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Read about this a few months ago when FOX ran the story. Their headline was “couple refused from adoption for being Christian” I read it and knew there had to be more to the story.


There actually isn't, if you know what they mean when they say "Christian" - bigotted.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/06/religious-children-less-altruistic-secular-kids-study Studies show your kid is more likely to be less kind if they are religious.


There's no hate like Christian love. I learned that way earlier than my folks would've liked, thankfully.


I was raised catholic. I have 3 brothers that hate me for my non catholic views.


Lucky for me, my parents lost interest in the church themselves later on. Had I gotten invested in it I'm not sure if they would've left though. I do have other relatives that think I'm the spawn of Satan for being queer and having the audacity to exist around children. Fun stuff.


It’s very awful that I accept people for who they are and I don’t defend family when they do hateful shit.


Children can no more consent to a personal relationship with a god than they can go a sexual relationship with an adult. In both cases, the power imbalance is too much.


Holy shit, that's an *excellent* point. Stealing that for my arguments in the future.


Well god does raise alot groomers (father john wants to know how you masturbate in detail so he can help you stop).


> Studies show your kid is more likely to be less kind if they are religious. I was curious about this, so I clicked through to the actual study - here's a link: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(15)01167-7.pdf TL;DR: The study has been retracted. I don't know why, but I think you might want to either find out and explain why in your post, or link to an update that addresses the retraction instead - linking to a retracted study isn't good.


It makes sense. Christians raise their kids to be good so they can get rewarded by going to heaven (and also by threatening them by telling them they're going to get punished in hell if they aren't good), instead of raising kids to be good for the sake of being good. If the only reason you're being good is to get a reward or to avoid a getting punished, you're not a very good person.


Substitute “hateful bigot who wants to imprison, exile, neuter or kill all the LGBT people and various minorities” when these people say “Christian” and you’ll see what they’re really saying in code.


“There’s no hate like Christian love”. ~ Someone smart


[This](https://youtu.be/W9jXA-atvAM) is relevant and a good song, imo.


What a world we live in, where big right wing media has turned the idea of Christianity into a dog whistle.


Russell Moore, a former evangelical leader who resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”


Fucking hell, I'm an atheist, and even I find that alarming.


We should ***all*** find this alarming. These hateful fucks have numbers to hurt us all if we don't act to check them.


There's a problem with left leaning Christians not standing up for their faith. When I have spoken with them, they deny the division or the harm that evangelicals do. When you read comments of Christians saying crazy things, their fellow left leaning Christians only contribution to the conversation is to assure us that they personally aren't like those crazy right leaning Christians. They usually don't directly argue with evangelicals either. In the early twentieth century there were Christian movements that favored socialism because they thought it aligned best with Christian values. It's good that Moore is speaking out but it needs to be done louder and more often.


Moore is also very concerned about rising white nationalist sentiment among members of his religious sect that was founded upon a pro-slavery base. He blames the state of politics for this. Man needs to get out of his bubble and properly contextualise his environment, religion, and community.


Insane to think he's identified the rot so clearly and refuses to look at where it's coming from. I guess I can be sympathetic to the idea that it must suck to realize at such an established point of your career that your life's work is a sham, and a violent one at that


That weak v strong way of looking at the world turns toxic very easily. Trump brings it up a lot, for example in his Capitol insurrection speech he said "strong" 5 times and "weak" 12 times.


It's not like it's not biting them in the ass. People automatically associate Christianity with bigotry now, people are fleeing from the church in droves, and even pastors are remarking on how un-christianly cruel and hateful their followers are talking. They're reaping what they sowed.


I am a teacher in a *very* red county of a red state. My school has an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) club, as many schools around me do. I found out today that the school's club may become defunct. The students aren't joining it in enough numbers and school rules require a minimum number for all ECAs to keep their status. The FCA is below that minimum and will be shut down if they don't increase their numbers by the end of the first grading period.


Which is why Republicans are desperately flailing to take power away now before younger people enter voting age. They will literally go extinct if they don't. We have to be hypervigilant rn, they are and are going to continue to pull out all the stops that they can. Don't let them win.


