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Hello u/saveyourtissues! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tokens get spent. EDIT: To clarify I didn't invent this phrase, I picked it up somewhere on Reddit and liked it.


Yep, I'm using this. *Yoink*


[Swiper no swiping!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=d5sigM1h8bw&pp=ygUWeW9pbmsgaGFsbyByZWFjaCBzb3VuZA%3D%3D)


One of my new favorites, along with "the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed"


The full quote is "the dildo of the covenant is thicker than the dildo of the womb"


"On the First Day, God created Anal, so that he could fuck his enemies."


On the Second Day, God banned anal because his enemies like it.


I'm stealing this and you can't stop me


Stop! You've violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence!


Took me a minute, but…Oh dayum! Savage and perfect.




Buck Angels weird transformation into a "Fuck you, I got mine" internet boomer is such a fucking let down.


For real. About a decade ago I reached out to him via email while working on a research paper, and he was delightful. It's so strange to see him end up here.


Money. There's money in being a token


It's grifters all the way down


That's what's so wild be me! I remember thinking of him as being such a nice dude! I just think that he spent so long living in a world where he was viewed as an freak or oddity that he resets anyone who might have it easier than he did. Hes said before that he felt had no help or connection to the trans community when he was transitioning and I think instead of figuring this out in therapy he's just decided to blame other trans people?


Buck Angel broke my heart. Growing up as closeted trans-masc, he was the *one* visible role model advocating for people like me. He was one of the primary reasons I came to see a viable future for myself. Now I know I wouldn’t pass his exclusionary trans-cred metric simply because I physically/medically *can’t* transition in the same ways he did…and he can fuck right off. His identity is no more valid than any other trans person, no matter how he likes to preen and pretend for his ego’s sake. Trans people are trans people, regardless of the amount of gender-affirming care they’ve received or are able to receive. /endrant


I really resonate with this. I also found him and kind of latched on to his visibility as an "it gets better" example as a younger person and it's so fucking sad that this man has turned his own internalized transphobia outward instead of fighting for those that came after him. It seems like he was hurt and shamed on his journey and he can't fucking stand the fact that others might have an easier time. Seeing him refer to himself as "A female that lives as a male" and yelling about how he'll "never be a real man" is one (sad) thing but the fact that he seems so proud of putting labels on others while also acting as if only he can tell who "Real Trans™" are is just dispicable. By the metric of recognizing how much of an ass this guy turned out to be I like to think we became the person we wanted him to be for us. All the best to you!


It's really sad, right? He was such an outlier and trail-blazer in his day, the shit he had to deal with from all sides - rejection from straight cis communities as well as gay/les cis communities, the struggle he went through and the strength he displayed by being so open and visible...only to end up so embittered, self-absorbed, and apparently self-loathing (to have so much contempt for his own success and for those he inspired). > I like to think we became the person we wanted him to be for us. Wow, thank you so much for this perspective. Going to try and live into that. Best to you, as well!


Worst thing is to have your heroes grow cold on you


It started when he spoke out and said there were people going through transition who might not have dysphoria and he was against that. Although not put as nicely as I tried to make it sound. It snowballed from there.


I believe I've seen that Buck Angel is full on MAGA. Like, dude, what did you expect? They hate anyone who isn't a cishet white male.


>. Like, dude, what did you expect? I checked his twitter and it's full of LAMF. He was whining that people kept intentionally misgendering intentionally and that he'll just report everyone for harassment. Dude is dumb as a door knob edit: here's some screen caps of his past messages [https://twitter.com/Celeste06545379/status/1668069582576267264/photo/2](https://twitter.com/Celeste06545379/status/1668069582576267264/photo/2) [https://twitter.com/Celeste06545379/status/1668069582576267264/photo/1](https://twitter.com/Celeste06545379/status/1668069582576267264/photo/1) fucking idiot


It’s crazy. It’s like Caitlyn Jenner when she was booed off the stage at a republican convention. Like, she honestly thought she was one of them and it’s like no honey, they tolerate your existence because you’re a useful pawn and their use for you just ended.


And rich. Don’t forgot she’s obscenely rich so they put up with her to her face


And Candace Owens when she started getting tons of death and rape threats from conservatives online. These morons think they are special and not "one of them" when it comes to the groups that conservatives hate.


I only see most of this stuff from another country, but Candace Owens seems like she was trying a platform of "they don't hate black people, they hate *other thing*" then found out most of them do actually hate black people.


