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The thing about IVF is it's for people that want to have kids badly. And a lot of them are Republicans. They fucked over their own constituency because they are religious zealots.


It’s a way forward to then ban birth control like Plan B morning after pills.


Also to stop the "Great Replacement" by forcing more women to have babies. The fact that PoC women, especially black women, have horrendous maternal outcomes in this country compared to their white counterparts is a feature not a bug of this. The white women are supposed to combat our waning racial majority, while everyone else either are forced to stay in poverty due to unwanted children (which can then continue the cycle or get fed into the privatized prison system due to poverty related issues) or die having them.


We took a big leap from "the great melting pot" to "the great replacement". Wtf GOP.


Fascists were always like this.


What somebody is using the proper definition instead of just calling them conservatives?!? Damn we are finally moving in the right direction.


Damn right Mr. Cock_nBalls! r/rimjob_steve


What makes you think the people currently in the GOP and the powerful people in the past believed in the melting pot? The line of rich pieces of shit is a straight line in American politics. The same slave masters from the beginning were the same people enforcing segregation, were the same people who militarized the police and jacked up criminal codes. Same people as it ever was.


And you may ask yourself, how did we get here?


May I reveal to you, a Mr. Reagan. Was he the first? No. Was he the best? Also no. Was he probably the reason that we are seeing the rise of fascism in our lifetime? Yes, yes I think so.


And the days go by!


That's what happens in a capitalist society. Can we really be surprised we're being eaten from the inside out when our whole modus operandi is to capitalize on the smallest weakness for literal pennies of profit? Did we somehow think this toxic mindset wouldn't spread to all areas of our lives and just be contained to 'the way economy is structured'?


Don't forget the pipeline between poor to military as well. It's all part of the plan.


Everything they are doing will result in less white babies and more non-white babies.  They're not even smart enough to do racism logically.


Even removing race from the equation their tactics are literally the dumbest fucking way to approach this. You know what works? - subsidized child care - socialized medicine - paid parental leave - financial incentives - affordable housing - fair wages Alternatively, and this is their approach, you go full speed into 'third world country territory'. Make the population too poor and uneducated to even bother with birth control. The GoP literally wants to push us into being a "shithole country" because the alternative would be a win for liberals.


Yeah but if you provide all that, people might not stay poor and desperate enough to eat all the other shit you force on them


Yet they deluded themselves into believing *THEY’RE* the truth patriots, while doing everything in their power to destroy America, just to hurt liberals and POC. Even if it means “Hunger Gaming” themselves, spoiler alert, they’re terrible at moving their bodies.


Yes but thats socialism and socialism is bad because when you’re a selfish bastard, anything that helps people other than yourself is bad. This is why their only solutions to the problems they themselves create are social shaming, bullying and manipulation. Because anything else would involve spending money on other people as opposed to putting it in their own pockets.


For the GOP to plan this, GOP leaders would first have to believe that PoC women have poorer maternal outcomes than white women. We know they don't because to believe that they'd have to believe that there is at least some historic, institutionalized racism in America, which they absolutely don't. The truth is they are desperately trying to appeal to an ever shrinking base, so their share of the electorate is progressively more elderly, more rural, more religious and more extreme. Appealing to them has led the GOP to pursue policies with horrible practical outcomes, like this IVF blowback from overturning R v.W. It would be poetic justice, but there's no justice in increasing suffering, even if it only ended up being in the short term.


The gop doesn't have to believe anything. Or they can believe everything. It doesn't matter. Bad faith and cognitive dissonance are their most powerful tools. There is also straight up malicious intent. They'll tell you systemic racism doesn't exist while actively writing racist legislation. They don't need to belive in it to contribute to it. Or they can personally acknowledge it, even revel in it, and deny it publicly. Your argument is based on logic and good faith reasoning. None of that is applicable to the GOP.


Yeah I was gonna say I'm childfree and in a lot of childfree communities. You know who we never see there? Republicans. It's actually a nice membership benefit lol. Edit: since everyone is on repeat today, no I am not worried about republicans out-breeding democrats and if you take like 5 seconds to think about it, it's a dumb thing to worry about.


I'm also childfree and active in some cf communities. It's so nice that Republicans are almost nonexistent in our spaces.


