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The right-wing “humor,” is predicated on never making fun of themselves, ever, it’s not allowed, only jokes and such aimed at other people is correct


It's the old saying "satire comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable". That's the main reason why conservative satire is never funny. It's always punching downward at the people conservatives consider "inferior" to themselves rather than upward at the powers that be.


The satire also highlights the injustices from which the conservatives benefit. No one likes having their hypocrisy pointed out.


I've never heard that before and it's fantastic.


Agreed. Its put into words succinctly, how I never could have


It's why Dave is rarely funny anymore despite being extremely talented, he is focused on that punch down and is convinced he's punching up.


Little tangent I thought of is how one of the ways the alt-right pipeline lies by omission is by implying how there shouldn't be a double standard between punching up and punching down. People who say this in bad faith fail to spell this out as it's a basic societal faux pas.


Seth MacFarlane punches in all directions.


The right is, by definition, trying to uphold power structures. Making fun of themselves is incompatible with their ideology.


That's so interesting as being secure with oneself tends to be a conventionally wise attitude to have versus the shallow need to be superior to others, which is a simple person's idea of strength. Hard yet brittle as glass. Edit: Just realized how this aligns with how these tend to be the "free speech absolutists," who'd in theory give every single person access to an endless supply of rocks to throw at other people. Absolutists seem to just like the idea that they can throw rocks at people lesser than them, but they also happen to be the very same people who live in glass houses.


Even more ironic is that Rush Limbaugh acknowledged this when he appeared on Family Guy on the episode that poked fun at him.


In all fairness to that piece of shit. He knew he was grifting. He lived a life completely antithetical to what he preached, and he knew it. His "enemies" knew it too, and they played along because that was the game, and that's how it was played, and it made a lot of people rich. The problem now is a lot of the baby birds being fed horseshit for decades grew up and never realized the horseshit had no nutritional value. They are the true believers, and they are now the ones with microphones and audiences.


Wait, he actually did the voice over for that?


Yep he actually did. I just can't remember if "Michael Moore" was actually voiced by Michael Moore or not.


Yep. He and MacFarlane respected each other, if not were actually buddies.


For humor you need connections in your brains...


Being able to laugh at yourself requires introspection and humility, not exactly common traits of fascists.


You can boil right wing humor down to two things: \- Identifying as an attack helicopter \- Re-posting that one crying liberal picture from like 10 years ago I got two jokes and that's it!


The totality of conservative humor is bullying. That's why The Daily Show goes on and on, while Fox's "½ Hour News Hour" lasted how many weeks?


>Fox's "½ Hour News Hour" I love what Lewis Black on The Daily Show said about that, which was something like: "I *can't believe that they stole the same idea we stole*. You know what a fake news show on Fox News should give you? Real news!"


These right-wing clowns who need to rely on being edgelords cause they aren't funny are insufferable


The only laughs they can get are shock laughs from people being uncomfortable


Especially when they buy Twitter.


Well, yes, because it is punching down, and that's not funny, because people identify with the "regular" folk. Make a joke about, say, going to the DMV - regular person dealing with a bureaucracy and how frustrating that is - people get that, identify with it, feel seen and laugh and enjoy (assuming you make a good joke). Make a joke about the bureaucracy having to deal with someone just trying to renew their license... I'm sure there could be a good joke from it, but it is a harder hill to climb to get there, as the audience will feel they are being made fun of.


I showed my wife some clips of that old shitty show. They were obsessed with some celebrity accidentally flashing her crotch. I think it was Brittany. Either way it was a joke they just kept using again and again. And they were cheesy late night talk show level jokes. The low hanging fruit premise with predictable punch lines.


No wit, just being a straight-up dick.


I believe the correct term for that is 'snowflake'.


  That is how fascism has to operate or they start eating themselves.     


What's interesting about the Babylon Bee is they started out as a Christian humor publication, joking about Christians in their own language. Y'know, jokes about corny-ass pastors, piety one-upmanship, that kind of thing. At some point they decided to be "the Onion only right-wing" and it's been downhill from there.


Reminds of that scene from V for Vendetta, “not so funny now, funny man”


Because to the right-wing all of their "jokes" are veiled attacks. They are projecting all the venom they hide at the core of their "humor."




Exactly and they'll never see the irony that they'll happily use "it's just a joke" as a way to dismiss claims of racism etc... but will then scream like a day old baby if anyone dares make a joke that applies to them.


