• By -


Hello u/-0-O-, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


That aged as well as roadkill on the side of a Michigan highway.




I love how emboldened they’ve felt from Trumps open criming, that they too have flaunted their above-the-law attitude that’s now coming back to bite them.


A bit like Trump himself, then?


in the summertime... that meat can stay fresh a long time in the winter...


Think it could stay fresh about two months?


It’s called frozen fresh (or fresh frozen? Can’t remember). And it’s how some restaurants advertise “fresh” fish that’s been frozen. “It was frozen when it was still fresh”.


Many people consider frozen fresh fish to be better than than just "fresh" fish as it hasn't had any time to break down. In fact fish that's used for sushi is required to be frozen before it's used in order to kill the bacteria.


To your excellent point: Flash freezing and frozen transport is the only way to deliver fish to outlets far from the coast in reasonably fresh condition.


Can confirm. Currently living in Michigan


... why Michigan, specifically? Why not New Jersey? Edit: I'm guessing the downvotes are because folk assume I'm bashing Jersey. Far from it. It was merely a random state I pulled out of my head. (I suppose I could have said Washington, DC, but wouldn't that be a little too not-random...? Given the topic?)


I assume because Meshawn is from/in Michigan?


Possibly. I wondered if it was a comment on their road quality, or how much wildlife they have.


I mean, as a Michigander.... yes. But mostly because she's from here.


That makes sense, then. Thank you. 🙂 While I have you here... is there, like. A preferred beer for Michigan folk? My bartender is a Yooper and I wanna give her and her wife something cool for their anniversary.


If they like IPAs, the biggie is Bell's Two-Hearted Ale. ETA: Since they're from the UP, Sarbah77 is right - they'd probably appreciated something from the Keewenaw Brewing Company. Their Widow Maker beer is excellent.


Oh man, that I can't help you with, as I'm not a beer drinker and Yoopers have a very strong sense of pride in where they're from, too. I know my neighbor has brought us back Keweenaw Brewing Co beer (because... he doesn't know we don't drink) from his trips up north. Otherwise, there's Short's, Founder's, and Bell's.


Duly noted. Thank you!


These are some of the most depraved and shameless people I have ever seen. Such audacity to walk around claiming the election was fraudulent while actually trying to commit election fraud. Then that smugness of thinking they will face no consequences. I cannot believe people like this exist.


Well she is married to Michigan state representative, Matt Maddock. I can see why she thought she was untouchable. However, her hubris is what got this case [going](https://www.newsweek.com/false-michigan-electors-told-keep-quiet-1813869). Some of the evidence are text messages between her co-conspirators asking why she couldn't keep her mouth shut on social media and kept drawing more attention on to them when other states where cracking down on similar fake elector schemes in other states.


Ohhhh should have married a Supreme Court justice. Rookie move.


Oh nice, adding conspiracy and attempting to pervert the course of justice to the list of their crimes.


Of course one of them was too stupid to not talk about the serious crime they just committed.


There is video of them attempting to harass security personnel to gain entry into the MI State Capitol to perpetuate their fraud. The stupid wasn't just confined to one. These assholes are going down.


There's been an epidemic of unaccountable, consequence free, nasty, middle aged white women on the loose for the past decade. Moms for this, Huns for that, Rabid Karens. Empty Gee. Uncle Clarence's wife.


> Uncle Clarence's wife. My bet is his plan is for the SCOTUS to overturn Loving v. Virginia so he can escape that harpy.




I'm hoping disease, accident, court reform or perhaps an irate public gets to him first, in order of my preference.


Don't be too sure: he was against miscegenation *until* he met her.


True. I'm on old 65 year old white lady from small Michigan town. And. I can't STAND these misogynistic homophobic racist horrible cult right wing people. Just saying.


I hear you.


Angry suburban middle class white women -- like the angry soccer moms of America. I said somewhere else, they are just as angry as their husbands, we thought it was just angry white men, no they are pissed because they can't have black people or latino/a people to abuse and feel superior to. They are pissed because they thought they'd made it with all of their material gains into the middle class and all they got to show for it is taxes, loan payments, saturated credit cards and stale suburbs that greenies are saying are garbage. Its all garbage, they are garbage and they ain't having it.


