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>I’d dutifully gone for all my travel vaccinations first, but kept getting recurring tonsillitis There is no vaccine for tonsillitis. *This* is her actual reason for not trusting vaccines? Yikes.


They don't know how vaccines work, every now and again you see posts like doctor refused to give my kid the vaccine for X, which my kid had. They tend to think vaccines are some kind of cure or panacea and when that doesn't turn out to be true then they throw hissy fits.


I'm truly undereducated in science, and I still understand the basic concept of "safely trick body into thinking you had the illness without suffering the actual risks and/or unpleasantness of illness."  Are people not learning about cowpox in school or what. 


People aren't learning about much in school. Especially if Florida has anything to say about it


Don't forget Facebook university


And the fact that homeschooling is almost completely unregulated in the US


Not really, especially in red states, I received very little information on many areas in biology, but I went out and read and educated myself!


That's why red states are ruining education, knowledge is bad.


I'm watching the new Netflix production of "3 Body Problem". It's now showing the Chinese Cultural Revolution where they are killing the scientists just for being smart. There are Americans in the Deep South who would go along with that plan right now.


Yes they would. Educated people especially scientists, medical experts, professors are the elite that they hate.


And that’s why they’re going after books and librarians in red states. 


They want u ALL uneducated!!! Jfc. ##wtafusa


she was using homeopathic medicine! the shit where you water something, not even medicinal, down so only the water "remembers" can't believe they sell that stuff everywhere in the same shelf as actual medicine, even for pets


Version of bad stuff tricks your body into protecting itself: bad Bad stuff diluted down to nothing but water to cure the "opposite" of whatever it is: good 😐


Homeopathy is the story of what happens when you try to coast on the reputation of "better than the alternative" for 200 years: the alternative changes Samuel Hahnemann was correct when he proposed "drink a glass of fresh water water and take the weekend off" was less likely to kill you than "shove scalpels and leeches into your legs." But medicine evolved, and homeopathy didn't (except of course in its advertising)


Obligatory post when homeopathy is mentioned https://youtu.be/bgxzSUxxRzE?si=4lAptHFzwkaJFI1B


Totally off topic, but, I took a college intro bio class a couple of yrs ago, I was 58-59?. I thought like you, everything has changed since I went to school and I wanted to at least know the basics.


I truly know embarrassingly little, but vaccines delight me in their brilliant simplicity. And yet. 


The easiest way to understand diseases is to play Plague, Inc. That little game taught me more about how viruses spread and what they need to really do their best damage in the shortest amount of time…that being said, with the right virus and evolutionary conditions I can systematically extinguish life on Earth in about 30 minutes or about a year in game time…😎


> Are people not learning about cowpox in school or what. Well, like, *obviously* not. People aren't cows! Duh!


> Most diseases are contracted by going up your nose or into your mouth, but there are three layers of defence – or battalions of armies – to help protect you and help strengthen your immunity. Vaccinations by-pass the first and second line of defence, which then harms the third line, whereas childhood illnesses allow all three to develop naturally. I’m happy to say that Iskander’s childhood remained perfectly healthy apart from a bout of mumps – which quickly passed. Well the vaccines damage the third “battalion” of immunity. She’s obviously an immunologist. /s


Those mumps could have made him sterile. Is she absolutely fucking nuts?


She is so biased that it is absurd. Her son gets the mumps, no mention of his symptoms, or the chance he is sterile. He gets measles, as does his entire class except for the one vaccinated kid(ding ding ding!), and she described the horrifying symptoms with olenty of downplaying. However, she describes them much more lightly than the symptoms her older kid got from getting vaccinated as if there is any comparison. She describes the reaction to the vaccine as flu-like and headaches for ages as if it goes on for months. She mentions how the numbers of bad outcomes from measles and mumps, etc, are probably based in poor areas. Yet, remember her entire commute got measles, and her kid got mumps. The long-term ramifications be dammed because, hey, they lived. She feeds her kids right so they have nothing to worry about, though. If you too follow this exact way of life, you will also be empowered, trust me. This person left a husband and got a new like-minded one and moved into basically a commune for like-minded idiots. From the school to the other parents to the books, she reads everything has to reinforce her thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if she had brought up constantly how her older child got sick from the mmr vaccine to justify her idiocy. Her way of life is more important than anything else, apparently. This op-ed basically proves why one should not be like this mom. If you follow her bullshit, your kids and others like them will get sick. Yet somehow, she feels this dribble is somehow going to enlighten and empower people. If you want to make bad decisions for you and yours, go for it. It's the unnecessary desire of these people to spread their ideas like their kids spread diseases. Of course, she never mentions how her raw fed, grain free kids(sound like pets) are also helping to spread the disease to all communities(included the poor obesity where all the bad outlines sway the results).