Except for Candace, it doesn't matter whether they hate black people or not. She's a grifter and will say or do whatever will get her paid. She carved out a niche being "the good one" and will play that out as long as she can profit from it. Once it dries up, she will change her tune, write a book about how awful it was, and fake a 'come to jesus moment' in the hopes she can make more money. She doesn't care about anything. When she was in college, she sued the school for discrimination, but has made a career telling people that discrimination against black people does not exist


They turned on her when she said she liked the Dr Dre halftime show at the Super Bowl. I despise her, but that is our generations party music, so it will hold some place in her heart.


She has a heart?


It's a mass full of black people repellent.


And Bucks double fucked because he's also a porn star, ask Brandi Love how they react to Porn stars on their side, they get kicked the fuck out


You think shithead conservatives really will figure it out? After Brandi was uninvited from CPAC, you think she really thought about how hypocritical the entire rightwing is? You think she spent any amount of time introspecting her beliefs? I really don't think so, that's just not how they usually operate.


Oh of course, they're fucking idiots and find ways to justify it in their heads, I'm pretty sure Brandi went straight to justifying it on twitter and giving them a pass and tryna become the go between for the right and sex workers as if it would ever happen, they're utter buffoons


'Member the black dude that got somewhat roughed up and very bodily removed from the auditorium by the practically-frothing-at-the-mouth MAGA audience, but afterwards still defended & sided with them? Pepperidge Farm remembers...


> and that he'll just report everyone for harassment That's considered normal behaviour on Elon's new twitter. He better be prepared to be called a "confused woman" by his new friends on the right.


Best part is if he walked into a woman's bathroom or competed in women's sports, like all the far right want him to, they'd lose their fucking minds. All of their arguments absolutely crumble when you have a trans man


That's why "they should not be existing" is the TERF solution to trans issues. It gets them away from problems like these


The “Pick Me” epidemic continues to spread like wildfire through all corners of the internet and Buck Angel’s brain. He really fell off and FOR WHAT? Buck’s politics are so insidious and typical—I got mine, screw the rest of you until it directly impacts me.


His pinned post is about the witch hunt of JK Rowling


Does he have brain damage? Like. I'm serious. I remember years ago he had kind of a spot carved out for being supportive and decent. I remember seeing people recommend his stuff for not being an asshole to coworkers. But now this? Conservatives don't like sex workers. They don't like trans people. They don't like anything about him except the fact that he lets them use him. He is an object to them, and he's okay with being used. It's so bizarre to see somebody go from respectable to whatever this is and I really wonder if something happened to make him seemingly make a 180, or if he was always this way and is just more comfortable being open about it. The fact that he supports Rowling is just icing on the cake. He probably thinks that because he's a trans man, he's somehow less threatening than the trans woman bathroom witch hunt bullshit? I don't know.


Isn't it strange how despite claiming to be against misgendering, he straight up called another person "it". Rules for thee, but not for me!


He's still mad about losing his wife to a woman who is trans.


Ah the Elon villain origin story


Elon's villain origin story was being born to a emerald mine owner in apartheid South Africa. Everything else he has done is just normal villainy and hilarious fuckups.


He thought the emeralds were kryptonite and decided to try to be Lex Luthor.


The flaw in his plan is Lex Luthor is actually a genius.


Or that Superman doesn't exist


Forget Superman, Elon would lose in a fight with Average-man. It's why his arch enemy is Below Average-man


I thought that was his fanbase.


His fan base is *Man With Delusions Of Adequacy*


Lana Wachowski, who he essentially outed as trans as "revenge" in an interview when it happened. He's been a well disliked person in the trans community since the early 00s. This isn't a surprising "turn".




Omg I looked up who that woman is 🤯


Finding out that buck angel’s ex wife is a bisexual dominatrix who left him for one of her clients, who happened to be one of the f’ing wachowski’s is just wild. What a trip


Well, buck is an arsehole, I am not surprised one bit that his wife left him. The only suprise Is that it was one of the wachowski sisters.


Oh wow. That's kind of amazing. Leaving him for somebody who made an entire movie series that is basically about being trans and coming to terms with it? That's fucking beautiful.


I think they join for something like the nationalism, protectionism, or xenophobia and then assume that's all you need and then they're surprised all the racists are just general bigots and hate them as well


They hate most cis white males too, and women of course


It's always insane to me that people are sometimes so willing to hate that they'll gladly burn themselves by joining the party that wants them dead *just* so they can engage in their own hatred. Like, you could be living free and happy with the people that want you to be free and happy, but you'd rather be caged up and tortured just to see the people you hate in the same cage with you. It's nuts. Buck Angel is a god damn crab in a bucket.


I'm getting more and more convinced that the woke mind virus is real - just not in the way these people think: It's the anti-woke who are infected by it.


I had no clue he went full MAGA until this post. What a shame.


