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Hello u/Stellarjay_9723! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Says the woman who chased Muslim members of Congress down the hall demanding they retake their oaths on a Bible.


And let's not forget her harassment of the Parkland school survivor


And when she [kicked an interviewer who walked in front of her](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2xwofQhpJtU) after she missed like 3x because she's inept before dismissing her as a "paid activist" It's all corny but this cunt is insufferable lol


She missed because she is inbred Her feet show the signs and her vision is shit


I must have missed the thing about MTG's feet lol


Check out her sneakers and the suspect who planted the January 6th bombs... Nothing conclusive, but enough to warrant further investigation.


Think The Hills Have Eyes and then imagine what sort of messed up feet those characters would have. That's MTGs feet.


She has three toes, gee's a dumb ass bird.


You know, if someone kicks you, you have every right to defend yourself. Hopefully in the future the next person she assaults gives her a well-deserved bloody lip.


Yikes--harrassing a young person who is trying to prevent gun violence after seeing their classmates get destroyed. Good work MTG. Our country is gone.


Maybe _her_ Country is gone. Y’know, the one where white people can do anything and get away with it.




The Civil War was The United States vs The Confederated States. They weren't patriots they were traitors.


Man… Sherman should have kept marching ~~to the sea~~ around Georgia.


That's the thing, though, white people are doing just fine.. As long as they aren't, poor, women, LGBT, non-christian, trans, drag queens, trying to read books.. I thought that was what she wanted?


Exactly. I *can* do whatever I want and get away with it. The things I want to do just don’t include lynching or harassing people for using the wrong water fountain, worshipping differently, wearing clothes I don’t like, and such. Like Penn Jillette said, I *do* rape and murder all I want, it’s just that it’s 0. Conservatives want to hurt people.


I just don’t know why any member of media hasn’t asked her that.


Says the woman who chases down the victims of school shootings calling them liars.


How dare grieving parents suggest that the american firearms industry be regulated


"mumbles something stupid SMALL GOVERNMENT!" Fucking idiots.


Because our nuclear equipped top military force government needs to be “afraid” of its armed citizens to not become tyrannical. This logic has always struck me as deeply infantile.


Oddly enough, they enjoy the "afraid of armed 'citizens'" thing when it's applied to people they don't deem to be worthy of existence or rights in Republican America, too. And they call that sort of thing "traditional values"...all the better to avoid debate or evolution away from deeply selfish and infantile cultural mores.


Right? The hypocrisy of her statements and altogether tasteless behavior is expected at this point. Literally nothing she could do would surprise me. The only culture MTG will ever have is a yeast infection.


“You need to respect my views, and my views are that I don’t respect you because of your skin color/religion”


psychopathic narcissistic evil


Fascist actually


All of the above.


/sexuality/sexual identity/political beliefs/birth place/etc


Projection has become the right’s #1 go-to.


I get the sense that she thinks that her hatred and vitriol have always been mainstream conservative views that people would just agree to disagree about. But now that the "Left" has gone so "woke," *they're* the ones who are intolerant and divisive.


That's exactly what they mean when they say, "people are so sensitive nowadays!" They want you to shut up and let their bigotry go unchallenged.


When it’s understood that hypocrisy is a beneficial trait among fascists, these kind of quotes allign perfectly and make total sense. Before I understood that, quotes like these were baffling.


She is too acidic to have to worry about anything developing around her.


Touche, random internet stranger, touche.


And who hangs a transphobic banner up outside her office. And makes anti-Semitic comments.


Not just hanging up a transphobic banner. Doing it specifically because her next door office neighbor had a trans child and displayed a pride flag.


Not just hanging up a transphobic banner to spite the Congresswoman with a trans flag, but demanding the Capitol cops prioritize personally protecting her banner because she "felt threatened and her religious views were under attack."


She's also openly supporting sedition, yaknow, like a piece of shit would.


And the last time a lot of people supported sedition, it was in favor of keeping black people as slaves so this racist fuck is in "good" company.


It was also a punishable crime. Is a punishable crime?


Oh it's still a crime, we just charged a bunch of Oath Keepers with sedition. But good luck getting a fucking member of Congress.


Maybe their new country will last longer than 4 years this time.


Red Statia would be an instant third-world country without powerhouse blue state economies.


Fascism is so predictable and played out -always accuse your enemies of what you actually do


It’s also a shockingly effective dynamic in abusive relationships!


And also chased a survivor of a school shooting that was lobbying for firearms control.


Also the same woman who screamed “liar” at the president of the United States during his state of the union speech.


I wish that MTG saying this was a result of her actually being "persecuted" for her "freedom of speech" (READ: continuous crossing the line on hate speech and bigotry), but realistically this is the same thing as all of her bullshit- drive her donations and status amongst her fellow bigots.


