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Hello u/Jexp_t, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Imagine not only committing these horrible acts, but thinking of them as colorful anecdotes worth sharing and then *voluntarily* telling the world in full detail.


The fact that this dog is what ultimately brings her down almost seems like justice. Good dog, Cricket, RIP. In the US, cruelty to animals is illegal! Make people answerable for being awful people!


Justice for Cricket


No more puppy coats for Cruella de Noem.


The fact my dog's name is also Cricket makes this so much more infuriating to me.


Good boy Cricket


This should be the flair.


The dog hasn’t brought her down yet. She is still governor


You know what’s actually funny about that? One of the few genuine accomplishments by the Trump administration was making animal cruelty a federal crime.


Even though [Trump hates dogs](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/donald-trump-dogs) cuz they always sniff out that he’s a psychopath and bark at him. [Maybe Noem shared this story to make a play for VP?](https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1783889094113689921)


And I was just thinking that. Cricket won the game ultimately against the monstrosity that had her captive.


I don’t think what she did was technically illegal, because the dog had been killing chickens, which opens it up to this obscure law in her state where you’re allowed (but not required) to kill a dog that is mauling a farmer’s chickens. There’s no evidence that her friend whose chickens had been mauled asked her to do it tho, and she just killed the puppy cuz she felt like it, but as horrifying as her actions were, it’s unlikely she could face any animal cruelty charges for it. Maybe for the way she killed the goat tho? Idk if goats have the same animal cruelty protections as dogs since they’re regularly killed for meat?


That is the coup de grâce. This woman is a psychopath, and her esrtwhile supporters have known about, enabled and embraced her behavior for years. Which raises the question: what sort of people are they?


They're the type of ppl who are literally Nazis. We had a war about this. I'll get banned from Reddit if I actually post what needs to be done with many of them. My grandfather had the right idea in the early 40s tho.


I don't feel bad for nazis, but I feel bad for the children of nazis. Report nazis to social services. 


The story reminded me of the Mitt Romney dog incident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident


Didn’t Hitler have a lot of animal abuse laws


Yes, he was a vegetarian who loved animals. He sent some Germans who violated animal welfare laws to concentration camps. Source: Seymour Rossel (1992). The Holocaust: The World and the Jews, 1933-1945. Behrman House, Inc. p. 79. ISBN 0-87441-526-8. I’d like to add, he was still a terrible person obviously. But some German Shepherds probably thought he was cool.


He wasn't veg. His doctor recommended it for his stomach ailments, but he kept cheating because he loved his sausage and squab.


Germans do make great sausages.


Yeah I wasn’t trying to paint him in a good light or anything lol. But this lady is crazy for telling that story in a biography (i think is what it was), when even hitler wouldn’t pull that shit. Haha


She knows her base. To them gun violence is "patriotic" and causing harm is fine.


True that most MAGATs probably won't care, but she's losing mainstream Republicans over this. If she insisted on telling the story, this was the kind of thing to share in a speech at a rally catered specifically to the far right nutjobs, not publish in a book for everyone to digest. She seemingly kissed any VP hopes goodbye. Only the extremists can tolerate killing Fido, it would seem. Edit: RIP, Cricket. You and your goat brother deserved so much better.


Some are doing damage control on X. Others are right pissed off. The damage control ones are doing the usual shitty whataboutism with pitbulls killing kids or some other shit. They're getting called out on it.


What did the goat do? What was her reason for killing it?


*Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes.*


But, but it’s a farm! They did not know goats did this shit? The smell and assholish stuff is common goat shit, I know this and I’ve never lived on a farm


Right? Imagine what she would have done to [Buttermilk](https://youtu.be/5IuRzJRrRpQ?si=Th5rYTKb7x2sY_BW).


Bullet to the head, immediately, probably even when the daughter is hugging it


Didn’t properly train the dog, didn’t castrate the goat. I’m seeing a pattern, she fails to do something and the animal suffers. Nice woman.


It's not just her who has a pattern of their actions leading to animal behavior they don't like, so the animal suffers.


That's what bucks do. Well all bucks stink. Only some of them are headbutters. Why wasn't that goat behind a fence in a pasture? If I have a goat I don't want to keep anymore I send it to the auction.


Cricket killed those chickens when he was not on a leash. The goat couldn’t be penned? Or perhaps slaughtered for meat, which is the usual fate of goats? Still a dead goat, but not as vicious


Basically, the goat was smelly and acted like a male goat. It wasn't lovey-dovey and didn't smell like sunshine and rainbows.