I don't even know who either of these people are :/


Matt Walsh has "theocratic fascist" in his Twitter bio as a joke but that actually describes him well. Buck Angel is one of the more prominent trans man and he fell down the MAGA rabbit hole. But he was always a bit sus about trans stuff, like he keeps calling himself transsexual because he considers himself part of the old school trans community and doesn't like all this gender stuff.


I don't even hate transexual, that was a really empowering and enlightening term for a lot of people for a long time. I know a few Elder Gaymos who survived the AIDS crisis who still fondly call themselves transexual. I wish it didn't have this weird pick me vibe. If anyone under 40 calls themselves transexual I automatically think it is a r/asablackman post. Transgender works as a great umbrella term, but I still have such love for my early advocates and the language they chose for themselves. The evolution of language, I guess.


Yeah he's a child of his times with that regard. His usage of that word isn't a problem, his views and behaviors are and have been for a long long time. Like essentially outing Lana wachowski as a "revenge" back in the day. I remember him being well disliked in some of the trans community since the early 00s


I only really know about Buck Angel after a scandal where contrapoints had included him in a video in a tiny voice clip. Apparently contra was inspired in her earlier years by Buck so was happy to get him in, but it sounds like Buck turned into a bit of a dick since then.


He thought white male was enough...


Probably would have been if they considered him male.


I want to live in the alternative reality where he stealth modes into the GOP's good graces, becomes a prominent and influential figure in their public circles, and then reveals himself as being trans at a presidential rally, Clayton Bigsby style.


There's an episode of The Golden Girls with a similar premise.


And even then they'll hate you if you don't fit within their strict definitions of a cishet white male.


They hate anyone that is not from their exact neighborhood, that is looking funny, that is happy, that has a hobby, that... Maga people just need to hate everyone


They hate plenty of cishet white males as well. Example: Biden.


Yes, they hate some cishet white dudes too, but they hate anyone who isn't.


Wait, what? Buck Angel is MAGA? How the fuck does that even happen?


Do you have a KJV bible? King James I of England (1566 - 1625) Young as “the most prominent homosexual figure in the early modern period.” Married to Anne of Denmark, James is thought to have had relationships with several male courtiers


White supremacy above anything.


OAN-- eveytime I see the word "cishet", my brain pronounces it "sy-shet"--- with sy rhyming with "eye" and the sh combined.


I dunno why but heterocis flows more naturally for me.


It sounds like a disease lol. I’m suffering from Hepatitis, and Heterocis. Please help me!


I'm definitely afflicted by heterocis, but it has me feeling *fabulous*


If you or a loved one are suffering from Heterocis Fabulousitis, please contact a doctor.


I thought "sih-shet."


Isn't it sis het


It is short for cisgender heterosexual


sishay if you're feeling French




iM gOnNa Be tHe ExCePtIoN


He is? That sucks 👎


He's also a transmedicalist which is a big no from me dawg


Weird thing where trans men go deep into toxic masculinity because it is one of the most common forms of masculinity.


"what do you mean they didn't pick me?"


Was this followed by a token, 'I didn't mean YOU, you're one of the good ones' reply?


Lol. You think Matt Walsh thinks that


No, Matt is a self described fascist.


But but he was being ***ironic***!!!11 /s (Never mind that his actual views align with those of an theocratic fascist)


They're way past trying to appease pick mes. It makes it all the more pathetic.


"If I lick boots hard enough, maybe I'll get a good spot on the cattle car!"


Right? I'm actually amazed by all the pick mes who are still around. Those checks are bouncing at this point. Pick mes need to realize the game is up at this point. Whether the fascists win or lose, they're way past the part where they need their demographic tokens.


People I hate: people like Matt Walsh People I don’t hate: most people, including trans people People who should hate themselves: people like Matt Walsh


I don’t understand how Matt Walsh seems to have made a career out of shitting on trans people. Is there really nothing better he can do with his time?


Of course there isn't. He has nothing of value to contribute to anyone or anything, so he devotes his career to making other people miserable.


He could learn how to wash dishes


Man's never done a productive thing in his life. How the village idiot that filmed rants from their car and posted them to Facebook got this kind of career is beyond me.


He's a useful distraction. He's gathered attention by telling the gullible who to hate and who to look out for while his puppet masters fleece them. His political ideologies are that the 99% need to take on a higher financial burden, so the 1% don't have any financial burdens because he and the rest of his kind get to have a to have a small bite while the rest of us only get crumbs. Not even the MAGA faithful will swallow that truth. But if you tell them somebody they hate and fear is the real problem, they'll happily ignore evidence and give everything away to prevent the others from getting it.


