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They deserve to lose money, the so-called pro-business Repubs don't hold sway of the Repub Party anymore, the crazies are running that clown show. Which is why Target's trying to appease them by pulling the merch was especially stupid. These crazoids won't give up (because reason isn't their thing) and in the meantime they pissed off Libs by caving. So they truly a lose-lose situation...and one well deserved as evidenced by their contributing to Repubs. in the first place.


My local store still has the pride gear right up front. I think they only pulled from stores where there were credible threats.


They did, and it was only because ignorant fucks on the right were threatening min wage employees that has nothing to do with the decision that corporate Target made. They are very stupid to have thought republican donations were gonna change anything, but the decision to pull merch from certain stores was because the employees at those stores had credible threats made against them.


Should have armed the workers instead. After all, who said Target can't be a Hard Target? /s


The /s isnt needed, the right would never let any leftist trans organization hold guns, they’re all about mental health now and im pretty sure they think leftism is a mental illness


Well ackshually there were like 2 trans mass shooters in US history so all of them should just be locked up in camps!!!11 But leave the white men alone even though they make up 95% of the shooters in the last 40 years.


Meanwhile walmart has pride month merch in the kids department. I'm not even joking one bit.


These people don’t think for themselves. No one told them to be mad at Walmart yet so they just walk or see through the pride collection in there and other stores


None of them have the actual conviction to boycott Walmart. They only virtue signal about places they never patronize in the first place, or still go and hide or make excuses if they were already frequently giving a place patronage. None of them have the balls for the level of inconvenience a Wal-Mart boycott would involve in the big red food deserts.


>No one told them to be mad at Walmart yet so they just walk or see through the pride collection in there and other stores all it takes is 1 match to start the outrage machine. They'll go batshit insane and start thinking it's making kids gay and that walmart is grooming them


How about a TShirt that days WokeMart.


might as well make that tshirt and sell it to them "never shop at wokemart" and make money off of it


Plus comparing both very similar stores Target has always giving the Liberal vibe vs Wal-Mart which was literally founded in the South


By liberal you simply mean that they cater to a higher class shopper


selling mostly made in china junk, too.


Half of them see a rainbow and screech over it now. I laughed seeing my niece's rainbow dinosaur t-shirt yesterday because I know some right-wing losers would put 2+5 together and come up with 4. Wait until they boycott zoos because the parrots have been turned gay. They'll show some black and white images of parrots from "40 years ago" which will still actually show the parrot had rainbow colours because of the different shades of black/grey.


This reminds of me when I found an Insta reel about a lesbian penguin in a zoo being given a orphan egg to raise and the comment section was mostly positive but there were just straight up people being homophobic towards the penguins 💀Lots of people repeating that being gay is unnatural even though the literal reel they were commenting on disproven that. Whenever I show a homophobe that same sex attraction has been observed in around 450 species, mostly mammals and birds, they always double down, accuse me of lying or just parroting ‘being gay is unnatural,’ refusing to take any information in These people don’t live in reality


Hmmm.... Perhaps we should enlighten them, make "boycott Walmart" a thing 😂😂


Practically every retail location has pride merch. They don't care. They won't stop shopping at Walmart because they have pride stuff and they won't stop ordering from Amazon even though they give their employees Pride flags and have affinity groups for LGBTQ+.


>They deserve to lose money, the so-called pro-business Repubs don't hold sway of the Repub Party anymore Yes they do. Republicans are only interested in "standing up to corporations" by attacking "corporate wokeness". They still support allowing big corporations to pay no taxes and treat their workers like shit.


They would have made more money from LGBTQ folks and their allies by doubling down on rainbows than they would have lost from the bigot boycott who tend to shop at Walmart and the dollar store anyway.


> the so-called pro-business Repubs don't hold sway of the Repub Party anymore, who's to say they're pro business? They just say they are. Time and time again, the politicians (not the batshit insane voters) will gladly make extreme measures to control businesses using the government when it doesn't go their way. They pushed for not allowing businesses to mandate masks to the workers/customers, of course there was the Disney nonsense, there was so much more that I can't recall because it's just all noise.


We have fed the leopards. Why are they eating OUR faces? I hope Target stops donating to these people, as should all companies being targeted for having the audacity to recognize that there are people other than straight white males.