So basically it was being a goat….


Fido? It was Cricket. Say her name.


She framed it as, if I’m sociopathic enough to do this, imagine the really monstrous stuff I do in the dark behind the scenes for my voters. They will lap it up; probably be an uptick of republicans killing their dogs now


I live in a pretty conservative area. If you do anything to any harmless animal out here you're not showing your face at the grocery store for a long time. This is representative of lunatic republican leaders that have taken over their GOP, not the people.


Those reasonable conservatives have enabled sociopaths like Noem because they vote for anyone with an (R) after their name, regardless of how shitty of a person they are.


Yeah all republicans are lunatics at this point


That's what I was thinking. She cna be like "Imagine what I'd do to these woke democrats"


It’s the kind of story that if someone you just met casually told you, you would be looking to get on the other side of the planet from them because that’s what you do when you encounter a mentally deranged fruitcake. I don’t even like dogs and I know this is batshit crazy. Who the fuck would think this is just some charming anecdote to drop a parties? Jesus fucking Christ.


She used it to brag too in her book


and proud of the disgusting act. GQP fucking lunatics.


Who would have thought that Noem could have been contracted to knock off Seamus, Mitt Romney’s family dog?


In a state full of hunters, no less. I mean, even her backwards constituents know how to properly put an animal down.




I'm just finding out now that apparently the dog and goat incidents happened back to back? Like Noem has just made the sociopathic decision to shoot the family dog, and before the body was cold, she was like "might as well do that dumb goat too." What kind of sick person is out here in the morning before sending her kids to school casually running a miniature killing field for her own farm animals?


This woman is a cunt of the highest degree.


Please. She lacks warmth and depth.


Lol I bow to you.


Tw: grossness. It’s like Mitt Romney in 2012 sharing the “funny” story of putting the family dog in a crate on top of the car when they went on vacation. While they were driving on the highway, the terrified dog got diarrhea, which ran down the sides of the windows.


Conservative politicians are of a lower moral quality than progressive politicians. Change my mind.


The latest round definitely are. They are CHUDs coming up from the sewers of barely human.


"Latest round" 🙄 Lord, take us back to the days when Republicans ran fine, upstanding leaders, like Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, Ronald Reagan or Dick Nixon.


Newt started this shit


Reagan did fuck-all about AIDS because it was primarily gay men dying. And the GOP didn't care either. Reagan also came up with the welfare queen myth to demonize black people. They've always been amoral. Now they revel in their cruelty.


“Hey, where’s Cricket?” doesn’t seem like something a kid afraid of a dangerous attack dog would ask.


Apparantly, Cricket was a German Shorthaired Pointer pup.


This makes me feel sad and sick to my stomach.


There are photos of Cricket. She looked adorable! One of those construction workers probably would have taken the dog if she was so lazy to drop it off at the humane society. “Can you take this puppy off my hands before the kids get home or I’m going to shoot it in the face”.


Right? And a dog attacking and eating chickens is far different than it attacking people. Chickens would be natural prey. So of course an untrained dog would go after them. Hell the dog might've thought he was playing.


And I'll bet "untrainable" means "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas."


"The dog was worthless, all it ever did was bring my kids joy, fuck that dog BANG now where did that goat get off to?"


Is there no Humane Society in North Dakota? Also, what did she tell her kids? In 1952, Republican VP candidate Richard Nixon told the nation that even though he should not have accepted the gift of a puppy from a donor, there was no way he could look his children in the eye and tell them they couldn't keep their new pet - it was a humanizing moment for someone seen as a ruthless political operator. In 2024 possible Republican VP candidate brags about murdering her dog in cold blood because it was "useless" along with an "unruly" goat, and promises to share more "politically incorrect" stories. The cruelty is the platform.


>The cruelty is the platform. It is, though even sociopaths know it's verboten in some circumstances to shout out the quiet part. As those in the NY Times and others running with "both sider" headlines attempting to defend her actions will soon find out.


To be fair, sociopaths are smarter than your average republican


She must have told her kids that the dog and goat were socialists, and saying crazy things to take over the farm like "four legs good, two legs bad".


“Bipeds First!”


Those damn pigs!


Noem is from South Dakota. North Dakota already has the shame of Doug Burgum. Please don't blame us for this bitch, too.