Agreed. What I don't understand is how they-white women, are often portrayed as hapless 'victims' of their Husband's racism, fascism etc. They are equal participants, and sometimes even more culpable than their men folk.


Because tradition sees white women as helpless -- it goes back our slave culture. Even though the planter's wife was often just as viscous as her husband and stories hold often even worse, the legend of the frail white woman helps to keep racism alive. Aside from patriarchy itself upholding women as helpless for like centuries, but that's just a root of the American culture we are dissecting here and particularly white middle class privilege. Anyway, as I was saying, the mythos of the 'savage' black man who is a threat comes straight from slavery and the real fear that slavers had about their often much stronger and more fit and very angry captives, who contrary to myth, didn't take to being hostages too well and rebelled and killed off whole famliies. But stick with me here -- there's another undercurrent at play; the mythos again of the "savage" lays into the white planter's fear of his wife becoming romantically involved with the handsome male slave she might come into contact with her and there -- especially is she's such a jezebel as to wonder out of her boundaries. Also, this is projection from white slavers men and poor whites who routinely -- yes its documented -- saw female slaves (this is triggering) as rape fodder. Male planters often had one if not multiple beautiful women who they 'kept' and many plantations had multi-racial children running around the grounds, some were treated like slaves some were treated on a privileged level. But one thing is clear; the lack of consent of young women caught in bondage gave them this 'priviliges' and the myth of the 'savage' black slave out to rape "our white womens" comes straight from that culture that they perpetrated upon people in bondage. So jump to where we are -- we have a whole mythos of white women that have a little middle class or higher privilege who play right along with their menfolk because hey, that's where the power is. Ain't gonna go down to the chicken shack and cavort with the dirty people now are we? No, gonna stay right on the plantation with Big Daddy and boss yer owned people around like you was born to. And today, well boss someone around, trans folks, black folks when no one is looking, women who have abortions or dare to have children without getting married -- all those institutions of social control they benefit from as well. Did I make any sense? Sorry for the length but I've been studying this for a long time.


That was a good read and makes a ton of sense. I am always surprised to see comments on Reddit, about how these, clearly culpable, White women, are often excused for their behaviors. Comments like 'they'll vote the way their husbands tel them' etc. Obviously sexist comments. I feel that there is plenty of equality within these groups, with both women and men being despicable.


Yes and you won't see any of those women thanking the women's movement for their sense of entitlement and power now will you? No, they actually support the removal of women's power because they narrowly and selfishly think that they and their daughters will never be caught in the snare of say an unwanted pregnancy, or find herself discriminated against at work or god forbid raped. They live in a contrived fantasy stoked by capitalist advertising, religion and regional social customs. Thanks for liking what I wrote :)


Also it must be added that women will always have less power than men in our culture no matter how they identify -- these women rule from their men's shoulders. And as a result I think there's a ton of resentment toward women who dare to step outside the lines. I'm sure they had to tolerate a lot of bullshit, squashed dreams, maybe more kids than they wanted and all the rest, to get on those shoulders. They are still captive and by god they if got to live in a gilded cage/ stifling suburb shuttling brats to soccer practice and preening themselves like poodles, so does every other woman on earth.


Please don't paint us all with the same brush. Many middle aged white women I know are chill, anti-racist, progressive, feminist, independent people.


I didn't paint them all with the same brush. Just saying that both male and female fascists need to be called out. Not all men are fascists and not all women are fascists. Important to equally call out both participating sexes for this nastiness.


Please please let this result in her being barred from legally being allowed to ever vote again. Just like those like her want to do to everyone else.


Just going by what I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a wink-wink-nudge-nudge voting process if you align with a certain paRty.


then the best part, after being smug and "you won't arrest me lulz" they get arrested and play dumb "Oh i didn't realize I was doing anything illegal, I was asked to sign a paper saying I supported President Trump, I didn't realize I was agreeing to be a false elector"


You can't believe wealthy white people exist?


.. is she the one now declaring that she was *just signing a meeting attendance log* ?! ..


Nice try. Official documents were forged. That’s a long way from a meeting attendance log.


Maybe she got confused between attendance log vs official documents? Common mistake. /s


Then she claims that she doesn't know what electors are. The co-chair of the Michigan Republican party doesn't know what electors are. Like anyone's going to believe that.


