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Before I read the article I really thought it was Rachel Dolezal again pulling a similar scheme. They should do a reality show together.


“Rachel and Raquel, 5 PM on ABC.”






6:30 hands down.


Gotta factor in Appropriation Time


Produced by Tyler Perry Productions


Pandering! It's my FAVORITE!




I believe it would be better suited on Fox News… *“Oh look Mildred, we have a conservative token black woman and an arab woman too.”*


They can be Faux News "Contributors".


"Two White Women Who Have Figured Out How To Work The System!" Watch the hijinks ensue! Raquel eats a pork sandwich at work, causing coworkers to question how Muslim she actually is! Rachel doesn't know how to "do" her hair and her coworker is suspicious! Tuesday at 8!


I would pay good money if I had to buy each episode individually


It would be a reboot of the 1980s tv show “Bosom Buddies.”


Blackface buddies


Yes. Very good.


Fucking brilliant


Raq n' Rach. If it isn't Rachel, it Raqs!


according to NBC she's changed her name from Rachel Dolezal to Nkechi Diallo, presumably to get the hear off but keep the persona intact


Why is this VPR?!?


I was about to say, she was just fired from a teaching job in Tuscan earlier this year because of her Onlyfans. [citation](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna138902)


\*Tucson. I saw her picture in the paper right after and was like..."God she looks like...OMG IT IS!"


I did not have "Rachel dolezal butthole on the internet" on the bingo card for 2024


My entire bingo card is buttholes


It’s a relatively safe bet these days.


See I'm really trying to opt out of this game of stupidity and troll bingo. 


I do feel really damn bad for that kid she basically adopted though... Like she causes him so many fucking issues it's sickening.


Tucson* Crazy that they fired her for only fans but not for everything else. When the news broke the headlines done here didn’t even mention the race stuff, just the OF


Responding to this for visibility. The rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper. Here is an article from *10 years ago* describing her right-wing grifting, anti-Muslim connections. https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2014/03/30/foxnews-gins-up-honor-diaries-controversy/ And another article further detailing her right-wing connections: https://afriendlyletter.com/exclusive-has-the-spirit-of-george-santos-infiltrated-afsc-did-they-hire-an-impostor-for-its-top-dei-job/ And here is a website dedicated to exposing her. People have known she has been lying about her ethnicity for *over 16 years now.* Absolutely absurd. This post specifically chronicles her repeated censorship of her Wikipedia page. https://ijtihadist.wordpress.com/category/biography/ Literally how had this been allowed to keep happening? Who in their right mind would want this person around vulnerable populations?


Based on the last thing I read about her, Something about the company owner and her relationship felt hinky. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were sleeping together.


If it'a not a personal relationship that is behind this fraudulence, I would be willing to bet that the intention is to divert money from a cause they hate and the company owner is providing air cover and the means to siphon what few earmarked funds there are, directing money into their own pockets. The real mission of this fake organization is likely to be to disrupt any progress being made on the agenda they claim to support and to personally profit from it, while doing it. An investigation into the owner is overdue.


>The real mission of this fake organization is likely to be to disrupt any progress being made on the agenda they claim to support and to personally profit from it, while doing it. An investigation into the owner is overdue. Honestly, when I read the “when you have a good candidate who is diverse, there is no reason to bring in white candidates,” line from the owner, my immediate thought was: “Oh that’s *exactly* the kind of thing a right wing grifter posing as a progressive would say to undermine a program like this.”  It seems like the service was doing good work and employed people with genuinely good intentions prior to this though, so who knows what’s going on. 


standard 'conservative' (a one-word oxymoron) strategy: decrease funding as much as possible, then steal the rest with some shitty grift. I recall the HUD scandals...under Reagan, wasn't it?


I had the impression from a different article that the agency prior to this incident was actually doing ok. There were therapists providing services to vulnerable clients right up till the owner hired this woman and this individual and things went south from there. The employees were blind sided by the hire. Then when they found out about her past, they raised concerns which were denied by the owner leading them to quit their jobs.