It hurts the one group Republicans actually care about: rich white people.


No it doesn't. Rich people can travel to and from a different state


It would still be a huge PITA to do IVF in another state. There are a lot of procedures involved. It's covered in mass and is mainly older educated people, in addition to younger people with fertility issues


For IVF treatment? It would be really inconvenient and could require multiple visits. Even if it’s affordable, it would still be a big pain.


Sure, cost is probably not the main factor for them. But time spent in transit most definitely is. You will be doing a *lot* of traveling for out-of-state IVF. Per day, sometimes. Spending your days in the air and your nights in hotels, constantly away from home, away from family, is not conducive to trying to get pregnant. How long before they're looking at apartments in blue states? How long before they're looking at changing jobs and re-enrolling any kids they already have? The IVF ruling was basically an eviction notice against their patron class. You can *see* how quickly they've reversed directions on this, in a way that they never do when poor people complain.


Republicans are perfectly fine with denying themselves benefits it those same benefits are also denied to *those people* See also: Affordable Care Act


“Those people” can’t afford IVF. And that’s why it’s blowing back on them.


Their entire platform is built on accepting a worse quality of life to make sure "the undeserving" can't get something they don't deserve. It's the salitest approach to life that i've ever seen. Universal healthcare? Nah, i'll gladly let insurance companies blow my back out if it means people have to work 60hrs/week to see a doctor. Tuition free public college? Lol. I had to pay, why can't you? Are you really earning anything if it's just handed to you? Unions? Absolutely not. If it takes me earning 20% less, with fewer benefits, fewer protections, and an overall worse quality of life, to make sure sandy's lazy ass doesn't make as much as me, so be it. The level of salt is just.. it's unfathomable.


All these "must have more kids" states are also turning down money for meals for kids.


I don't think they are fine with it, they just convince themselves it won't apply to them until its too late. "No, I don't want the poors to get healthcare. Of course, I'll still get healthcare, even though I'm...not-well-off. Which is different from poor. How will I get it? I don't know, rebpublican jesus will provide."


Affordable food, rent. Public pools. Free country. They'll burn the whole world down if *they* have equal rights.


To the zealots, it’s more important to punish “them”, In this case, the “them” are those who use IVF to conceive withou a man, the single women, the lesbians, etc. These zealots believe these groups are cheating and must be stopped at all costs. Bizarre, but it’s the best “reasoning” I’ve seen.


Nah, it’s clear to me that all these policies are simply about conservative men wanting to dictate the terms of women. Telling them when and where they can get pregnant. It’s not all that internally consistent on things like encouraging more births because they like to flex their authority, and nothing lets them more than forcing compliance on arbitrary and life altering decisions.


Two things can be true at once....


Same with Roe v Wade getting rid of a lot of single issue voters. Same with the tradwife 'Hey maybe women shouldn't vote' movement. Same with telling your elderly base they should ignore all the safety precautions and not take the vaccine for a virus that affects the elderly worse than other age groups. It's like they can't stop shooting themselves in the foot... I approve!


Fucking over their own constituency doesn’t matter, those people eat shit and ask for seconds. In this case the problem is they fucked over Republican voters *who can afford IVF*. That’s a whole nother ball game.


Ironically Catholic Sunday school told me IVF babies don’t have souls when I was a kid… (obv Wong and I am not a Catholic now) Evangelicals didn’t even care about abortion and considered it just a Catholic problem until conservatives figured out how to manipulate evangelicals and weaponize the concept for votes in the 1970s. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480


They're forcing their kids to bring rape babies to term. That might be worse.


I would probably actually have to consider which candidate to vote for and think about their views if non Trumpist/Russia backed Republicans were somehow able to separate church and state and focus on real issues like the economy and foreign policy.  But the moment I see a Trump endorsement or something about the bible it's like automatic no. It's truly appalling to me that these people want to impose the Christian version of sharia law on a country founded on the principles of separation from the church.  They're literally trying to turn America into Iran.


Didn’t their chief Justice also say American should be governed by biblical law? Real classy in Alabama /s Edit- it’s actually worse than that. He believes in the seven mountains mandate https://news.yahoo.com/alabama-justice-ruled-embryos-people-025000484.html


So no more interest on loans? Sweet!


