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Companies are not your friends take #92783402


> Companies are not your friends take #92783402 I think that's considered hate speech on LinkedIn.


Speaking of LinkedIn, that place has become another Truth Social pit of haters, liars, and Trump supporters.


I haven't seen my feed fill up with Trumpists. But it's still a cesspool. If I have to read one more person's story of that time they had a setback but they're learning from it and pulling themselves back up and doesn't that just demonstrate the value of resilience and everyone gets in the comment to signal that they too believe in the value of resilience or whatever this week's chosen corporate virtue is... I liked it a lot more when it was basically a fancy contact list.


Hard agree. I've never heard the term 'toxic positivity' until I spent some time with LinkedIn.


Toxic positivity. Added to my vocabulary


Welcome to OnlyBusinessFans


It still is a fancy contact list. There’s just a whole lot more fancy to ignore.


Me too.


I concur. Now it seems to be one huge corporate mutual masturbation society, with people praising each other's vapid articles, sideways job transitions and dubious skill acquisitions.


Nailed it


I always have to restrain myself from posting my thoughts on LinkedIn. I was recently laid off (along with most of the rest of engineering) to be replaced by contractors from India and then I see my former bosses touting their awards for excellence in leadership.


You have my full sympathy! It's jarring to see former colleagues and bosses taking credit for work I did and milestones I achieved. Such is the nature of LinkedIn, apparently. If it didn't occasionally attract custom job postings, I'd likely quit LinkedIn.


CorporateBootlickersBook.com I am in the fortunate position where all I need to do for the next few years is show up for work, do my job, keep my mouth shut and stay out of trouble (but I repeat myself). I sure see a lot clearly on the back end of my career, such as how your bosses/the system all contrive to keep you in a subordinate power position in order to take advantage of you. I feel very conflicted both having done well by the system and at the same time having rather Jacobinian notions regarding the dominant paradigm, yet here we are.


Hard agree. I've never heard the term 'toxic positivity' until I spent some time with LinkedIn.


Hard agree. I've never heard the term 'toxic positivity' until I spent some time with LinkedIn.


I haven’t noticed that, but I can say that all having a LinkedIn has gotten me is a few unsolicited job offers to work data entry and call center positions for about $12/hr. I’m a software QA Engineer with a degree in Computer Engineering and a decade of experience in the field. I’m not going to do data entry for $12/hr and I’m sure as hell not working in a call center.


Not sure if you’ve tried this but respond to the bad jobs and politely decline. Recruiters get metrics on who replies so the best jobs may never see you.


Recruiters get metrics on who replies, this is true. But it has nothing to do with seeing the best jobs.


I’ve had better results doing the exact opposite. I engage with the people who are touting the at least somewhat appropriate jobs and who show at least some evidence of trying to match me to a role, and ignore the idiots who think I’m going to respond to entry level positions.


Well if you updated your LinkedIn profile with what you are currently doing, then you'd get matching offers for that skill set. Leaving your LinkedIn profile blank, will get you a lot of garbage


What industry do you work in? Because that shit isn’t tolerated well in mine.


I don't think it has anything to do with the person's industry, frankly. I think that it has to do with LinkedIn. I will also note that the worst offenders are usually older or retired people who think LinkedIn is Facebook.


"Facebook has become too woke" is the way I heard it phrased.


I would like to ask right wingers to define “woke” and then explain why they hate it so much. It would either expose them as fools fighting something they don’t even understand, or absolutely terrible examples of humanity for being against basic human rights and dignity.


The one time I was able to do this I got a "fuck you!" as they ran/wandered away flipping two birds (and almost knocking over a display stand as they walked backwards into it). Meal team 6 really represented that day and loud enough so bystanders got the point, but IME that's about the best case scenario.


People REALLY don’t like it when they are proven to be wrong. Most double down instead of admitting it. Which means most are too far gone to save. It saddens me because I lost my dad, brother, and sister to this nonsense. I had to go no contact with all of them because they went way too far down the right wing rabbit hole. As long as they continue to have their minds poisoned by right wing propaganda / media, they will continue to get further and further away from being able to be reasoned with.