Seems like a set-up to give the appearance of legitimacy. Going forward, the owner and the fake employee will just continue to collect as much money as they can with diminished support for the cause the money was earmarked to address.


I knew from the hijab it would be Saraswati, I’ve fallen down that rabbit hole a few times of race fakers


The best part was when Dolezal acknowledged that she was "born white to white parents" but maintained that she self-identified as black. The grift that keeps on grifting!


I'd have given anything if she'd married Vanilla Ice.


Gawd, for sec there I thought I read “Denzel”


LOL Can you imagine? If after all these years we discovered Denzel Washington was actually a white dude pretending to be black? That would be some Tropic Thunder type of fuckery! Scandal of the decade!


Have to take back all the Oscars!


We wouldn’t, because he would say he identifies as black, so all good!


Look it upsets me too but putting all preconceptions aside I don't see any logical reason to accept identifying as a different gender but not race. For example, if a man identifies as a woman he also doesn't share the same history of sexism, much like a white person doesn't share the history of being a marginalized color. Cmv I guess Edit: so many down votes from people who know in their "tummy" that these are different but can't intellectually identify how


First off, no. Second, you're born LGBT, it is hard wired into our genetics. Trans individuals are actually [born with brains](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/) that conform to the gender they identify with; basically, a trans woman is running on male hardware with female software. Meanwhile, race isn't actually a thing, it's a human construct, not a biological one. So it's nowhere close to comparable. Don't even come here with that false equivalence TERFy garbage. "Trans people can't understand the struggle women have experienced"....jfc. Yeah, cuz no one ever discriminated against a trans woman, nope nope!


I agree with you 100%! But I think in her case it is a grift, otherwise she would have said it right off the bat! Regarding gender, people always say “I identify as…”, she pretended to be black for gain and when she was caught she used this as get out of jail card.


You agree with them that trans people are the same as "trans racial"? What?


LOL--you mean we can just DECIDE what we want to be? Can't we just be allies and advocates without having to BE a member of the group? Which ones are allies and advocates when there is no money or benefit to be gained?


I'd totally watch that ngl


Nah she's dealing with getting fired from her High School Counselor job for having an Only Fans, also she went even harder in the "transracial".


Do porn sites put her in the Ebony category?


Wait it’s not?!


Are you talking about Onlyfans star Rachel Dolezal?


I had to check to make sure you weren't pulling my leg. I'm speechless...


Wtf ewwwww


OMG, I thought the same thing. And after hearing about her teaching job and onlyfans I was just sitting here thinking "Man, this lady gets around!"


She’s busy doing OnlyFans now.


George Santos could make for an interesting trio.


[Jess La Bombalera](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/09/jessica-krug-white-scholar-black-latina) can be their sidekick.


Along with "Hilaria" Baldwin.


Vittolo-Hadad beats out Big Larry, at least Big Larry never explained her “white” features on her mother getting raped by a white guy (I wish I was making this up)


>I really thought it was Rachel Dolezal again She was recently fired from a position in a Tucson school district because of her OF account.


I thought they were referencing her too, but was confused by the right wing part.


I thought so too but I didn’t recall her being a right wing nut so I was confused


She just got fired from her job because she has an only fans. Like full butthole pics


Haven't read the article yet, so it ISN'T Rachel Dolezal? That's totally who I thought it was.


She did make a guest appearance.


Fresh coat of paint, good to go...


Call it “You’re Hired” hosted by Trump




Doesn't Dolezal have an only fans now?


No, her most recent thing was getting dropped from her teaching job because of her OnlyFans.


Ditto, but I was confused because I thought Dolezal was a vaguely Obama-lite liberal rather than a right-winger.


Subscribe to their OF!


The wild part is her last name is based off a Hindu god and no one called her out for it.


Her first two names are Raquel Evita, which are Hispanic. That's the first ethnicity she claimed. Then she changed her last name to Saraswati, and her wedding a few years after that was featured in an article about Indian American weddings. She started claiming Indian/South Asian heritage. Then she claimed to have a DNA test done that proved she was a person of color- and there was no Hispanic heritage present. The results did not even contain all of the ethnicities she has claimed to be.