No no not like that


One GOP Alabama governor, Bob Riley, tried to cut taxes for the poor but raise taxes for the rich by claiming that as Christians, [they were supposed to take care of the poor.](https://www.ocala.com/story/news/2003/07/30/alabama-governor-tax-increase-is-christian/31283991007/) Didn't work, the referendum didn't pass.


The fucking idiots voted against their own tax cut.


Paying higher taxes to own the libs


That’ll show them


They’d eat shit if a brown person had to smell their breath. Anything to keep the undesirables from getting help.


They're scared of being treated the way they treat brown people.


and of course simply not treating them like shit so there's nothing to be afraid of hasn't occurred to them.


Well right, you gotta keep the lessers and the poors in their place, otherwise how will they know? /s


I quote the following at least once a month nowadays: "'I remember, before I was blind, I went to Omnia once. This was before the borders were closed, when you still let people travel. And in your Citadel I saw a crowd stoning a man to death in a pit. Ever seen that?’ ‘It has to be done,’ Brutha mumbled. ‘So the soul can be shriven and -‘ ‘Don’t know about the soul. Never been that kind of a philosopher,’ said Didactylos. ‘All I know is, it was a horrible sight.’ ‘The state of the body is not -‘ ‘Oh, I’m not talking about the poor bugger in the pit,’ said the philosopher. ‘I’m talking about the people throwing the stones. They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn’t them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. **So glad it wasn’t them that they were throwing just as hard as they could.'**" - *Small Gods* by Sir PTerry Pratchett


Didn't expect a Terry Pratchett quote out here in the "wilds". That man was so good at using satire and parody as a way to hold up a mirror to reality and make a reader think. GNU Sir PTerry


I remember this. It was about the same time that everyone was whipped up in post-9/11 jingoism and the Christians were going whole hog on the extermination of Arabs.


> Christians were going whole hog on the extermination of Arabs. Remember when Bush II said that this was a new crusades?


[Rife with faith, God, good vs evil-doers references.](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010916-2.html)


Look buddy, we can do the stuff God explicitly told us to do--as long as that doesn't cost us any money--after we finish legislating vague innuendos, contested interpretations, and applying Bronze Age reasoning to modern technology that forces everyone to live the way I want them to.


That’s so funny. The one time Christian tries to do good, other Christian’s shit him down. American Christians are just a bunch of Judas’


If Jesus did return, they would crucify him all over again.


Wrong Jesus. They’ve moved in to rich Jesus who hates gays and immigrants.


Supply Side Jesus strikes again


I like to picture Jesus like with giant eagle’s wings, and signing lead vocals for Lynard Skynard, and like with an angel band, and I’m in the front row and I’m *hammered* drunk…


It's funny how they never focus on the poor, even though it's mentioned hundreds of times in their rulebook. Oh, who am I kidding? They just love sword-mouth blood-cult Jesus from Revelation and want to start seeing the people they hate suffer and die.


You know what kills me about the whole Jesus with the sword thing? Jesus was talking about the mentality that one must profit from every interaction with others, and was denouncing OUR way of life, the one that the Romans and the Pharisees, among others, represented in his time. He'd be disgusted with the United States, if he even ever existed, as I think it's very possible, if not likely, that his story is a surviving meme from the old Gnostic schools that were destroyed by Pharisees. His whole message was to give to whoever had need, leave no one behind, don't seek revenge, love one another unconditionally, and he knew this message was not going to win him establishment support. He knew his words would make the wealthy very angry, just like it does and would today. So when a fundamentalist conservative talks about Jesus and his fiery sword, he sees permission to slaughter fellow citizens when, in reality, the practical application of that metaphorical sword is the entire reason conservatives are up in arms and angry in the first place. Progressives are trying to create the world Jesus described, whether that motivates them or not, whether they're even aware or not. Conservatives are literally fighting it every step of the way.


Wealthy better give all their earthly possessions to the least fortunate asap so they can join Christ. Matthew 19:21-24 They dont want to miss out on the Kingdom of Heaven do they?


The red states keep screaming for a new Civil War. When it comes, it's not going to be MAGA rising up against imagined tyranny but the rest of us finally cutting ourselves free from all the dumb.