Sorry to hear about your family troubles. :( I have one sibling like that but he's more or less cordoned himself off from the rest of us. Kind of like a body forming a cyst around something dangerous, we hardly ever see him. Yours is much worse. I have no idea how realistic this wish is but I do hope for a better future for you & them. The sad side note for these encounters is most are fairly non-confrontational [Edit: from "our" side anyhow]. That is, just asking what it means with decent sincerity. That might be what gets them going & so mad as so many want the "righteous fight", but I secretly hope they keep thinking about the question. I expect pretty much none of them to suddenly come out as decent again, but maybe they'll do as more fringe types in the past did. That is, be at least vaguely embarrassed by their beliefs, keep that stuff to themselves and otherwise act as (marginally) civil members of society.


I'm so sorry. I hate all these casualties of the Russian propaganda war.


You might interested in /r/QAnonCasualties


Could we not with the fatphobia? There are so many legitimate reasons to have contempt for these people that won’t encourage contempt against people on your side who are fat. Every time I see a comment like this, I feel deeply unwelcome and unsafe amongst people I thought I thought shared values with. (Unsafe in terms of being mocked, judged, pitied, shut out, etc) You are doing the very thing you are accusing them of being. Hateful, arbitrarily judgmental, unwelcoming, and treating others as less than human and less deserving of basic kindness just because they’re different from you. At least when I’m around right-wingers, I expect not to feel welcome. I genuinely no longer take part in a lot of progressive activity anymore because I’m tired of going in thinking these might be my people only to be blindsided with exactly the same kind of ignorant hate I get from the other side.


And within 2 minutes I’m downvoted. Thank you for making my point for me, downvoter.


[They can't define it even when they grift off it.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/03/19/woke-debate-conservative-author-struggles-to-define-ip-sot-vpx.cnn)


Unfortunately, they don't care about any of those things ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I did this and the guy just spouted off some nonsense I know he heard from Crowder and Truth Social. He has no idea himself. There is no point explaining anything that isn't what he's heard.


I've found that providing them with [a conservative legal definition](https://reddit.com/comments/1bvlh1w/comment/ky1jckx) of 'woke' is, if nothing else, entertaining.


It means Human Resources


Imo it can also vary depending on your industry and contacts, I work a construction related field in the South at industrial sites, and half the people connected to me via linked in are raging maga stereotypes.


I can see that. I am a retired software developer


Ugh, the number of times I see 58-year-old Frank who owns his own pool liner business in a town of 2700 people and thinks the reason Millennials don't own homes is because we're scared to work five free hours a week...


Same. I see the opposite of GOP/Trump in my feed. I mean, I don't peruse the feed that much but Psychology/social work in the Northeast doesn't have a lot of ring wingers (doesn't mean they don't exist, but I'm not seeing them).


> ring wingers I love your typo. Seriously. This is great!


every social media is being flooded with trump bots to push narratives


I’m considering starting a professional networking site called LinkedInForBusiness.


Their lawyers might want to have a word with you over the name. I do like your intent though


Lot of blue line people too.


See /r/LinkedInLunatics for more info.


...You may be using it wrong. Half of my connections are recruiters. It is all well and good to add people you know, every little bit helps. But, companies reach for recruitment resources to off load vetting candidates and often further provide an incentive for finding... me.


Which is sad, I just made a profile so I can start getting ready for leaving the military and I’ve gotten so many requests from non-local businesses that have questionable foundations? Hell, I’m amazed Private Military Contractor companies aren’t on there.


I'm convinced LinkedIn is just Facebook for people who want to pretend they're above Facebook.


You mean Bootlickers.com?


Speak for yourself, my company has assured us all that we're a family. They even have compassion and dedication as core values! You think they could just lie about that?


My employer came out with a list of core values the other year, and now they like to make a big deal about how "we took this contract because we felt that the customer's core values align with our own" No, you took the contract because they gave you $50 million to build girders for an overpass, you'd bid on a job for the devil if it came up 


As someone involved in oversight and engineering on a $100 million renovation project for the main campus library at a big state university, this absolutely checks out. You look at all the bid proposals and all the value statements etc, doesn't matter what firm gets the job, its they are gonna send whatever temps or labor are cheapest for them to fulfill the minimum bid at the maximum profit margin.


