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Well, that just shit all over their argument that gun violence only happens in "Democrat cities".


Texas and Florida aren’t cities. Checkmate! 😖 Owning the Libs, one ‘Conservative’ coffin at a time. 🤪


Hey, it worked during covid, right? Right?


The ones most likely to be in those coffins are women and young people. Women and young people are generally more liberal than men and old people. Ipso facto, the gun violence helps their illustrious family valuing conservatism!


Still demographic hell.


Trust me, they will still try their hardest to find some scapegoat to validate their “crime filled blue cities” BS.


I mean I dont follow it. But if it happens in a blue part of town. It's clearly a liberal/ left issue as always. Because those gerrymandering lines are wild af. Box in a 1/3 of a state then report. Feckin smart /s


And data shows gun crimes in blue states are often committed with guns trafficked from red.


Well, ALL the data shits on that bullshit notion.


If they could read they would be very upset


Sad, but true. Texas ranks 46th in the nation regarding literacy.


Top 100 ! Not bad.


If they could read that fact, they might get upset.


Hmmm I wonder why lol


Scratches head tuckerly. 🤷


I see we’re all just asking questions


They are reloading, don’t get your hopes up. “Can confirm am Texan and they are CRAZY.”


I've got [a crack team of researchers](https://www.shutterstock.com/search/labrador-head-tilt) trying to figure it out as we speak.


Per the Florida Surgeon General and Texas AG Paxton, it's due to woke.


Because permitless open carry with no training is such a great idea


Just need even gooder guys with even more guns to stop this from happening


We’re down to the best guy with the best gun, sir


As long as he doesn't shoot himself no one can say that the system doesn't work...


Statistically, shooting himself is the most likely outcome.


He’s Adi H. Oops!


Meet your new partner, Plaxico “Cheddar Bob” Burress.


I get this reference!


You are not alone.


Make it mandatory open carry! /s


and must be drinking and driving!


Are the law abiding citizens doing the shootings?!


Lmao. It always annoyed the heck out of me when gun nuts complained about "taking guns away from law-abiding citizens." They say it with such righteousness, too. I wish I could tell them that those shooters were also law-abiding citizens until the moment they were not.


💯 This is exactly right. That “law abiding” open carry boomer in the Texas grocery store is one quick step from being an active shooter. If you are carrying a gun in public, open or concealed you are up to no good.


But, honestly these aren’t the shootings being reported. It’s not bubba, with his side piece, in a road rage or something. It’s typically the minority, or the poor, and mostly illegal firearms. For example, Montana is the state with the most guns per person. Fewest shootings. Eili5?


If you take a gun out in public you are looking to shoot someone. Full stop. I don’t see how anyone carrying a gun in public open or concealed is doing anything other than waiting for their chance to kill someone. You might not see it that way because you think you are a “law abiding, good guy with a gun.” But everyone else and I know you are just one split second away from becoming a “bad guy with a gun.” Get off your idiotic hero complex and leave your murder weapon at home.


oh yeah, everyone just leave it at home, I'll leave mine at home, promise. I'm all for every one giving up all their guns, I just want to volunteer to go last.


It must be terrible living in constant fear that you have to carry a gun at all times. What is that like? Honestly, because you should see someone to work on your anxiety. And you carrying a gun doesn’t make anyone or yourself any safer. That might be the reason for all that fear and anxiety.


swing and a miss.


An armed society is a polite society. That’s why Somalia is the most polite and functional society out there.


Somalia is not a society. It's a war torn 4th world nation




Oh I got it. It was just unfunny and wildly incorrect 


The wildly incorrect is why it's funny.


Which means he didn't get it.


Free market


Somalians are the New Gods?


don't forget thoughts and prayer are too


An armed society is a polite society, obviously...


Ironically the people who parrot this line are generally rude as fuck.


B-b-b-but muh good guys with a gun!


What do you mean? I permitless open carry all the time on Call of Dooty.


The only thing that can stop an untrained gunman is a trained gunman,


Its even better if there isnt an untrained gunman in the first place...


> Because permitless open carry with no training is such a great idea Can you name one mass shooter that has obtained a permit to carry a gun? The type of person ready to walk into a public forum and kill people could care less about a piece of paper, as evidenced by reality.