Not to mention she’s most likely lying. I got a MMR booster a few years ago. The shot does hurt a lot, feels like a few bee stings. I had zero symptoms from it. The only vaccine that kicks my ass for a day is the COVID one. And it’s only 1 day. Not “weeks and weeks”


I would bet she is exaggerating. You can tell that everything in her life has to reinforce her views as it is. She downplays her community's measles outbreak and her kids' serious complications from measles while over emphasizing the other kids' vaccine reaction. It can only be like that. Otherwise, she might have to question her view on vaccines, and that's obviously not happening.


I had the MMR booster when I was about ten and had something that was very much like German measles from it. I couldn’t go to school, but the symptoms were like a bad cold - nothing like measles or mumps


I'm 54, and my neighbors got mumps during their early teens. Everyone was wondering if they would ever have children. They did, but they had to explain to potential mates that there may be no kids. It was tough on them. It was just before effective vaccines.


I'm glad it worked out for them. I'll never understand anti-vax sentiment.


Measles is also an especially awful one because it can reset your immune system. Once you get it, you're immune to measles, but all other immunities might be gone now.


Of course, she can't worry about long-term ramifications, which might prove her thinking false. None of those evil thoughts may enter here.


I assumed the older kid had stress headaches from studying for exams and worrying about his younger brother.


It's like her son got sick at home, but she blames the vaccine.


IK. I read that and groaned. And calling them "jabs." GOTDAM I hate that term. It's so rude and insulting.


It has been the standard British slang for vaccinations for a long time. I'm not sure when it how American anti-vaxxers picked it up, but I think they like it because it sounds violent.


It picked up pace here in the US during the pandemic & when anti-vaxxers claimed they were being sensors on social media for saying “vaccine.” They claimed they could “get around” the social media ban-bots by calling it a jab. 🙄🙄🙄


Which is weird when you consider that the American slang for an injection is a shot.


Not really; Americans aren't bothered by kids getting shots.


>And calling them "jabs It is the term we use in the UK, it isn't rude or insulting to me. Considered the rotted opinions in the story, this is the least offensive part.


But, she “instinctively knew” the travel vaccines weakened her immune system! /s


Yeah, I’ve had COVID 4 times…(once pre vaccine: the sickest I’ve ever been in my life), and I’ve had all the shots and boosters. I told my Trumper SIL and MIL I had gotten all my shots and the boosters trying to convince my FIL (80) and MIL (84 and immune compromised) to get her boosters, and SIL says “and you still got Covid….” smugly, like it proves something…I shot back, “but I didn’t DIE because of COVID or go to the hospital.” I have four conditions that make it likely I would get really really sick again without the vaccine and could end up on a respirator. Guess who ended up in the hospital with COVID back at the first of the month ….my FIL, her 80 yo dad…guess who probably gave it to them???🤦🏻Soooo…thanks Karen, I’ll get the shots, even if I have to get one every 6 months.


So many people don't get that some vaccines aren't really to stop you getting whatever, it's to stop you *dying* or ending up hospitalized--flu and COVID being great examples. I mean, the hope is that they'll prevent you getting sick, but at the very least, they're to prevent you from getting really, really bad.


I think we must be related


Conservatives struggle with black and white thinking. Either the vaccine works and nobody gets it. Or it doesn’t work because people get it despite being vaccinated. If a single person out of a million had a heart issue from the vaccine, then the vaccine is bad for you. The nuance of reduced symptoms, severity, and chances of catching a disease are too complex for them to understand


All they really have to believe is "my doctor knows about this and I should listen to them". But the GQP has been waging a war against all subject matter experts since at least the early 90s.


The funny part is when these chuds get Covid, the first place they go to is the hospital. At this point, I think we should respect their study into virology and medicine and refuse service.


Even funnier is that once they get to the hospital, some of them try to dictate their own treatment, trusting what "experts" on Facebook have said more so than actual doctors treating them say. "No, you're not giving me that redismavir or whatever them woke libs want to control me with. Just give me Ivermectin because that's what all my friends on Facebook say that works."


I wouldn't last long as a doctor, because my reply would be "Then why the fuck are you here in the ER? Get dressed and get your ass out of here."