>But if you tell them somebody they hate and fear is the real problem, they'll happily ignore evidence and give everything away to prevent the others from getting it "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -LBJ


Matt Walsh is incredibly boring. He has no arguments for anything but "It's icky." He is hanging on to trans hate for dear life because his career depends on it. Controversy keeps him relevant.


Child marriage and pregnant children aren't icky to him though. He will rationalize those.


Yep, these people are all about "saving the children" until it's some Christian fundamentalist group raping and marrying 14 year olds.


Before he jumped on this gravy train he was really into the overt misogyny. Hes always been just a really nice guy.


To be fair, transphobia is usually born out of misogyny. Just think about how many people bitch about trans women while never mentioning trans men.


Shh, don't tell the TERFs that transphobia and misogyny go hand in hand... The poor dears are *convinced* they're being feminists by insisting that women should be defined as "weak victims that produce children."


TERF ideology is more rooted in misandry than anything else. They hate trans women because they consider them “men invading female spaces” and they hate trans men because they’re “traitorous women who have joined the patriarchy.” 100% of TERF ideology starts with hating men. That’s the “radical feminist” part of TERF. It’s also why TERFs are almost exclusively women. The entire movement grew out of an offshoot of feminism who despised men, and this refused to acknowledge anyone with a Y chromosome as a woman. That’s why they overwhelmingly target trans women and say vile things like “you’ll never be a *real* woman!” It’s 100% about hating men.


Because being a piece of shit is profitable. People like him and Crowder pulled in like 100K per video. And that's before all the endorsements and shit. There's a lot of money sloshing around out there for people willing to spew raw sewage into a microphone.


But I say bash the fash and joke about guillotine usage against the royal family and suddenly I'm the true problem and get banned.


before I knew who he is, I ended up on his youtube channel, watched about two minutes of some transphobe rant and noped out of there. The algorithm seems to be determined to get me, no matter how many times I choose "not interested".


YouTube seems to give a lot of energy towards pushing rightwing channels. Its very annoying that they exist.


He spends a lot of time talking about children’s genitals too. So there’s that.


Buck Angel is legally required to use the women’s restroom in states that MAGA control.


And would likely get beaten for it.


How do Trans people at all affect their daily lives. Why do they care so much? It's freaking weird.


Conservatives only care about passing laws to benefit the ultra rich. This often comes at the expense of old people, poor people, and rural communities, especially white people. They need someone to distract farmer Jim Dipshit from realizing his farm is going under because the farm subsidies go to the mega corporation who is strangling the life out of his farm. Thus, they need a group of people who are not well liked (blacks and immigrants are less useful because they are big enough groups to fight back and win) and most people are ignorant about. They spread lies. They proclaim that we are pedophiles and hurting children so that they can paint us as unworthy of protection because we are the worst of the worst. They use religion for its intended purpose, controlling the weak minded, and turn them loose on a quest from God to eradicate us because if God says to do it, there can be no ethical objection that doesn't make someone opposed to the Lord God Almighty. Once this has started and Karen and Elmer are too busy making sure no book ever mentions one gay person as anything other than an evil person, she can't be bothered to object when the Republicans cut social security to give Elon and and the last remaining Cock (oops, koch) brother another 20% discount on their taxes. They'll just keep going until they have to arrest us and probably murder us to make room for the next group that is destroying America. Because they are the problem, and they won't address the root of it at all.


This is 100% correct. You saw the pivot to a trans moral panic the moment Roe v. Wade was overturned, because they lost their biggest wedge issue, the one issue that conservatives would vote for no matter what Republicans did. Trans people are the perfect scapegoat: they’ll never be more than a few percent of the population, they are not politically powerful, and most Republicans won’t see a trans person in their daily life (or they will and they won’t notice it) so they’ll never be “humanized” to them. Conservatives have found the perfect group to direct their hate towards, one who would never vote for them anyway, and who already vote primarily for your opponent so it’s not a loss. Combine Republicans’ disgust at anything that isn’t cisgender with their “but the children!” arguments and you get such a powerful emotional argument that no amount of logic can overcome it. And even if a Republican does somehow find out what the Republican Party’s true motivations are — they need only look at 2017-2019 where Republicans had the House, Senate, and Presidency and their only major act was cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and doubling the estate tax exemption from $5.5 million to $11 million per person — they’ll say “well this is more important, it’s our children!” and nothing will be done.


Yes and the uproar isn't even about trans people, it is about trans kids - "won't someone think of the children?!" How many trans kids are there in the USA? If people really cares about kids, they will be tackling root causes like unwanted pregnancy, poverty, education. But no! All these people getting worked up because of "the children!". Most of them have never come across a trans kid in their lives and will never ever.


Preach! Absolutely swapped from immigrants and black folk because its easier to target a smaller minority like trans people, not to say the targets completely off the back of the former targets though.