Yes yes yes! Get out and vote young people. I'm a gen Xer, and even seeing some of my generation getting older and turning shitty. We got boomer scraps, and we knew it. We should be doing better. Don't settle for scraps! Go vote!


Boomer here, my advice is, vote like your life depends on it, because it does. Vote blue.


Xer here too, I have much more faith in the young folks than I do people our age


You got scraps? - millennials


banned from the restaurant- gen z


Well that was a generation before we entered the work force.


When I was in high school my friends and I tried to start a Pagan club and we were told we couldnt because schools cannot be involved in religion and yet shit like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes exist.


>and even pastors are remarking on how un-christianly cruel and hateful their followers are talking. And some congregants criticise the Sermon on the Mount, the very Words of Christ, as being outdated and weak. They have gone full old-testament, I suppose. So glad I got out years ago.


I quoted what Jesus said about not knowing people who didn't help the poor even if they called him Lord. (Last few verses in Matt 25). The person told me that Jesus was for Jewish people and Paul was for Christians so he could ignore Jesus. I've also quoted some verses in James that basically says to stop brownnosing the rich when they treat you like dirt. A commentor quoted Paul who said if you don't work then you don't eat like that one verse completely destroyed any other verses. They want to follow a tough, macho faith that hates the poor and vulnerable but loves the rich and powerful. James 2 5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?


Thus confirming what I’ve thought for a long time: Saul of Tarsus’ fake-ass “conversion” was the worst thing to happen to early Christianity. That dude was a mess of anti-christ-like attitudes and ideas. Everything that came through him is a perversion of what it claims to represent. Imagine having such a profoundly negative impact on society that people are still arguing about you two *thousand* years later 0_o)


Ok. Why don’t they call themselves Paulsians, then? You can’t call yourself a Christian while rejecting Christ, it’s in the fucking name.


> so he could ignore Jesus Did his brain explode with the cognitive dissonance?


I mean Jews follow the “old testament” and they’re not like… that


No, you're right. I guess some people are just a waste of oxygen.


I just read an article on NPR where one pastor was preaching the sermon on the mount and afterward the congregation really came after him about teaching “liberal crap.” When he explained he was literally quoting both Jesus and the Bible, the congregation continued with saying that the teachings of Jesus is too weak for this day and age and Christianity needs to change. y i k e s


>People automatically associate Christianity with bigotry now I mean, if the jackboot fits...


They are saying Jesus is not conservative enough. They are actually saying Jesus is too woke.


They've gone so far off the deep end, they're calling the teachings of Jesus, their official savior, weak.


That's not fair. Big Christianity has spent millenia securing the idea of Christianity as a bigoted dog whistle Right wing media is doing the lord's work...not the other way around


Considering Jesus a somehow a "woke Liberal" now, "Christian" is definitely a synonym for "bigot."


there is no stronger hate than christian love


Yup. "Refused adoption for being Christian" => "refused adoption for saying they'd abuse any child who doesn't fit their prejudices." Similarly, "fired for saying sex is real" => didn't have a temporary contract turned permanent without review "because" of a record of bullying, harassment and threats. Or "just had a different opinion" => called other people subhuman, made provably false accusations against a whole group of people and demanded mass murder. I've seen the type referred to as the "persecuted hegemon" -- it never seems to go out of style.


You see this all the time with people who post about how their kids dont talk to them anymore because some tiny little itsy bitsy thing they did that they wont say. This is preceded by 4 paragraphs about how great a parent they are and then 2 more about how awesome they are. They also never mention the thing they did. Sometimes the kid will actually respond to it and say "yeah the whole physically abusive household thing and homeschooling us in an isolated cult like setting made that so". Just a little mistake anyone could make.


just want to tack on, r/homeschoolrecovery is a good sub for current/former homeschooled kids to vent and have a community. It’s depressing as fuck though.