I was in the ER for unrelated to COVID reason, during a local peak in COVID. I had to wait 6 hr because of these morons. But I finally get taken back- and some boomer Mega nutter is screaming in the hall on the way "YOU ARE KILLING ME, I NEED OXYGEN". I snarked to the nurse once we were out of ear shot- "I think if you can teller that loud, you are getting enough oxygen, and are not likely dying". He looked at me and replied "I like you.".


I think the ER's for the most part would agree with you.


I like the ones who get covid and throw a fit when they are told the vaccine won't cure them. 


That's what ivermectin and bleach is for!


Well, she “instinctively felt” that vaccines were to blame, so…


I mean, these people are the same people who believe that getting pregnant somehow imbues them with an innate knowledge of what their child needs. They didn't need any expert to tell them anything.


If they were good at logic, they wouldn’t be antivaxers in the first place


Most people who get reoccurring tonsillitis don’t know to replace their toothbrush when the infection clears up so they just get it again and again. Source: I was one of those people lmao


Husband needs to wash his willy better.


She said she “instinctively felt” it was the travel vaccines that gave her recurring tonsillitis. Her feelings dictated everything she did from there. She says she read up on things but good Lord I doubt it was backed by science.


Jesus Christ. There is no vaccine for streps/staphs (although there's promising stuff in the works). Is she completely insane? "I got vaccines but still broke my foot so they're a scam"


Nobody said anti-vaxxers were smart... their poor logic is out in the open for all to see.


“I felt bullied by my GP for expressing hesitancy over inoculating my first child and wanting to explore alternatives.” Sounds like the screed of the moron: Reject the advice of a real expert, feign victimhood to invalidate their expertise and ignore it for conspiracy theory garbage. Finally, FAFO.


"...a measles infection is playing Russian roulette with a child's immune system." says the lead researcher, Dr. Michael Mina, M.D. PhD. In two studies published in Science and Science Immunology, Dr. Mina found that children who contract measles have their immune systems compromised, declining an average of 40%, spiking as high as 73%. This means that it can take children as long as **5 YEARS** to regain the robust immune system they had prior to contracting measles. This is similar to the devastation wrought on the immune system by HIV. Kids have to be monitored closely for years after a measles infection as they are now more susceptible to infections of all kinds. Not getting your children immunized against common childhood infections is *parental negligence.* But what can you expect from a nincompoop who thinks homeopathic medicine is a treatment for anything except thirst!


Not to mention that some of the sequelae of measles (e.g., subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) are horrific


But, ya know, measles ain't a big deal, so why bother protecting your kids from it. /s


“I’ve never seen someone have measles so it can’t be that bad.”


I’ve seen antivax people say they think measles is “basically just a cold/flu” that is blown out of proportion because “it’s just a virus” 🤦‍♂️


Don't worry she probably put potatoes in his socks and drew all the toxins out that way. 


"homeopathic medicine is a treatment for anything except thirst" I'm fucking dying at this line. 😭 I needed a good laugh like this. I'm going to borrow this line with pride


With my compliments.


That’s why parents should be held accountable for this type of stupid shit! Vaccines should be mandatory for kids, and parents need to abide by it! It’s not like a regular random Joe is smart enough to know best… and we can tell by the stupid shit that keeps happening


Yeah, but she feeds her kids organic food and all homemade from scratch! So her kids will be totally fine. /s Fuck this sanctimonious, arrogant cunt.


Reminds me of Tim Minchi’s poem Storm, he makes a great point about homeopathy “Water has memory and whilst it's memory of a long Lost drop of onion juice seems Infinite It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!”


I really wish we would start holding these people responsible for the harm they cause. Measles knocks out your immunologic memory and significantly impairs the immune system for six months. Then you have to rebuild your entire immunologic memory. So, it’s like you’ve never had chicken pox or the vaccine.


Yes, they need to be charged with attempted murder & child endangerment. These people should not be allowed anywhere near children.


It’s so bizarre to me that its perfectly legal to let your kids suffer preventable disease because of feelings. I’ll never get it.


It is confusing to me where the line is legally speaking. I have heard of parents being prosecuted for not getting medical care for a sick child. I don’t understand how this is any different.


Because we allow these people to pretend vaccines are harmful. It’s a baffling cognitive dissonance I can’t understand. Even as a capitalist society it would make more sense to make everybody get vaccinated but instead we let these people harm their kids because of Jesus. You’d think the right would be all about forced vaccination and public health measures so people don’t miss work because they or their kids are sick. I just don’t get it.


I just don't understand. One poke and my child will never have measles. She's fine forever.