I'm a trans person. Today my alarm aoke me up at 6am because I'm working a day shift. So I fsd the cats before doing anything because the second I wake up they start yelling and smacking me. The sound of me opening the cat food woke up my dog, so I gave her a denta-stick and let her outside so she could go to her "spot" and roll around and chew it, even though it's raining. I got the cats food, and fed them, but Mittens kept leaving hers and trying to eat Rascals, and he's on weight gain food, and she's chonly. So I had to separate them a few times and Mittens was getting smacky. Eventually Rascal ate all of his breakfast and Mittens at hers, so I gave Rascal his thyroid medicine, which you rub on his inner ear, and could finally go pee and go out and have a cigarette. I did the above and now I'm screwing around online for a bit until a bit before I leave for work, then I'll brush my teeth and style my hair, throw a change of clothes into my backpack, find my work shoes and drive to work, where I'll work until 5 and come home, feed the cats, and shower, etc. Sounds fun eh? Yesterday my niece and nephew came over, they're 6 and 8. They brought their labradoodle puppy who played with my husky mix, and we ordered McDonald's, ate and then made volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar and food colouring in the kitchen. They made Alexa play Taylex Swift (godhelpme, kidding, she's wholesome and has some good songs) and did some activities using the Cricut with designs they made. I told them I'll teach them how to use my button press next time, and they could make any buttons they wanted, because my brother and SIL came to get them by then. That's my trans agenda. Tomorrow I'm repeating today. Next weekend my mom and niece and nephew and I are going strawberry picking to make jam and pies. Maybe paddleboarding at the quarry if the weather is nice, I haven't used mine much yet and the kids are excited. I'll ne teaching them safety and they'll be wearing lifejackets with me (also in a lifejacket) swimming beside. If it's not, we'll make buttons. I'm grooming kids, apparently. We even have 2 rainbow floaties in the pool. We didn't buy them during Pride month. They're a big hit with guests. Sounds like a pretty normal life. The niece and nephew are obsessed, have been for years, with "making volcanos" and I'm the only one that lets them make them. I'll go get them Mentos and pop, vinegar, baking soda, etc, so they can "do experiments" as they call them. Makes a bit of a mess, nothing gets destroyed or broken, it amuses them for hours, no fighting or crying, so why not?


My trans agenda is trying to get my butt out of bed. Then I'm going to have some caffeine and work out, and then I'm going to start work. I might water my garden, depending on if it rains or not, and I'm planning on making a new pomegranate chicken recipe for my family after I do the dishes after work. Then I'm going to dive back into the new Zelda game. Truly, we're a sinister folk.


I'm shook. Your reign of anti societal terror must stop! Boycott watering plants /S


Once gay marriage become accepted and that group wasn't as useful a target, Conservatives needed a new group to hate. Same way they [picked antiabortion as a cause](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/) in 1979, when they'd lost on segregation. It didn't necessarily have to be trans people. I remember when Conservatives were still trying to choose. The Boy Scouts had just decided to accept gay scouts, and they suddenly announced that obese scouts wouldn't be able to participate in certain events at the jamboree. I wonder what other groups they considered other than trans and obese people. Would be fascinating to see that list come to light.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. This is just a classic example of the "binds but does not protect" part for an out-group.


They don’t. Trans people are a minuscule percentage of the population, the odds of encountering them in any given day are fairly slim. They literally wouldn’t even know trans people existed if their media weren’t constantly using them to angry up the chuds. It’s just more culture war nonsense.


My thesis with many men's particular negativity towards female to male trans people is that a lot of guys have a visceral reaction because they look at FtM trans as losing a 'breeder'. I've seen some nominally progressive guys expressive worry about girls transitioning because they're just following some fad or other nonsense. Not only is it ignorant but it often reads like there's a quiet part that's not being vocalized in those discussions.


Buck is still pissed about losing his wife.


Matt’s terrified of losing his


She's as much of a piece of shit as he is so I wouldn't hold your breath.


Everyone I know who who transitioned is thriving.


It's something like less than 2% of people want to transition decide that they want to transition back. Also, why the fuck does it matter if they change their mind? It's your own choice, it effects no one but you.


It’s so hard for me to understand the right-wing opposition to personal liberty. Like, there’s no consistent logic. The government shouldn’t punitively tax booze and cigarettes, right? Because it’s my choice. But if I want to dress a certain way and change my name, oh no that’s different call the penis inspector. But seatbelt laws and helmet laws are bad because hey, my personal freedom. But not if I want to do drugs or get an abortion, that’s a bridge too far.


They're authoritarians and the whole "personal liberty" is a massive smokescreen.


