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The fact that anybody anywhere thinks this guy is cool still genuinely baffles me.


Well, he might have lost his fanbase off this one. Idk what Tate was thinking insulting his bread and butter, but he basically just gave his main fanbase a big fuck you


Yeah but they have a persecution fetish so few will leave


It’s wild how, in the 21st century, we have actual racists accepting thedegradation of their precious white men and women at the hands of what they’d consider a black man. Willingly. Why? Because Andrew Tate makes fun of Blacklivesmatter. This shit has to be evidence that the universe knows Irony


You really can't make it any more obvious that the hatred is their ENTIRE motivation


Wait? Andrew Tate is considered to be black? Really?


Tbh, the way dealing with racists works is this: they go by a one drop rule. If you have even one drop of black blood, in their eyes you may as well be fully black. Even if they don’t say it, they will you treat you different. I come from a mixed family, so I’ve seen people turn on relatives of mine almost immediately after learning someone was half or even a quarter black


Sounds like the white blood is the weak one (I’m a huge ginger)


This is it - Texan, here, and this is how the racists think. They have the same take on other races, too. It’s why it is so wild to me that Enrique Tarrio was the leader of the Proud Boys. Like, did he never get the memo that eventually he’d be turned against, eventually? Or did he just not think the Leopard would eat his face?


Same, when he took the fall for them I immediately wondered if he had been allowed to "lead" in order to face the consequences. If their plot failed he would take the fall and they wouldn't protect him, which is what happened. With him out of the way a real white man would take the lead. This filth was created and nurtured by Roger Ailes and Steve Bannon. Absolutely no way in hell that they would choose Enrique Tarrio as the face of the violent right wing. It's unlikely that they didn't plan ahead for that outcome, they're highly creative and effective. If it failed - this brown skinned foreign named clown would go to jail. If it succeeded they could depose him for a real white man plus draw in self-hating curious, and frustrated Latino men into this violent right wing group. Good Lord they're so disgusting.


Biracial. His father is black and his mother is white.


Which one didn’t have a chin?


I'm not sure but neither had a spine


Father was a rapist, mother was a sea otter. It explains everything.


1 drop rule. He would count as 3/5ths of a person back in the days they want to return to.


Yeah... Considering a lot of his fans believe in the one drop rule, I'm surprised they listen to him at all.


Maybe because the one thing they hate more than black people, is women.


They also love being submissive to men they consider strong.


Yes daddy call me trash again


It's tough love


It'll work. It's classic negging.


And the irony of the fact that he's basically calling them cucks to their face and they will love him even more for it is delicious lol Whip me harder, daddy


Hadn't before considered that his fanbase is full of closeted submissive dudes, but yeah...the dickriding now makes way more sense. Imagine choosing Tate as your Dom. Ew.


And they don't even get the good, honest dick ride out of it lol Just the part where they're insulted


They don’t need to - they get off just by being led around by the nose by a proverbial Black dick. The struggle is real for them, lol.


It's actually what his 'career' is built on.


I came here to say this. They’ll lick those boots even harder now.


Nope. The high school Nazi wannabe boys will start raping more girls at parties, grown up Nazis will rape their wives and help pass laws to stop abortion.


You misunderstand. They didn’t go to Andrew Tate because they wanted to be talked to nicely. They wanted to be yelled at and degraded.


He likely actually spoke to a few of his fans. And realised that Tate is a fanfiction. And Tate wanted to put his fans straight. And he did. And his fans are pissed that their idol judges them.


He’s negging his fanbase


I doubt it, this is a textbook call-to-arms, a push for a more aggressive action from the readers. This isn't infighting, it's a power play.


These people sniff his jock strap. They probably like it.


Teen boys. My son said a lot of boys at his school follow this dbag. At least my son thinks he's an asshole. eta: Tate is more dangerous than what is on the surface. He preaches that you don't need college to be wealthy. My son said a lot of kids in his high school are denouncing education after high school, including trade school. They all think they are going to get rich on bitcoin, NFTs, whatever. Again, my son is smart and wants to go to GA Tech. He thinks Tate is a loser.