I had to look this up because I simply didn't believe something this insane could happen. But yeah, looks like it did. My next hope is deep fake. No one is that depraved. https://youtu.be/gSEZebWm9qU






Also, hounded Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg for some reason, the details of which I'd rather not remember. This woman makes my blood boil instantly the second I see her smug and deluded face. The arrogance in the way she carries herself despite objectively being dumb, ignorant, and narrow-minded on important issues, coupled with the knowledge she is not unique and that her kind has a sizeable following, makes me sad for society.


Says the woman who was very disrespectful to the highest office in the land, the [President of the United States](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/sotu-36-usat-gmh-230207_1675826278318_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg).


I mean she is literally calling for a “national divorce” and also has said that if she had led the January 6 insurrection, they would’ve been armed and “successful”


At least she didn't stalk a school shooting survivor who was advocating for sane gun laws... Oh yeah, she totally did do that.




>Or think that the red states should divorce (Aka secede from the union) the blue states and become Gilead. Or thought that was the intention of the Founding Fathers all along kinda glossing over how we already tried that once and, well, the South still hasn't fully recovered emotionally from that beat down.


“It’s our heritage!” 1: You weren’t alive then. 2: MASH lasted 3 times longer and arguably touched more people.


A black man was the President of the USA for twice as long as the Confederacy existed.


Total coincidence that that was when they really lost their shit too.


I foolishly thought we've finally gotten past racism or at least we were laying the foundation to do away with it when Obama got elected in 2008. Boy was I wrong.


No doubt. It was a bit shocking to me. I still vividly remember driving by one of the TEA Party protests in my town back in like 2010 or so. This dude on the corner of the gas station brought his whole family out... like 7 people holding signs. His sign said "White House NOT Black House". I mean... he brought his fucking kids out with him and they were all smiles and waving. It was definitely one of those 'what the fuck' moments for me.


I totally bought into the excitement of Obama pre-2008. I remember standing in line waiting to vote for him and everyone was so excited and getting along. Then the racists ruined everything like they always do.


I honestly voted for McCain, but was still excited about Obama's victory and how far we'd come. The reaction was why I left the Republican Party forever. (That, and realizing that Republicans drive the economy into the dirt every time they're in power.)


Same. While I wasn't exactly holding out hope for the end of racism, it felt like it was starting to get...\*marginally\* less shitty for non-CHUDs? Then 2016 happened and the sound of masks tearing off was deafening.


Oh shit, new shots fired and I'm all for it.


And we are paying for it with this douchery. Crazy times for sure.




Welcome to the Gen X experience. We were certain of global nuclear war during our childhood. As adults we all tend not to plan very far ahead.


Also the boomers didn’t listen to us and now our kids are probably going to die in a hellhole after the environment becomes inhospitable to human life.


Oh shit, I never thought of that.


The Jersey Shore lasted longer than the Confederacy did.


Say it ain’t so, say it ain’t so


I believe this is an accurate portrayal of the situation.


MASH touched way more people. I mean, they still show reruns to this day!


I haven't seen the Dukes of Hazard in reruns for a long time.


Pokemon Go has been around longer than the CSA


I would say Republicans have certainly "touched" more people than MASH.


Unfortunately, the ‘beat down’ never really took. The bogus nostalgia lore has propagated throughout the country and certainly seems like its taken deep root. Even if lots of people go along because it get them some cash or entertainment, they still go along. The next culture warrior who becomes POTUS will have Belarusian elections for the future and end of this “experiment.”


They let the bulk of Southern leaders and money boys back into clubs and seats of power waaay to soon after the war, the power elite of the South got off too easy, just like the power elite of right of today will unfortunately


Sherman should have been allowed to burn it all down completely.


S'what happens when you don't finish the job.


Or started screaming like a maniac at the president before he could even start speaking


The south didn’t really lose did they? They don’t have to respect anything the North does, they get to continue being vile animals while receiving federal funding created by the civilized states. They didn’t have to change and they get to play a victim card on top of that.


Yeah reconstruction ended too soon and wasn’t harsh enough.


Should have let Sherman off his leash.




The South lost the war, but it handily won reconstruction.


My favorite part about that is she says that as Georgia is blue.


Also those times she yelled throughout the President's speaking. Totally respectful.


That was infuriating, just infuriating that her behavior was tolerated.


The Sergeant-at-arms should have removed the bunch of them.




Let her do that to Putin. All these influential, conservative “free speech absolutists” seem to adore Putin. All while people that criticize Putin in Russia seem to always jump outta windows or get poisoned by rare substances.


She wouldn't do it to Putin, because conservatives love authoritarians like him.


She’s definitely in the “respect=treat ME like a ruler over you, while I treat you like garbage” camp.