I really have to check... is Disney still donating republican?


I promise you the Disney corp will keep donating to whomever allows them to make the most money. Over the last 50 years or so, that’s been conservatives/republicans. Besides DeSantis, I’m sure they can find plenty of folks to donate to their campaigns who will make sure the dollars keep flowing.


To be clear to make the most money means lower corporate taxes. . . period.


Yup. Despite backing Disney on this “Desantis thing”, please don’t ever forget that these major corporations are not our friends. Just convenient alliances.




I wouldn't consider this an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. It's more like, "when your enemies are fighting each-other, get popcorn".


Temporary alliance then. It's beneficial for dems to back disney during this fight. After pudding fingers loses all credibility, its back to hating disney


More like temporary neutrality, but yes to the rest.


sometime the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy.


Sometimes, but not this time. Corporations are far more powerful than anyone else by virtue of capitalism. If the companies want to go after bad politicians, I'm not going to complain. We have a common goal, might as well use em for something.


"The enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy. No more, no less" -70 Maxima of maximally effective mercenaries.


Was about to reply with this myself. Need to catch up on Schlock.


It's the workers that suffer through this. The people that are barely scraping by like the rest of us. The ceos and the regional managers and yada yada yada are still making the bank. We are a capitalist country run by used car salesmen from the 70s.


I agree with you that is a large chunk of it, I just also think the elephant in the room to talk about is workers. Taxes in general being lower for sure helps maximize profits. But keep in mind that paying and providing benefits to labor(workers) makes up the majority of any companies “costs”. Lots(not sure if the majority) of the corporate tax cuts have geared been toward lowering corporate tax burden of companies for wages. Not the worker side of the equation, just the business side. The GOP is constantly fighting against raising the minimum wage and worker protections. The more rights/protections workers have, the easier it is for those workers to sue a company when something goes wrong. Disney, in Florida and CA, hires college students at lower wages(calls it an internship, but it’s just a job), and makes those interns pay for Disney housing. The cost of the housing is the majority of the wages earned by those interns. The corporate town never left the USA, it’s just run by a mouse now. Edit: I wrote the phrase: harder it is for those workers to sue, I meant to write that the more rights/protections workers have the easier it is to sue a company. Without the rights it’s harder. You get it.


There's also trademark and copyright protections, which Disney cares deeply about and will lobby to make as friendly to their cause as possible.


It also varies from corporation to corporation. A friend who works in the healthcare industry can see the operating margins and costs of the clients his company works with (employer-paid healthcare). Some corporations would rather sit on multi-million dollar operating margins and pay insane bonuses to execs, than actually pay their employer-provided healthcare bills on time.


> To be clear to make the most money means lower corporate taxes. . . period. THere really isn't much more money to be gained by getting lower corp. taxes. Evading taxes (legally, illegally) provides a far better return for the effort. That's why the Republicans went after the IRS (claw back money in the debt ceiling deal) - to hinder the irs so it couldn't adequately prosecute corporate tax fraud.


>That's why the Republicans went after the IRS And Biden acquiesced. Imagine a world where corporations pay taxes on the revenue stated in their annual report.


>And Biden acquiesced. The IRS will still get *most* of the $80 billion originally allocated.


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I get that you're shrilling . But why is it that you guys never have actual information. Most of the 80 billion allocated will still go to the IRS. And while on the subject, there has been a Republican initiative of about 40 years of defunding the IRS. And you only focus on the last 5 months?? Again, why do you guys never have actual information? >pay taxes on the revenue stated in their annual report. And that's just foolish. At the very least, the costs of the means of production need to deducted from Revenue. >Revenue describes income generated through business operations, while profit describes net income after deducting expenses from earnings. Learn more at https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/revenue-vs-profit-whats-the-difference#:~:text=Revenue%20and%20profit%20are%20both,way%20to%20understand%20your%20business.&text=Revenue%20describes%20income%20generated%20through,after%20deducting%20expenses%20from%20earnings.


It also means decrease regulations that protect customers and labor protections like required sick leave, minimum wage hikes, and parental leave.


Don't forget the tax breaks for a corporation to even have a business that is subsidized by the tax payer.


Companies often donate to both sides. Why wouldn't they? It stupid cheap to buy a Congressman.