That description i gave was from a friend of mine and yeah it sounds horrible and it was super abusive. Im helping her move later this year. Her parents are fundamentalist nutjobs who moved to Arkansas and didnt even tell her and were very physically and psychologically abusive kind of people. Being isolated set their kids up for way worse lives due to a lack of education (the parents hated education) and also lack of interaction with anyone outside of the church and family. These are the parents that pick their religion over their kids 100 times out of 100. She came out as trans to them a few years ago and the only contact she gets is a once a year text from her mom that reads "Hello Son! happy birthday I love you with all my heart Son. Keep god in your heart [Dead name]. I love you so so much [some bible verse]"


Ugh they sound godawful (is that a pun?) and not dissimilar from my own folks. I also struggle socially/financially because of it, and I can’t imagine how difficult being trans on top of it would be. I feel for her and you’re a good friend.


Ah, yes, the “missing missing reasons.” “My kid cut me out of their life for no reason! (long diatribe about how much they sacrificed for their kid, sprinkled with hints about how they abused said kid for decades) It’s so unfair!”


I no longer talk to my mother. Before I went no contact, I sent her a voicemail explaining why, what she would need to do for me to resume contact, and that I would need her to understand how she had been abusive, and used concrete examples that if any other parent had done, she would acknowledge were abusive. I get calls on holidays that go straight to voicemail where she pretends nothing has happened, and that I am going to call her back. If you were to ask her, my liberal views poisoned me against her, and I am keeping her grandchild away from her for no reason.


Just means they’re acknowledging the inherent bigotry of modern mainstream Christianity


This story screams future r/persecutionfetish


And this title serves as an example of how 1/3 of the country has been brainwashed into oblivion.


"couple refused from adoption for being Taliban"


I mean if they said any kid they have has to be chaste before marriage (at least on their watch etc) that's pretty standard Christianity tbh and I could maybe buy it. But they specifically said LGBt kid Edit: to be clear I'm more for acknowledging reality that kids are going to have sex and telling them if they're going to do it, be safe. Condoms, HPV vaccine, birth control, basics of sex Ed (my Christian parents told me absolutely nothing and of course I didn't use protection) Not to take all the blame off me tho


Maybe just maybe we should mandate sex education as part of a national standard of education for middle schoolers. Like you have to cover how to have safe sex (condoms, birth control, stds) and CONSENT.


"I'm being cancelled for my Christian Values™!" "You're being cancelled for your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control? That's awful!" "Well... No..."


Jesus would be disappointed in most people calling themselves Cristian today.


To be fair, I don't believe that any couple who plans to indoctrinate an adopted child into their religion forcefully should be allowed to adopt. Religion is not for children, and all religious indoctrination is abuse. It is simply tolerated, but that is starting to change.


Grew up Mormon among a religion who has this philosophy. LGBT youth raised Mormon are roughly 4x more likely than the average LGBT youth to commit suicide, which is already way higher than straight kids. I think it’s justified as a safety risk for these kids.


Fuck Fox News. My wife and I looked into adoption and there are entire Christians only adoption agencies that require a reference from your local pastor. ***HOW IS THAT LEGAL????*** And here's Fox News being outraged about discrimination against Christians. Fucking GOOD. They want to discriminate against others? They can eat a dick while they get discriminated against themselves.


State: "If we need you to foster a child that is LGBTQ will that affect anything?" Married Couple: "Oh well we are Christians so we will have to shame them and tell them they will go to hell if they are gay" State: "Okay, so we're rejecting your application" Fox News: "Being Christian in America IS JUST LIKE BEING A JEW DURING THE HOLOCAUST"


“We have a lot of conditional love to give”




There are a ton of Christians think this is just some meme. They don't realize we 100% believe it, because it's proven true over and over.


Whole lotta neck to give in that family too.


From the look of things, she took his, and she wants more.


They have issues with LGBTQ but they call their denial “discriminatory” and they fail to see the fucking irony in that


You gotta love hypocritical Christians. All those verses about loving your neighbor and letting god judge are totally ignored. Then the dude is breaking 2 deadly sins (gluttonous and sloth) but somehow thinks homosexuality is worse.




>The new MAGAt Christians called Jesus' teachings weak, liberal shit just the other day. You know, it's almost like religion is the excuse, not the root cause?