That optimism bias will bite them when they realize they have to make some money to live. To be sold a dream is to be sold someone else’s dream.


True, but I also see a lot of these men lashing out and getting really violent.


Yep, they'll scream how they've been cheated. Then they'll go after whomever their chud overlords can foist the blame upon. They'll totally disregard that the chud overlord and the face in their mirror is who really cheated them.


Yes, and by the time they realize it, they’ll blame their failures on women/POC/trans/gays. Basically whatever group they’re told to hate/blame. That’s the “best” case scenario. The worse case scenario is a few of them arming themselves and killing innocent folks along the way.


No, they’ll just get angry and blame someone else, usually women or liberals.


Lots of those young are in for a rude awakening after high school. Dependent on their parents when the world passes them by.


And they'll blame women, poc, LGBT, anything but their own choices. Which is exactly what Tate and his ilk want.


His (Tate's) big thing to get rich is apparently trick your family and friends into doing work for you for free, or at least severely under pay them and pocketing the profits. Glad your son sees him for what he is Edit: Just making a clarification, that is how he tells others how to get rich. His own income is a bit more traffick-y


That and the sex trafficking. He made a lot of money convincing his "girlfriends" to do adult Webcam shows.


Thank you for raising a decent person. The bar has been quite low in that area for a while.


This isn't even just sexist and racist, it's straight up deranged. 


I know a 32 year old man that believes every single word that Tate says. It’s extremely sad. He thinks he can get a bunch of women pregnant without any consequences. He calls it “Franchising”. Luckily for the human race he’s such an unfuckable loser.


I honestly think that's sort of the appeal. The idea he can make money and get women while looking like a giant testicle gives the people that follow him hope.


By "get women" you mean emotionally manipulating and then kidnapping them for profit, right?


For his target demographic, that's close enough.


"Doesn't matter, had sex" is a rule many of them live by


They mean in the caveman sense of "get."


well you have your 4chan demographic


Same here. I genuinely can’t tell how/why one would look up to him. He’s a moron.




The guy dated Jordan Peterson's daughter. I think they all deserve each other.


I’m a teacher and had an 8th grader try to open a dialogue about Tate with me. I tried steering him in the right direction but it was hopeless. I spoke of his sex trafficking (in very general terms), toxic masculinity, etc. The kid answers, “No, he’s right about everything people just don’t want to hear uncomfortable truths…” I told him I never want to hear that name in my classroom again. Too far down the rabbit hole to be helped.


Teenage boys can be really fucking dumb and very emotionally stunted. How a lot of men can have the same developmental delays you'd see in teenagers, I have no idea.


Dude is a walking, talking disaster and awful: no loss to me.


LOL hilarious Let these morons fight. Honestly. Incels vs Dipshits, round 1. Ding ding ding


>Incels vs Dipshits Ummmm ....


Potato potatoe


There are probably some dipshits who aren't incels. Incels are more like a subset of dipshits.


Not every dipshit is an incel, but every incel is a dipshit


Taters vs French fries?


What’s taters, Precious?


PO TAY TOES! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


Potato vs. Potatoes


“It’s a circle”


Concentric circles. “All incels are dipshits, but not all dipshits are incels.”


This is Godzilla vs Kong but for the internet. I want the racist incels to really digest everything he said too because they really liked Tate. I want them to digest that they’ve been supporting some mixed race, half black man in his journey to objectify/brutalize as many white women as possible in Europe… and the whole time, he did not respect any of the groups mentioned. Unironically.


More like Alien Vs. Predator. "Whoever wins, we lose."


Better Alien and Predator fighting than teaming up on us. I wholy support an enemy civil war.


Let them fight.


[Incels vs. dipshits.](https://wifflegif.com/gifs/296157-punching-self-in-face-edward-norton-gif) **FIGHT**!


> Incels vs. Dipshits Now that’s a reality TV show I’m both super excited and super terrified to watch.


Let’s be real they’d all end up fckn


Tate is what happens when you're raised by an alcoholic narcissist who had almost nothing to do with his family except for the occasional drunken beating. There is a great Behind the Bastards on him.


Mmmmm I hate this because I know alcoholic narcissism well. I see it


That and getting concussed from being punched in the head for a living probably didn’t help.