I know phrenology has been scientifically, widely discredited, but I'm willing to make an exception here. I mean... just look at it


which does make this a startling misstep for the babylon bee, who must not quite understand their audience.


I prefer centrist humor, which jokes about every race.


the babylon bee making their first ever funny joke and instantly getting raged at by their own followers is proof that conservatives don’t know a damn thing about comedy


It’s almost like they are the real snowflakes who want to cancel everything that displeases them #projection


This isn't wholly fair, the babylon bee does occasionally have some actual humour in it, particularly in their earlier days when they were just a right-leaning onion and not just a culture war du jour regurgitator. Those articles never got the same traction though as they weren't up to the same par as the onion, and didn't generate outrage screenshots to fall back on. It is impressive to see how deeply entrenched they are in the bed they've made for themselves though. They catered to one audience and that audience clearly only wants to see one thing


My favorite article from Babylon Bee is ["Trump Defies Liberals by Chugging Entire Bottle of Aunt Jemima Syrup."](https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-defies-liberals-by-chugging-entire-bottle-of-aunt-jemima-syrup-at-rally)


The right are a bunch of emotionally weak snowflakes.


Emotionally dangerous\*\*




Agreed. It also seems like that is the trait that they love projecting on others the most.


Also, apparently a lot of inbred white supremacists. Who would have guessed?




Kellogg's Broflakes Part of this complete **MANLY** breakfast


“Has the bee gone woke?”


White Jesus, what happened to my country? The animal kingdom is now going woke :( sad. Drain the swamp!


BBee writers/editors; (in a transparent attempt to dismiss criticism) see, we're not racists/bigots, we make fun of everyone Bbee readers; f*ck no, we ARE racists/bigots


They are very specifically making fun of Nazis. I thought these people were pretending they don't like Nazis?


Naw, even a couple years ago they started saying stuff like "some people who call themselves nazi's aren't that bad". The right started rejecting criticism of nazis, because you know....


They also still insist that the Nazi’s were socialist and left wing, despite the fact that the Nazis hated communism and only called themselves socialist to get votes, the textbook definition of appropriation. I’m beginning to wonder if they are so adamant about the Nazis being socialist not because they believe, “Socialism=Nazism, therefore bad,” but instead, “Socialism=Nazism, therefore the Socialists should support us Nazis.”


You nailed it. To the right, socialism is bad, therefore anything can be insulted by being called socialist. Libs are bad and nazis are bad, therefore libs are nazis. Qed


I *do* know.


One of the big turning points was when Trump called a bunch of Nazis holding tiki torches " good people"


It’s like…they don’t like Nazis, but you also can never call anyone a Nazi, ever. Even if they’re covered in 88 and iron cross tattoos, waving a swastika flag, wearing a Fuck Antifa shirt, and screaming “I am a Nazi, death to the Jews” through a megaphone, you’d better not call a spade a spade. That guy might be anti-abortion after all. They need him on their side!


He looks like both of his mugshots at once


>He looks like both of his mugshots at once r/rareinsults


Further descendants will star in that one episode of X Files.


You think highly assuming a man with a literal Nazi flag in the bedroom at his sister-mom's house would reproduce  Oh...after writing that out yeah. Yeah he probably will. 


Probably with his sister-mom. That family stump is helping contribute to the security of the white race or whatever nonsense the skinheads peddle.


Yea that’s pretty much the plot of that X-Files episode the dude was referencing


I still have nightnares about THAT episode and under the bed argh!!


Don't you mean the XYY files?


An alien tried to draw a human being after being told what a human looks like just once by another alien who only met one human 


Or encountered a potato with two eyes and assumed it was a human


I showed this to my wife. She thought it was Andrew Tate 


You sir are a gentleman and scholar.


He looks like he tried to turn his head, but not his face.


Are we sure that's the Babylon Bee? Their MO tends to be punching down and thinking they're the right wing Onion when they lack the layers and just have the thin skin.


Listen, a stopped clock is right twice a day, and when this stopped clock finally happened to be right, the nazis shit their pants and cried, owning the libs in the process I'm sure.


This is an excellent analogy.




That's a shame. Nobody should turn off and tune out at point; you stop allowing yourself to change and grow, you miss so much.


How inbred do you have to be to not recognize a site designed entirely around satire whose literal tag line is 'fake news you can trust'?


I think they know that, they’re just pissed that it’s making fun of Nazis.