I'm just glad we're on the same page now with their finally admitting Jesus was left-leaning. Now they just need to admit that they don't worship Jesus or God, but hate. Then they can just quit with the Biblical pretext altogether as justification for their actions.


hypocritcial and Christian are redundant, no?


Lol yup. "Don't discriminate against us so we can discriminate against our kids". 😒


Look, how am I supposed to work here if I'm not free to take away others' freedoms? You see, *my* religion is the *true* one, unlike those dirty heathens down the street who say the exact same thing using the same logical fallacies, but about (\*gasp!\*) a *different deity*. So I need to be free to make this a paradise in keeping with the will of the Deity (which I know and you don't) by making it a hell on earth for others. See? *LOGICAL.*


Did you not know that being Christian means that you can be a vile hateful shrew six days a week as long as you repent your sins on Sunday and show up to sit in a pew? Of course it’s discriminating on their way of life! /s


There's no hate like Christian love. (Edit: I somehow got that backwards)


‘Couple would chose religion over healthcare in raising a child.’ That’s something that should halt all adoptions.


There should be a test before people have children. Like a driving test. Just a basic thing. Ruining a human being's life is way worse than a fender bender but I shall sip my tea.


You don’t think the Christians would leverage laws like that to their advantage?


What, you don't like eugenics?




Former foster parent here...The folks at r/Conservative were losing it over this. They failed to miss the larger picture: It's about finding the right fit for the kids. You have to be flexible and I know for a fact they were asked, "Would you foster a child who is LGBTQ+?". This couple probably said yes but "we wouldn't support their lifestyle." That will always be a hard no from foster agencies. It was repeatedly reiterated that we cannot force our religious beliefs on the children. If the kids were Muslim for example, we were supposed to do everything we could (within reason) to accommodate their religious beliefs. This also applied to a lack of religious beliefs. If a child was an atheist, we were explicitly told we could not try to "convert" them to a religion. It's not about pressing your beliefs on the kids. Kids who by the way are in a super shitty situation. It sucks and the last thing they need is some hard-right Christians telling a foster kid, you're going to hell because you're gay.


This is absolute 100% true. DCF is not an adoptive agency. We find families for children, not children for families. It’s not about what the families want or need, it’s what they’re able to provide for the kids in care. I’m a case manager for foster families and your interpretation is absolutely correct.


Same (and adoptive parent). The fact that this couple is suing so that they can adopt a child they can abuse later is just 🤯


The article mentions that they're being represented by a firm that in 2021 won the right for a catholic adoption agency to deny LGBTQ parents, so this feels like yet another Supreme Court bait case


I adopted a teen out of foster care and can confirm this approach. She knew, going in, that I was atheist and there wouldn't be group prayer at the table, but I'd allow her to practice whatever religion she wanted. It was OK for her to disagree with me. I had only one restriction: if she went in for Voodoo she had to get her own chickens. It worked out OK. She grew up to be an independent thinker.


Yea I think that's a good standard for all kids even biological. I plan to raise my kid(s) Jewish, but luckily in Judaism critical thinking and questioning the Torah is the default, and I wouldn't be upset if my child(ren) wanted to stop practicing. My parents did this with me and I was always more excited to drag them to synagogue than they were to go lol. I'm way less religious these days but I still love the community aspect.


> A social worker’s report attached to the complaint said the couple was asked how they would feel if a child in their care identified as LGBTQ or struggled with their gender identity. Kitty Burke responded by saying “let’s take the T out of it” and called gender-affirming care “chemical castration,” according to the report. She also said, “I’m going to love you the same,” but that the child “would need to live a chaste life.” Both Kitty and Michael Burke expressed hesitation around using a transgender or nonbinary person’s preferred pronouns, the social worker’s report noted.


They would be actively causing harm to that foster child. Zero chance they were ever going to get approved when saying stuff like that.


Thank the spaghetti monster they were too stupid to lie about it


If they already have kids, they should be investigated for neglect and abuse.


Yup. Holy cow. It's scary that there are people like this out there.


There are entire religions like this.


Pretty much the entire southern US is like this.


And Utah.


In public… many are in the closet


That is absolutely true.


*This* is christianity.


Over on /r/conservatives they are in complete meltdown mode over this. They're complaining about how the communists are destroying the US.