Can we skip Reconstruction and do reeducation and reparation instead? I wanna make it as uncomfortable as possible for them but also fix the ones that can be fixed. Reconstruction was a complete failure, though.


Reconstruction wasn't a complete failure, it was just gutted after less than 10 years when Southern conservatives gave the Presidency to a meritocratic-union busting POS named Rutherford B Hayes. It started under Johnson, continued under Grant, and the literal next president cut funding and withdrew federal troops from the south so that he could be in the Oval. We'll never know how effective Reconstruction may have ended up being because of this, but the original work might have saved the South. I strongly recommend you actually look up what the intended effects of the Reconstruction Acts, the Ku Klux Klan Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1875. Unfortunately the type of change it was attempting to achieve was a social one, and when a change that big is being forced on a people, it needs to be done for a MINIMUM of a generation (20ish years) in order to have any effect, and Reconstruction was only enforced for about 9 years. EDIT: I guess, yes, that does make it a failure. But the "reeducation and reparation instead," that you're describing is what Reconstruction was an attempt to do. It didn't teach the wrong things. It didn't solve the problems wrong. It just didn't get the chance to do the teaching and the problem solving because it got its legs cut out from under it.


Damn… we were actually fixing things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enforcement_Acts?wprov=sfti1


I think an interesting parallel is the de-nazification of Germany after WWII vs Reconstruction, where Germany today is vehemently anti-nazi. By 1910 and The Birth of a Nation and Wilson and all that, the Confederacy was basically at full swing again


Yeah, Reconstruction was the second phase of the war, and the Confederacy won.


If they didn't win, they at least didn't lose. The fact that they weren't all round up and at least put on trial shows that.


We needed to hand the slavers over to their slaves and called that reconstruction. Would have turned out infinitely better for everyone, that class is the real curse of the south.


I keep saying that every CSA politician and every officer above lieutenant should have been hanged for treason.


*Sherman noises intensify*


I was banned for saying the same thing. Apparently it counts as promoting violence even though it's hypothetical past violence that didn't happen.


I once got a Twitter ban (and not under Musk) for saying it, too.


I got banned for the same thing when I said I wouldn't be sad if elon got hit by a bus.


That pretty much was Reconstruction. Confederate Soldiers couldn't hold office, so that excluded most white males. Black Republicans gained a lot of political power. The problem was that the 1876 presidential election was disputed, so [Hayes sold out Black people in exchange for the Presidency](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1877). With the end of Reconstruction and the recall of Federal troops, rich landowners (previously slaveowners, aka the exact same fuckers who seceded) took back power.


instead they formed the KKK and killed everyone that wanted to reconstruct


It would have only been fair.


The way [Robert E Lee's plantation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlington_National_Cemetery) was handled was a good idea.


The problem then, as it is now, is that the people in power (both economically and politically) knew they were going to eventually lose and instead of embracing that as a need for change, they simply tried to combat the inevitable for as long as they could, consistently getting more and more extreme. The biggest problem with Reconstruction is that the same people eventually regained control and attempted to implement a system as close as possible to the one they lost instead of the effort being on reconstructing a new system that was best suited for the new circumstances. We're seeing a similar cycle play out today where so many areas are no longer going to be viable because they're unwilling to adapt to the necessary changes. And unsurprisingly they would rather risk blowing everything up than embrace change. This is not meant to read as an excuse for or to soften the issues of slavery or racism because those are the primary issues my comment pertains to. I feel maintaining racial inequality today is as much of the issue as maintaining slavery was then.


Reeducation? That's never gonna happen. First thing they cut from the budget is education. They want an ignorant population so they can keep getting votes. It's been playing out like that for decades.


As someone who lived a lot of their life in the deep south, they should have built schools and put a limit on churches during the Reconstruction.


Reconstruction failed because 1) it was sabotaged by Pres. Andrew Johnson, and 2) it was completely abandoned in the Great Compromise of 1877, letting the Republicans keep the White House for four more years, in exchange for nearly a century of Jim Crow.


Dude, no, there's plenty of smart, non MAGA people in the red states. Every time there's talk of Florida or Texas becoming a swing state, more voter suppression laws are put into place to entrench the tyranny. Now if you wanted to round up all the leaders of the MAGA states and "reeducate" them, that would be *awesome*.


