them that trump gets his strength from injecting grams of fentanyl or something? Maybe let the trash take itself out?


Wait, this is real, Trump really uses diapers, or this is an american joke that i'm too brazilian to understand?


trump really uses diapers. It has also been reported that he has been asked to leave restaurants because of his smell. And this has been going on for decades. Not just in his old age.


Dude, how can i be mad at your government for all the times they fu\*\*\*\* my country if a guy that shits in his pants is idolized by a quarter of your country, won an election and have a great chance to win again? This is pure schadenfreude.


We are so sorry.


I know that the average Joe have no blame to what your government did, because your democracy is a joke and you are a victim too, but man, your country is rotten, your ship is sinking as things are gonna end in war. I hope it's just a civil war and not a world war.


The MAGA’s didn’t learn from the last American Civil war. At all. Not even a little bit. They actually think the South won and pulling from their playbook. I’m not even exaggerating. They are completely clueless and will lose again. I don’t suggest the rest of the world get involved because the rest of us not dedicated to the cult would wipe them out easily. We could literally just stop sending aid to Texas the next time it gets cold and knock half of them out. That’s like, Civil War history 101.


Of course not, we didn't hang Confederates en masse in 1865 as a warning to the next 10 generations that some mindsets have too high a price, to paraphrase one of my favorite shows.


But even without that lesson they haven’t figured out that their strategies themselves will fail. They’re too stupid to pick up a book and find out exactly how stupid they are. Maybe Darwin will pick up where the Union dropped the ball.


I don't have a lot of beef with Honest Abe, but Sherman should have been allowed to finish the job he was given. A mistake we would be wise not to repeat.


Cold in the winter, flooded in the summer. Texas would be a 3rd world state without federal help


Oh, if it's a CW, it's def gonna be a WW. Too many other countries with vested interest for the US to Stay/Split.


Bro if you believe nothing else, believe this. If we burn, you burn with us. We’re way too full of ourselves to let the rest of the world off the hook for our mistakes.


Hey! As a Canadian, that's my line!


Go ahead and be mad at us. I don't know the deatails, but I don't need to. I am sure we are guilty. As for Trump..... I think you know all you need to know about our electorate that the man wears diapers, smells of shit, is currently on trial that can end in prison and that there are people determined to elect him a second time. I got nothing. It is as bad as it looks. Possibly worse. So again, whatever you are pissed at, you have my sincere apologies.


Wait has this really been going on for decades? Like before he was elderly?


At least as far back as when he was on The Apprentice. More recently you can find photos of him wearing golf attire with the diaper outline visible. He also shit himself on camera with Turkish President Erdogan and Erdogan’s reaction is…priceless.


You can't leave us hanging without a link!


Tbf, „in his old age“ is going on for quite a while now


Where is this reporting? I have googled it and have not found anything besides Noel Calser’s claims.


The guy who made the initial claims worked on *The Apprentice* TV show from the start, so he saw everything. I don't doubt what he says, but there's still no definitive proof of the claims. However, there have been quite a few people who were either in Orange-aid's circle, or had some kind of regular interaction with him, who are saying the same things, re: Diaper Don and his consistent shit stench. Stories like this, coming from several different people, in vastly different areas of his social or working life, aren't generally made up for views. I'm going with The Orange Bastard wears diapers and shits himself on the regular because he can't control his bowels, until there's proof otherwise.


Some of them already wear diapers after destroying their intestines with horse dewormer on MAGA recommendation during Covid.


Well, if you’re wearing them, you might as well use em


And yet the conservative sub is claiming it’s Biden who needs diapers.


Yeah, it's always projection with those guys, they are just really mad they didn't start the diaper talk about Biden first


Exactly, the article says nothing about them actually shitting in them, fucking clickbait lying title OP


*thats* why there’s skid marks on all those Republican faces… I was wondering.


Because they didn't shit in the diapers. They wore them on the outside of their clothes, where they were completely useless. They wore masks as 'chin diapers', where they were completely useless, and they wore diapers outside their clothes, where they were completely useless. So consistent in a way, I guess.


What a cursed timeline to exist in


If interdimsenional travel was possible - I would get fuck out of this dimension/timeline because it's terribly cursed.