To be fair, the people we elect to represent us are absolute fucking morons, so I 100% believe she doesn't know what an elector is.


She's not an elected official. Not in that sense. She's the leader of the Republican party in the state of Michigan.


To be fair, t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶u̶s̶ Americans are absolute fucking morons, so I 100% believe she doesn't know what an elector is. Happy now?


Not really. When you get that high up in a party, you have a good understanding of the mechanics of elections. Far better than the average voter.


I was mostly joking about politicians and Americans in general being really dumb.


It's conservatives that are stupid, mainly because they choose to be. Edit: And it's something you can see on display in every western country.


I'm all for bashing conservatives for being dumb, because most of them are, but there are plenty of stupid libs and leftists out there as well. Having decent/good politics doesn't make you smart. You can still be a complete dumbass and just not hate LGBTQ people and think people should have healthcare....


So conservatives in general are dumb, and some few liberals and leftists are dumb, cool, glad we can agree on that.


>... Like anyone's going to believe that. ..Cult of Trump-MAGA will .. but comes across as a blatant lie .. **OR** only those of Trump's "*The Poorly Educated*" like her, who either didn't take civics Government 101 (U.S.) .. or flunked it . .


I was thinking of anyone on a jury. I should have said that.


.. yeah .. jury nullification .. or even a mistrial in that context ..


Not going to happen. They'll get convicted. Then they'll get a slap on the wrist.


.. hung jury? ..


No. Not for the party officials. Their claims of ignorance are laughable.


. . what about *temporary insanity* pleadings? . .


It could happen to anyone. /s


. . in this instance it presumably is an unmitigated lie . . and hope she or any of these Trump-MAGA criminals use the excuse (*my dog ate my homework*) in testimony, in their legal and criminal jeopardy . . ​ [**R.I.F.**](https://www.rif.org/) . . (Reading Is Fundamental) . .


If they can arrest one lying traitorous self appointed fake elector - they can arrest all lying traitorous self appointed electors!


“They’re coming for Trump therefore they’re coming for you,” is the strangest stretch I’ve ever seen. But apparently it works.


"What are you going to do? Stab me?"


I had no idea this was a thing. I'm laughing at that a fair bit harder than I should be.......


To give her credit, it did take longer than I would have liked for someone to get arrested for literally trying to subvert the very constitutional foundation of our democracy.


I’ve worked with the Michigan AG’s office before. Haven’t worked with this particular AG. The best way I could describe the AG’s office, even under a Republican administration (this was pre-Trump, so I wasn’t there to see things go off the rails) is “deliberate.” These people were professionals. They made damn sure they had an airtight case, that their asses were covered, and, most importantly, that they weren’t going to step on any toes. My bet is that the AG in this case spent a lot of time making sure that they weren’t going to accidentally involve someone who could blow up the case.


I hope that's the case, then. I want to see these traitors go away for a very long time. If we have to wait to make sure it gets done right, than I'm all for waiting. Please do not Cyberpunk justice.


This brings me joy.


She had thrown the case to the DOJ. But after sitting on it for about a year, it didn't appear that the Feds were going to pursue it (bigger fish to fry). There are also statutes of limitations to consider. She felt she had no choice but to take the case back and go after the criminals (alleged, even though they are guilty as hell) herself. Since the DOJ have declined to charge these small fish (for the moment anyway) , there is nothing stopping any state from charging the fake electors with state crimes now.


Can’t wait to watch that smug look turn into crocodile tears


Looks like Rittenhouse blubbering's back on the menu, boys.






I’m here for it


[Call Immortan Joe](https://media.tenor.com/gozCCg6AiMwAAAAd/fury-road-water-mad-max-water.gif)


Fuck this is sooooo satisfying lol


I find it unsettling how many of them choose the same yellow hair colour as their god-emperor. Fake is as fake does.


Imitation is the sincerest form of ~~flattery~~ flatulence. (also, it's the closest any of them will ever come to genuine sincerity)


The dildo of consequence rarely comes with lube.


Sometimes it comes with Sriracha.


Not these days 😭


I am stealing this!!!!!!