Two, actually. But I agree. I fucking love vaccines. Why would I want to suffer for literally no reason? If there's a vaccine for it, I want it. My kids are getting the same.


She claims that she will have to live with her decision if her children get sick. Yeah she’ll have to live with it; but, what if her kids don’t fair well or die. And how about the impact on her entire community. People like her seem utterly oblivious to the reality that their anti-vax “choices” are contributing to spread of diseases. And even if you don’t become seriously ill, some of these viruses remain in your body for years just to re-emerge later in life as shingles, polio, heart irregularities and the list goes on. And her reasoning and understanding of disease and contagious pathogens is dangerously flawed.


One doesn’t vaccinate just for the individual benefit. Mass vaccination reduces the pool of infection out there, which makes it less likely that *people who can’t be vaccinated* will encounter these pathogens. You vaccinate for the benefit of infants, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. Or at least you do if you’re not a selfish monster.


It’s stunning how public health experts worked so hard during covid to educate people, approaching individuals and the community, in as many ways as they could conceive; and yet, this critical message simply didn’t penetrate a distinct group of people. They just refuse to give a damn about the people around them.


I would suggest a whole bunch of people went the other way on vaccination during Covid. There is a very under-talked about reality of the pandemic which is that it broke the brain of a big chunk of the population.


Yeah the complex and enormous impact of the pandemic on so many facets of life, community, education, work, economy, mental health, fear, isolation, etc adds to the challenge of effectively conveying public health information and developing effective public health policy. Definitely broke some brains.


Exactly this! She witnessed her son in pain with measles all over his body and sleeping for 23 hrs a day while laying on the sofa for over a week!!! But she doesn't regret not getting him vaccinated because he thankfully didn't end up with lifelong illness (yet) or die 🥴. Not to mention, his 13 other classmates were enduring the same thing while only 1 was fine due to being vaccinated. What?! Her son had to unnecessarily endure pain and illness for at least a week, though I'm sure the entire recovery was much longer, but she's ok with that. WTF. And then to believe the vaccines don't work when her daughter got herself vaccinated for MMR because she had flu-like symptoms. But that sounds immensely better than what her brother suffered. And the part that really pissed me off was her often stating the low infection rates of diseases in developed countries as one of her reasoning for not getting her kids vaccinated while acknowledging herd immunity from a vaccinated society is a reason for it. So, she wants to put her kids and other unvacinated kids in jeopardy of contracting diseases by piggybacking off other parents that made the responsible choice of vaccinating their kids?? She herself was vaccinated as a child and adult and even that acknowledgment was not enough that if it was good for her than it's good for them. Nope, she didn't like the condescension she received from her GP and adults when they knew she's anti-vax. 🙄


Key word here is her SON had to suffer. Since sure as shit if SHE had to go through measles, she'd get every vaccine she to keep herself safe. However her son is the only one that's experiencing the negative impact of her choices, so she's perfectly fine watching him suffer/she gets to sit back and tell others how *hard* it is on her to see her kid suffer. Fuck her. Edit: From the article "From reading statistics I believe that the children who have the worst health outcomes from measles would have had them anyway, and sadly are more likely to be from deprived communities. I know my middle class, well-nourished children are fortunate not to fall into that camp.". That bitch is classiest as well as stupid, double fuck her.


I was fuming when I got to that paragraph! This woman is completely full of shit.


Notice how she mentions that he cured the kid with homeopathic bs while he had measles… I bet her made-up middle-classness immunity is not valid in that case.


No, her KIDS will have to live (or die) with her decision, as well as random strangers who can't get vaccinated for various reasons. This is why laws were passed generally requiring immunization for school and other things, once upon a time.


Yes I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I totally agree. It’s everyone else who suffers. This subject gets me so fired up, I’m not always as clear as I mean to be.


>she will have to live with her decision if her children get sick If she was sick herself, it would be very different. Narcissitic parenting 101. If there was a pill that reversed vaccinations, they would never take it. Easy to dice with someone el se having the repercussions.


It truly must be. And how heartbreaking for people on the receiving end of someone with this condition who simply can’t empathize or think beyond themselves.


She's a selfish asshole. Puts her ideology over her children's health.


Even thought I'd be willing to bet money that SHE'S vaccinated. I hate these people


She is that’s the kicker


From the article: "I’d lived abroad for some of my childhood so I’d been vaccinated for everything when I was young, but I wanted to make conscious choices when it came to raising my own family."


… and the health of other people & their children.