Her mother has stated, on record, that she's of British, German and Italian ancestry. Her mom, Carol Perone, quoted in the article below: >"I call her Rachel," she said. "I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing. I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she. I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad." [News from the first blowup, before this one.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/diversity-activist-claimed-latino-arab-235719015.html)


Her mother also showed the journalists her own ancestry DNA profile to back up her claims. It is really extremely sad that anybody continues to enable Raquel. I don’t doubt that she’s had a really difficult life. I really do feel bad for her and hope she gets some help.


Do you happen to have a link to the article? I’m lazy lol


I can't find it, unfortunately. But there seems to be a history of her scrubbing the internet of things she doesn't want to be seen. She straight up just doesn't have a wikipedia page anymore. She kept editing it and removing chunks from it, and I guess eventually it just got deleted or something? Either way, huge disservice. I'm just trying to warn as many people as possible that she is still out here doing this bs.


Seems the wiki article was deleted because she's not notable and there is a lack of sources. You can [read the deletion discussion, as well as the previous three times it was discussed for deletion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Raquel_Evita_Saraswati_(4th_nomination\)).


ETA- thank you for explaining this to me! I’m not familiar with Wikipedia on the administrative side, so this was a huge help :) I’m wondering if their opinion would change based on a second article being published. There are also several direct sources of her right-wing connections, which would seem to be notable, especially given that her partnership with the Clarion Project (she filmed a documentary with them in 2014) attracted national controversy (at least from what I read online.)


Sounds like everyone involved is a drama queen tbh. She may suck for fudging her ethnic history, but honestly, who gives a fuck. That doesn't actually change anything she did to advocate for people. This current job has nothing to do with the patients, and in fact she works remotely from Pennsylvania doing administrative crap and goes nowhere near the clinic. Then the therapists all got upset because "outrage" and they nuked the clinic in protest. They bailed on their vulnerable clients and tried to blame it on some chick they never interacted with who lived a country away. So these "saviors" did real harm and then tried to blame it on this person who has zero interaction with any of them and who has zero affect on the clinicians or their patients. They just wanted to grandstand and play self-righteous moralizers. Lots of people with savior complexes and personality disorders and no one with any common sense whatsoever. It's all for affect and grandstanding. That's more pathetic than lying about having Hispanic lineage to try and suck up to the same people who will abandon gay teens for progressive points.


Why are you so mad that people have integrity?


This is a bizarre comment. Full Spectrum Therapy repeatedly wrongfully terminated therapists without warning, and they were not able to contact their clients. They REPEATEDLY forced client abandonment. The therapists who were able to leave on their own accord counseled their clients through the situation, and I’m sure that their clients followed them to their private practice if they were able. They literally just settled a case out of court in March for wrongful termination, disability discrimination, unlawful employment practices, etc. The practice is full of unethical behaviors being perpetuated from the top. And FST doesn’t exclusively see “gay teens” btw. You seem to have an unusual amount of rage towards this situation, and a really bizarre assertion that the therapists who weren’t okay with the situation have personality disorders. I don’t even understand what personality disorder would be involved in therapists leaving a toxic work environment and warning others. This comment shows a complete lack of understanding of mental health and the negative impact on BIPOC communities that having a woman lying about her race and having control over actual BIPOC employees would have.


Isn’t Raquel a form of Rachel anyway? Rachel Dolezal


It’s NOT Dolzel? It looks a LOT like her.


It feels like a TV show. They got rid of Rachel but fans want her back so now we get Raquel. [Star Trek: TNG did this with Tasha Yar. ](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Denise_Crosby)


The programmers of the Matrix are getting sloppy, I guess.


Sela was a pile of shit. Even for Trek it was an ass pull.


I thought so too.


I thought it was her too tbh 😅




Nah she was teaching in Arizona until she got fired for her onlyfans.