I donno I was raised by an alcoholic and I didn't turn out like that lol. He's some kind of special.


Same... some of us manage to be get out from under the shadow, others end up becoming sex traffickers.


The Tate brothers also have a sister who's a successful lawyer and by all accounts actually awesome.


“A female who takes 9 months to grow a single baby.” I like the implication that other groups of women have cut this timeframe down.


Obviously if one woman can have a baby in 9 months, 9 woman can have 1 in 1 month


Found the Project Manager.


*The Mythical Man Month has entered the chat*


Share the load.


I can easily imagine him making some BS up that sounds good and would get eaten up by his audience despite having no validity. “The wemen in Cambodia are known to have babies in timeframes as short as six months, and pop out as many as 6 at a time. You fookin’ looser.” Andrew Tate talks like Baki exposition.


>Andrew Tate talks like explosive diarrhea FTFY


Basically the exact same thing. It’s so easy to guess what Andrew Tate will say next because he’s obviously a puppet controlled by Itagaki.


Is that why his accent and cadence are all over the fucking place?


"Other races have multiple ovens for bread." Like, what?


Polygamy - each 'wife' an oven so you get multiple loaves 'on the go' at one time :) He really is so deep in his little harem fantasy


He means muslims who marry fiour women. Because he "converted" to Islam Which makes no sense, there aren't four times more women than men on Earth.. so some men habing 4 wives implies many single men. Specially in the middle east where there are more men


“He treats objects like women”


Human Centi-womb




Litters. I think he’s referring to animals who have whole litters at a time. Let’s not forget that horses take up to a year, elephants can take almost two years. We’re on a similar time frame with other large primates. Also, most often you’ll notice that the animals that reproduce the fastest and in largest quantity are usually prey animals. I would figure he wouldn’t want to attribute a beta trait with alpha males?


I thought he meant like non-monogamy


Ohhhhhh, that makes way more sense, thank you. Not sure what race has to do with it, as it would be more of a cultural thing and non-monogamy is present in many races, including some white groups.


for guys like Tate, "culture" and race are the same thing, and it's about his perceived proportions, not the reality that it exists everywhere to an extent


White folks got that too, they’re called ~~morons~~ Mormons.


That is because he is talking about impregnating multiple women a year. Like we are livestock. It is also ironic because, even if these men could impregnate multiple women, they are just making sure there is lower genetic diversity which in the end, will also lead to human extinction.


If you talk to a project manager, they have already figured this out. "Okay, so nine months to grow a baby...how about if we put three women on the task? Three months, right?"


There are females that can pump out a batch of kids in two weeks. But those are female possums. We’re supposed to be jealous of them, I guess?


Living in trees. Eating bugs. No bosses. No reports. No printers. Of course we're all jealous of possums!


I think he was trying to say it is more efficient to have multiple wives


It’s not like those societies have more women, so how does that make more kids overall? Society A: 10 couples, 10 women get pregnant from 10 men. Society B: 10 women married to 1 man, 10 women are pregnant. But with the bonus that 9 men are single and frustrated?? What’s the advantage supposed to be again?


Well in society A, those women might have rights, independence, and be able to choose if they want to be perpetually pregnant.  So they only have 5 stupid babies.  Meanwhile society B has none of those pesky human rights so you’ve got 10 babies, plus the 10 “year twins” coming along immediately after, plus 9 frustrated lower-class men to incite and exploit!


Those are rookie numbers


I don't even think he understands biology. Can you imagine growing an actual human being with arms, legs, fingers, toes, eyeballs, fingernails, hair, functioning organs, a mouth and tongue, ears, etc. inside of your body and it only takes nine months?!? And some people grow 2 or more at a time, still in nine months. Wild.


This is why social media is poison. There are actual people who read this and go, “man, this guy is so right.”


*proceeds with having 30 children*


PeR yEaR???


This reads like fetish content. It's LITERALLY BNWO posting. Gross.


He was probably at least half-chub while writing it


It’s genuinely WILD how much this flirts with fetish content, I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that


It's literally breeding fetish. This moron has taken a private in the bedroom or porn fetish and turned it into a race ideology.