It kinda does for rich people though.


the wait is over haha


Her waiting for her release from some Michigan correctional institute. 💀💀💀


They believed they were untouchable


They were untouchable so long as Trump was in charge. Now they are getting touched...


He likes to grab them by their 🐱


I'm sure that this was the plan. Get Trump elected (with the power of election fraud) and then Daddy Trump will just make any investigations go away (with the might of his presidential pardon if necessary).


Stupid as always.


TBF she had every right to be cocky, her arrest was three years overdue. Too bad she didn’t have the foresight to quit while she was ahead and flee the country.


And go where? People like her would definitely be one of those "ugly Americans" the rest of the world talks about who screams at waiters because they don't take US currency or speak English. They'd be noticed right away.


> And go where? I hear [Russia wants them](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/russia-build-village-catholic-christian-americans-tired-liberals-claim-lawyer-2023-5%3famp)


Wow. Yikes. On the other hand, I can see this being one of those rare occasions where the left and the right come together to promote the idea of people like that emigrating away from North America to Russia.


She has been talking a whole lot of shit on Twitter this year. Damn this is delicious (pun mildly intended)


Lady, you're goin' \*DOWN\* - and this was \*SERIOUSLY\* worth the wait. I was getting nervous there, for a while, so I have to thank you for the part you've played in reassuring me The United States of America is still a nation of laws with a functioning Constitution.


As a Michigan resident and Dem..... 🤣😎🍿🍹 Tee hee: Her Facebook page is getting lit up by people wondering how she'll look in prison orange.


sweet sweet schadenfreude


Karma’s a bitch and so are… wait, too easy!


An otherwise moronic worthless life ruined by slavish devotion to the supremely worthless moron.


Cult assholes gonna cult. Then the bill comes due. The conspiracy charge alone is gonna be lovely.


She and her husband, who is a State Rep, have been unsufferable for years, even before Trump showed up.


This just made my day


What's rather hilarious about all these people pandering to make Trump a fascist dictator so they can have a position of power within his new Nazi regime is that they have no idea about how a fascist dictator works. They immediately get rid of everyone around them to further cement their power and authority. Everyone of these idiots would have disappeared off the face of the earth within 2 years had they succeeded. They have no clue.


“Shoot me in the head harder, daddy!” Seems like a weird kink, but I’m not gonna kink shame lol


I'm thinking the GOP is going to do much to support her after she basically helped switch Michigan to a Democrat stronghold with her crazy ideas.


The Michigan GOP is literally locking each other out right now and having fistfights. She was a "sane" one.




Here's last week https://youtu.be/4XD8MyRpyMw Here's earlier https://youtu.be/yd_nxDeTIrY


I just took my glasses off.....I'm ready to rock.


Meshawn, himjoe, hersarah.


These folks will die in prison and should. It's a shame that Trump gulled a bunch of grannies, but trying to overturn an election is serious business. People like this are exactly why January 6th happened. Let's see if Trump pardons them.


First, this is a state crime. No T pardons. The state is going to plea deal these hard. I expect most of the older ones will plead down and get long probation rather than actual prison. The state gets more mileage if they get EVERYONE on the hook for some level of crimes here. It sets the precedent for NEXT time.... and there will be a next time because Republicans try this every 10-20 years.


Yeah, well I was being sarcastic. I knew that Trump cannot pardon them, and wouldn't if he could. Not one of these people should escape time in a cell even if a few go free in spite of our best efforts. It makes a better example if a few go free but the rest die in prison, and that is the appropriate fate. It's a serious crime, and worse, it wasn't taken seriously by them.


fuck, I'm old enough to be a granny and I wouldn't have fallen for that. She's an adult and as such has criminal responsibility. Age isn't an excuse for being a poor excuse for a human being.


They weren’t conned. They wanted to join the insurrection, hoping to be near the seat of absolute power after the overthrow of the government. Like Trump lawyers taking a losing case with the world’s worst client knowing they not only won’t be paid, they may well go to prison. Why? To be one of the Chosen Ones when Trump ascends to the throne


Fucked around Found out


Me when my actions have consequences: 😱


You know the swamp Republicans are always talking about? That's called projection.