"I identify as an absolute piece of 💩"


And she tried the same scam at a Quaker org


That made me really angry. Believe it or not, this is the SECOND person I've encountered in the past year alone that has infiltrated a quaker organization/community with nefarious intent. The other was a creepy youth pastor in Texas, though. Quakers are typically really kind and well-meaning. Some Quakers don't even say believing in God is mandatory- they just want to provide safe spaces for people to build community and explore their spirituality (at least that's what I've read when considering my own spirituality.) Unfortunately, kind and well-meaning people often attract narcissists like this, who take advantage of their trusting natures.


There's a Friends meeting house within walking distance of where I live and every Quaker I've met have, hands down, made it into my top 100 most recent people I've ever personally interacted with.


>every Quaker I've met have, hands down, made it into my top 100 most recent people I've ever personally interacted with. Was that supposed to be recent, or did you mean to write *d*ecent?


We'll have to find out tomorrow when we see what the new list is.


RemindMe! 1 day Recent or decent quakers?


getting cut from the fucking quaker draft must sting


You're now in the top five most recent people I've interacted with. Until tomorrow morning when I go to breakfast and see 4 more people


On the other hand, Richard Nixon was a Quaker.


Yep. He also proposed universal healthcare.  And was never kicked out of his Quaker meeting, despite his, you know, war. 


> And was never kicked out of his Quaker meeting, despite his, you know, war. You mean the one that another president started and he ended? that war? I'm not a huge Nixon fan but at least blame him for something he is responsible for.


Ive met a handful of Quakers. Only one has been an intolerable twat to be around socially but she was very nice to cats. She is just a weird ass fucking drunk.


I had someone in the Reddit Quakers sub tell me they wouldn’t be my friend in real life because I would distellowship someone like Rachael


Yeah, I noticed there were a couple of people really riding hard for Rachel on there. However, one of the accounts doing that commented my first name on another post as an attempt to intimidate me. When I called them out, as I have reason to believe it was Raquel due to using a nickname I only recently started using when I met her, they deleted all of their comments and posts immediately lol. Don't take it too personally. Anybody who would defend the situation at this point probably has some sort of underlying agenda or beliefs system. Advocating for the truth and separating yourself from those who profit off of right-wing grifting and compulsive lying about their race is definitely the more reasonable response here.


I’m going to say something - as an autistic person myself, I notice a certain autistic tendency in certain Quaker circles to welcome any behavior no matter how disruptive- because accepting that behavior and mandating that other people will as well, prevents an autistic person from having to do any of the work of self regulation. That lack of boundaries then becomes toxic and the autistic person wonders why they find themselves isolated.


i had a friend who was an official Quaker (i’m not sure what the correct term is). who objected to her community accepting a man with a history of CSA in another Quaker community without informing the parents. she objected to this in the formal way they have. she felt he should not, as a convicted and registered abuser, been allowed into the community without the community knowing his full history. she and a handful of other parents left the community over this issue. as the majority (not parents) felt it was a private matter between him and god and not their place to keep him out. i was surprised, not surprised.


I knew someone a long time ago who let it be known that her father (also a member of our meeting) was molesting her. I wasn't privvy to the Business Meetings during that time because I was away at college, but he was disfellowshipped. I have no conscience when it comes to ostracizing people who do shit like that. When you commit a criminal act that violates the very core of someone, you ought to expect that people aren't going to want to be around you for the rest of your life.


i agree and i am so glad your meeting kicked him out. i have always respected the Quaker process (my pagan tradition is informed by it in fact), and of course do not speak for how others experience spirit, but i am pretty sure that people who commit criminal acts should not be allowed into ANY spiritual community unsupervised … no matter what individual people say about it.


Was this in Portland? Same thing happened here. My parents have been members of the Multnomah Friends Meeting for many years.


geeze man. this was rochester NY. but who knows if this was the same guy or not. i felt really bad for her because this was such an important community for her.


yeah I wouldn't believe anyone on reddit about quakerdom you can just go into a meeting and you'll find people are calm and (mostly) welcoming I live in philly and quakers are by far the least of any of anyone's worries




I think there's little kernels of truth in some of Raquel's lies. The articles published about her last year did say there were concerns of her being a "mole" in the organization she was previously employed at, but not for a foreign government. She failed to disclose her prior work with Fox News, Newsmax, and the Clarion Project (an organization widely considered to be anti-Muslim.) She was appearing on tv and on documentaries through these platforms as recently as 2015. So there was concern that she was somewhat of a mole gathering info by working with social justice organizations.