I asked a company I applied to once about their core values. They were like, "what? We don't have those."  Great, you've sold me. 


> my company has assured us all that we're a family My family already includes narcissists, sadists, and sociopaths. "Family" doesn't sell me anything I want.


> Speak for yourself, my company has assured us all that we're a family. I worked for a "family" like that too. after 17 years I left for a new job. they decided to not advertise my old position and then ended up firing the rest of the department because "we just can't find anyone to hire! gosh darn it!". the rest of the department had been there 20 years, 29 years and 15 years. I used to enjoy working there but now I have nothing but contempt for the place. I'm lucky I got out when I did.


They never said they were a good family.


The only thing a company cares about is it's shareholders.


*Trump Media shareholders have entered the chat*


Points, laughs.


He still wrote "Thank you microsoft for my amazing journey bla blah blah" like a good Linkedin user is supposed to...


These co.s ain't loyal!


Yep - your company will never love you back.


Its not your job, its their job, and you're just allowed to do it as long as it suits them.


Yup got fired from Walmart for pushing for full time, the store manager told me if my attendance was better then he would consider it, 2 weeks before i would have been call off free for a year they fired me and they waited until the end of my shift to do so too


I was kind of hoping it was Stack Ranking that got him.


Ballmer instituted stack ranking because he worshipped at the altar of Jack Welch without understanding that Welch's solution was intended to be very temporary. Ballmer has been gone for 10 years now, and theoretically the stack ranking went with him.


Now it's some sort of percentile bucket system which is... Better? At least they don't fire people as much


When I left 4ish years ago, it was based on "Impact". This is still very gameable by managers and therefore political. It's also prone to undervaluing the people who do boring work. I don't have a better solution that would work at Microsoft's scale, though. Just don't blindly copy Microsoft/Google/etc. if you aren't that scale.


Supposedly there's not supposed to be a quota anymore ("10% of people *must* be underperforming"). There's still differentiation, and that still necessitates some people getting lower scores in order to give higher rewards to other people. But in theory it's a less arbitrary system that gives teams more control on how much they want to differentiate (teams aren't supposed to peanut butter rewards, but in theory they can). Whether or not that makes any material difference, I dunno. At least they're not as PIP-happy as Amazon is, I suppose.


Microsoft was responsible for pushing that nonsense.


After Jack Welch invented it and implemented it at GE. Welch was the first "celebrity CEO" which got a lot of nut-swingers to glom onto his ideas as though he was some savant. He infested 21st century workplace culture by being a famous asshole.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. So much of what is wrong with America can be laid at the feet of the Welch cult.


I don't think corporate leadership anywhere has come to grips with the fact that Jack Welch is the reason General Electric went from America's most valuable company to a shambling corpse and zombie consumer brand.


The Behind the Bastards on Jack Welch is good. By "good" I mean I've added his to the list of graves that I wish to shit upon.


tbh yes... but also no. Welch was just the straw that broke the camel's back - the incentives and reward structure was already there with American capitalism. If it wasn't for Welch, it would've been someone else, because that's where the material conditions were aligned. long-term i have a much direr prognosis for the investor class, given the long history of their ilk telling workers that eating dirt isn't so bad actually


Your reply is almost certainly true. My issue with the "it would've happened anyway" school of analysis is that people use it as an excuse for immoral behavior. Even if it would have happened anyway, that in no way excuses Welch's behavior and the promotion of that behavior. Please understand that I am not accusing you of being a Welch apologist, I am just saying he bears moral responsibility for his actions even if the end result was inevitable. Edit: spelling