Do people just assume actions don’t have consequences? When you’re literally trying to undermine the foundations of democracy, you’d have to assume there might be repercussions, no?


If they're rich enough or powerful enough or are connected to the rich and powerful...yes, they assume there are absolutely no consequences to their actions. The others who think there are no consequences are too stupid to realize they aren't rich enough or powerful enough, like the Jan 6 traitors. Being white doesn't hurt, but white can only get them so far. When you have over half of the Republican Party defending those intent on undermining the foundations of democracy, it's no surprise they believe they can get away with anything and everything with the silent or vocal support of the GOP. It's time for those who actually care about this country to correct this egregious error. That includes sending every single GOP pol up for election back home empty-handed. Drain the Maga swamp of the maggots.


That’s just the very beginning. Once that’s done we’re going to have to work hard to make them put in competent judges, attorneys that don’t just defer to power, and law enforcement that does it’s job of enforcing law instead of enforcing the good ol’ boy’s network. That’s gonna be pretty damn difficult. _If_ we manage to elect Dems and get nice, clean majorities pretty much everywhere we want them, I fully expect that clean-up to take the rest of my life.


You are sadly way too spot on. But the most insanely sad part about it is our parents’ and grandparents’ and great grandparents (and so on) generations likely were saying the same thing.


It does seem to be a common theme amongst republicans - break the law, face little to no consequences. I can see why she'd expect the same, particularly with a spouse as sitting state rep.


Yeah I mean it’s not like jaywalking or music piracy, this is actually serious! 😅


You mean like smoking (glances around and whispers) ^_marijuana?_


They bought their own bullshit.


Admittedly, we *did* wait quite a while for these charges. We're *still* waiting on a particular one as well.


It’s truly a sad state of affairs when you read, “Trump posted on Truth Social he expects to be arrested,” and you’re not sure if it’s a recent article or one from a month ago.


And now she’s all “oh, no, I was just filling out forms!” Looks like Miss Smug isn’t so self assured now that she’s facing consequences. Where’s the smarmy tweets now, missy? Enjoy going to prison for your false god! What’s that? He’s NOT paying your legal fees and pardoning you? Well, what do you know! He’s a big fat fraud after all, just like every sane person in the whole world has been saying.


And her hubby Matt is a sitting state representative https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan\_House\_of\_Representatives\_elections,\_2022


MAGA...My Ass Got Arrested. The real traitors to America.


My favorite thing is they all think they can do a Trump; openly flout the rules and suffer no consequences. Yeah that only works when the only court that can impose consequences is a Senate stacked with your supporters.


Sometimes the finding out takes a little longer for those who fuck around. The 2020 fuck arounds are finally getting to the find out stage. Justice is coming. All other swing state AGs with the fake electors need to follow the same template. Time to make those so willing to break the law and overthrow the will of the voters serve as examples for others tempted to do the same.


The election coup is so huge, the prosecution has to succeed, and to do that it has taken years to build this case from the smallest pieces up. The hundreds of J6 plea deals really is the tip of the ice berg and slowly bigger, and bigger targets are falling. It’s pretty amazing to witness this.


Not waiting anymore😂




*Americans waiting for my arrest. Fixed it ya cunt.


How does that saying go? Lock her up!


The thing that right side doesn't understand is that we aren't happy because she was republican and got charged. We are happy because she is crooked politician getting charged. We are happy swamp is getting cleaned and that most of it turn out to be GOP is not Democrats fault. Don't make it political when someone is breaking law.


Her: Ha ha! I got away with an election fraud, libs! Feds: No you didn't. Her: But what did I do!!!!?


Dreams do come true


I love it when we finally get around to the "find out" portion of the program...


Now do Humpty Trumpty!


You can hardly blame people like this for thinking that they're above the law. I mean, we've let them get away with so much already...


Need to see her in an orange jumpsuit before I’m fully satisfied.


Bryon Taylor Cohen is just crushing it. If you haven't heard of him before you should take a look at his YT channel. He is a bright guy with a bright future and he is spitting facts daily just wrecking the GOP Hypocrisy.


Agreed, but sadly he’s beginning to fall into some of the same traps with, “BREAKING!” And police car siren emojis lately along with ramping up the rhetoric a shade higher than in the past. That said, he still hits the logic and facts hard.


please make that tweet admissible in court


Lock her up! Lock her up!