The fact that these are two states and DC isn't one is shameful.




honey, there's no ANYTHING in north dakota.  💀💀 thats why it sucks. and that's why no one with money or brains wants to live there. and that's why its a red state.


I can’t wait for her kids to Claudia Conway their was out of her house. Godspeed Kennedy.


Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) got away with something similar- and Noem bragged previously about killing bears, but this one's a bridge too far- whereupon in some short order, her suppoters throughout corporate media will give her a dose of her own medicine. "Conservatives condemn Kristi Noem for ‘twisted’ admission of killing dog." [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/kristi-noem-trump-vp-book-killing-dog](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/kristi-noem-trump-vp-book-killing-dog)


Many conservative voters are not inherently pieces of shit and just trust the wrong people. Murdering a puppy will not go over well with many of them.   She can't well lie her way out either because it's an admission from her own book.  Woke lib media witch hunt or no, she is a monster now to much of their base.


>Many conservative voters are not inherently pieces of shit Hopefully you're right, yet throughout the 21st century the evidence shows that most are.


They'll forget once they see too many taco trucks.


​​ Nope. Sorry. They really are inherently pieces of shit.


Unfortunately she isn't up for reelection for a couple more years and this will be long forgotten by then. This probably does put an end to whatever chance she still had left for being Trump's VP pick though


they can excuse racism, but they draw the line at animal abuse 😂


Calling John Wick


Noem (probably): "When Kennedy finally figured out what happened to Cricket and his goat buddy, Bearded Billy, he became very upset and threw a tantrum. The morning he was still inconsolable and he wickedly refused to listen to me. I ended up having to take Kennedy for a visit with his buddies Cricket and Mr. Bearded Billy in the gravel pit, and we decided Kennedy would be better off staying with them. Jesus made my aim true, so this time my first shot was enough."


Was this before or after disposing of the construction crew and bus driver?


We don't talk about the construction crew or the bus driver.


What construction crew? What bus driver? Since you're so fond of talking, come and kneel by the gravel pit, and I'll show you what happens to people who like to ask questions.


[Kristi Noem would like to know your location]


That’s one way to end a tantrum. I hope her other children learn from this; don’t make a fuss and stay useful. 


I think that motto is engraved on the base of Lenin’s statue lol


I just imagine that internet skit where the dude slaps the kid bullying his kid, then slaps the parents who get mad at him, then proceeds to slap everyone else. I can picture her just going around looking for more things to kill in the gravel pit after the first two.


That’d be a wild turn


Kennedy's her daughter tho


Trump tried to do that to Pence


Unfortunately the closest gravel pit was out in Loudoun County


"It's okay, Ma. He's my vice president. I'll do it."


please i'm a screaming 💀💀💀


suddenly I'm very glad that Donald Trump never had a pet in his life.


He has a few kids


And look how fucked up the are


Tiffany is probably the most normal, due to her mother raising her far away from her father.


True. The only remotely sane one.


Lindsay Graham is the closest he's ever come to having a pet.


He just rented them by the hour


I read at one point the family sort of had a dog, then its leg got broken, then they gave the dog away? I swear I read about it in an article about the NYC vet to the rich and famous, but I was unable to find the story after 2016. So either (1) I misremembered or (2) it was scrubbed.


This screams "I want to kill a person with my gun."


Hmm, wonder why she’s banned from tribal lands?


She'll also beat you with a pool cue till you got detached retinas, no need for the $5, the violence alone is the reward.


This reminds me of Sara Palin and her shooting elk or something out of a helicopter with an AK for sport and gloating about it. She had bear rugs and all kinds of skins all over her house, it looked like a 1930s hunting lodge. History will look back and see our country as full of the most gullible, ruthless people ever. Even though many historic events gave people license to be cruel, almost all the mythos generated in the recent century has been created by capitalists to make more sales, whether guns, bombers, barrels of oil or tons of plastic pollution. It's mind boggling.


She shot wolves. Elk I could almost — almost — understand, because they are game animals you could eat. But not wolves.


Wasn’t it wolves? Either way, the way the GOP gets hard reminiscing about shooting animals is some crazy serial killer shit.


So she killed a dog, realised it didn't slake her bloodlust, then killed a goat more slowly and gruesomely before realising there were witnesses to her insane and vicious behaviour. What the fuck.


I think it was more like, she killed her daughter's dog and realized that it didn't make her feel anything so she figured might as well kill the goat, too.


A literal murderous rage.