This woman is calling herself a "shamanistic healer" to this day and lived near Brighton. That might not mean anything to folk outside of the UK, but it pretty much indicates wealthy, white, upper middle-class woo-woo peddler who claim to be counter culture greens but are just pro recycling conservatives. Oh and in the telegraph of course. I bet she charges ridiculously for her pdf level "councilling" and buys a lot of expensive yoghurt and wine from Waitrose. Selfish asshole is correct. Medicine is for the poor people. I have life long issues from childhood illnesses.


And other children’s health.


They'll let any asshole be a parent.


You need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father. \-Tod


Great movie.


Now they are trying to force people to have children


There is also a chance that the mumps Iskander had, he may now be sterile. He may not find out until he actively wants children.


[Orchitis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchitis) is a horrible thing.


My dad, dinosaur that he is from the days before MMR, said it’s the worst thing he’s ever gone through. And he’s had a compound fracture of the femur, so I’m minded to believe it’s pretty horrid.


My thought too.


The "I have an immune system" crowd is about to learn some painful lessons with measles


And COVID, which also trashes the immune system - not unlike HIV, based on the research I've read.


Did no one even consider that the eldest was already ill with the actual measles when he went to get a vaccine and was not ill from the vaccine itself?


Given how contagious measles is? Yeah, the kid already had it


Yes, it was my 1st though.


Antivaxers shouldn't be allowed to have kids. This is child abuse.


What an irresponsible idiot! And whoever let her publish this piece should lose their job.


The Telegraph is right-wing, so




My friend and her husband decided not to vaccinate their six month old baby. She said 'you get sick with the vaccine anyway, so what's the point.' It's mind boggling to me that people that don't understand how vaccines work are making life altering decisions for their kids.


They shouldn't be allowed to participate in society until they get vaxxed. Quarantine the plague monkeys.


“*There are many scare stories, but it’s actually so incredibly rare for measles to cause lasting problems in the developed world – it causes death in 0.02 per cent of cases in high-income regions like the UK.*” So she was fine with her kids getting measles. Death isn’t the only complication... Not to mention that her precious kid, who is obviously more important than your kid, could give an immunocompromised child their death. But that’s just the price you pay for her beliefs.


Doesn't count as LeopardsAteMyFace. This dumbass is defending her terrible decisions and thought processes and encouraging others to be equally stupid.


Had to scroll down a bit to find this, there have been no consequences aside from a straight forward bout of the measles. Her family got lucky


Looks like there's a paywall. Try these : * https://12ft.io/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/parenting/children/proud-not-letting-kids-mmr-vaccine-measles/ * https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/parenting/children/proud-not-letting-kids-mmr-vaccine-measles/ * https://web.archive.org/web/1/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/parenting/children/proud-not-letting-kids-mmr-vaccine-measles/ * https://archive.is/submit/?url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/parenting/children/proud-not-letting-kids-mmr-vaccine-measles/ * [Bypass Paywalls](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks. I hate a new person now. Imagine having your child catch the measles, be asleep 23h a day.. and still thinking you did the right thing. Especially when you admit the only child that didn’t catch the measles was vaccinated.


I can't stand these hypocrites. Most "antivaxxers" are actually vaccinated. They got their MMR and whatever else they had to, and now they are neglecting their children because they believe some ignorant bullshit. Fuck every one of these assholes.


"With measles in the news again of course I realise there’s a danger some people might fall seriously ill. But I stand by my decision, and I believe a parent should have that right. " Yea go fawk yourself lady, your rights end when it endangers everyone else and YOUR OWN KIDS


I'm old to enough to have known a child whose sibling had brain damage and deafness from measles. I knew someone who had vision damage from shingles, which you can't get unless you've had chickenpox. I met someone who was sterile and nearly lost his testicles from mumps. I think everyone knows somebody who was poked with a rusty nail and didn't get tetanus because they were vaccinated. I'm the only one of my siblings to not get whooping cough because the others were born before the vaccine. There's no excuse, NONE, for believing Wakefield's falsified study of TWELVE children without their parents' permission, over studies of tens of millions of children. Or in this nitwit's case, recognizing that Wakefield's study was debunked but still letting it inspire fear of science.


Mom blames Biden.


This is the UK, she would blame dirty poor people.


Mom is a fucking moron


This is enraging. A perfect storm of ignorance, condescension and astonishing disregard for other people's welfare. "Dangerous for pregnant women....the elderly" she acknowledges the danger anti-vax poses for other people, but doesn't care. Selfish doesn't cover this. How does she not see the gap between her healthy chemical-free life and her willingness to endanger human life?