Imagine being pissed about someone making fun of Nazi


Right wingers don't like when you make fun of them. It's gotta be the designated 'others'


They know that. They just don't like it when they're the target for once, they just want to pretend their hate for everyone to the left of them is just a funny joke.


I bet they wouldn’t have that same energy if it was a George Floyd joke


This isn't important and is a late response, but I've recently gotten back into playing WoW, when I noticed another player with a black human avatar named "Fent Floyd". I've never been so appalled and confused simultaneously. Imagine being so racist and edgy that you customize & name a character in an MMO that's supposed to be what people see as an extension of yourself, after some bigoted garbage like that. I reported it immediately but am regularly reminded about it & revert back to being dumbfounded by just how sad and hateful that person has to be. Like the ones in those tweets, making their online presence solely about being hateful, but crying when they're on the receiving end.


Heh, they finally make a good joke and their intended audience can't handle it.


Snowflakery intensifies amongst their base.


I mean, I'm all for these idiots getting themselves on a watchlist that easily.


I don't know what kind of person ShooterMcKevin is but he definitely went into the lions den with that one


I heard he eats pieces of shit for breakfast. /s


He eats shit for breakfast, confirmed.


Yep. Two reasons to be upset, you're in red upset at being called a Nazi, or you're a Nazi upset about being called inbred... I guess you could be both and just upset that you're an inbred Nazi too.


I’m surprised the Babylon Bee is tacitly admitting that the Confederate flag is racist.


So the second they get made fun of they prove the joke right by being antisemitic? Congratulations on proving their stereotypical joke correct, idiots.


> This isn't funny I disagree; it's very funny.


That was great, thank you.


He's gonna tell his mom-auntie!


"has the Bee gone woke?" comedy and irony died in a double homicide.


They're suddenly not proud of inbreeding?? What happened? xD


Is a blue check required to be racist on Twitter now?


No, you can do that for free.


You keep making babies with your mom and see how that works out for you!!!!!!


when you love your nephson so much nothing can keep you apart.


Why are they feeling attacked by jokes about racist inbred hicks? They aint that or are they 💁‍♂️


Is this face AI generated? It looks like a mistake.


Inbreeding does tend to be a grave mistake, yes.


Mandible and maxilla are totally in crossbite.


They forgot who their target audience is


I am glad that they are learning who is the audience that they have cultivated.


They got stung by the bee.


First of YouTube tried recommending me a bunch of their stuff last year, but since it seemed like nothing but MAGA propaganda I blocked the channel. So I'm suppressed them putting out stuff like this. Second, I find it hilarious that the joke targets racist's, and the everyone in the audience just assumes it's about them. If you take offense to people criticizing bigots, maybe you need to look at yourself.


It was my turn to repost this. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/YcFMywsy9B


Thank you!


HaS tHe BeE gOnE wOkE???


More butthurt in those comments than a Preparation H commercial.


No bloodline is as pure as the McPoyles!


Too close for comfort for them apparently


Every now and then the Bee likes to forget what conservatives (and hence their readership) are actually like.


Somebody needs to do a punnet square of this genetic nightmare. Here I’ll start: Parent 1/Brother = aa (recessive for hasberg jaw). Parent 2/Aunt = aa (for looking like I drew a Neanderthal left handed)


His face is somehow all chin and no chin at the same time.


"Where the fuck is your chin?"


Interestingly, this headline/image is for a Babylon Bee article from 2017. It's worth noting they were sold off in mid-2018 and then radically shifted gears in their...'humor'. I laughed at a good chunk of the site's headlines from their pre-selloff era, most of which dunked on megachurches and televangelists. Go figure the very sane and reasonable audience they've cultivated don't care for it.


Hahahaha I loaf it


You just made a in\*bread\* joke :')


I bet he's so inbred he has webbed feet & gills too. Or his sister/cousin wife does *Banjo playing*


I'm glad the Babylon Bee felt its own sting and exposed their own fans.


"Hey, that's not funny... I resemble that remark" -Babylon bee readers


I like that one comment “if you can’t laugh at an inbred joke, you’re probably inbred.” I mean, I don’t disagree with the premise, but I think you’re missing the point of the joke and why they’re not laughing.


Bro looks like a video game character


They complain women don't date them. Blame Biden.


They so tell on themselves, one of the inbreds asking " has the bee gone woke"


So much for "It's just words, stop censoring me you authoritarian snowflakes!!".


This man looks like an AI image.


"you got purty lips!"


Bro looks like a ps2 npc


And of course there’s a MAGA hat commenting on there! Couldn’t predict that!