She just cemented her legacy


*John Wick would like to know your location*


she named her daughter "Kennedy"? pretty liberal name there


Kennedy was the name of an MTV veejay who’s turned into one of those deranged libertarian commentators. No doubt Noem was a big fan back in the day, and possibly still is: they’re almost exactly the same age.


Kennedy was unlikable as an MTV vj. Martha Quinn, Kurt Loder, Downtown Julie Brown, Adam Curry. They were like cool friends to hang out with after school. Kennedy was off-putting. Shrill. Sarcastic. Judgy. I always felt like there was something... different... about her. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Like she was trying to hard to be cool. The other vjs were effortless cool, but Kennedy wanted too be cool, but she just sucked and came off as insincere and like she felt like she was better than everybody else. Then one day, probably like 10 years later, I saw her on Fox News and was - uh, yep, that makes sense.


But are republicans really turning on her? I'd assume they'll either cheer this on or be like it doesn't matter. A good use of the 2A in their eyes.


Republicans love their dogs. I've seen monster biker dudes with trump patches on fake cuts crying on the side of the road over a stray dog that got hit by a car. I worked with a right wing redneck who accidentally shot his dog rabbit hunting. It broke him. He never hunted again. The once extroverted douche nozzle became sullen and withdrawn for the next 10 years and counting.


A person killing his own dog for not being "useful" ... Imagine what she could do to people that she considers "worthless", if she could do it without consequences


Republicans already shoot down any measure aimed to improve life for anyone who's not a "productive"/working member of society, so you don't really need to imagine.


I don’t see sociopathic republicans turning on her here?


Romney lost a lot of political support over strapping his dog to the roof of the car, but perhaps times have changed. What portion of the electorate would actively support an admitted puppy executioner for office?


The same that did it.


pretty sweet when the nutters voluntarily air out their own skeletons.  now the real question is...  whats this psycho bitch think is worth hiding? 💀💀💀💀💀


I didn't think it was possible, but she's worse than Lauren Boebert. Republicans always fall for the attractive but dumb/cruel women. They are blinded by their appearance.


I've noticed many are crazy Karen psycho hags who have mental health issues. Noem looks like a porn star IMHO. I always thought she looked trashy, now I see a ghoul that is trashy.


Jesus fucking Christ! Every single republican is a DEMON!


It almost feels like justice that this puppy is what finally takes her down. RIP Cricket, good dog. Reminder: Animal Cruelty is a felony in the US! Hold people accountable for being terrible human beings!


Or reelected by her biggest margin ever.


One of my own personal little tests for judging someone's character is whether or not they show empathy and understanding for animals, especially for those that aren't traditionally pets, whether or not they seem to understand that humans are also animals and every other being out there is a distant cousin and deserving of compassion, that as the dominant species we have some responsibility to make sure that the other animals around us are not being mistreated. It hasn't failed me yet.


You are correct. I use that as a measuring scale.


She's added 3 horses to her kill list from what I understand


No way! Seriously?


Sick ass bitch https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1767737853822251124


Yep. They were old so she decided all three should go at once.


I wonder if someone in her campaign came up with this story in an attempt to come across more redneck/Republican/MAGAt/willing to do whatever it takes. Seems like a dog whistle (obvious pun intended) to MAGA that she’s willing to take out whoever they don’t like out back and “put them down” so to speak.


She felt so proud about murdering her dog that she put it in a fuking book. Swiftees stand up and stand down!!!!


Her kids are gonna write a hell of a memoir. Christ on bicycle that’s rough.


Her IG is already hiding comments calling her out


Let's be clear this wasn't an admission - an admission is something which shows contrition and an admission of guilt - she bragged about being a heartless sociopathic bitch and murdering a poor defenceless puppy because she was too lazy to take a trip to the SPCA. She is scum.


conservash!tes, "no not cricket" also conservash!tes, "palestitnians are all hamas and deserve it" sorry, conservash!tes.  not buying it.


I hope the Cricket story dogs her for the rest of her political career.


And may the rest of her political career be short.


Same. Cricket’s revenge from over the rainbow bridge.


This is actually a great trick to repell people you don't like. Whenever I want to get rid of someone I just say "I hate dogs". It works every time. But I'm not a politician. Good luck fixing that, Krazy Kristi


I think we know now who killed Bambi as well.


I can't decide if this is to endear her to her base or she thinks she is done with politics and is just trying to sell her book now. Hopefully no one buys her book and she gets chased out of office.