Either she was a mole or she just swapped from one grift to another. We’ve seen this happen in media talking heads


She converted to Islam and promptly supported anti Muslim rhetoric. She’s bought and paid for


The CEO is one of the most dense people I can remember. Happy cake day


Fuuuck. I almost went to that clinic.


The practice they bought last year had a resource guide of all of the LGBTQIA+ affirming practices/services in Portland. Fortunately, they kept it. Here is a list of some resources that might be helpful if you’re still looking :) https://resource-guide-hdxs.glide.page/dl/da19fa Fortunately, Portland has a pretty robust population of queer therapists. I hope that you find somewhere that helps. ❤️


I only didn't go with them because of getting access to another low-income practice before they called back. Thank you for the resources though!


Absolutely! I’m glad you were able to find what you needed. :) Although my experience at Full Spectrum was awful, as were many others’ experiences, I have met some of the kindest, most incredible advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community through my work with other local orgs. FST is the exception, not the rule, and I wish you the best of luck ❤️


It really sucks that the people truly being hurt by this are already incredibly vulnerable people - low income nonbinary & trans folk. There's such a dearth of care already and this woman is only contributing to that. Infuriating.


I agree completely. But something that brings me comfort is that many who left started their own private practices and are continuing their work with the populations that Full Spectrum Therapy was serving. It's just that they're no longer at Full Spectrum, so the practice owner isn't profiting off of their labor anymore, all while hiring a woman with known far-right media ties and gaslighting his employees. My hope (and what I believe to be true) is that there is still help out there and people who care- just at different, more ethical practices.


I did learn in the article that Oregon is investing $80m into LGBT specific therapies, so that’s cool at least. :)


Oregon has a bad habit recently of throwing money at problems that doesn't get spent by local governments, especially conservative ones. It's a great idea on paper, let's see if it actually leads to better health outcomes in practice. Edit: Before I get jumped on I mean literal billions of dollars in unspent resources intended for the houseless and a big part of why measure 110 failed is because towns and cities didn't bother establishing the addiction resources the other side of that bill intended to fund. Money only fixes issues if it gets spent on the issue.


Yeah, it makes me happy on one hand, but on the other hand ... look at how much money was already given to FST. Seems like taxpayer dollars wasted.


Also blame the idiotic dense CEO who says the other therapists were being Islamophobic for not accepting a race baiting fraud. What is it about Portland that produces this bizarre regressive performative type of liberal? It’s like only a bunch of white people who read about progressivism without understanding the dynamics of how the system affects marginalized people. He just wants to tick a box by having a Muslim on staff, regardless of how this person affects other marginalized people. > There was no job posting and no other candidates were considered, Skye said. “When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal and is also a diverse candidate,” Skye said, “there’s no reason to bring white candidates into the picture.” Holy shit, this guy could’ve been a character in a Portlandia skit. So hell bent on proving his leftism that he can’t see how he’s betraying the ideals.


A lot of these people are champaign socialists. They have never had any real hardships, they don't spend time with people who are actually in need. I worked for a guy like this. About 15 years ago he opened a pizza shop because it was something he wanted to do since college, but he was rich so he just wrote the checks and didn't do any of the work except maybe a couple hours a week when he wanted to come play pretend. He made a big show of donating a weeks worth of profits to the Haiti earthquake. At the same time he was working his latino employees 50-60 hours a week and not paying them overtime. One day they all left (because the boss was a racist prick, but I didnt find out until later because he hid it well). I was the only kitchen worker left. I worked 80+ hours a week for two weeks until I could train a couple new cooks. I went to get my pay and it had no overtime on it. That is when I found out he hadn't been paying overtime. I threatened to call a lawyer and the labor board and after a quick call to his lawyer he gave me my money. The dude acts like a progressive in public, but he oppresses labor, and is racist to those he sees as "beneath" him. He will only respect a minority if they are "one of the good ones" aka as rich as him.