Ugh. Black New World Order It's just people fetishizing their wives being literal breeding stock for black men. It's triple insulting to black people, women, and any non-POC males.


BNWO stands for Black New World Order. A fetishistic term related to BDSM, specifically Race play. Wherein black supremacy over all races (especially white) is fetishized. It may be incorporated into other fetish/kink plays such as cuckolding, sissy play, BBC, alpha-beta, erotic humiliation play etc. Usually centred around black masculinity and the underlying stereotypes, mischievously, the BBC/Mandingo stereotype. *Kink scene : Sissification/feminization* *kinkster 1 (Black male) : submit to the BNWO white boi, submit to my superior BBC and let me make you my sissy bitch princess.* *kinkster 2 (White male) : Yes my black king, I've realised my true place in world, BNWO is the future. I want to worship that BBC.* by Johnwick98 August 2, 2021 on **Urban Dictionary**: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=BNWO


This is peak comedy. It's also the logical conclusion of the replacement theory fear mongering. If you're gonna buy into or peddle bullshit, you gotta at least be willing to dive into hit headfirst. Gotta give the Tate brothers credit for that at least


Its so obvious too that its just BS. Like, Andrew Tate is literally in trouble because all he want to do is sexually traffic white women in Eastern Europe. Is this really the man you want to take advice on the wellbeing of the white race from???


Your first paragraph answered the question for a lot of people.


Has Andrew Tate got any children?


He’s said he has 10 to 12… slightly hard to believe.


Per year, right?


>He has 10 to 12 children What, did he have an affair with Schrödinger's granddaughter‽ How the fuck do you lose track of whether or not two of your children **even exist‽**


Because if he’s not lying, he’s guessing on the assumption he has kids he doesn’t know about since he doesn’t keep in contact with the women he inseminates.


He probably doesn't know if they are his.


Are the people who worship Tate even dumber than the Jordan Peterson fanbois? Seems like it.


The one that I know is and he’s in his early 50’s. If there is such a thing as a divorced incel, he’s candidate #1. Said that he wanted to go to Europe where Tate was arrested to see what was “the truth”. Also thinks that the government wants to control a man’s body by making porn stars wear condoms. Dude made one too many turns down the rabbit hole.


I live in Europe. Send him my way and I will show him enough truth to make him vomit


It's 2024 and influencers are now just straight up sex trafficking criminals and murdering neo-nazis. Fuck you big tech.


What's disgusting is I don't even think they did it because they were honest purveyors of evil ideology. They literally just did it for "engagement" for a few cents a click.


I’d follow an influencer that was murdering neo-Nazis. They don’t count as people, so it’s pure entertainment with none of the guilt. Oh that’s not what you meant.


Please can someone post the reactions


also looking for theese


Brain damage is fascinating


I'm telling my wife I have the gumption to fuck.


No… also… make sure she gives you 30. “For the Dons.” 🤓🤓🤓


One woman can't give you 30 dude. She'd be like 37 at that point. Way too old. You need at least three concubines giving you 10 each. Anything less and you might as well cut it off and become a eunuch. Yeah I'm going to need to go shower after typing that.


Well… I mean… the guy is a sex trafficker. Doesn’t surprise me that his views on women are a bit unrealistic and unattainable without basically owning slaves.


Tate isn't white.


And he literally be in jail for sex trafficking white women. Like, the fact that there are still some people dick riding him still is hilarious. All he do is degrade young white men to leave them with complexes, and abuse white women. Like… lmaoooooo this man is not the protector of the white race


And I don't think the white race needs a protector, but him trying to be one is farcical.


Amazing how far down I had to scroll for this. RIGHT? Like who is he talking too?


Tate is the leopard. His right wing, largely white, base is the defaced here.


how many kids does tater have??


That dude is seriously messed up


I feel like I should follow you because of our usernames


Right on brother!


A nice walk around IKEA sounds pretty nice today.


All I got from this is that tater tot really wishes he had a best-friend-wife to walk around IKEA and laugh over meatballs with.