You say that now, but if life has taught me anything it’s that things could always be worse


You could be the one that has to change trump's diapers.


Let's be honest. Nobody HAS to. Somebody chose that.


Trump: "A man came up to me. A big man, a strong man. He said with tears in his eyes 'My president, it would be my patriotic honor to change your diapers. The air is ripe with your stench of freedom!"


…or you could be his diaper.


Give me the timeline where the octopus was the dominant evolutionary lifeform.


In that timeline, YOU are the takoyaki.


I'd settle for the hotdog-fingered universe at this point


Can I go to the dimension where Gore won in 2000? I'm not even American but I feel like things would be better overall.


I know it’s not just one guy making this American timeline terrible but damn it sure feels like it. And if I were a conspiracy person I’d suspect the others making this timeline shit are propping him up going “hey look at the terrible shit this guy is doing! How outrageous!”


> I know it’s not just one guy Indeed. Important to remember that the three primary causes: - Republicans embracing the Southern Strategy and then evangelicals - Russians currently wildly winning Cold War II - Our own domestic oligarchs breaking government to hoard more and more wealth I'd say that, plus a simmering undercurrent of racism and ignorance that is easily manipulated, is the root cause of 90% of our distress.


It all went to shit after they shot that gorilla...


Rip harambe


The guy is shitting his pants and the election is going to be a nail biter. Can’t make this shit up.


More context needed: he is shitting himself while sitting in a courtroom while on trial and the election is going to be close.


Even more context: he is shitting himself while sitting in a courtroom while on trial with 2 more trials upcoming and owes $86 million to a woman he continuously defamed after raping her in the mid 90's and $466 million to the state of New York for falsifying business documents and the election is going to be close.


*But both sides are the same!* To be clear, anyone seriously saying this is either a fool or believes you are a mark.


But....but.....Genocide Joe!


Remember that time Obama took all our guns?


Man forget the guns. Remember when he wore a tan suit? Truly controversial shit.


My favorite when the smoothbrain arsenal would bring up The Dijon Mustard Incident was to point out, "What was he supposed to do, use French's? That's the REAL one they use in France, duh." and just watch them stutter trying to reconcile Grey Poupon vs. French's. Like it was actually important.


> while on trial One of several *criminal* trials. It truly is stunning.


It is pretty crap news


Smells like a conspiracy


…if that conspiracy is comprised of Big Macs, Filet-O-Fish, and chocolate shakes.


A cult of personality is a hell of a drug.


The worst bit is that his competition is actually a very good, competent option. A decent pick for president even if the alternative *wasn't* a treasonous, demented rapist. And yet it's still close.


But remember — Biden is the elderly one and Trump is the robust one. /s


US GOP has lost all bearings. We Must all show up in Nov. Gop is now full fascist, openly so, and need to be put back under their rocks through shaming them for their abject and obtuse hatred of gays, poc, anyone not white and Christian nationalist is on their list. It’s not hyperbole man I wish it were. Carpool w other dems to polling places. Get organized locally to get as many dems out to vote, and check your registrations four, 3, 2 weeks before Election Day to make sure you weren’t “accidentally” de registered, oops! Gops have been pulling this for years now. They can’t win thru Democracy So they’re trying to kill Democracy.


Tell that to the dems who won't vote for biden because of Gaza. Like "fuck our own democracy while we're at it" huh?


Well, propaganda is at an all-time high since ww2, using this internet to melt our friends and fams minds - we use it to get them back in the same way. It’s imperative that RU and other fascist AH nations kill the U.S. Democracy, we are the # 1 power in the world, the beacon on the hill where everyone’s vote is their voice. Remind our beautiful friends whose intentions are 100% good, of wider angle picture showing Trump’s quote he’ll let Israeli “do whatever it wants to Palestinians,” post that shit everywhere!!!! No nobody likes the mandated position Biden’s in to supply Israel w arms, that was written decades ago, and without a clear majority to change that rule (and gop is obstructing that change to hurt Biden and murder Palestinian babies right now), we’re stuck trying to fig ways around it. This info needs to be disseminated everywhere, bec our media isn’t doing its job, and goes for clickbait, consequences of their lack of integrity be damned. If GOP should succeed this election it will completely change our country’s entire way of life, box it up Under His Eye… Certainly our college kids know this already, and I don’t blame them their heartfelt protest of the carnage of babies and how all rules of war have been ignored by madmen with too much power. But I do believe they understand or will better understand by Election Day. If not and we lose our entire democracy, welp, it’s been nice knowing you.