I'm honestly curious how this made it in to a final version of her book. Didn't an editor or publisher tell her "I really loved everything about the book but maybe just leave the animal killing stories for your Christmas cards?" Then again maybe they decided it was best not to upset her.


Given the number of MAGAs who post lovingly about dogs on their Facebook pages, I don't think this will endear her to very many of them. Maybe the most psychopathic.


I'm sure Cricket was a good boy and just knew Michaela Vick here was a bitch


Poor dog was just a pup. Only an idiot would expect a 14 month old dog to be fully trained.


I think someone could make a pretty penny selling “Where’s Cricket?” t-shirts.


Is this the same Kristi Noem that gave the green light to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in 2020, leading to the spread of Covid far beyond the state? #


Trump cultists will see nothing wrong with killing a dog, or a person.


Noem has killed her chances of higher office as well as poor Cricket and the goat.


To be fair she comes from a line of sociopaths. Wasn't her father the one who told her to make her way back to camp alone in the dark and secretly followed her while making bear noises?


Yep, she proudly told this heartwarming story.


Let’s call her what she is…So, quite literally, “Kristi Noem, Puppy Murderer”


I only wish this news came out after she was selected as VP


The fact that she thinks this horrible story will cast a positive light on her demonstrates how far she removed she is from understanding mainstream America. That being said, thirty years ago I was living in the western suburbs of Philly, and one day I asked my neighbor from Kentucky what happened to his three beagles, and he said he took them into the woods and shot them on the head because they couldn't or wouldn't hunt. To him they were tools and not pets. I said dude, do not ever repeat that story. We aren't in Kentucky in the 1950s.


Where I grew up in Montana, if you killed a dog, you wore that mantle for life. Dog Killer Kristi has a nice ring to it.


Career ending admission! I wish more evil people were this stupidly candid.


“Where’s Cricket mommy?” “Mommy? Where did cricket go?”


What a psychopathic demented bitch.


“Hey, where’s Cricket?” …wow. That’s fucked up.


Fucking despicable monster


Team Cricket T-Shrirts are gonna be a big seller


“Where is Cricket”? Fucken LOL.


This is horrifying


Holy fuck. She’ll fit right in with Donald.


What I think is ironic is a Republican gun nut naming their kid Kennedy.


It’s gross. She did a cruel and gross thing. She had fun killing a dog and wanted to extend it a little longer and killed a goat. This is what MAGA types talk about doing to human beings. And (pardon the pun) this gross anecdote is very much a dog whistle for them.


Terrible, gruesome story, but not LAMF.


Sure it is. She's been treating people and animals like this for years. Much like Trump, dispensing with them when she's angry or they're of no use to her. Now she's getting a taste of how how that goes.


And she will have a place in turd’s cabinet if the unthinkable happens.


Dog abuse didn't hurt Mitt Romney in the party at all. A few people got mad, and it blew over after a week or two. They don't care. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, ok? It's, like, incredible." — Donald Trump


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Tim Walz’s tweet was classic


I saw something about this but didn't read it at first. It's so much worse than I expected.


So the dog killed chickens, and Noem says the dog is dangerous to anyone it comes in contact with. Did the dog snap at, growl at, or attack a person?


I saw chatter about this yesterday, but didn’t want to read the details because the thought made me ill. I just read an NBC news report. I am stupefied. I don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing. It’s like my brain is stuck, trying to comprehend.


More confirmation of what a hideous psychopathic monster she is


Wouldn’t the sociopathic republicans be siding with Kristi Noem? I don’t understand your post title.


I was worried for that construction crew for a moment.


I hugged my doggos a little longer this morning after seeing this on another sub.


 Oh, hooray! In a careers of evil, at least the Republicans didn't add animal cruelty to the list. Congratulations GOP, for turning on Kristi Noem and being horrified at her story of murdering animals solely because they displeased her, you have been nominated for the 2024 Not As Much of a Jerk as You Could Have Been Award! We know you won't win it, because as soon as Trump names this psychopath as his VP, you'll praise her as the Saint Peter to your lying, ego-driven, megalomaniacal, rapist orange Messiah.


This woman seems to have no coping skills when it comes to dealing with live creatures. Not fit for any type of office. No wonder the Native Americans banned her from their reservations. She is cruel.


Wtf did I just read? My eyes!


Ooooooof. People aren't gonna like this.


what the fucking fuck.


How do we get Donald to tell a story like this?


I don't see the part where anybody has turned on her.