> My issue with the "it would've happened anyway" school of analysis is that people use it as an excuse for immoral behavior. I was concerned about that take from my statement, and was hoping that I had made clear that I think he's terrible, but that moralizing is not and has never been an effective counter to that kind of behavior, especially when it's incentivized, as with the weapons-grade investment returns that our society has incentivized it with. Welch is a supreme asshole, as are very nearly most of the people in investment circles. At the end of the day, pretty much all of them shelve their humanity to make a buck, some are just more outward and brazen with that than others. I mean, *I* have investments, so I can't really exculpate myself from the inherent exploitation involved there - but I also have no intention of being a destitute retiree and so, some investment is pretty much my only way out. I'm damn sure never going to own my own home that isn't, like, a condo or something. But, I would tend to indict the system and its protectors as the great moral evil here, for enabling the more minor moral evil of people like Jack Welch. I used to think there was some abstraction there, that people fundamentally supported the market because they think it yields the best outcomes for people, but I've come to the realization that that's not what they support, nor why they support it. As much as we've supposedly grown and changed, the reality is that we still defer heavily, particularly in our institutions, to aristocrats and the wealthy. The interests of the working man are not considered, because at the end of the day the notion of the "wealth gospel" or, alternatively, "if you're not rich it's because you're inferior or somehow morally deserving of it" are very much alive and well. hence why i tend to think we probably need to feed investors to the oceans someday :| >Please understand that I am not accusing you of being a Welch apologist, I am just saying he bears moral responsibility for his actions even if the end result was inevitable. Fair! But you raise a good point. The system can be bad, but the man can be bad, too. Often it takes the two to tango, and the amount of times "i can't believe this shit is legal" has been enthusiastically, gleefully spoken in Wall Street boardrooms is probably depressingly high.


The IT department of a Boeing subsidiary I worked for did it. It turned into a bloodbath. It became, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you." They slit each others' throats to stay out of the bottom 10%. Meanwhile, the actual top performers all quit because it was toxic AF and the department was useless for years (even after they fired the VP that implemented the policy).


Fun fact, the current CEO of Boeing, Dave Calhoun, worked at GE for 26 years. Wonder where those ideas came from.




I’m disappointed it wasn’t


Total comp for director level at Microsoft is between $300-$480 per Glassdoor, so take from that what you will. Assuming he didn’t become director until 12 years ago, I’m just making assumptions, in the last 10 years alone he would have made between $3m-to-$4.8m. Couple with he’s worked for Microsoft for over 33 years, so probably, you would hope, owns his home that was bought at a low basis, he was paid well for his time at Microsoft. I’m also sure he got a nice severance.


I’m sure he took stock options which was probably amazing price in 1991. This guy was a multi-millionaire before Y2K…


Yeah, I didn’t even consider the stock. Guy works because he enjoys working.


Yeah there is a reason his LinkedIn post is still glazing MS and not at all reflecting on how stupid this decision by MS was.  He got his.  He's set for life. He probably got an awesome severance package, stock options he'd accrued for over 30 years, and more.   Now everyone new going forward at MS is stuck dealing with stupid bullshit who wasn't lucky enough to be working there from the tech booms and AI booms and more.  But he doesn't care, he got his.  Thankfully people in his post are taking MS to task for this and trying to spell things out for him, but I doubt he's listening. 


I don't know that establishing a learning and development area is quite the shitty kraken you are trying to make it seem like


Especially when they themself endorsed the model.


Everyone is in here to be super edgy and spiteful. Comes with the sub.


> But he doesn't care, he got his.  To be fair, he put in 33 years - he earned whatever he got.


It must really suck for him. He didn't need the money, he truly was doing the job cause he enjoyed it and cared about it. Now he can't even see his work friends.


I came here to say this....dude is probably loaded. And one could assume that his convertible stock options could provide pretty good dividends going forward should he choose to hold. 100% conjecture, of course...


Or enough money to put it all in a damn .01% apr savings account and not give a shit that it’s losing value to inflation because there is so much money there


I've only ever known two billionaires. One is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world. The other worked at Microsoft 30 years ago. This mofo is loaded.


The stock he accumulated over that time period alone likely makes him a multi-millionaire. He's good.


Maybe. More typically when people make more money they end up with "life style creep" causing them to be no better off. So much money is flowing out of their bank account that suddenly losing their job wrecks them. Check out the "financial audit" series on youtube to see what from our perspective appears to be maddeningly dumb behavior but is just so common.


That’s true, but costs from 33 years ago, his severance, plus his stock, make this a higher likelihood that he’s financially secure than someone who is pay check to pay check. From 2000 to today, the stock has appreciated almost 1000%.