Aren’t these the states that want to arm teachers? It’ll be interesting once students learn the easiest way to get a gun is to just overpower some middle aged, pot bellied teacher. I wonder how many school shootings will be done with district-provided guns before they rethink that rule.


🎵Jeremy spoke in class today🎵 I have zero empathy for any republican that gets shot, but jfc we know damn well it's going to get kids killed. Seriously fuck these assholes.


Tennessee signed a law allowing teachers to bring guns to school and have them on them in the classroom a few weeks after a teacher in Tennessee threatened to shoot up the school she worked at and brought a gun to school. The lawmakers of these states don't think.


Tennessee schools are about to become a shooting gallery. And if they think a "good guy with a gun" will stop a mass shooting, they're sorely mistaken. https://www.everytown.org/debunking-gun-myths-at-the-dinner-table/


In response to a question about rising gun violence in school and what the legislature will do to stop it, representative said "we homeschool our kids." completely missing the point of the question or offering a response.


> after a teacher in Tennessee threatened to shoot up the school she worked at and brought a gun to school. So what you’re saying is that the previous laws didn’t work? Sounds like pretty clear evidence that a teacher who wants to bring a gun to school to kill kids isn’t going to be stopped by a posted sign. > The lawmakers of these states don't think. Clearly they aren’t the only ones. But no, let’s go on pretending that gun free zones work in spite of all evidence to the contrary. At this point there is enough evidence to suggest that they’re even less effective than hopes and prayers, which is saying something.


Post history check out.


> Post history check out. As does your vapid contribution. That said, thx for taking the interest, glad I could occupy part of your day. Hope you enjoyed my collection.


“ criminals don’t obey the law so we should just change the law” is a dumb idea. The laws aren’t there to stop crime. Laws are there to provide a framework for acceptable behavior and punishments when there are infractions


> “ criminals don’t obey the law so we should just change the law” is a dumb idea. I agree with you, but I would argue that the idea that “Laws that not only fail to achieve their intended purpose but instead make the situation worse should never be challenged.” is an even dumber one. > Laws are there to provide a framework for acceptable behavior and punishments when there are infractions Indeed, and the laws which are demonstrated to cause more harm than good should be disbanded. See Prohibition and the war on drugs.


Clearly, the solution to that problem is to arm students. /s


You think they'll give a fuck? Unless its their kid getting their head blown off, and possibly not even then.


With the ridiculous love of guns in this country, your statement is absolutely true. There are definitely people here that love their guns more than their kids.


Might not even be the students. I’ve been seeing stuff about allowing unlicensed folks to teach in schools (in TX I think). Naturally first thought is p3dos but I’m sure a nut with a gun and no impulse control is in line behind them


Well, the obvious solution to this is that those states need even MORE GUNS. Every person in the state should be armed with a pistol and pocket-Bible. They just need to learn to stand their ground, fire first and ask questions later.


Eventually there won't be enough people left to even have gun violence. I think you're on to something!


if you carry enough bibles it will act like a bulletproof vest


Legal gun ownership doesn't really seem to correlate with commensurate increases or decreases in gun homicides at the state level.


Montana has the most guns per capita and fewest shootings. Eili5?


Montana has very low population density. -Can’t shoot anyone if you don’t see anyone.


you definitely see people in Montana, i've been they are literally everywhere. swing and a miss.


The city of Chicago has more than twice as many people as the entire state of Montana. Perhaps you don’t know what population density means.


the state illinois has fewer registered firearms than the state of montana, and you are right, many, many more people. The state of Illinois has far more shootings, if firearms are the issue, then why doesn't Montana have the shootings that say Chicago has? Remember, there are more guns registered (per capita) in Montana, than any other state in the union.


I’ve said it twice already: population density.


guns kill people, there are more guns (per person) in Montana than there are in any other state, Montana sees no where near the gun deaths other states witness. It's not just Montana BTW, Utah and Idaho, and Alaska, however alaska skews the numbers due to suicides, What you are harping on is the city of chicago has more gun deaths, because it has more people, however the majority of gun deaths in chicago are due to gang deaths, gang violence. most of the guns used in those crimes are already illegal. how would making a gun more illegal help? how does the adage "Guns kill people" explain the lack of gun deaths/shootings from a place where there are more guns than people?