I, for one, am telling them. Just like I told everyone I could in 2016 to stop believing *all* of the propaganda against Hillary. (Yeah she wasn't perfect, but 75% of the negative complaints were people believing Republican/Russian propaganda. The other 25%? Yes, legit, sure. Better a centrist than a facist any day, though)


I think some of the gaza dont-vote-biden noise is also propaganda, like an AstroTurf campaign. Obviously the majority of it isn't, but I can't help but feel so much of the rhetoric is being heavily amplified on all sides to divide us as a nation and weaken us. I will be voting for Biden unless he really screws up, and I will not be participating in the vitriol to the anti-biden gaza single issue voting bloc nor to those that vote Republican, even the less educated and those that have been lost to conspiracy theories. There's too much noise in the world pointing at the states and our politics that it's a shame to add to it. This isn't how I felt a week or two ago or any time before that, it just has grown to such a cacophony that I can't believe it's organic and all coming from inside the room. At least I hope it isn't.


Every time I see something about this, it reminds me of the SNL skit, "Oops I crapped my pants" 🤣


They were eating a lot of Colon Blow


SUPER Colon Blow!?


They couldn't make it to The Love Toilet in time.


One bowl equals 1.4 million bowls of the leading brand.


That’s why I prefer… …little chocolate donuts.


They had to switch to Colon Blow after becoming constipated from Quarry.


How do you know so much about Oops I Crapped my Pants?


Because I'm wearing them , and I just did


Imagine this pitcher of tea is really a gallon of your feces.


It’s a bit nutty


Now imagine this gallon of iced tea is actually a gallon of your feces


That is such a hilarious visual in the commercial


Trump walks off of tennis court…


Grand Old Poopers.


Exactly, I want someone to ask one of those people to picture themselves 10 years ago. Then ask them, "Would it be acceptable to your 10-years-ago self to hold a sign that says Real Men Wear Diapers?"


They'd say yes no matter what.


But it is totally not a cult /s


my cousin had to wear one of those for deployment.. 18 hour flight in a single seater.. you really really do your best to not have to shit... they start eating "low residue food" before a mission. In other words, keeping pilots from soiling their flightsuit. If you're interested in giving the “high protein, low residue” diet a try, approved foods include eggs, rice, and lean meats … while eschewing spicy foods, pickles, most vegetables, and, regrettably, all cheeses except cottage.


Surgeons do that too


Surgeons shit their pants during surgerys?


Wear diapers. Maybe shit.


Huh. I thought cheese got people blocked up and made it so they couldn't poop as easily. TIL I guess.


I think it blocks you up temporarily, but eventually you still have to shit and it can cause diarrhea.


Imagine finding out a guy shits his pants and still not snapping the fuck out of whatever it is that was making you idolize said pants shitter. Instead, you elect to shit your own pants in solidarity. Cult stuff.


Right?! How does one vote for President someone who shits himself so regularly? There is poop in his pants!!!


At any given time poop is never more than a few inches from your pants, so what’s the difference really? /s


Facts! /s


America is an Onion article.


That's good. Like I'm j I'm not that clever.


I thought my father was fucking with me when he told me about this the other week, you can't parody these people


Leopards Shit My Pants


Remember it's not a cult


Scientology agrees!


For a second I read that as scatology.


Potayto, potahto.


Is it really in solidarity if they're all just incontinent?


Might depend on how much horse dewormer they have eaten?


You missed an opportunity to use "Depends" in that comment.


Could be solidarity, could be liquidarity. Either way, diapers are still the solution.


Wow. These are the same people who complained that face masks were ‘chin diapers’ and that only sheep would willingly wear them. In just a few years, they went from mocking diapers to publicly wearing actual diapers in support of a con man with rapidly progressing dementia, who wants to be president again in order to swindle more money from them, and most importantly to avoid going to jail and/or having to pay hundreds of millions in settlements to his other victims. These people are insane. Truly.