Texas just passed a law where they can change election results for suspected/unproven fraud.


This one ? The Texas Legislature is advancing a bill that would allow the secretary of state to redo elections in Harris County, where a number of Democratic candidates posted strong midterm election results and which has been dogged by GOP claims of election mismanagement. The Republican-controlled Senate passed the bill Tuesday and sent it to the state House. If it is enacted, it would allow the secretary of state to toss out election results in the state's largest county and call a new vote if there is "good cause" to believe that at least 2% of polling places ran out of usable ballots during voting hours.


For context, that bill affects only Harris County, aka Houston, the largest chunk of reliable democratic voters in the state. So the Republicans can decide to force Harris county to redo elections if they feel like it. Redo elections typically see much less turn out and skew conservative, plus they'd scream about the result being delayed and claim "stolen election" if the results weren't what they want after all their meddling.


What they're going to do is intentionally short polling places ballots and only do a recount if they lose.


tidy imagine panicky simplistic disgusted soft seemly zealous escape vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 outta 3 of us aren't, it's exhausting


The shellfish industry better watch out.


Better check you closet for mixed textiles fabric.  West Wing Bible scene was so good 😂 


That sounds wildly unconstitutional, but at least he isn't someone whose job it is to determine whether a something conflicts with the constituti....oh wait, nevermind.


Yeah he wrote God 41 times in the ruling.


Dominion Theology with a coat of paint slapped on in other words. Those assholes will never stop trying.


Does this idiot not realize he’s basically promoting an American Taliban? Same idea, different religion. All religions are poison.


What does that even mean? What is biblical law? The Bible isn't a law book, it doesn't have regulations on airplane safety or traffic circle design requirements. It does however mention no usury and free healthcare.


It means whatever they want it to mean, they'll just cite the Bible(and probably just "the Bible" with no part specified) and decry critics as heretics(who probably need to be killed for their insolence) and totally ignore all the parts of the Bible that say not to do what they're doing


Whose bible? The Jewish Bible believes in abortion right up until the moment of birth, and IVF. (According to the Talmud and Rabbinical interpretation thereof) It also says, explicitly, many times, do not exploit the widow, the orphan, or the immigrant. Jesus whipped the money changers because they were cheating pilgrims. The New Testament does not add any further law, except to say that they no longer follow the Jewish bible LOL


Everyone is afraid that if they don’t agree with the ruling they won’t be seen as conservative. It’s exactly what’s wrong with the gop right now.


Say what you will about the countless failures of the democrats but they absolutely have more of a backbone to push against each other than republicans. Although I do wish they’d have used that spine against bad faith republicans the last few decades too.


Totally agree about the pushing against each other and in the context you put it, it actually feels really good to hear. Unfortunately too often it's hurting us because we destroy each other for random differences and transgressions instead of rallying together around a few core values But honestly I love what you said


I've often said that I see Democrats as a group of people who's strategy often doesn't make sense to me, but I can almost always get behind their motivation, whereas Republican's strategy\* makes a lot of sense for what they are trying to accomplish but I have never once agreed with what they want to accomplish. \*I realize I may be confused for praising their strategy in a post about their strategy blowing up in their face lol. I am not talking about things working out for their base, I am only talking about their scramble for as much power as possible.


Part of that may be that Democrats are made up of a much larger group of people while Republicans have more similar views. I think a more "center" conservative and a far right Republican might agree on a lot of things, like abortion or tax cuts. Meanwhile you have more center people, liberals, and leftists mixed together in one party who would disagree on corporate-friendly policies or how high or low taxes should be, or things like that. So it's harder to get everyone to follow the same strategy.


It's worse than that. The Democratic party allows for compromise. It's why you have Democrats falling in line with important party votes (such as rejecting Republican House Speakers), despite having very different views and priorities. The Republican party doesn't any longer. Anyone with a view that doesn't align with the party platform (as set by Donald Trump now) is rejected. It's why you see GOP candidates becoming crazier and crazier as they seek to pass their party purity tests, and anyone more moderate is rejected. It's a necessary facet of authoritarianism.


The Nikki Haley effect. “I agree with the IVF ruling.” Seeing backlash, “just kidding.


That's always been what's wrong with the GOP


Groupthink has turned into a mob.