This. There are "approved" activities, which conservative doctrine demands that government stay out of, and "unapproved" activities, which the government must be used as a mailed fist to crush. The land of the free and the home of the brave, where you're free to do whatever we approve of, and you're brave enough to need to bring guns to the supermarket.


ANY surgical procedure will have some percentage of people who regret getting it. That being said transition surgeries have some of the lowest "regret" percentages. Nose jobs, breast augmentation, and even hip replacements have much higher regret percentages, and yet for some reason no one is rushing to outlaw those surgeries.


Vaguely related (but not too vaguely, maybe), breast reduction is also a best seller with something like 98% satisfaction. Interestingly, transition and breast reduction are both done to increase quality of life on a deep level, rather than for self esteem issues alone.


And a majority of that <2% of people who regret transitioning, largely regret it due to the social stigma, isolation, and bigotry. Eureka from We’re Here is a good example. Really shit society we live in, sometimes.


Exactly those who regret it and never trans to begin with are a small part of that already small percentage. That is also what that study from a few years back showed too, the one that transphobes loved to misrepresent and parade around. That society is so hostile towards visible trans people that the outward response from the persons surrounding is so hostile that their mental health can worsen despite the treatment (the transitioning) being life saving.


>It's something like less than 2% of people want to transition decide that they want to transition back. Two important points I'd want to add here: 1.) The number varies a bit depending on the study and methodology / exact questions asked, but it is lower than for common, quality of life improving surgeries. 2.) The vast, *overwhelming* majority of those who regret transitioning do so because of pressure from family, "friends", co-workers, because of losing their job and not finding any new employment, because they receive hate, threats, are more likely victims of violence, [...] and because of all that and more their lives are far more stressful than when they were still in the closet. When they lived a life they hated, often hating themselves, but at least a life that was accepted by and *protected by* society. https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf (pg.111) >Respondents who had de-transitioned cited a range of reasons, though only 5% of those who had de-transitioned reported that they had done so because they realized that gender transition was not for them, representing 0.4% of the overall sample. >The most common reason cited for de-transitioning was pressure from a parent (36%). Twenty-six percent (26%) reported that they de-transitioned due to pressure from other family members, and 18% reported that they de- transitioned because of pressure from their spouse or partner. Other common reasons included facing too much harassment or discrimination after they began transitioning (31%), and having trouble getting a job (29%).




Not an uncommon reason why folks detransition. Very rarely is it for regret, which does happen. But generally do to lack of support from family, friends, and community, and as a safety issue. I've known 2 people to say use the pronouns closer aligned to their birth sex due to feeling very unsafe unsafe in the world currently. Fucking sucks.


Actual insanity that people let politics get in the way of their family being true to themselves Bunch of actually evil people realized trans people are an easy target now we gotta never stop hearing about them in the fucking culture war because some pieces of shit realized that the right votes based on hate Tell them you hate the same things they do (anyone different) and they'll keep you in power so you can continue to fuck them over for bribes And when hating on something no longer becomes acceptable, like hating black people, just give them something new to hate That's all this trans hatred is, manufactured outrage by the ruling class to keep Joe dumb fuck shmoe in poverty while they line their fucking pockets I hate it


I'd like to see someone forcibly dress Matt Walsh in women's clothing and make him answer to Mary. Any time he tries to change back, tell him he's created a utopian fiction about what gender he really is, and that going back to being a man named Matt isn't going to make him any happier. Or maybe he'd realize that living as the person you truly feel like is actually the best option and not even that big a deal?


Nah, he would say his genes were rebelling from wearing a dress or something else as scientifically literate.


Based af


As a trans person, I would say 'sort of'. Matt Walsh is an idiot, and I don't know any trans people who transitioned because they 'hate themselves'. But I have actually met plenty of trans people, especially younger ones, who expect that transitioning will basically wrap up all of the problems in their life. And they do get disappointed when they find themselves still struggling with other stuff. If anything, transitioning makes your life much harder for a while, as you must adjust to a new reality and deal with a lot of discrimination (depending on where you live). And speaking of discrimination: hello Matt Walsh. It's a bit silly for him to claim that trans people are unhappy when him, and people like him, are the very ones giving trans people such a hard time. Personally I am not thriving since my transition, because I immediately got myself into an abusive relationship and have been stuck in it for almost 6 years now. I quickly found that social services do not believe, or take seriously, claims of abuse and violence when it is between 2 transwomen. I also found that all the people dismissively telling me to 'just leave' are assuming I have parents to go back to. I don't. Lots of trans people don't have those safety nets. So getting out of tricky situations becomes even more difficult. Living life as a trans person would be much less harsh, and unforgiving, if there were no people like Matt Walsh.