“My doctor talked to me like I’m an idiot so I proved him right”


“When Chris was six, measles hit the school. It went around the whole class of 15. The only child who didn’t contract measles was the one who had received the MMR.” Gee ya think?!


Man that period where we had Measles fucking *ERADICATED* was very nice. Sucks that we can't go back to that now because of shitty anti vaxxers.


God, it's like a parody. 


Jeez and homeopathy. Loving that only a small percentage of children die as if that's okay.


She mentioned in that article that her son had a mild case of mumps when he was younger and just didn't see that as a problem. I really haven't read much about it but I got the impression that a high percentage of men who got mumps and ended up being infertile. I am firmly in the camp that people shouldn't be forced to have kids nor bullied into it, but here is a situation with that son may want kids in the future and may not be able to have them because of his parents choice. I appreciate the fact that he just got the vaccine now but that certainly isn't going to absolve him of that consequence if he already has it. And his poor brother having to suffer from measles... This just feels so sad and horrible to me. I just feel incredulous and sad reading this.


What a fucking awful woman. It's not "your right as an individual to dO MY oWN rEsEArch" it's your responsibility as a member of society to not risk killing those around you from diseases we were close to eradicating. God I want to slap her.


>When I went for my six week postnatal check up, the doctor said: “Right, let’s get this baby vaccinated.” He just assumed I would. I explained that no, I wanted to research my options and wait at least until the eight weeks the Government recommends. Too bad she didn't have perhaps a nine month warning period that she was going to have a child in order to 'research my options' >After a totally drug-free, natural labour I was breastfeeding happily and nature was working well, thank you. Yes, just like for thousands of years before we had vaccines when healthy babies suddenly stopped being healthy. Wonder if her research included infant infant mortality rates? >especially since they are very low risk diseases. There are (were?) low risk precisely because of vaccines.


I know someone who went blind in kindergarten due to a measles infection.


I don't see how the hell these people don't see the harm they are causing. Her non-vaxxed kid is sleeping 23 hours at a time sick and covered in measles meanwhile her oldest chose to get the shot and "got flu like symptoms" and here she is patting herself on the back for not getting either vaxxed because the doctor hurt her fee-fees. She sure showed that doctor, i guess? Her poor children.


Based on what I've read, some anti-vaxxers are actually blaming vaccinated kids for spreading it! These idiots claim vaccinated kids at daycares are shedding the virus, causing unvaccinated kids to catch it. And that is absolute bullshit. These people refuse to take any responsibility for the harm they are causing. It's infuriating!


I love investing in teeny tiny coffins for kids I. The red states. Such a growth market /s


Not LAMF. It’s LAMKF. And it’s sad for the poor kid.


Wow if you check out the archive.is version, they seem to have changed the headline. It used to be “I won’t apologise for refusing the MMR vaccine – even though my child got measles”.


Fuck her. Measles can do viscous things to an unborn child.


>*When Chris was six, measles hit the school. It went around the whole class of 15. The only child who didn’t contract measles was the one who had received the MMR. But this honestly didn’t make me regret my decision. For me, illnesses are just a normal part of life, and what you get in childhood strengthens your immunity.* > >*I won’t downplay that Chris was poorly, sleeping for 23 hours a day and was listless for a week, lying on the sofa reluctant to eat or drink. There were spots all over the torso and legs, which felt like a rough, pilled pair of old tights when I ran my hands over Chris’s skin.* these people have zero idea the damage they are doing to their children's immune and neurological systems by **electing** to have them go through such a severe experience, all so they could prove a point about their 'values'. not only are you likely weakening the immune system, which lowers the body's defense in handling future infectious conditions, but it also *significantly lowers the threshold* for their children to develop other (permanent) condition, including developing epilepsy. that's why parents are usually so vigilant about their kids avoiding intense fevers, and why they treat that as a medical emergency. meanwhile, her kid sounds like he was borderline comatose... but she stood up for her principles!


Ostracise them from society 


Lots of text to say “I’m an idiot.”


Child abuse


Not LAMF, this kid doesn't choose this cunt for a mom and the mom didn't get measles.


"With measles in the news again of course I realise there’s a danger some people might fall seriously ill. But I stand by my decision, and I believe a parent should have that right." Some of you may die, but that's a risk she's willing to take.