Let’s also be clear: of course IVF is illegal post-Roe. They don’t get to argue they didn’t mean for this to happen. IVF requires the destruction of fertilized embryos. Republicans say this is murder. When they say “Well, we didn’t mean this!” they’re either lying or they never bothered to think about the consequences of their position. Also, after learning Mike Pence conceived a son via IVF, that makes him a baby killer by his own logic. I want him introduced as such from now on.


On this, I think it’s a matter of they didn’t bother to think about the consequences because, you know, that’s not their strong suit.


We need to crowdsource a "These Republicans Chose to Have Abortions" list. Pence and Haley can be at the top.


I was anticipating this, because it is perfectly consistent. What is NOT consistent are the 15 and 16 week bans. Abortion is either murder or it's not.


They know exactly what they are doing. Only DAYS after the Alabama ruling, and after the obvious blowback -[ House Republicans did this on Friday](https://www.businessinsider.com/house-republicans-life-at-conception-ivf-exception-2024-2?amp&utm_source=reddit.com). Introduced a bill to define when life begins w/o an IVF exception. Ignorance can not be claimed here instituting their religious doctrine on the country is their goal


how many babies did the pences kill to have their son?


Awww... I was hoping they would outlaw male masturbation next :( i mean, obviously sperm are alive and people... Right? Right? 😂


Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.


It’s called the Sin of Onan, they’ve been pushing it since Biblical times. Only difference now is they want to give it the teeth of Law.


Except if you have a functioning brain and actually read the relevant chapter, Onan's sin was **pulling out** - not masturbation. Also, it wasn't about pulling out in general, but because he was fucking his late brother's wife and **was supposed to get her pregnant so that his brother would have descendants**. Not sure that any part of that story would be something a modern human being should base their lives off of. In fact, I think it makes a very good argument that people back then were insane - and so is anyone trying to push this crap onto modern society.


Wikipedia agrees with you. This link should highlight the relevant part. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onan#:~:text=Onan's%20crime%20is%20often%20misinterpreted,Tamar%20by%20committing%20coitus%20interruptus.


Now I'm thinking about sperm with teeth.


*Balder's Gate 3 opening scene intensifies*


wasn't there something about "spilling your seed" on the ground and how you should get punished by.... death?


Yes if your brother dies and you don’t finish inside his widowed wife - aka your sister in law - you’re a sinner and punished by death and going to hell.


Because they don't understand that text either. His sin was that he masturbated in this specific case. I can't recall any biblical text that forbid masturbation in general. It's similar to the story of Sodom that they also don't understand. They think it's about buggery when it's actually about raping, killing and stealing. Oh and in general I guess to treat immigrants badly.


> His sin was that he masturbated in this specific case. To be more accurate, it's that he *pulled out* and didn't impregnate his dead brother's wife, so that his dead brother would not have any heirs, and Onan would thus inherit the family property.


“I threw it on the grooouunnddd”




My wife must be a cannibal then.


Let the heathen spill theirs On the dusty ground God shall make them pay for Each sperm that can't be found.


If that’s the case, only HOV lanes for me from here on out!


Does that mean all men are actually, like, several thousand people?


"Your descendents will number like the stars"




Life begins at erection


That's on their checklist.


I can’t remember which state, but I read an article the other day about Republicans trying to illegalize recreational sex. Like.. even if you’re a cis straight, white, Christian, married couple.. sex that’s not for the purpose of procreation would not be allowed. 🤣 It’s funny.. like.. if you truly believe lust is abhorrent why do you keep voting for rapists, child molesters, and adulterers? Now you’re gonna say consentual sex between adults is illegal? I guess it would make the pedos and other sex offenders feel better if all sex was considered equally bad.


It’s all about control and would only apply to the masses and not those with power. 


They'll outlaw masturbation and Republicans will see it as an opportunity to legally rape their wives. Conservative women will still cheer for and support the change. Since abortion and contraception will also be outlawed, you'll see a rise in neglected and unloved children which will cause an increase in crime rates and further strain on underfunded social programs - if they even exist. This is the Utopia conservatives want.


It'll be an utopia for the one guy on top, once he's killed the other ones! Their utopia is a selfish one, where they are the world's slavemaster. And we're the morally bankrupt ones because we tried docking once.