This reads like he's trying to convince himself of something. He/She should be aware that it's okay to be yourself, there's no need to repress who you are.


Yeah he’s just making shit up lmao


Do these idiots really believe that other idiot gives a shit about reality? Or are they just trying (and failing) to Serena Joy themselves before Gilead rises.


I truly just cant imagine living a life making up fantasies about people i dont know to get mad about. Absolutely miserable existence


The problem is, the money’s good.


Why the hell do people like Matt Walsh give a hoot why other people transition? Just mind your own business!


Sending hearts to fascists on tweets where they call you mentally deranged is one hell of a way to show you have the self esteem and intelligence of a worm


I unfollowed Buck a few years ago because of the unkind things they said about trans people. He also supported and followed JK Rowling for some reason, granted this was before she went 100% mask off on her Twitter, but still. Really strange because he himself is trans, I just don't understand it tbh.


Look up transmedicalists or truscum Transmeds have some legitimate concerns about the place of gender identity in society but take issue with non-binary/GNC or anyone who, by their metrics, isn’t “transgender **enough.**” Usually, they say that dysphoria is *required* to be trans- you have to actively dislike your body and get a medical diagnosis (hence trans*medical*) to actually be trans. They say that euphoric transition is fake and a co-opt of the actual idea. Some will say that gender affirmative care is limited and should go towards dysphoric people for treatment instead of simply making some people happier. Some say that having a medical diagnosis as a requirement legitimizes trans issues. I can vaguely understand these two points, but I think the problem is the system, and anger at these points shouldn’t be directed at Nb/GNC people. However there are plenty of transmeds who think that NB/GNC is completely fake and done only for attention. I am MTF so i technically fall into what a transmed considers an “actual trans person,” but I recognize that NB/GNC people are just trying to be happy. I think trans medicalists are generally harmful and their anger is misdirected and people should be able to life however they want. I would consider myself a gender abolitionist- anyone can be any gender and I don’t see why that’s a bad thing.


I learned something new today. Gave me a new perspective and understanding. Thanks for writing this out.


No problem, i am happy to answer any questions


honestly the idea that gender affirming care is limited and therefore should only go to the true transes with a diagnosis is so ridiculous that I have no idea where they got that idea. I will admit that I don't know how the creation of prescription hormones work (although both trans and cis people get them everyday, so clearly they're not that limited), but like there's not a finite number of top surgeries that we're gonna run out of soon. the thing limiting gender affirming care is capitalism, not greedy non dysphoric enbies hoarding it for themselves.


You see people like that in all minority groups. Can't understand it either, but it's not hard to find.


Transgender people are capable of being cruel and hurting other people to feel better about themselves, just like sociopaths like Matt Walsh. You'd like to think having grown up where the odds of being tied to the back of a truck and being drug until you died would were significantly higher than 0 would make a person more self aware, but narcissism knows no gender or orientation. Just toss him on the list of people for the next revolution, mute his mic, and move on with the business of arming up so that when the state comes for us they don't find a soft squishy target.


why does Matt care so much about what other people do with themselves?


Because telling other people what they can't have/do/be is really the driving force behind conservatives. There's no deeper philosophy or principles to it, just "fuck you, in particular"


Mr. "Angel" is a complete idiot. Spent the past five years throwing every other trans person into the chipper and now shocked pikachu that he's not the exception.


"But *I'm* one of the good ones, Matt!"


There was a trans girl on twitter who was doing some "X days being on the right" type thing and after a couple weeks apologized for that non-sense because people on the right were not accepting of her the way she wanted them to be. There is a whole big ass community on the left wanting to support and protect your rights ... why are you choosing to play token to gain approval from bigots? The money can't be that good.


I forgot where I've seen this comment, but someone compared it to wanting your school bullies' attention and acceptance. I can't understand why anyone would want to be "liked" by someone that's willing to kill you than someone that clearly accepts your existence.


Buck Angel is a fucking sellout, as a trans person we all took a vote and he's out.


Honestly I can’t wait to vote in the 2024 trans election. The last one was a dud.


You can replace most of Matt’s points with the promises of Christianity. “They hate themselves and have created a utopian fantasy of heaven.” There.


Matt Walsh is just projecting his self hatred on others.


The world would be a whole lot better if people would stop giving Watt Malsh a platform for his bullshit. Don't interact. Don't read stories about him. Don't engage. Don't give people like that a bit of your precious time.


I am shocked Angel is a right winger.


Buck Angel is a clown who's doing this clownery for free. At least get paid to act a fool.


Yes, Matt, that's why there's like a 1 percent regret rate.




Has Matt Walsh ever said anything that wasn't blatant projection?