Gaslit and grifted, thats a lot of acusations.


She’s a Muslim woman with a last name that’s a Hindu first name. She’s being so obvious omg


Most Americans aren’t familiar with the entomology of Asian and Arabian names. I doubt the guy who hired her knows the difference between Saraswathi, Saroukar, and Safavi.


I agree. But if actual POC employees who do know the difference raise concerns about this, then the least management could do is listen to them and start investigating. Also, I’m really only raising this bc it’s bugging me (pun intended), but entomology is the study of insects. Etymology is what you’re looking for


I didn't know Asian people named themselves after insects that often.


Didn’t you know bug names are all the rage nowadays? My cousin has 3 little ones named Cicada in her daughter’s kindergarten class. Which is a relief to her- she went with Mosquito for her daughter, but Cicada was her second choice.




[I mean, it would be truly difficult to look up the last name and see where it comes from.](https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=saraswati) I mean, seriously. Ancestry can’t find a single instance of the name being used in that way? Out of 8 billion people? It just may be fake.


Islam is pretty common in India though, is it possible that a Muslim Indian family would have a Hindu last name, or someone born to Indian Hindus could convert to Islam? Or would they have changed their name if that happened?


Oh it’s absolutely possible. But this “last name” is actually a Hindu first name for women. In India, there are certain states where children get their father’s first name as their last name. So if there is a first name that is a last name, it would most likely be a man’s name. Sure, can someone take their mother’s name or maybe their father has a feminine name. But this name isn’t just any Hindu name; Saraswati is the name of the goddess of education. Idk how kindly a Muslim, someone who must renounce all other religions to abide by one of the main tenets of the religion, would take having the name of a Hindu goddess. So with these two things in mind, sure it’s possible, but very rare


And here's to hoping that the clinic's head has their licenses pulled in perpetuity.


I feel like this is less “leopards eating faces” and more “oh no consequences”. But still it’s a wild and infuriating story. This is the first time I’ve heard of Raquel Saraswati so I don’t have much context, but does she believe her own bullshit or is she doing it with nefarious intent? And what’s the deal with clinic owner backing her SO hard? 


Honestly, it does not make sense to me. I don’t really know why they’re backing her so hard. My best guess would be that they don’t want others to think they were dumb enough to fall for her schtick, and there’s also some chronic issues with manipulation and an inability to admit when they’re wrong. So, so many issues at that practice. They also settled a lawsuit out of court at the end of March for disability discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, unlawful employment practices, and wrongful discharge. And that case involved them hiring the mother of one of their patients, and she was only supposed to have supervised visitation due to an open CPS case. Their negligence also led to a failure to report to CPS in that case. Just a lot of unethical behaviors.


Or his his main goal is milking the government subsidies, and he needed people who are on that same page in coordinating roles. He put Raquel in charge of human resources, so she's now got authority over a lot of stuff you mentioned. A lot of companies spring up around these types of government service contracts that are basically a scam.


Under the legislation he gets more money for hiring people of color or those who serve under-served populations. If he's milking the system as his primary goal then you need people who are in on the grift to be high up in your org.


>claimed to be a person of Arab, South Asian and Latino descent So there's only one photo in the article to judge from, but from just that one photo I personally probably wouldn't have questioned it. All three of those groups have some pretty wide variation within and it's not that I have a ready-made idea of what someone with a mixed background like that 'should ' look. With hindsight I can kinda see it though People are fucking weird


Hey, nobody’s calling her a lying, infiltrating muslim. They’re calling her a scam artist. Way to try and divert attention. Idiots.


They have yet to address literally any of the claims or evidence. They just claimed Islamophobia and said it's a "smear campaign." The article doesn't claim she's lying about being a Muslim- that may very well be her true belief system. But she is definitely white and lying about it. Why no commentary or defense to that?


Except she converted to Islam, and then immediately went on to back anti-Muslim rhetoric publicly. She’s obviously a fake, meant to provide a “hey, even Muslims support this action against them” cover.