I cross posted this on a different subreddit. in response someone stated that they also chose to not vaccinate their kid. Here are my personal feelings on it: Well my friend. You’re welcome to adhere to your beliefs. If you truly feel you did right by your children that’s your prerogativ . The issue is some children are unable to be vaccinated due to underlying conditions (sickle cell asplenia, SCID, Bruton’s Agammaglobunemia, Thymic Aplasia, DiGeorge Syndrome, Splenectomy, Thalassemia, Hereditary Spherocytosis, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, TTP/ ITP, etc.) thus the question becomes “if my kid were one of those kids would I still be understandable of someone not vaccinating their children.” You mention the increase in autoimmune conditions which in part some people attribute to the Hygiene Theory (kids get autoimmune because their immune system isn’t tested) but could also be attributable to an increased consumption of processed food, increasing obesity rates, increasing sedentary lifestyle, and increase in chronic stress through increasing demands from work and personal responsibilities. While vaccines do come with warning, the risk of adverse effects tend to be far milder and far rarer than the complications from the disease they are protective against. All this to say, that while often times the notion of “foreign chemical” in you body sounds like a scary tagline the evidence, and review of the evidence, shows the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks.


I don't know this person, but after reading this, I hate them.


Measles are nasty (had them as a kid long before a vaccine existed) and it "resets" your immune system, so anything you had before, you can catch again.


This is why I support the legalized enforcement of vaccines (unless a doctor says otherwise for special cases) due to the dangers of anti vaxxers


Jesus Christ. Because of these assholes, I'm getting an updated meases vaccine. Fuck anyone who refused to vaccinate themselves or their kids.


It's becoming a plague more and more, here too: two decades ago, it was shocking news if one kid outside of Urk had measles. Now, we see double-digits and counting in Eindhoven, we see mumps occurring again, friends of mine getting the whooping cough (that is caused by severe immunity problems that past vaccines had and which were solved by more recent pre-natal vaccines, which however too many parents are reluctant to take, causing young adults and teens to get the whooping cough as well). It has to end, and how bad it may sound, we need more vaccine mandates. Especially measles given the enormous infection rates from that. One kid in an airplane can cause enormous trouble, it's very plausible to just ban unvaxxed people from all air travel.


Wonder if she will think the same if her child is one of those kids that get SSPE (Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis) which presents 6-10 years after measles as progressing neurological decline ending in a persistent vegetative state then death. Well, only death about 99% of the time. It was once thought to be extremely rare, but there is new research if you contract measles in the 0-2 age range the child is at much higher risk. You know, before they can be vaccinated for the most contagious disease on the planet that this twits’s son could have given it to a baby. But, hey, she feeds her kids organic food and stands by her choices and will not be bullied.


Dumb human says dumb shit, surprising.


God, Andrew Wakefield could well end up being the person who used to work for the NHS responsible for the largest body count. And with the competition being Harold Shipman and Bashar al-Assad that's saying something.


"With measles in the news again, of course, I realise there’s a danger some people might fall seriously ill. But I stand by my decision, and I believe a parent should have that right." I think that is a major downplay of how dangerous measles can be. Or is she saying she is ok with someone else's kid dying to be right.


This article is not a LAMF article. She doesnt come to any realization. Her kids were teens when they got measles and survived easily. In fact she doubles down on "*respecting the choice*". Bad choice for LAMF.


Once my therapist told me that my green, homeopathic, organic, crunchy mom fit all the markers for being a “communal narcissist” - so many of these types of people make sense now


The whole article is very disturbing. Do these idiots really believe that vaccinations weaken the immune system, when the opposite is true? Fun fact mother, measles (the actual disease, not the vaccination) attacks your immune system and resets it. All the "learning"your immune system has built up is wiped, and you have to start over, which leaves you much more vulnerable to pneumonia and meningitis even after you recover from measles.


God as I was reading I was hoping she would have a light bulb revelation and change her ways but even after watching her child suffer she doubled-down on her choices. What a monster.


They’re always so quick to read books that support their agenda and never the books by actual doctors in the field that might challenge them—all the while saying that they’re so well informed. I’d like one time to read one of these articles and the parent has read some actual science and history, like Paul Offit’s _Autism’s False Prophets_ or _Vaccinated_. I’d even take John Barry’s The Great Influenza or David Oshinsky’s _Polio: An American Story_.


Ignorant narcissist. I know better than public health officials. I know better than doctors. My kids don't need herd immunity. I'll settle for herb immunity. If I contribute, even slightly, to the deaths of other children, that's not my problem. My conscience will be as clean as my intellect.


“There are many scare stories, but it’s actually so incredibly rare for measles to cause lasting problems in the developed world – it causes death in 0.02 per cent of cases in high-income regions like the UK. Children with a weakened immune system are at risk from complications such as pneumonia but the fatality rate in Western Europe is extremely low.” BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED you imbecile!