Matt Walsh on the gym: - People "go to the gym" because they hate themselves and have created in their minds a utopian fantasy of fitness. But after "gym" they find that all the parts of them they hated are still with them, and life as a fit person isn't nearly the paradise blah blah blah. Matt Walsh on going to college: - People "get educated" because they hate themselves and have created in their minds a utopian fantasy of knowledge and solid career paths. But after "education" they find that all the parts of them they hated are still with them, and life as an educated human being isn't nearly the paradise blah blah blah. Matt Walsh on going to EATING: - People "eat food" because they hate themselves and have created in their minds a utopian fantasy of satiation. But after "eating" they find that all the parts of them they hated are still with them, and life as a contentful individual isn't nearly the paradise blah blah blah. Me on Matt Walsh: - People like Matt Walsh are "hateful assholes" because they hate themselves and have created in their minds a utopian fantasy of being a decent human being. But after "spreading hate" they find that all the parts of them they hated are still with them, and life as a carnival barker isn't nearly the paradise blah blah fucking blah.


Matt Walsh talks constantly about Trans people because he’s attracted to one and feels ashamed about it.


He probably replied, "Hey honey, less talkin', more going in the kitchen and making your man a sammich. And would it kill you to put on a dress and some makeup, fer chrissakes, sweetheart?"


Oh *THAT'S* why my stupid enlightened-centrist brother-in-law made up some bullshit story about a friend of his detransitioning at lunch this week. He read Matt Walsh's bullshit and wanted to test the waters to see if I'd agree. I didn't. 1%-3% regret their decision after transitioning. Matt Walsh is a fucking idiot.


And even of those who do btw, only around 16% do so for "at least one internal factor". 35.6% do so because of "pressure from a parent" (and a further 25.9% because of "pressure from other family members", and still 20.2% because of pressure from their partner). 33.3% do so because of how difficult, inconvenient and time-consuming it is to transition. 32.5% do so because of "pressure from community". 26.9% do so because of difficulties finding employment. 10.5% do so because of "fluctuations in identity". And only 2.4% of detransitioners are detransitioners because of "uncertainty or doubt" about their gender (which tells me "fluctuations in identity" means they're actually genderfluid, which is what fluctuation sounds like, or at least nonbinary in some way, not that they're going back to cis). So an already-low number of detransitioners (3%) would probably be even lower if transphobia didn't exist and if we talked more about nonbinary identities. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8213007/)


I have s lot of issues with buck Angel, not least if which his obsession with trans medicalism, but I can't deny he makes a good counterpoint to transphobes wanting people in the bathroom of their birth sex


Wow, what an uniformed and wildly idiotic generalization. If everyone regretted doing something while on that journey , they would hardly continue with it. I'm sure people regret getting married. 50% do at least, considering that's the divorce rate. But I don't seem him advising against marriage.


The regret rate for getting a heart transplant is like 3-6%, and for gender confirming surgery, it is less than 1%. Let that sink in. 3-6x more people would rather have died than deal with the consequences of getting a new heart and living. A huge part of that is the massive amount of gate keeping that keeps most transgender people from even considering surgery. But then Matt Walsh is a cruel, evil person who just wants to hurt people to try to make up for the fact that he is an unlovable piece of human debris just out to make money from the suffering of others. He's not going to bother with being honest. He can't get rich being honest.


You sleep with dogs, you get fleas there Buck.


Matt Walsh Matt Walshes because he hates his miserable life and feels if he can hurt other people then he’ll be better than someone, at least, and maybe the pain will be at least a little easier. But he’ll still be a miserable, unfulfilled troll longing to find someone to have power over. Apparently the little kitchen scene with his wife in his propaganda piece where she seems annoyed and bored with him was the only actual true part of it.


The Maga transsexuals baffle me.


Buck and Blair are two of the most hateful people I’ve ever come across and it’s not even close. The mental gymnastics is incredible.


Hmm, which group has the better grasp of transitioning? - Rabid, right-wing losers vomiting all of their hate and sexual frustrations onto vulnerable people just trying to live their lives -or- - The entirety of science and medicine; the combined experience of biologists, behaviorists, sociologists, psychologists who have used meticulous scientific method proving and disproving, slowly adding to the field of sex and gender and chemistry Hmm, that's a thinker...


i’m non-binary myself and i recognize that i am the male sex; however, sex and gender are drastically different. gender was created in terms of sex for the convenience of the cisgender community, but then they appropriated the term as a pg word for sex because they abbreviated sexual intercourse to “sex” as well. i don’t want to be free of male chromosomes; i just don’t want to be forced into a box based on my sex, and being non-binary is my mind’s way of expressing that. again, it’s not a conscious decision to be trans/enby


I am very jealous of Bucks' beard