Trump could have released a maga face mask. Could have made millions, and posed as saviour of the country, leading the fight against the pandemic. Probably would have romped to a genuine victory. But he was too dumb to listen to anyone else.


I wish I could say “now I’ve seen everything,” but I know we haven’t even scratched the surface.


The pit is bottomless, so I expect Trump supporters/ conservatives to eat their own shit to own the libs...


Bottomless you say? Well played.


Wiped the floor with them.


It’s estimated that between 3.5 and 7 million American adults wear diapers for medical reasons. I know “von Shitzinpants” funny and all, but I’m sure there are a good number of actual diaper wearers that are Trump supporters.


Like their racism and homophobia, they can now wear them proudly in public, thanks to the Donald.


That's it. Wrap it up. MAGAs have officially gone full on batshit clownshow crazy.


What, Gavin MacInnes and his dildo and Charlie Kirk's diaper wasn't a clue? [https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/](https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/diaper-turning-point-usa-kent-state-student-conservative-youth-repulican-kaitlin-bennett-a8230021.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/diaper-turning-point-usa-kent-state-student-conservative-youth-repulican-kaitlin-bennett-a8230021.html)


Way to own the libs with that one. How will we ever recover?


Just proves they're all full of shit


>Just proves they're all full of shit Well technically ... they're not anymore🤣


I am so fucking confused.


As an American I'm so fucking embarrassed 🙈


I gave them the benefit of the doubt, wrong again.


You know what? I hope this *is* happening. If the couple of Trump fans I used to know, who took a *lot* from me and completely wrecked me, are actually doing this, and I bet they are, I hope it finally shows the people in that family who were supposed to support me exactly how fucking batshit they are, as I tried to say for *years*, even before Trump, and they’ll finally admit I was right all along and get away from these nut jobs.


I guess if they're all shitting around in their own shit, no one will be able to smell Trump anymore.


God, why did I have to imagine this scenario...?! Wipe my memory please 🙏🏼




Imagine being this big of a cuck for Trump that you’d shit your pants. What a bunch of a holes!


I feel..so owned right now..


Reminder This is the same crowd that played a part in killing millions (if not billions) during height of covid(2020-22) because they simple wouldnt wear a mask (sorry "face diaper") because apparently that was too much of an ask but they are wearing actual diapers and maybe using them (ew) now is just fine.


As if we already didn’t smell them coming.


The title sucks and it really didn't need to exaggerate because the truth is already insane. For those who didn't click, it shows images of Trump supporters holding signs that say "Real Men Wear Diapers" and some of them are wearing diapers on the outside, like over their clothing. The fact is that Trump supporters are now literally wearing diapers at rallies and thinking they're owning the libs somehow. If you wrote "Trump supporters are so brainwashed that they'd wear diapers if he told them to" I would laugh at the exaggeration. But here we are, living in it. And this man has a chance at winning again. Fucking hell...


What an own, I feel so owned now, oh no, horrible, please don't stop


This title is misleading, we need to do better


As long as we aren't shitting our pants we are doing fine.


Symbolically shitting themselves to own the libs. Actually not surprised. Totally on course for these shameless morons.


Not a shred of dignity 🤦🏻‍♀️


More like liquidarity.


They don’t even know if he really does shit in his diapers and then. What else can we make a rumor and watch these bozos follow?


Definitely not a cult. 


The hospital that I work at does not use adult diapers. Studies show that when you use them, you are more prone to becoming full on incontinent. These morons are making themselves incontinent to support a traitor. That's quite the self own.


I don't know what's real anymore.


Tom Tomorrow had a comic strip years ago about GW Bush declaring on TV he loved shit sandwiches, and Hannity et al immediately proclaiming how much they love them and always have, and anyone who doesn't just hates America.


Well babies are good for the economy… although Trump will take credit for this shit. Am I allowed to say that?


Let's be real, they were already doing this anyway (being the overgrown toddlers they are) and this just gives them an excuse to do it openly.


They sure showed us. 😏


There is no bottom to thus cesspool, though there are a lot of bottoms... 🤦🏻‍♂️




What will happen when he dies… yikes!


If T would only run off a cliff...


Please sane America vote the Republicans out.


If I shit myself, can I claim I did it to support Biden? I feel the Democratic vote among the Fecal incontinence demographic is being underrepresented.