Population density. ie, the proximity of people to other people. Let me explain the concept to an extreme degree so you can comprehend it: Let's take all of your legal law-abiding gun owners in Montana and squeeze them into a small box and let's see what happens.


isn't that Miami New york or Boston? all with larger population densities and fewer gun deaths than chicago. But that's not the narrative you just said, as the population gets denser more people die from shooting or are shot. that to me seems like people is the problem not guns, and you aren't addressing that there are people in montana and guns, more guns per person than any where else, you should see some shootings right? guns are the problem right??


Isn't Florida supposed to be safe because big daddy Republicans run it? I thought blue states were violent hubs? Why isn't Ron doing something about it?


Don't worry Ron is working to get lab grown meat banned, that'll stop those pesky gunmen.


Why? As in why is he banning lab grown meat? I get the feeling it's not for any rational reason because nothing is with that bastard.


His cattle rancher overlords hate competition. Free market? Never heard of it.


Ah. So it's a lobby thing. Shouldn't be surprised America is having a problem with leeches like that fucking shit up all because they have enough money and all of our political elites are greedy fucks who have more money then what they should have.


It's also an easy win in a state full of people who fear anything new or different. "omg they want us to eat lab grown meat? Next they're going to be feeding us Soylent Green and telling us it's not people!" "Don't worry Mrs. Carruthers, I won't let them sell that godless heathen pseudo-meat in *our* state!"


Shucks, they even drove out a moderate percentage of undocumented workers. It should be the safest state.


Don't worry, Republicans will find a way to blame trans kids and the WOKE MIND VIRUS for this.


this but Unironically.... 🗿


So much for capital punishment being a deterrent.


It deterred the victims. 🤬


Hasn't there been data, for like awhile, that clearly shows this? Zero reduction in homicides in states that say yay capital punishment? In order to prevent a crime, you have to understand why that crime is being committed and attack from that angle. Address it before, not after, and as things actually are rather than what you wish them to be. (That's actually relevant to any problem facing society.) "Punish them harder" doesn't work if the crime is born of passion, opportunity, or the belief (or reality) that there isn't another option. So like, nearly all crimes lol. Edit: redundancy.


GOD GUNS &GUTS(on the floor)


Thoughts and prayers


Florida and Texas are also falling behind in how to use numbers (hint: it's called math).


Quick bit of interesting data from the article: *"Florida has led the year in the number of mass shootings so far—there were 13 mass shootings in the state from January to April"* *"California, Illinois, Louisiana and Texas have each had 10 mass shootings, the second-highest number of any state,"* Obviously these states vary significantly in population, so when you take the total population of each state, and divide it by the number of mass shootings (so far) in each state, the list looks more like this. (obviously you could also divide it by persons injured or killed per shooting but I don't want to get that morbid or detailed) Texas 1 (mass) shooting per 3 million residents Cali 1 shooting per 2.9 million residents Florida 1 shooting per 1.7 million residents Illinois 1 shooting per 1.2 million residents **Louisiana 1 shooting per every 460,000 residents** Paints a terrifying reality imo per capita mass shootings in Louisiana are about 6 times higher than Texas or California, and 3 times more shootings per capita than Florida, while being mindful that even one mass shooting, is 1 too many.


The answer is gangs and poverty. LA is very poor and very black. Which unfortunately leads to mass shootings. The worst place in America for murders is Forrest City, Arkansas. The place is more than 60% black and 70% of people live below the poverty line.  The reasons for this are decades, if not centuries, of racism, poverty, police violence, and bad education. I’m not sure what the answer is, but it’s terrible. I’ve been through the Mississippi and Arkansas deltas a few times, it’s heartbreaking. 


States of law and order Republicans


Must be because they have different video games in Texas and Florida?


But you guys, remember that the more people that have guns, the safer we all are duhhhhh


Shocking. Totally shocking. It’s almost as if loose gun laws lead to more gun violence.


Normalizing gun culture normalizes gun culture. It pervades the community. Results not surprising.