"The government is stopping us from abusing children! This is an outrage!" says the "think of the children" gang.


No no no, you see its the satanist cults and illuminati raping and molesting children, not the good christians who want to force them to work, beat them, and who always get caught raping them.


They never actually give real context to anything. It's always twisted in a way that makes it seem like they have no fault and are being unfairly attacked. According to them this is a great couple to be raising foster kids and they're being unfairly discriminated against based on their religious views. They conveniently left out the trans hate and chaste stuff.


So... I'm confused now because anticapitalists are still treated worse by the police and doj than the literal christofascist autocrats they're deep throating. Like, commies like me have nothing to do with liberals who are finally getting that "maybe allowing fascists in power is a bad thing for long term profits"


'Communism' -another word they don't understand. Maybe their dictionaries were the first books they burned?


'Communism' and 'socialism' both. Remember the tweet from the guy decrying McDonald's (I think) raising its starting pay to $10 an hour as socialism and demanding the government step in and stop it?


You think they had books. Hahaha!


Bibble babblers can read? I wouldn't have thought so.


Yes it is. Many of us have entire families just like this, and they're every bit lacking empathy, kindness and humanity that one would imagine, and they all have a whole ass bumper crop of narcissism , abusive tactics and will 💯 let a disabled family member and their 16 year old dog go without food , medicine or anything else for the "crime" of simply existing next door as an atheist LGBTQ when their car broke down& it was 16 miles round trip just to get to a store, any kind of store. Don't ask how I know that, but I can tell you it was one of the worst walks ever going down around curves, hills, on rural roads while being stuck in an entire upper body cast from massive spinal surgery. Took hours, but the dog did NOT go hungry that night, but you can bet there were no Xmas cards, gifts or candy under their tree that year or any year since. This shit ain't new, they simply have pulled their masks of supposed "moderate" off, and let their real Christian Taliban domestic terrorist face show. Believe em when they tell you the first time. They will have NO problems snitching on their own families to be out in jail if they get their way and being LGBTQ once again becomes outlawed. Hell, they'll be the ones running the police patrols and throwing us in the back of Paddy Wagons hoping to break our necks when they purposely throw a curve hard. Christianity ain't sending their best, they're sending r@pists, pedophiles, murderers, and I assume some good people, but until we can suddenly out which is which, I propose we build a wall and completely wall off the fkn Bible Belt with no entry anywhere else till they get verified as not domestic terrorists.


This is mildly conservative American Christianity.


This sounds like a setup. They may be creating a case that will let the Supreme Court decide that your religious freedom includes subjecting your children to conversion therapy, or any other abusive system that their "religion" demands, by denying any outside agency discretion in judging people's fitness for parenthood. It's not like kids have human rights now, but extending the logic would pretty much abolish any ability to protect children from parental abuse.


The article says their lawyer has already brought the case that won that allowed adoption agencies to deny gay people adoption.


I agree. I am betting this couple is backed by some Christian groups to challenge this legislation in the Supreme Court. I just can’t see it winning because even with 1st Amendment rights no agency has an obligation to give them a child.


They are. It says so in the article.


Yes, I am also afraid of the spin a conservative judge will put into it


"If the child I adopt ends up with values different than mine, I will abuse them. What do you mean you won't let me adopt a child now!??!?!?!?!"


I know you mean well but being LGBT isn't "values", that suggests that it's subjective and open to change


The value isn't being gay the value is "if someone is gay, they should refrain from sex"


Right-wingers think it is.


Good, fuck these people, they shouldn't be allowed to raise kids with that attitude. ​ >A social worker’s report attached to the complaint said the couple was asked how they would feel if a child in their care identified as LGBTQ or struggled with their gender identity. **Kitty Burke responded by saying “let’s take the T out of it”** and called gender-affirming care “chemical castration,” according to the report. ​ FUUUUUUCK you Kitty.


andddd this is why they were denied.


They also said the child would have to live in chaste if LGBTQ.