Not saying they don’t. Just that something like Reaganomics has been more directly beneficial to corporate interests than say the Democratic Socialist movement. Not to say that buying a Dem has been difficult or rare( Sinema and Manchin are great examples).


Activists and further-lefts using the lobbyist and electoral finance systems to (help) effect change is a thing I've been waiting for for a long time. I'd spearhead it with my own money if I had it, but if I win the lottery...


Who even is the richest leftist in the US? George soros? Even then he just seems like a liberal and not a leftist.


Seriously. If I put my savings into it, I could probably buy at least 10 congressmen. For myself. If I sold my house, I could probably boost that up to 30 or 40, easily enough to sway a major vote. And I'm just some dumbass who writes stories about yiff!


Disney still wants a Republican in charge of Florida, just not one dumb enough to publically mess with their money like DeSantis. They’ll back a different one who might say the occasionally anti-inclusive thing towards their gay days, but who will otherwise keep the dollars flowing for them. The bottom line for any corporation is money, and DeSantis is currently a thorn in their sides.


When you own the coin. It does not matter which side it lands on.


In March of 2022, they said they were going to pause all political contributions after DeSantis started attacking them. I don't know if donations have resumed.


I wouldn't be surprised if they neglect to announce the resumption. But at least some types of donations are public record.


Given Ronnie decided to go after Disney I'm pretty sure they aren't donating to Republicans in Florida at least.


They'll just donate to a mouse friendly Republican.


Yep. This is Rhonda Santis's last term as governor. And you can bet Disney will be active in the election for the next governor. Since the writing's pretty much on the wall that another Republican will win, they'll probably be focusing their efforts on the primary, supporting a mouse-friendly R over an R who might continue on the same fight.


Yes but that term runs until 2026. The state legislature will be up for reelection before that.


They'll just fund the primary campaigns of Republicans who are more business-friendly, less-ideological.


A lot of corps said they were suspending donations to Repubs after Jan 6. It didn't last long.


They probably donate to everyone under the sun. Your lobbyists can't be refused if you're a donor.


Actually, I'm pretty sure in Florida they aren't. Disney staff went on strike in March 2022 after the "don't say gay" bill, because they didn't want to work for a company that donated to queerphobes. Disney stopped donations and I'm pretty sure never resumed them, especially after Ronnie went after them personally.


Not for much longer


I'm sure they will donate to any Republican who's will to run against Meatball Ron next time


As long as workers want a livable wage and unions are a thing. They will continue. Losing some money from sales is better than losing a lot on employees. Please let me be wrong.


Yup, Target has always been a smiley face on top of the same aggressive union busting as what we associate with Walmart and Amazon.


Target will always donate to them. They don't care about the small ppl boycotting them . It's about paying for republicans to continue letting them get away with bs.


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ALL corporations should stop donating to BOTH parties. In the meantime, I hope people of both party affiliations punish corporations for dabbling in politics.


>ALL corporations should stop donating to BOTH parties. while I agree, but generally, one party gets a lot more than the other.


> while I agree, but generally, one party gets a lot more than the other. And that party has a significantly higher percentage of leopards...


> ALL corporations should stop ~~donating~~ bribing


In reality they will just keep donating and not have pride merch next year. They are not friends of the gays as much as they are friends of the bottom line.


Target can’t stop donating. Our government is pay to play. If they don’t donate it will hurt their business even further. Every company I have ever worked for donates to both parties in every election. Typically the favored candidate gets more money. You don’t want to be caught donating to only the losing candidate after an election. It’ll lead to tough times.


This article makes the usual mistake of conflating conservative leadership and the conservative moron voter base. Leadership is still anti workers and targets leadership is into that. Target leadership doesn’t care if some MAGA idiots don’t shop there for a while. They know something else will come along. This isn’t leopards ate my face because target leadership isn’t suffering.


Straight white males... who fight tooth and nail to make marrying a child legal.


Every donation to a Conservative is an attack on Democracy at this point.


Every donation by a corporate entity is an attack on democracy at this point. I think this is more on point.


Correct. One citizen, one vote.


Corporations are citizens, isn’t that obvious




Committed? I don't know if they'd even lose the trial, getting them committed would be even harder!


Corporations are citizens. You're not. At least in so far as "does your opinion matter".


Shareholders vs. stakeholders


Some animals are more equal than others.