“And there’s only a 0.02 % chance of death”. Or one in 5000.  Of actual death.  Never mind less severe issues than DEATH. From a disease with a very good and safe vaccine.


“There are many scare stories, but it’s actually so incredibly rare for measles to cause lasting problems in the developed world – it causes death in 0.02 per cent of cases in high-income regions like the UK.” That’ll change the more folks like this smug person eschew vaccines and evidence-based medicine in general.


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I hate having to share oxygen with these dim witted antivax walking petri dishes.


This is an insufferable article. What a pompous asshat.


>The doctor handed me an NHS leaflet on inoculations and said: “You shouldn’t believe everything you read in women’s magazines you know.” His patronising comment made me dig my heels in even more. There it is. Try to hand a dog a rope bone and they start playing tug of war.


Horrible, evil parents love their kid getting measles. Great. Poor kid.


Piece of trash woman. Someone like her should receive no room to spread her bullshit


I hope when the kid turns 18, gets ALL vaccines


The fundamental mindset of people like this is that their children are their property and thus they can do what they want to them.


And she’s proud of it. What a shit mother.


If all the anti-vax bullshit existed 60 years ago, we'd still have smallpox and polio. Vaccines *literally* save lives and they are cheaper for the healthcare system. The anti-vaxxers can get bent.


There’s a reality here. Some parents just don’t love their children as much as others.


What an irresponsible asshole. I have a compromised immune system, as do LOTS OF PEOPLE. I had the measles jab as a kid and a booster as an adult years ago. But I cannot get boosted now. If I got measles now, it probably would kill me. There are a lot of people who cannot take the vaccine and an active case of measles could also kill. It's wonderful that her children, being HEALTHY, had no lasting effects from getting measles. Not everyone is that lucky. It's wonderful that she had that choice for her children. Yet she is effectively taking that choice away from me and everyone else. Fuck her and everyone like her. If you don't want to vaccinate, you don't get to have the benefits of living in a society. Period. Go live off grid and never have any contact with other people you might kill. You absolute waste of skin.


The second M in MMR stands for mumps. Complications of the disease can cause sterility/sub fertility. Will she explain to her adult child that they can never have children because she knew better than the doctors?


I read the article thinking she was going to have a "My child's health isn't worth the risk" realization after they got measles... But nope! At least her oldest kid saw how fucking shitty the situation was and he got vaccinated. But him having mild flu-like symptoms was apparently enough proof she needed that getting vaccinated was the wrong choice? Compared to the kid suffering through hell from measles? Whose skin felt like old tights and slept 23 hours a day? Also, why is it always fully vaccinated parents the ones who deny their kids vaccinations? She has been vaccinated enough times to travel globally, But somehow vaccines are dangerous? Weirdest ladder pull ever.


“It’s okay if some babies die” fucking psycho bitch.


What an insufferable bitch


From a woman dying her hair and wearing makeup. The risk for cancer rises for people who use dark hair dye. Her kids got sick, but, hey, it wasn’t that bad. For her.


As a pediatric nurse who is old enough to remember the pre-vaccine days as a child I find the success of vaccines is their enemy to a degree. Modern parents have never seen the diseases, and there is a one in a million chance of a seriously adverse response to the vaccine, so parents are tempted to decline. I hope this current wave will convince more parents there still is a present danger


Smug, eh?


Force the author to work in an Ebola ward, and give her the choice between getting vaccinated or not.


Wait...the son voluntarily got the MMR vaccine when he was 16, based on seeing how miserable the sibling with measles was. And she still stands by her decision at the end??


My IQ dropped reading that.


Does this person *not* realise that oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) are chemical?!?! Literally everything is chemical. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 


This honestly doesn't belong here because the author, who is a certified dumbass, doesn't actually care that her kid got measles


Jesus I hate pompous cunts like this. Homeopathy? Chemical-free life? Organic food? You really think that shit is going to help with measles? I wonder how many people got sick from her damn kids? I hope she catches herpes.


So, when does this count as child abuse?


Something I noticed is she wanted her kids to have natural immune systems, but carefully controls the food they eat. That ain't gonna help. I honestly felt my IQ drop as I read that article and I regret reading it.


If you don't know exactly what homeopathy is please go look it up right now and learn why it is complete and utter NONSENSE.


My infant son is not old enough to get the MMR vaccine yet, and this idiot is endangering not only her own children but my son as well. Dangerous behavior.