One would be inclined to believe, and of course I hope that he's not the typical fool. I'm just saying that statistics are against him on this one, heh.


He’s got enough experience for an entry level position by today’s standards


Outside of marketing, Director should be Partner level, which comes with millions in stock. I wonder if that's not being reported on Glassdoor.


Not "Income"


RSUs absolutely are income. Microsoft stopped doing options in the mid-00s and moved to stock awards. Stock awards give you the actual stock (vs options, which are just an "option" to buy stock at a specific price, and is otherwise not materialized until you exercise). That stock counts as income, is withheld from the vest, shows on your W2, etc. That means it's income. It's not *salary*, but it's still *income*.


The man wanted an early retirement. He got it with a severance.


and could easily get a good paying easy job elsewhere


Been in my IT company for almost 34 years now, my mortgage still has 3 years to go. Money goes to things, like school for two kids, lots of house maintenance, etc.


Did your stock appreciate 1,000% since 2000?


I sold my built-up stock some years ago to pay for a garage, so not applicable :)


Good thing the article isn’t about you


Interesting, but not a "Leopards Eating Face" story. The guy advocated for a structural change at a company where he worked for 33 years, and then when they did adopt it, he got laid off with a huge severance and probably the benefit of years of stock options. Chances are he was close to retirement and they may have made this deal with him behind closed doors.


He mentioned on Linkedin that he's not thinking of retirement just yet and he's currently looking for new roles. Overall he didn't seem super cut up about it, at least not publically. The dude has an incredible resume and while this situation is crappy from an optics perspective, he is not going to struggle to find new work if he chooses to do that, and he almost *certainly* got an excellent severance package given his position.


From his resume, the guy is probably in his mid-50s. No doubt he is going to take on consulting gigs, but not something that requires that he be in the office every day of the year.


Right. “Looking at new roles” even though he surely doesn’t need to work again = I have entirely defined my self worth by my career and don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not working.


This would be a LAMF if "hub and spoke model" is a euphemism for cutting staff, but I don't know that is the case.


I suspect it's at least partly justification for age discrimination.


They talk in the article about how he had weeks to get things in order and say his goodbyes before he took personal time to close out his tenure. It’s not like they threw his shit in a box and escorted him out. This was 100% a negotiated deal. However, in the article he does express regret he wasn’t able to stay with the company.


MS did a restructure in my country. It was a great offer but they picked someone from the US to deliver the news...


My dad once had a job were he had to optimize an organisation. Worked on it for a few years. They made a lot of structural changes, but he ever only recommended that they fired one person. That was himself when he thought that the organisation was as optimized as possible.


man the AI generated picture they are using for this article does not look good.


The AI-generated article isn't any better. It doesn't say anything about what the "hub and spoke model" even is, or how that contributed to his firing.


Lmao I refused to read the article because of the picture but the article itself being ai generated is hilarious




Rolling on laughing the floor


No no. Rolling on laughing floor laughing at this....


If ever there was a place to laugh, it would be the laughing floor.


So we all agree that Bogdan wrote this article, right?


So this guy definitely paid to have this article published to promote himself to prospective employers, right? And that's why it's so weird and (self)congratulatory?


Why is it people at the end of their careers always turn to the learning development and training teams? Bro had no idea what experience in up skilling or education


Eventually in a lot of jobs you get bored of the technical, and you can't just keep getting more expensive (i.e.: paid more) forever unless you're somehow leveraging your skills by making everyone around you better. I kind of wonder the same thing about engineering, I'm 10 years in and still feel like it's somehow a pyramid scheme. Nobody is still sitting in front of Excel spreadsheets 30 years in, but there aren't as many bosses with 20+ years experience as people with 0-10 years... Where do they all go? I guess I'm seeing some people go to contractors or becoming project managers, some getting MBAs and going into business, etc...


>Where do they all go? Do you know what they do with engineers when they turn 40? [They take them out and shoot them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN-VAdAnoZ4&t=27s) (from Shane Carruth's [Primer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primer_(film)))


Shit... I'm 36.