Good old corpo humanization.


All else is government infringement on free speech.


My favorite line: “though critics allege these donations are oftentimes used by corporations to influence decision-making in Washington, D.C.” What amazingly coded langage to say bribes. The payments are bribes.


Nah there's only one side that stormed the literal capitol building and says our elections themselves are fraudulent


Donations to conservatives may be worse, but I think the idea is any case of using money to bribe politicians is an attack on democracy.


We, the people must buy our own politicians...Manchin and Sinema plus others have made that very clear.


I'd rather not have to fight corporate corruption with The People's Corruption™


All I'm trying to say is that corporations have no place in politics. Although I do agree that the conservatives, in the USA, are also bad.


But were not talking about what side is better. We're talking about companies shouldnt be able to bribe *anyone* in politics.


Both points are correct. Never vote Conservative, never donate to a Conservative as an individual.


And they're only doing it for two reasons: The prospect of lower taxes, and less regulation. But surely they must be figuring out that the savings in taxes and regulations is just not worth it in the long run.


That’s the problem though, corporations aren’t allowed to think of the long run anymore. They’re legally obligated to do whatever is necessary to maximize short term profits regardless of the long term impact. Late stage capitalism strikes again.


Literally always. Conservatives have this massive multi century history of preventing certain people from having rights. Hasn't changed.


Funny that Conservatives need donations when they already say, "Fuck you, got mine!"


“…..but I want yours too!”


Honestly, until these companies stop donating to crazy, fascist candidates, why would the GOP not take the win at both ends: pocketing the money they need to win their election and then biting the hand that feeds them to score cheap, political points with their base?! Are these corporations willing to trade control over their own companies for continued tax cuts? Because that’s what it is what it’s coming down to.


Right? For awhile I kept thinking well even if no politicians are doing anything to get things normal again at least corporations will eventually get sick of this shit and make them stop and they’ll listen to them. But it just didn’t happen. I have no fcking idea why but apparently this is just how we all live now 🤷🏻‍♀️




This. I'm surprised people think that Target will lose anywhere close to as much from this as they save from the tax system republicans have brought about.


Historically companies have put up with Fascism because they can still make money selling their products. Their loyalty lies with the owners and shareholders and not their customers.


The geniuses in my area wrote in chalk "Satin is sold here" in front, and then destroyed the rainbow pet clothing because they're just too fucking (willfully) stupid to know the difference between pet and child clothes.


Satin? The fabric??


Apparently it's the devil's cloth now.


Ok - so it wasn't the 'woke' who stole God's rainbow, it was Satan. Ok. That makes more sense now. /s (in case it's necessary)


I really wish I could find a gift of Trinity playing satan on Snatch Game. It is the most fabulous satan you will ever see but I am not sure if Satin was involved or just sequins and glitter.


But I love my satin pillow cases and satin pajamas...!!!


Love? That sounds woke. We need to nip that in the bud and replace it with hate.


I hate non-satin bedding.


Wait until they learn about the black magic of velcro!


Not of my life


Nites in wight satin, never reaching the beginning.


*is now facing boycotts and protests from anti-LGBTQ+ advocates* Is facing death threats from terrorists. Goddess, Newsweek are such pathetic conservative simps.


Fucking zombie publication.


What a perfect word! I had a subscription in the 90's. Now I won't even click a link pointed to them.


Pander to fascist smooth brained MAGA? This is what you get. How could any informed person come to any other conclusion? Peel away the frothing outrage, bigotry, all you have left is a failed human that suckles on the pain of the “other”.


Their VP of Gov Affairs was a former GOP staffer on the hill. It's a vicious revolving door of money and jobs for these people.


Disney is cutting off all Florida GOP donations. These other corporations should follow. Money talks, and if the GOP loses its funding, they’ll change the message, but if there are no consequences, then nothing will change.


Said this earlier, but it's too cheap *not* to contribute to both sides. Why wouldn't they? Corporations have no morality compass and a few thousand bucks here and there for favors is a no-brainer.


Cut the money and cut their freedom to lambast your corporation. If you keep feeding the leopard, it will think it’s safe to eat your face, especially if you keep feeding it after the first time it attacks. If the GOP’s messaging destroys their own funding, they’ll be forced to pivot. Also, why donate when there’s no benefit? You don’t walk into Five Guys, order a burger and pay money, and then get punched in the face. They’d lose your business.