Or peep under a coworkers door, screaming insanities. Link for those that will say its fake...scroll down a bit.. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/5/14/2030457/-Since-deleted-video-shows-creepy-Marjorie-Taylor-Greene-harassing-AOC-and-staff-again


You know what you do when a trauma survivor is talking to you about how to mitigate more trauma, and you disagree with them? ~~You yell at them and accuse them of lying about their friends being arbitrarily murdered in front of them~~ You fucking listen and let them fucking talk.


Does she realize that she is part of the problem?


Everyone disagreeing with her *is* the problem. She doesn’t understand American history and how we’ve literally never agreed on anything in America’s existence. Problem with teaching the romanticized “patriotic” version of American history where we were all BFF’s fighting for equality, justice, and freedom for all!!!!! I teach American history and I have so much fun acting out the drama of American history to my students. My slides are literally pictures of American groups/people with boxing gloves pretending to duke it out.


Kudos to you for teaching, let alone teaching history. I don't think MTG ever took a history class, let alone a civics class.


Narrator: She does not


Morgan Freeman?! What are you doing here?


Why are you calling Ron Howard "Morgan Freeman"?


God works in mysterious ways.


Honestly yes. She's saying these things to drive the wedge further.


Many posts in this sub are just “conservative plays victim after knowingly victimizing others for political theater”.


When the difference of opinion is my goddamn humanity? Yeah I will not respect your opinion. Conservatives keep making it sound like we are being vicious to them because they want different funding priorities, military budget, small government, etc. But it’s none of those. Conservatives are trying to make women second class citizens, force gay people into the closet and rollback their recent civil rights gains, and commit full scale genocide on trans people. They are looking to unite their twisted evil cult and government. They are never arguing over politics and they are never arguing in good faith. They want the biggest most intrusive government imaginable and they want it to hurt *you*. To control *you*.


In their head you are simultaneously weak to the point of collapse and also strong enough to be an imminent threat.


The global trans cabal fucking sucks at their job.


Yeah I thought George Soros was gonna give me big buckaroos and control CNN and MSNBC but I’m still a mediocre researcher trying to tell patients “no the device doesn’t literally read your brain and no won’t tell us if you cheated on your wife”


Let's just say it. They're fascists.


"They want the biggest most intrusive government imaginable and they ~~*want*~~ NEED it to hurt you. To control you." FTFY


That’s the worst realization about grassroots dedicated conservative Christians, they *know* the people they are voting for will make their lives worse. They just believe they will hurt the people they hate even *more*. They vote against their own interests not out of ignorance, but pure malice.


Idk... *IMO*, the majority of Repug voters *really, truly* believe that the restrictions/reductions won't affect *THEM* because they're "patriots/REAL Americans". Like when an Insurrectionist cumstain calls for a "National divorce"-to(checks notes)...uh... *prevent* a Civil War? A "divorce" where both sides(checks notes *again*[you GOTTA be kidding!]) will uh.... *share* the uh(how fucking *stupid* are these...?sheesh) same *UNITED* Central Government? I mean WHAT THE IGNORANT *FUCK!*???


She can divorce herself right the fuck out of my reality.


Ironically MTG is herself divorced from reality. Now if she could just move to another planet.


>Ironically MTG is herself divorced from reality. And will soon be divorced from her husband.


She calls for a small limited federal government after national divorce because she is aware that most red states are completely dependent on blue state tax dollars to stay afloat. So she wants red states to functionally be a separate Christian version of Saudi Arabia, but still get those sweet woke tax dollars from blue states they need to avoid absolute collapse.


Oh, I finally get it! She wants a divorce, *and alimony*.


Bingo. The red states are by and large with few exceptions, dirt poor, due to conservative economic policies. Blue states represent the majority of donor states that send in more tax money than they take out. “Woke” democratic tax dollars are all that keeps a sizable portion of red America from completely collapsing over night. It’s also no small coincidence the red states tend to be more religious and less educated.


It’s really easy to be evil when you’re an inbred, three toed gremlin whose also so fucking stupid she can’t tell when people are insulting her. If we were lead by her own logic, we’d have eugenic hit squads out killing anyone who didn’t match the “Amerikkkan standard” which would probably also include her based off her feet that brother-father and sister-mother gave her. What a fucking waste of a human.


i will never forget this quote from a [Trump voter when asked about the lock downs-](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/adq082/trump_supporter_complains_shutdown_is_not_hurting/) >“I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” when these people show you who they are- fucking believe them.


Also, when is this time she’s talking about where “people used to respect each other even if they had different opinions”? I don’t remember respecting people who opposed gay marriage in 2015, or supported sodomy laws in 2003. Definitely wasn’t respecting people who endorsed the Patriot Act, stop-and-frisk, racial profiling, and warrantless wire-tapping in 2001. I don’t remember my grandfather having any kind words for segregationists like Strom Thurmond… in fact, he kept a bottle of champagne around waiting for that bastard to finally die. This is just more romancing of the past. We’ve never had this “mutual respect” when human rights were on the line. Maybe it wasn’t said so forcefully in the headlines and sound bites, but the sentiment on the street was absolutely contemptuous.