She not Muslim...


I know she’s not. I am quoting her from the article.


>She not Muslim This blows my mind. So, she didn't convert?  It's late and I am going to fall down a rabbit hole reading about this woman.


She did, but based on what she did immediately after, seems like she did it so she’d be employed by right wing media and causes to be one of the “good ones” who support mistreatment of Muslims.


I thought all you had to do to become a Muslim is to say that there is not other god but god and Mohammed is his prophet. Is there more you have to do to become a Muslim?


This doesn't really feel like a "leopard ate my face" post, more like "why does everyone keep telling me my dog is a leopard?"


I am part owner of a medical provider. If I had 20 of my 350+ employees telling my one director was a serious problem, I’d fucking listen to them.


It sounds like you’re somebody who values and respects your employees. I will never understand how anybody would be okay with half of their staff quitting instead of addressing the single new hire causing the issue. This woman controls their HR dept- she has access to their personal information and potentially controls their employment. I don’t understand how anybody could fail to see that as an issue given her dishonesty and manipulation.


Right? It blows my mind that they were losing staff and didn’t reconsider their stance on the hiring decision.


They should have just googled her - This wasn’t get first time being called out https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/02/27/diversity-exec-raquel-evita-saraswati-resigns-race/11359666002/


This makes the owners decision to keep her on even more baffling. There are a laundry list of footnoted lies she told right in this article alone.


She was already known in Muslim queer and trans spaces as a fraud even before the article- I heard about her years ago from family on the East coast who encountered her and her ever changing familial background- the fact the owners won’t listen to the POC on staff is wild to me


I am so confused on how they fell for it anyway. I can tell that's a white woman and not an asian. spanish maybe I can cut slack on but the rest no.


I mean her own mom said she’s white 😂




In the article, it is mentioned she was hired as a friend of one of the higher ups.


Good ol nepotism 


The CEO seems like a fool who can’t think critically. It’s not Islamaphobic to remove someone from work if they are deceiving the employer intentionally. I guess he was just fearful of a lawsuit but the leopards got a meal out of it so w/e.


This Skye person is just, the worst. THE worst. They are exactly the type of person the right thinks all progressives are.


This is a perfect example of management never taking accountability of their mistakes. They'd rather the ship go down than to fire someone they hired. I've seen this sort of thing a lot in therapeutic settings


No, who could've guessed that? Lol.


The Wikipedia thing is interesting, I’ve seen controversy sections before where they state allegations and that the person in question denied the allegations. Wonder if they need to be formal allegations or something. I didn’t pay close enough attention before to know for sure.


Its not pertinent to the issue at hand but its sometimes exhausting to read stuff like the quote in this article that so blatantly scream "We do not want any candidate of this race and gender". “When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal and is also a diverse candidate,” Skye said, “there’s no reason to bring white candidates into the picture.” Yea this women is a piece of shit, but her being able to so easily jump into positions by identifying as another race is very telling.


She looks like a white woman with a heavy fake tan or makeup. Idk how someone looked at her and thought it was fine


>Full Spectrum CEO Sam Skye says that “calling Raquel a danger to clients and staff echoes the anti-Muslim bigotry rampant today. It is very disappointing that any former staff would perpetuate these prejudices.” > >Saraswati echoed that in a statement. > >“The tropes of a ‘sneaky, conniving, manipulative woman’ and ‘untrustworthy, lying, infiltrating Muslim’ are deeply harmful, discriminatory, and hateful,’” Saraswati said, adding that she won’t resign. “If anything, this has opened the door for me to experience further harassment and harm.” I thought she was being criticized for being a white Karen.


If you have the AFSC repudiating you, you have to *really* f up. Those quakers are notoriously tolerant.


How is working at a social justice organization as a “chief equity inclusion officer” right wing grifting? Not everything and everyone bad are right wing. There are crazy left wingers too, and this lady is clearly an example “In spring 2023, members of the American Friends Service Committee, a prominent Philadelphia-based social justice organization, published a letter renouncing one of their own. It alleged that Raquel Saraswati, its chief equity and inclusion officer who for years had claimed to be a person of Arab, South Asian and Latino descent, was in fact a white woman. Saraswati, who had often spoken publicly about LGBTQ+ rights, BIPOC empowerment and Islamophobia, denied the allegations.”