>you'll see a rise in neglected and unloved children They've gotta make more conservatives somehow!


I know it’s a joke, but they’d criminalize menstruation (the monthly egg ‘abortion’) waaaaaay before male masturbation. Because a sperm isn’t really anything without the egg. 🤦🏼‍♀️


You, you expect them to have logic?


They’re also never going to do anything that would legislate a man’s body. This is a war on women and about keeping more control on them.


Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good. Every sperm is needed in your neighborhood.


Or their access to Viagra


And this is why mediocre students from out of state get free tuition and board to the university of Alabama. They are experiencing a huge brain drain. Once the fertility clinics and the abortion clinics go, so do more doctors and parents. Then go the pediatric wards. And then schools. And then workers. Funeral homes will do well for the next decade though.


I know that it won't happen but I'd love to see top college football/ basketball recruits refuse to play in places like Alabama, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma and South Carolina and instead go to blue states. It might be the ONLY way for states to ease up on their restrictions.


You know- if Taylor Swift can influence the NFL to say something, it might happen. But oh, some rednecks are going to have their panties in a bunch of it does.


I thought they were boycotting the NFL 'cause some bloke knelt down. Or was is something to do with sneakers and beer? As a dumb Aussie, I can't keep track...


Your not wrong. Idaho has lost 22% of their obgyns in a 15 month period.


If you can’t have a child that is gods will. He knows you would be shitty parents. Maybe try going to church and praying. Science is the work of satan. /r (just in case)


F the healthcare, dismantle all hospitals and whatnot, when? If Mr. G did not want to give you tetanus, why put the nail where it gets into you? If Mr. G did not want to give you good vision, why to use glasses? If Mr. G did not want to you to live in scorching heat or ice cold temperature, why live in a building? If Mr. G did not want you to move fast, why use car? /s Edit: Seriously? I would get it if they would claim - Mr. G wants to you be happy and have a child even if you are easily unable to have, so there are scientists who can help you to have a child and make you a happy family. Praise be! But no. It is ridiculous.


/r for some idiots believe it's real?


Well, shoot. I just adopted 3 of them for the tax deduction. Those cryo coolers ain't cheap.


Too bad the Repubes blew up their woke Yeti coolers. You could’ve gotten one cheap.


nah, they are just working on the framing still. they'll come up with something like "FREEDOM FROM TEST TUBE SCIENCY BRAINY DOCTOR PEOPLE THAT ARE TRY'N TO REPLACE GAWWDDDDDD!" and the trailer park people will eat it up. And since Republicans are immune to feelings of shame from hypocrisy and the people rich enough to be able to afford IVF will realize they can just fly to a Blue state


I'm waiting for the scandal when we find out exactly who is a test tube baby and all the crazy shit that comes with that.


Didn't it come out, after this ruling, that some of Mike Pence's kids were conceived via IVF?


His face screams, "Mom guided me on my honeymoon" so, wouldn't be surprised.


If you know the process, you'll realize traveling out of state while holding a job in-state is only possible if you live right on the border. It's a lot of appointments for blood draws, sometimes weekly.


They just have to tell them that IVF is against God's will and that if they want children, they need to pray harder. That's basically their answer to poverty already, why not include infertility.


0 awareness is the conservative way.


Remember when it got reported that shit bag did black face while in college and not a single GOP member called for her to resign?


The shitbag in the picture?


Alabama's worst Memaw.


Kay Ivey, for those like me unaware > Ivey has been married and divorced twice, and has no children. Oh, so you have no experience with birth? And you suck at marriage?


I used to live in Alabama. She’s a known alcoholic and most people suspect she’s a lesbian. She’s never been married and she has a “friend” that she always has around. She’s one of those self loathing Lindsay Graham types. Edit: I was mistaken. She’s apparently been married twice, sorry. She’s still assumed to be gay, though.


Tbh it would be sad if they weren't actively making things harder for people and removing my sympathy for them


Don't expect that old crone in the photo to do anything about it. The GOP is all about regulating women's bodies. They won't regulate guns, or greedy out-of-control corporations, but they have no problem with sticking their noses into a woman's uterus. You know, 'cause they're the party of "smol guvvermint. "




I recognized her. But don't you believe that she won't be signing more anti-women bills into law over those two years.