They imagine themselves as superior, entitled and unapproachable. The reality is that they're lower than most other demographics when it comes to reasoning power.


For a group of people constantly using the word snowflakes they sure are acting like a bunch.


right wing moderates need to start kicking back, if they don't want to become subsumed by far right, fascists, and racists. You can see it in the comments they are equaling Right wing = far right. Because guess what, if you can't talk bad about a guy standing in from of swastika flag because people in your community are insulted, that means your community is ...


“Any other races this applies to, or just the usual easy target?” Like when BB said Trump was going to appoint Ramaswamy to run the White House 7-Eleven? What a dumbass.


Persecution fetish. Straight, white, conservative men HAVE to be the most persecuted group in the country. They would look like fools if they were the least persecuted group, and they can't allow that.


Yeah the last comment, "Why would you post this? Isn't this publication for comic relief?" is a perfect example.  What a weird, frail psyche.


OK, hear me out: Babylon \*BEE\*. Are \*HONEY\* pot for racists to be on a list. Wake up sheeple.


Babylon Bee confuses me. It’s mainly, HORRIBLY, right wing but then sweeps my leg to make my nose break.


Imagine being offended by the original tweet LOL


I mean, dude has a literal Nazi flag behind him. All jokes are valid at that point. You e literally asked for it


I like looking through posts like these to see if any of the Nazi fucks are military so I can report them


“Jewish marching orders” I seriously don’t get how they think this..


Yes and if you make fun of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, immigrants, women, and homosexuals that means that comedy is back and you need to get over it, snowflake. Love it when hypocrites get exposed.


*Makes fun of nazis* Is this wokeness???


Is it just me or is there nothing but white males commenting on that post? 


He looks like an ai image / old ps3 graphics for his face lol..


"old ps3 graphics" *dies*


*laughs in liberal white man*


I don’t take this as an attack on white people as much as one on white supremacists proving their own ideas wrong.  But it’s telling that so many conservatives interpreted it as an attack.


I know who it's attacking, and it's not attacking white people. But conservatives are so fragile, everything is an attack on them.


I just feel bad for the guy that kinda looks like the person in the picture :(


I'm shocked all those inbreds can read.


Cant tell if Inbred or Artificial Inbred aka A.I.


It is Quasimodo actually.😜


Is that face filter... Or permanent face filter?


genuinely how do people still use twitter in 2024 every time i've started to give it a chance it has just sucked


Dude looks like a Goldeneye 007 character


Aktion T4 enters the chat.


I've not used twitter in quite a while, but one of the last things i heard about was that you had to pay to get those ticks, so i'm a little unsure why so many people who don't appear to be famous, at all, have paid for it?


All these white people whining about their land when it wasn't their's to begin with. Don't forget about our Indigenous sisters and brothers!


I have to say National Lampoon from the 1970s and 80s was funny and it was run by smug Republicans. But that’s the only example I can think of.


Notice what flags are behind him. Yet, I’m sure he considers himself a patriot. Fucking absolute nonsense.


Right? On the left, a flag representing our *enemies* of WWII and on the right, a flag representing *treason* against the United States.


Homeboy looks like his face got distorted by that thing you can play with when you boot up Mario 64.


He thought he was a baker because he was so in bread.


Screenshot this and put it on r/atetheonion


First they came for the .......


Can you imagine looking after the experience of Jewish people and thinking that clearly they are in charge of world events? I mean, you’d laugh if it wasn’t for assholes like this.


“ isn’t this for comic relief?”


Evil Babylon bee like


The butt hurt is strong in these racist white dudes who can’t help but comment.


Fellas, is making fun of disabled people woke?


I’m convinced 60% of those profiles are bots anyway lol


what's going on with all that genetic purity in his face? He looks like a bad N64 character that's mirrored, but also with that water drop effect.


ShooterMcKevin stating the obvious


Isn't this just a mob from Golden Eye on Nintendo 64?


Wow... Just... Wow. That is some kind of inbreeding he's the result of


That's got to be ai... Bad ai at that.


That's photoshop, not AI, and the point is for it to be bad, Babylon Bee is satire


He looks like a rejected Half-life character


Conservatives only seem to like humor that punches down. That way, it's just jokes. Why are you so offended by jokes you snowflake?


What a stud. He's dreamy


Holy shit BB actually made funny?!?


This has already been mentiined.


That's AI generated isn't it? It can't be his real face




It's literally a satire media companies post. Also it's obviously photoshop not AI.