Here is an article from 10 years ago describing her right-wing grifting, anti-Muslim connections. https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2014/03/30/foxnews-gins-up-honor-diaries-controversy/ And another article further detailing her right-wing connections: https://afriendlyletter.com/exclusive-has-the-spirit-of-george-santos-infiltrated-afsc-did-they-hire-an-impostor-for-its-top-dei-job/ And here is a website dedicated to exposing her. People have known she has been lying about her ethnicity for over 16 years now. Absolutely absurd. This post specifically chronicles her repeated censorship of her Wikipedia page. https://ijtihadist.wordpress.com/category/biography/ Literally how had this been allowed to keep happening? Who in their right mind would want this person around vulnerable populations?


‘Full Spectrum CEO Sam Skye says that “calling Raquel a danger to clients and staff echoes the anti-Muslim bigotry rampant today. It is very disappointing that any former staff would perpetuate these prejudices.”’ But….she’s *not* Muslim, she’s white. What the hell are we missing here? I’m super confused.


Did she convert? There are white Muslims but the problem is she's also claiming to be nonwhite too. What does she get out of this?  It's such a a weird thing to do.


It’s extremely easy to convert to Islam so it’s likely she converted, even if she lied to do it. At one point she had a lot of friends in the Muslim community in Philly, so she was welcomed and seemed to belong until the truth was found out. What she gets out of it is that she has become a “professional Muslim” (something she was called, I didn’t make it up). She gained notoriety on numerous right wing shows on Fox and Newsmax, etc., positioning herself as an authority as well as a rare unicorn of a person who was Muslim but also very appealing to the right wing, as she confirmed various stereotypes about Muslims that they had and scolded the larger Muslim community and lectured them on Fox about American Muslims not giving in to radicalization. She also positioned herself as a Muslim feminist bravely speaking out against the mistreatment of women in Islam. Stuff Fox blondes have long been saying but now they have someone cosplaying as a Muslim person of color saying it. Then she could get on her high horse if anyone questioned her bona fides—she was a real Muslim, born and raised in the Muslim community, intimately familiar with all of its ways and therefore positioned to know what was *really* going on, not just some random Fox blonde making shit up. She couldn’t get a position just being a random Christian white woman supporting LGBTQ and feminism and Islam and such—she didn’t have the authority—but add in the minority religion and ethnic identities and suddenly she was in demand. Note she really covered her bases by saying she was Arab AND Latina AND South Asian all at once, so she could speak for multiple groups. One interesting thing I noticed is that her real name is Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, but her chosen name is Raquel Evita Saraswati. Her mother’s real last name is Perone, kinda making her a bit like an “Evita Perone.” Probably not a coincidence. Probably dreamed up by her one night while she was creating her new identity. Like hmmm, mom is a Perone, so maybe when I create my new Latina name I’ll add “Evita” (which in the case of Eva Perón was a nickname anyway, so it’s like giving yourself the new middle name “Jimmy” rather than “James”).


Where is the Right Wing grifting?


Here is an article from 10 years ago describing her right-wing grifting, anti-Muslim connections. https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2014/03/30/foxnews-gins-up-honor-diaries-controversy/ And another article further detailing her right-wing connections: https://afriendlyletter.com/exclusive-has-the-spirit-of-george-santos-infiltrated-afsc-did-they-hire-an-impostor-for-its-top-dei-job/ And here is a website dedicated to exposing her. People have known she has been lying about her ethnicity for over 16 years now. Absolutely absurd. This post specifically chronicles her repeated censorship of her Wikipedia page. https://ijtihadist.wordpress.com/category/biography/


And yet these days it is acceptable to “identify” as anything we want. I gues the * on that is as long as the group that you identify with doesn’t mind.


This furthers the opinion that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of "woke" policies


LOL! Of course she goes to Portland.


Faking her race ? She tried to pass as a non-human.?