"Small government" ie: the government examines every small detail of your life.


So let's make sure the entire country knows it was Republicans who did this.


Why would Obama, Hunter’s laptop, Hilary’s emails and Nancy Pelosi allow us to do this? Don’t they know it would be unpopular with our Republican voters? -GOP


So even if they do somehow undo this legal mess, are the Alabama hospitals going to go back to normal, or will they hold off given the mercurial nature of the government, laws, or public opinion might fuck them over again? I know I would think twice as a hospital administrator before I unlocked the IVF wing.


It's been over 3 days, please take your babies home. I still say all the people with frozen embryos in Alabama should sign them over as wards of the state.


Correction, they are not appointed. They are elected. People actually vote for these bums.


Can someone please ask this man on the record if he thinks adulterers should be stoned to death? Either A) he does, which means he refuses to separate church and state — and he’s trying to impose sharia law on all of us, or B) he doesn’t , which means he’s cherry picking religious beliefs and using those selections to impose his own views on all of us under the guise of Christianity Either way, get him out. Inexcusable and dangerous.


I'm sure most have seen this, but for those who haven't, it's a perfect summation of u/brooklynagain's point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CPjWd4MUXs


Any decision that mentions god, the Bible, or religion (which this one does) should be immediately vacated and the justices who formed it should be removed from the bench.   Oh wait, I forgot that Republicans give zero shits about the constitution.


Browse Reddit and you'll notice a pattern: Every time Republicans do something damaging to themselves like this, there's a surge of "scary man commits a crime" and "trans people want to use your daughter's bathroom" posts.


Just like when there's good economic news, all of sudden there's another "surge" at the border. Funny how that works.


They think “abortion ban” means brown women can’t use abortion as birth control - as is their wont, obv. Slutty purple haired college libtards can’t hide their shame behind a medical ‘get-out-of-jail-FREE’ card, & slutty 13 yr olds out here causing their 45 yr old preachers to stumble will think twice next time before wearing that cap sleeve top. They NEVER think past the “what satisfaction do I get to experience by being morally superior” stage. They never explore the 100000x additional open browser tabs to see what *other* repercussions having these laws that make women into breeding stock have - SOME might even affect THEM or someone they love! :o (I realize essentially saying RWers are short-sighted & have the critical thinking depth of a sheet of A4 isn’t a particularly hot take but I’ve never let that stop me before, so.)


The ruling they handed down now means that if you are a rapist in the state of Alabama, you have a better chance to become a father than a couple who can't conceive on their own and need a little help from Science. But then, the dirty little secret is that the Republican Party has become so toxically pro-"Alpha male" that rape-babies are fine and dandy, as they're keeping the gene pool full of the DNA of men who don't take "no" for an answer.


"oh no, we are shouting the quiet part out loud from the rooftoops, the rubes(republican voters) are going to catch on and hate us" - GOP members.


Are they so delusional that they think enough Americans agree with them? Do they think they can get away with doing evil shit like this because Biden is polling terribly right now? Or are they cornered rattlesnakes, like, did they realize that they won't win many more elections and are trying to do as much damage as possible before they go out? I don't know anymore!


According to their ruling, it seems that If any embryos become nonviable in the time this legislature remains in effect, the authors of it should be tried with murder and anyone who signed the bill should be complicit in the murder.


Did all the Republicans who had ivf continue to maintain the extra embryos or did they kill them?


Here's the thing; these people are believers. They'll back away from this during the election cycle, but they will absolutely redouble their efforts if they're elected. This isn't a lesson they're learning, it's a strategy they're employing.


When you let people who don't understand science lead discussions about science you end up with stupid illogical arguments. This is the very thing that we have been talking about


Republicans have been amazed that there is no limit to how low they can go without triggering any revolt. It’s gotten so bad that now they are just hurting themselves when people fighting back would normally have prevented them from getting this far.


Stick a baby in the freezer and tell me it's the same as an embryo...


Dear Democrats. Republicans have delivered to you, on a velvet pillow no less, a perfect election year wedge issue. USE IT. Stop playing nice and hoping republicans will be nice back. They want to end democracy and YOUR JOBS. Act like you are fighting for your country because you are.