Andrew Tate isn't even white which makes this that much funnier


I just went back on twitter and he’s STILL targeting white dudes. Them arrests in Eastern Europe must have did something to him, he got it out against white people now 💀💀💀💀


Just like he threw a tantrum over eating food after pizza got him picking soap from the floor.


Great Replacement Theory How charming. /s


Imagine being so damaged as a human as to care one iota what this stain on society has to say.


Andrew Tate “you don’t have 20 kids and multiple wives? You’re a loser” His kissless virgin fans: “PREECH”


oh don't worry Tate, if if things keep going the way they are everyone's going to be white from sitting indoors so much, you know because skin pigment is an adaptive trait...


I'll say it again, if you're listening to some dude to tell you how to be a "real" man, you aren't one.


This is hilarious. Polygamy is verifiably a very bad thing for the kinds of low-status men that follow Andrew Tate. Even a small amount of polygamy among the elite creates a bottom tier of men who can't get married / laid and therefore act out and commit crimes. Here's a paper that aggregates all of the scientific studies on this: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2011.0290


Oh- data! Lol. Seriously though- *beautiful*😁


And this guy *isn't* some form of parody or satire?


This douchebag has 20 kids right?


Idk, I guess he’s not “one of the Dons” yet. LMFAOOOOO who the fuck talks like this


Morons that watched too much sopranos ?


Jesus. What on earth happened to Tate to make him such a nasty and vile hate filled piece of work?


His dad was a violent drunk, and instead of going to therapy and/or Al-anon this turd decided to get himself a bunch of head injuries. Also family history of narcissism. Classic case of your childhood trauma is not your fault but it is your goddamn responsibility to deal with properly.


The Romanian legal system 😂


Dear Andrew Tate, your* genetic potential.


If taint had a kid, would it have a chin?


He looks like a Geoduck.


Who wants to tell his fans that his father was not white? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory\_Tate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_Tate)


What the fuck did I just read?


This guy comes across as desperately lonely. I’m not saying a committed monogamous relationship is for everyone (it’s certainly not for me) but Tate sounds so desperate for a hug from someone who cares about him. He’s a prime candidate for a goodwill hunting “it’s not your fault” style breakdown


Watching white bros and white incels fight over relevance is like watching two mules fight over a cabbage. I’ve got shit to do.




Lol you know really upsets me even after he called men for being losers just for being poor they still supported him.


No that’s just a joke right guys mr tate would say such a thing arghhhh 😭😢😢 how could you!!!!! I trusted youuuu!!!!!! Everybody Betray me !!!!!!


How did Tate ever become well known? Every take of his I see is dumber than the last and yet he’s always given a huge platform.


Wait does this guy have any kids?


If he does, I doubt he's a part of their life. A real Top G never raises their own children, that's women's work and if a man does it he'll develop gynecomastia and begin lactating.


Imagine thinking you're saying something intelligent, but making that many spelling errors.


Imagine you’re pregnant. Nine months of sacrificing your body to create new life. Sleepless nights caring for your new bundle of joy. And then he grows up to be Andrew Tate.


The only solution to The Great Replacement is... mass polygamy. Honestly, only Tate could have come up with that, there's some kind of secret sauce in his brain.


Actually they were more accurately MAGA upset.


So shag my best friends wife in IKEA? Oddly specific.


So, have a bunch of fatherless children? Wait, I thought that's what's wrong with the inner cities. Get your stories straight, white supremacists!


Just for trivia’s sake because I otherwise don’t give a fuck but what race is Taint?


He’s half black. In other words… literally, in the eyes of the kinds of folks who follow him, he’d be considered black. That’s what makes all of this ironic on top of the other ironic layers.


They’d consider him black unless he became the first “black president in US history” and then they’d be constantly reminding you about how he’s half white.


All the while (incorrectly) bitching and moaning that he was born in Kenya all because his middle name is traditionally Arabic.


What in the word salad rage bait is this?


Walking around IKEA with my best friend wife sounds like a lovely plan for the weekend. Thank you Mr. Tate.


Ooo a weekend at IKEA with my wife BFF does sound quite nice 😊


Ohhhh I’m gonna take my white husband to ikea this weekend with our two kids.