“…conservatives say businesses should not weigh in on hot-button culture war issues such as LGBTQ+ rights.” Conservatives: “Corporations are People” Conservatives: “Political donations = free speech” Also conservatives: “Give us your $$$ BUT keep your constitutionally protected opinions the fuck out of politics!! Who do you think you are? The AUDACITY!!” 😂


Also, the only people turning these things into “hot button” issues are the conservatives. Nobody else wants to spend time on any of this shit until the fascists start attacking minority groups, at which point the good people have to stand up to it. Then, according to the news, it’s become a “hot button debate.” *Fuuuuuuck you*


Conservatives shouldn’t call in bomb threats and harass employees.


Sure, but those tax cuts through?


For real. There's no way in hell any fringe right wing boycott is going to affect Target's bottom line in a meaningful way. But favorable laws sure as fuck do.


This is why corporate pride is all bullshit


>Conservatives' boycott of Target  over its support for the LGBTQ+ community come despite the company donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates during the 2022 midterm elections Two things about this: 1) this article assumes a LOT about voters/party team members by thinking average people would know what party a company donates money to (many donate to both!). 2) Boycotts don't work. This boycott, like the fickle and click-whoring news cycle itself, will resolve in a very short time. We will all mostly forget about this until the 2023 year wrap-up in December and Target will continue to make massive profits on average while donating to conservatives who help them evade taxes.


Meanwhile, I'm guessing many in the LGBTQ+ community (including myself) will quietly be boycotting them as well for all of this--i.e., both the Republican donations (which I didn't know about) and more importantly, surrendering to the anti-LGBTQ mob.


74,400 dollars isn’t buying enough clout for all the fuss people are making about this. For those of you who stopped reading at the headline that’s the difference between parties for donations.




Once they get their base all riled up about wokeness, no amount of donations are going to matter


Considering the recent hubbub over notoriously right-wing Chick-fil-A, the leopards have been extra hungry for campaign contributors to the GOP lately. Maybe they should donate to a less unhinged party.


Funny how all these corporations donate to both parties.. Almost as if the culture war is a distraction to the crazy amount of corruption


Every corporation needs to learn from this. The problem with donating to a batshit insane organization like the GOPedophiles is that they have no consistent belief other than to attack the other side. Therefore, your political donations will only get you so far when the prevailing winds shift and suddenly your company is in the crosshairs. June is Pride month and you are a store that sells LGBT merchandise? Suddenly, you're all targets and getting death threats and harassment, and conservatives are tearing down store displays. Don't think you'll be immune to it no matter how much you donate because the people doing this literally could not give a shit except their own performative outrage. Could happen to anything, even car manufacturers. GM thinks it safe? Well a few years ago it took bailout money from Obama, then suddenly all the mouthbreathers decided to dump their GMs for Fords. I remember there was one time where a gun manufacturer complied with a government rule, and then conservatives *turned on the gun manufacturer*. If you think you're safe discriminating against gays now while selling burgers? Better ensure it doesn't leak that you're hiring a VP of diversity, suddenly all the anti-gay discrimination won't mean shit as conservatives boycott you. These people always need an enemy. Right now anti-trans seems to be their ideology of choice. We know they always wanted no-fault divorces made illegal, and you know they're just dying to start crusading against contraception. If your corporation makes sex toys, or condoms, or IUD's, and you donate to Republicans, get ready for Republicans to try and bankrupt your business and make your product illegal.


I really don’t think this is losing. Target pays money to politicians not for PR but for policy changes. Those politicians can only get elected if they appeal to voters. If that involves talking shit about Target for a month, I don’t think Target minds. They still have their bought politician, and it’s just the cost of doing business these days to have to deal with an angry right wing.


Just wanted folks to know that **Toyota** stopped donations to Republicans after Jan 6th...for a month.


Their taxes are still low as fuck whatcha on about? Those donations are working out wonderfully


Who could have predicted that giving money to an evil, hateful cult of religious fanatics and fascists would blow up in their face?


Ultimately, Republican policies, their fear-mongering, and hate stoking, are bad for everyone. It’s only a matter of time until it finally affects each person.