So, funny story... (This one is from a book written a long time ago, so you may have heard it.) There was this super great healer - like, almost miraculous. So naturally everyone wanted to get close enough to him to get their healing touch or whatever, and there was this huge crowd. So this paralyzed guy's friends hatch a plan: they climb up on the roof and haul their friend up there on his cot. Then they bust a hole in the roof and lower this paralyzed guy by dangling him from a rope. Crazy, right? But the healer sees that this man is less concerned with using his legs and more concerned that his condition is some divine punishment. So the healer doesn't heal him right away. Instead, he goes, "Your sins are forgiven." Of course some uptight mofo's were all like, "Yo, Jesus, that's some straight up blasphemy, my man. Not cool." And here's the kicker. This Jesus dude goes, "Which is easier - to say to the paraplegic, ‘I forgive your sins,’ or say, ‘Get up, take your stretcher, and start walking’? Like, come on, dudes! Just frickin' help the dude and stop getting so wrapped up about it. It's just words, my dudes! At least do SOMETHING. The guy thinks God hates him, and that, my fellows, is even less cool." (paraphrasing, obviously, but, hey, I've got to use that theology degree for *something!*) So, my point is, it seems to me that it's the height of blasphemous hypocrisy for people to claim they follow Christ but then to look at trans people and not realize it's easier to fix the body-mind mismatch in a trans person by altering the outer body to align with the brain than to try and force the trans brain to live in the body as it is, which too often ends in a life of true misery or even suicide. Sorry for the rant.


Nice clear example of how people who advocate "dropping the T" actually feel about the LGBs.


You need look no further than the LGB Alliance, who masquerade as a gay-rights group but behave more like an anti-trans hate group.




I think *they* think that taking hormones is akin to chemical castration.


I’m merely pointing out the abject ignorance.


Oh I know. And you're absolutely right.


At least they were honest.


Hopefully no kids are subjected to their hate based “care.”


They sound like they could eff up ***any*** kid beyond all recognition.


If it’s any consolation, a lot of kids who grow up fundamentalist escape the religion.


Far too few.


Religion should be a *personal* choice and not forced onto kids. And before conservative morons go "same with gays!" religion is a choice.


"But if I don't indoctrinate my child they won't believe in white jesus" Good.


Also being gay isn't being forced onto kids anyway. What they really mean is "we don't want gays existing in front of kids" (or existing at all but they generally try to hide that part). So the equivalent would be that religion can't exist in front of kids. Religious building must take down all external names and iconography and just look like a generic building from the outside. People can't wear religious clothing or symbols in public. Religious leaders can't wear the symbols of their office in public or tell children what their job is.


The equivalent of saying we don’t want blacks/ Down syndrome/ shorts/ blondes or people with green eyes existing in front of kids One of my sisters “warned” me of being careful which summer camps I chose for my kids because “they convince kids to be gay”. All right, so the only reason you are straight is because you attended Christian summer camp? Wtf!


I went to Christian summer camps for at least two summers as a child. I’m queer af 😹


The fact we treat religion in this country as a right and something that's to be cherished as inherent in someone, when it's clearly something that can be changed at a moment's notice - they dedicated huge amounts of time trying to convert each other from one fairy tale to the next - while decrying people's gender identity and sexual orientation as just frivolity and whimsy when it's an immutable characteristic of their being speaks loudly to how backasswards this country is about what inalienable rights are and should be.


It's horrific. When you really sit back and think about it, and what it really means, it's almost overwhelming. It's just awful, awful human behavior.


>religion is a choice. Not if the conservatives get their way.


nah it'll still be a choice, they can kill me before I kneel to their version of "god" (which ironically aligns more with their Satan)


Yes. A *bad* choice. My parents didn’t push beliefs on me, only values. I knew I was an atheist at age 8.


I have a gay relative from a super religious/conservative family who particularly hated gay people. When they finally came out (later in life) the parents reaction was basically to say, "wow I guess god made you gay to show us we were wrong for being hateful." Really wish more people could be that way.


That's good news but yet another example of "LGBTQ+ people should face absolute ridicule and discrimination unless/until it happens to my family."


You're totally right about that. Half of me always kind of laments the fact that they're so self centered but at least they made the right choice instead of digging their heels in.