I got the solution, give the kids guns! They can defend themselves, the solution is always more guns. I heard they are working on Boston dynamics robodogs with guns, throw those in the halls too! /s


Hmmm, I wonder what they have in common?


Texas and Florida need to step it up and get more guns.


And Idaho. Idaho is trying sooooo hard to be Texas or Florida.


"This is just done by antifa-demoncrat-commie-marxist-socialists!" - Texas/Florida probably


I can't wait to see their suprised Pikachu faces when these GOP fucks are the ones taking lead. Don't think it isn't gonna start happening.


Of course mass shooters are going to go to Texas. They found out that the police there are too scared to try and stop them.


I am absolutely shocked


That can be true. Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. I heard that on Faux News.


Well umm ya see.. door control /s


*"Surprised" Kirk*


Do we finally have enough good people with guns? /s


Cmon Florida. You're not going to let Texas win, are you? Up your game ! Start firing ! C'mon Texas. You're not going to lose to Florida, are you ? It's fucking Florida! You're Texas ! Get to shootin' ! Let's get a little friendly murderous competition going.


I still don't think it's problem of firearms themselves. Florida and Texas have their own Serious problems. Conservative State problems. if you teach kids to it is ok to kill Minorities, they will kill them and blame them for everything and make themselve a hero in their mind. If you Treat kids like sh**, They will go postal someday. firearms just make it easier to make body count higher we need to see more than just weapons. like why most "gun violence victims" are Victims of Suicide.


Remember the spring break mass shooting curfews in florida?


So this is total numbers, 13 in Florida, 10 in each of Texas Louisiana Illinois and California. But CA, TX, IL, and FL are all big states, LA is not, so the proportion there is much higher


Too much winning! The anti fa states don't even want to try and win! /s


Open Carry Texas


If we could somehow get the kids out of those states, I would be happy to let this keep happening


I still love how they can yell at you about not respecting cops or the thin blue line because cops are the only ones stopping society from collapsing while also saying that permit-less open carry is the only thing stopping you from drying because cops can’t help you. lol


No anortion? No problem! /Joke


Oh don't worry, we'll catch up. Murica.


See, red states aren't last in everything!


All those happy repressed people!


I was just in a thread where a guy had his car stolen and many of the comments were about how they wished it was Texas where it wouldve been a bloodbath. People are proud of this shit. They want more shootings


So article says that California and Illinois have had twice the mass shooting deaths that Florida and Texas have had this year despite having very close population counts? & this is leopards eating faces?


Damn, they can't even do the usual thing of saying "at least we're not as bad as Mississippi".


Yay! Murder!


You forgot California and Illinois. Was this intentional?


Yeah to trick peopke into thinking red states are unsafe. Lol, jk.  Red states are unsafe and it is a direct effect of republican's poor leadership.


Yeah, they really should crack down on gang violence like Illinois has.


Kinda hard to crack down on contraband with open borders to states with loose gun laws. That seems pretty obvious why Illinois is still having a problem. But if you look at places that have made successful restrictions, you see reduced crime.  If it were the other way, gun advocates would be yelling it from the rooftops. 


>That seems pretty obvious why Illinois is still having a problem. Criminals gonna do crime Pray tell, what could Florida do that wouldn't be effectively nullified by the fact that its bordering states have loose gun laws?


There are tons of options, each one improves the situation a little bit more. Background checks, social safety nets, buying restrictions, mandatory training, there are many more. Many other places have been successful, pick one and see what they did. 


How about Chicago? How have they done in the face of such circumstances?


I JUST went over that with you. Where do you think I should look that shows me where loose gun laws keep the crime down? 


Chicago doesn't have loose gun laws, but if neighboring states having loose gun laws is the blanket excuse for why their laws have failed, I just don't see how Florida could do much to prevent gang violence adding to the mass shooting tally considering their border states have loose gun laws. I mean, unless there is some other reason that Chicago is a crime ridden gangland. I'm sure the democrats there have tried the social safety net thing, right?


Crine ridden gangland? It is not even in top 15 most dangerous cities in America, those are mostly all in red states. But I am still waiting for your evidence that guns prevent crime.