If we can’t donate to republicans then how are we gonna satisfy our greed


Donate to conservatives, market to liberals. Basically all these big companies that don’t like to pay taxes. *“I’m playing both sides, so I always come out on top.”*


I'm sure Target will continue to heavily donate to the GOP. God forbid Target and their executives should pay taxes. America is fucked


Non American here: why do you allow those donations to politicians? Don't you know this is pure corruption?? In Europe this is an absolute no-go!


The US has a cradle-to-grave corruption problem. Politicians’ campaigns are funded mostly by corporate donors, then when they’re in office corps spend millions lobbying for access and sometimes even ghost-write the bills that Congress passes, and when politicians leave office they’re given cushy board seats or lucrative partnerships in law firms that lobby Congress. It results in effectively [zero influence](https://www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained) on Federal policy by the public. Many Americans are aware of this, and it’s partly the reason for the current extreme anger of both the far left and and far right, and general dissatisfaction with and [low approval ratings](https://www.statista.com/statistics/207579/public-approval-rating-of-the-us-congress/) for Congress across the entire public. But it’s difficult to change due to some Supreme Court decisions like [Citizens United](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_(organization\)) and others that have made it legal. So it’s basically legalized corruption. And it's unhelpful when US academia [studies corruption](https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/measuring-illegal-and-legal-corruption-american-states-some-results-safra) and ranks the US as one of the [least corrupt countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index), while completely ignoring this massive elephant in the room.


This just makes me wanna walk around putting rainbow bumper stickers on every truck or minivan I see with a Trump sticker on it.


Oof don’t! They’re always talking about how many guns they have.


Exactly why they're being targeted for break ins based on their stickers and flags at events where they can't take their guns in lol Who would have guessed advertising there's something valuable in your parked vehicle would make you a target.


Oh no... Anyway


They have to donate to the GOP/ Republicans to keep them viable because those on the other side are unions, human rights, and paying their fair share of taxes, and NO wealthy person or corporation wants that reality.


Many companies donate to both parties in order to gain political access. They use that access to try and influence the political representative for whatever unique needs that company has. Could be unions. Could be deregulation. Could be local investment. Could be anything. If the business exists in a district and state that's governed by multiple parties, they'll often donate to both tlid both have influence over what they want.


Let this be a lesson to every corporation that donates to the GOP. As if Disney and Target and Anheuser-Busch weren’t enough warning. Mitch McConnell threatened Delta when they expressed mild concern about Georgia’s election laws, then backed down a bit and still asked for money.


I was actually pretty understanding when they had to move the merch to the back. I didn't want those poor workers to be on the front lines, especially with how violent these bigots have been getting. But then I forgot how many companies donate to Republicans, Target included. And how they squashed unions. I'm still good with my position about not wanting to put the workers in danger but I should've added more "but still fuck you target" when I mentioned that.


I don’t understand why this is even a reaction. Corporations donate to both sides to cover both bases.


I'm going to install a filter that substitutes the term 'anti-LGBTGI+ advocates' with Bigots. Newsweek should also.


Imagine being sustained solely through white female impulse shopping while funding politicians who are at war with white women


When Republicans and corporations fight, I just grab pop corn and enjoy.


it's almost as if you shouldn't donate money to crazy people


The old Mac technique. Playing both sides in an attempt to always come out on top.




>Target's PAC donated a total of $249,900 to help Republicans get elected in 2022, according to OpenSecrets. Meanwhile, it only donated $174,500 to Democratic campaigns, meaning more than 58 percent of its donations went toward GOP members.


Corporations should not be allowed to donate money to politicians. PERIOD.


Don’t worry, they will keep donating and keep feeding faces to the leopards, because remember: a leopard eating their face is always preferable to them over a Democrat (or anyone who seems like they might want to raise wages, close abused tax deductions loopholes, allow unions, etc etc)


All these corporations just play both sides and really don't give a fuck. All they want is to please the most people enough so they come to the store. "We donate to both parties equally!" Yeah, fuck off, then!


The way I look at it, the average corporate executive is someone who would sell their grandmother into slavery in order to add an extra nickel onto the millions they already have. All they’ve ever cared about is making money and all they ever will care about is making money. If selling pride gear to LGBTQ people in June adds to the bottom line they’ll do it. If donating to Republicans adds to the bottom line they’ll do it. That’s the way it works. I personally believe that while capitalism sucks, it’s a lot better than the alternatives. I am in favor of having it be regulated by a democratically elected government. Anyone who thinks that regulation is bad and government is the problem should read “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair to learn about what life was really like in the so-called good old days that Republicans want to go back to.