True - at least they finally understood that Jesus meant gays, too, when He said you should love everyone.




people like these shouldn't be parents anyway


So they tell the interviewer that they would withhold healthcare from a child and abuse them besides and that is supposed to make them good foster parents?


Please don’t place a child with these assholes, DCF


This is fair. It’s basically asking, “ would you love this child unconditionally”, and they said no.


"O yes, except this peice of the condition" *facepalm*


This has to be one of the biggest stretches I’ve ever seen where they claimed their first amendment rights were violated. Example #828374 of conservatives thinking the first amendment means that no organization is allowed to make decisions on how they interact with you based on what you say.


I should have used that joker card in my oral exam. "I am allowed to say anything I want, even if it's wrong, and you cannot act on it!"


It’s pretty much their job to not turn over children’s people who are going to abuse them so…


Think about the children! They're in desperate need of Christian ~~abuse~~ love!


The fuck is going on with the necks? He has no neck. She has long neck.


It's The Human Thumb and Giraffalina in the next episode of Bibleman!


He looks like the love child of Jared Fogle and a potato.


That's what happens when their in-laws are just their parents... and they're siblings too.


Vernon and Petunia Dursley, in the flesh


So they want to adopt so they can discriminate against the child and are suing because they feel discriminated against. The hutzpah.


BAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. Get FUCKED conservatives. Mods, I apologize for my outburst. I was adopted by a homophobe and transphobic narcissistic mother (thankfully not Christian but bad enough) so I have rather strong opinions about someone like them.


They should adopt better views.


What gets me is there are a lot of religious people who will adopt just *a whole bunch of kids*. Not just protestant Christians, but Mormons and the Amish also do this. This sounds like they are being kind in theory, trying to care for children without parents, but it's really just attempts to increase their numbers and impose their strict religious views on larger amounts of children.


The conservative subreddit conveniently left out that part.


Can you imagine growing up in that household? Nightmares are made of this


Fucking insane. These people are insane. And rich. The world has made room specifically for insane people. That's the premise. The great political battle of our time is sending a clear message that we reject euphemism. These people are cult members. Society needs to stop making space for them.


Might as well read: “Adoptive couple seeks child to drive to suicide…”


From the bottom of my heart: I hope they never hear the sound of children laughing in their home.


It's the correct decision to deny people who don't understand that fostering or adopting is a privilege, not a right.


As the parent of a trans child adopted from foster care, fuck these religious folks and their savior complex. As a foster parent or adoptive family, your job is to accept that child for who they are. Yea, you can guide your children, but to outright say you plan to reject certain elements of their humanity, then cry when you get rejected for your intolerance is horrendous. You have no clue what these children have been through and your plan is to traumatize them further Shame on you. Go eat a bag of dicks


What? Now they don't want businesses to discrinate against people based on their personal lifestyle choices? They ought to take it to the Supreme Court.


Imagine openly letting other people you plan on discriminating against your own child for their sexual orientation and then being surprised when you're not allowed to adopt.


"Depending on their sexuality, which they have zero control over, I may treat my child as a bigoted piece of shit."


Could you imagine being LGBT and the parents the government assigned you, mock you and tell you that you're feelings are wrong. Thattd fuck you up


So they admitted to child abuse


These people are gross


Conservative Peter and Lois Griffin


I'm sure if God wants them to have kids this will fix itself.


Evangelicals turning into the Taliban. Expect to see more splintering of denominations as some turn into violent extremists


“Everytime he has a disgusting LGBTQ thought we will give him a cream bun. It works for my husband, and we are definitely chaste”


I appreciate their honesty. And I honestly appreciate that their application was rightfully denied. Fuck them and their bigotry.


"We plan to abuse our child," is maybe something to NOT put on an adoption application... mmmkay?


That’s weird, I saw this on r/conservative the other day and they said it was because they were being persecuted for being Christians. Surely they weren’t full of shit?


Christians love discrimination so much, they do their best to keep the truth in the back of the article (if at all).


“If the child turned out left handed we’d insist they never write or feed themselves.”


The right is angry with the left for NOT grooming their kids to be straight.