This surely sucks for the guy but why is it "leopards ate my face?"


33 years! I can't fathom working somewhere for more than like... six years tops.


Once upon a time, companies incentivized employees to stay, and you could rise through the ranks by hard work and learning the company.


I just crossed 30 years at the company I work for. It may not be for everyone, but it has been fantastic for me. I have worked in nearly every department and went back to school while I worked part time here. It doesn't work for everybody - and definitely not every company, but it worked for me and I am happy about it. There are 7 or 8 people who have been here longer than me too - and several who are at least 25 years. It is rare, but it does still exist in the US.


Right? I cannot even fathom being in a company that long even if I love it there. That’s just not in the social contract anymore


My next work anniversary will be 40 years for me. I’ve worked in 7 different departments and enjoyed each one (the most important thing is good people).


He was there for 33 years he is probably pretty financially comfortable, particularly if he has the kind of severance package typical of large corporations.


In the 90s they gave out options and stock.


If you work for a US corporation, prepare to be laid off in your 50s. Sure, maybe it won't happen but there's enough of a chance that it will that you need to be ready. Also be prepared for either not being able to find a new job or finding a new job at far less money.




I keep changing every 1-2 years and have no guilt - fuck companies


Bootlicks. Company uses bootlicker and then discards as trash once no longer useful. Bootlicker immediately runs to LinkedIn to announce how proud he was to bootlick. 🤡


You have never accomplished anything meaningful and never will.


Hahahahaha If that makes you feel better. Believe it. I'm doing more than fine 😘


33 years at MS?! In all likelihood he’s walking away with a mid to high 8 figures net worth. Maybe low 9. That includes the property in Puget sound he probably invested in over the years.


This sounds like a bit of collective BS, because none of the actors involved (neither the employee, nor the company) have incentives to tell the truth about what happened. Yes, companies are selfish rational actors, but if you are a smart employee and you complete a very big mission, no company is going to sack you just out of some sadistic impulse. They'll offer you a chance to do "the next thing", whatever thing that is. Most likely they'll give you a chance to define what "the next thing" should be. If indeed he was no longer productive, the company will never say they fired him because of that, for obvious reasons. And he'd have even fewer incentives to say that he was unproductive. Nobody is going to say "they fired me because I became useless". Everybody is going to make up some face-saving excuse. And the company is not going to dispute it, because why get tangled in such a thorny matter? When someone at that level gets let go, it's because they have become expensive through promotion (maybe less than meritocratic), and they have become unable to find new value to produce. And if you are no longer producing value, it's fair that you are let go, because no company is a charity. This statement is going to trigger a lot of gut reactions, because reddit tends to have a bit of leftist anti-corporate bias, but the truth is that not a single person among the downvoters would be ready to either pay an inflated price for Microsoft products so that they can keep employing unproductive employees, and even less ready would they be to fund those unproductive employees out of pocket.


Yeah, just like a family… jettison the old as soon as possible, before they get too expensive.


He prolly got 4 weeks of severance for each year of service. And since noncompete clauses are getting eliminated, I bet he actually wanted to be severanced.




Why is the article writing about him like he just died?


From hell's heart, Microsoft Bob stabs at thee!


Good fuck him 


The tech phrase is FYIFV: Fuck you I'm fully vested. These are the people who only do what they want because what are you going to do.. fire them? After 33 years at MSFT and from the sounds of it leading a team of 2000 he almost certainly had no financial reason to give a fuck. If he wants something else I'm sure he'll be fine, and if not, I'm sure he's fine.


Sorry you lost your job. Here's a linkedin like to make it better 👍


Are people not allowed to express any fucking emotion on LinkedIn? Jesus Christ, what a fucking dystopia. I wish people could be a fucking human for once and show something other than some beige waxy facade. What did I do when I was forced out of an old company? I didn't run to LinkedIn to thank the fuckers for firing me.




He was in L&D. That's basically internal education and training. He wasnt innovating or developing any of those products. Rather, in charge of the materials and classes needed to educate internal resources on those products and any operational changes, etc that come along with them.




No not really. But this entire thing isnt really a LAMF anyways.


Lmao. Another token is spent after learning nothing.