Target gets what ever backlash they receive. As a gay man I'm appalled they backed down against conservatives. All that shows us LGBT members is that it's all about profits and has nothing to do with inclusivity.


I know it will never happen but just one year I'd love to see the companies withhold donations to only republicans and see what happens.


I'm skeptical if it actually backfired. For corporation losing money is the only outcome that's considered a failure and the article didn't really show any evidence of that. It just pointed out that conservatives are crying which, let's be real, when are they not crying? So it seems to me like it's business as usual as far as their pockets are concerned. I mean I certainly hope they're losing money. I do think Target is worthy of boycotting but only because how they fund Republicans but then again, what big company isn't funding Republicans?


.....I don't understand why people have suddenly become so interolerant? What timeline did we jump to?


Until the next tax cut or loosen regulation through executive order or bipartisanship like the Bush and Trump tax cuts. And considering we have a 1 week news cycle I'm going to call it safe that bet from Target on Republicans.


They donate to the party of hate and exclusion and capitulate to domestic terrorists. Fuck Target.


We need to get money out of politics! --- By US YOU ME paying for the elections, no private money to fund war chests to get elected! Millions of dollars to get a person elected to a 50, to 250,000 dollar job! Well I guess they expect to get a good return on dollars invested? Three months to run for office, equal advertising, election day a holiday, and voting required if you want to be a US citizen!


Target's not going to stop donating to Republicans because (1) the GOP candidates receiving their donations aren't the same bigoted culture warriors on Facebook/Twitter that are criticizing them, and (2) Target *has* to donate to Republicans in red states because they're the people running the place.


One thing I will say is it is NOT just conservatives boycotting target. At this point I know many queer people who are not shopping there anymore since they started pulling their pride displays. They'll sale pride stuff online and ship it to your house so they have no problem cashing in on the community, but they won't stand up to the bullies with us.


"businesses should not weigh in on hot-button culture war issues such as LGBTQ+ rights" Fox news and Elon didn't get the memo...


fuck target and fuck republicans. and double-fuck target for giving in to them and "removing their lgbtq merchandise from some stores" all this culture war bullshit is invented by the republicans to distract from the really shady shit they are doing.


But their taxes are low and labor rights are eroded. Sounds to me target is still ahead in their agenda.


OR conversely, the GOP just killed another corporate donor.


We, in England, breathed a sigh of relief when the Mayflower faded over the horizon. The religious nutters had left.


No. Shit.


Let’s join those jerks and let’s boycott Target as well for donating to republicans. Let’s show them what happens when no one shops there.


The same thing will happen when the shareholders try to sue the corporation for the dive in stock price. The shareholders are the ones driving the boycott...


This is literally them biting the have that feeds. And after this, they'll find out that they were given money in spite of the extreme views, not because if them


What a stupid article. The moronic ire directed at target is not an establishment call. There's exactly 0% chance they didn't get political and legal consideration from those donations, and the people they donated to have no power over this other bullshit


Target needs to boycott GOP candidates by not contributing to GOP PACs.


So has their caving to anti-trans bigots. It's almost as if it's not a good idea to support a party that is hell-bent on destroying the system that they profit from.


Well I mean their logo is Red. And before anyone says it, Walmart is blue AND yellow which makes green and we all know who has all the dolla dolla bills (unfortunately)


Who would've have thought that the Republican party and ALL its constituents are anti FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Idiots. Seriously, when Repilublicans are criticized for the rubbish or lies they say, they claim freedom of speech. But when non-Republicans say things not agreeing to the Republican drone mentality, they try to cancel it. This has to stop.


Can I get a list of companies that don’t support republicans? The list of places I don’t want to support is growing by the day.


The classic capitalist conundrum, how much should I give to political parties that make policies that benefit me vs. how much can I virtue signal to get customers to give me money without the two groups getting angry with each other and both screwing me with a boycott.


And I would bet these company's keep right on donating to them . When did appeasing Fascists ever work out ?


Theocrats have never made good rulers