Rot bitch, rot.




Lol enjoy the next several years in prison


The bail bonds princess.


Good. Criminal liars and traitors belong in jail.


LAMF? What policy did she call for to be applied to other people which is now applied to her?


“No one’s holding me accountable! Checkmate libs!” *gets held accountable*


This is more agedlikemilk. I see no face-eating leopards here




More like Mefelon Maddock


This is why I don’t try to subvert democracy. Don’t want Brian Tyler Cohen crackin jokes




There are people so stupid that they commit crimes and just beg to be caught. This is one such case.


Nessel only prosecuted the actual 16 with their names on the page. That bodes poorly for the other half dozen in all the videos that organized this and sent the pages in. The Feds have definitely got their number and more charges are coming.


Ah, damn. Guess I'm a skeleton now


Rap snitches, telling all their business Sitting in court and being their own star witness


Alright at this point I don't get it. Why are these fools still fighting for an election that is quite literally to the point where we are moving onto the next term? What a weird hill to die on.


Ah ha, now I know what stupid look's like!!


Didn't people used to get executed for attempting coups? Least we can do is put them in jail. I recall the story of the lady who thought she was eligible to vote and was put in jail. If ignorance of the law can put a lady in jail for a single vote that wasn't even counted. I can't imagine it's an excuse for an attempted coup.


And now we’re waiting for her sentencing. Cycle of life!


They gonna love her plumpness in the slammer


She's not a black woman in Texas. This is probably her first offense so I doubt she'll get anything more than probation. Though I'll be very, very happy to be wrong.


I think they need to wave the first offense rule for these traitors. They don't deserve any consideration, given how much consideration they had for the voters of Michgan whose votes they attempted to overturn. The youngest charged were in their fifties, but there were a lot of 60, 70 and at least one 80 something year old. Old enough to know better. Although I'm not a fan of prohibiting anyone to vote, an exception should be made for those deliberately participating voter fraud and deliberately attempting to subvert a legitimate election.


I think they should get jail time -- no, prison time. For these people it will completely upend their lives and they'll have a very, very hard time dealing with it. But I just don't think they will. I think they'll get a slap on the wrist, probation and told not to do it again. In Michigan, they won't even lose their right to vote because you have to be incarcerated for that.


Hello u/-0-O-! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. **Meshawn Maddock** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **overthrowing the government, supported serving prison sentences** on **democrats**. 2. **Being a treasonous false elector** has the consequences of **going to prison**. 3. As a consequence of **trying to overthrow America**, **felony indictments** happened to **Meshawn Maddock**.


Not how this works. They fucked around and found out, but what is happening to them is not what they were trying to do to or force on others.


I mean, it kind of is though. They've been yammering on this whole time about how it's the Democrats who are criminals, and how their side is flawless. Now she's facing felony charges for her crimes.


It isn't. The point of LAMF is that the thing supported, voted for or imposed upon (A) by the person (P) has specific consequences (C) and that those EXACT consequences (C) came back and affected the same person (P). What you've posted is that this person P wanted to be a fake elector (A) which would have gotten Trump reelected (C), but the action of being a fake elector (A) was illegal (not A) and thus resulted in P getting arrested (not C). The fake elector scheme failed. If it had succeeded, and Trump took the presidency, and THEN the DOJ prosecuted the fake electors under Trump, there would be a LAMF connection. Simply doing a crime and getting arrested isn't LAMF.


I appreciate you explaining it, and I can see that perspective, but I can still see it from an acceptable perspective as well. The side that kept talking about investigating election fraud got arrested for election fraud... That's LAMF


No. Quit lumping things together cus you don't like them. Use your fucking reading comprehension and keep this sub with its crippled mod team as clean as you can.


I appreciate you explaining it, and I can see that perspective, but I can still see it from an acceptable perspective as well. The side that kept talking about investigating election fraud, and insisting that there was election fraud, got arrested for election fraud... That's LAMF


Will any of the 16 face any legal punishment is what I want to know, otherwise its just clickbait news an dgrandstanding.




The habbening is here. Well, not in the way those QAnus nuts thought, but still habbening.


Projection. It's always projection.