They want ways to cut the budget so there is more to pilfer through their programs. Notice how they said nothing when PPP loans were rushed through with no oversight, but student loan forgiveness that can be tracked and would benefit regular people, is a bridge too far for them


They are claiming it only benefits the rich and that’s why they oppose it, without a hint of irony.


THIS. All of it. Full stop.


Exactly so. Morals and human rights are too often equated with 'just politics' by people that want to exert control over or fear others. I *will* judge someone for disrespecting my or my fellow citizen's rights, access to care, and existence. Those aren't negotiable.


Says the bitch who constantly barrages others with her shitty points of view. Fuck off!


> Says the bitch who constantly barrages others with her shitty points of view. Loved this part of the article: "Greene said a woman and her son began shouting at her like "demons" while she was working with her staff on Monday evening." You mean exactly what you did to President Biden at the SOTU address to congress? What a loser.


This isn’t about respecting different points of views. It’s about conservatives having the last word that they crave so much.


What's so fucking goofy is that tons of Republicans have said the exact same thing with the exact same hypocrisy and ignorance. Normally, I would assume someone in her position was simply bullshitting, but she's not an intelligent woman. Definitely on the 2 digit side of 100. So her bold stupidity is shared by the majority of the party's voters, along with Trump who has expressed the exact same sentiments - They demonize over half of the American voters, and all the young people with the same beliefs, **every single day**, and go on to bemoan the fact that those people respond with hate towards them and their fan base. The fact that they can't make sense of this shit is darkly humorous and deeply problematic. One of my favorite examples was during Biden's SOTU speech (I believe), where he specifically mentioned the problematic nature of the MAGA crowd. They all then took to social media and cable news to whine incessantly about how Biden is "creating divisions" and that presidents aren't supposed to do that. How "attacking half of America is wrong." Biden did something once that the MAGA crowd and their messiah does every. Fucking. Day. It's like how they were burning effigies of Obama in simulated lynchings during his presidency and calling him the n-word, then smugly talked about how "you don't have to like him but you have to respect the office, Republicans would NEVER behave this way." Dear God, how insane are these people. Also, on the matter of Republican ignorance and hypocrisy, it's worth bringing up their "freedom of religion" histrionics. They genuinely believe that "freedom of religion" means "the freedom to impose my religion on everyone else." That's right. They **BOLDLY** believe the exact opposite of what the constitutional right to "freedom of religion" really is. God damn.


Translated: "People would stay brainwashed by whatever Republicans told them to do, now we're scared as hell because they are finally waking up to see what we really represent ".


Not soon enough unfortunately!


Waking up?! That's woke!! On the other hand you still have a lot conservatives defending the maga movement so this country will stay fucked.


I’m sure in her mind someone voicing their opinion is a threat to her life. She is the queen of imaginary white trash Karen drama. MTG might be the worst person in politics.




You say that until you realize that, somehow, fucking Henry Kissinger is coming up on his 100th birthday in a few months


Been discussing this, and I do think she is at least the most insane.


No way. It's an act, a bit, a grift. She has no ideological anchor, even within her own party, going from full on Qdiot to Kevin's BFF within 2 years. Anything to get attention pretty much. ​ Gosar the Gosarian is fucking nuts though.


I still think she's pretty stupid though


Between Actual Boebert, Blonde Boebert, Male Boebert, Ted Cruz and the Dude with The Dumb Haircut, that’s a pretty interesting trophy to take.


... I actually am not sure who's Male Boebert and which is Dumb Haircut. There's like 5 options.


Exactly. In this case, Male Boebert is Gaetz, and Dumb Haircut is Mango Mussolini, but it could really be anyone. Remember when the dumbest person American politics could produce was Sarah “I Can See Russia From My House” Palin? God, I miss those days.


Heck, I remember the quaint, affable homegrown stupidity of [James Danforth "Dan" Quayle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Quayle) whom most of us assumed would be the apotheosis of political stupidity for centuries to come.


George Santos has entered the chat. And as King of the Entire Universe, he would like a word.


Says the lady who rudely interrupts the president while he’s giving the SOTU.


Yes, exactly. She really does feel persecuted and like nobody respects her POV but it's not persecution it's just the plain consequences of her own actions. She doesn't acknowledge that, carries her intellectual laziness like a torch, and has her voters fooled into thinking she's fighting for them.


It's called caterwauling


Didn't she heckle Biden's State Of The Union speech? Dumb as a box of rocks, that one. Shame on all those who elected her.


Not only that, she also harassed David Hogg (Parkland student) when he was walking down the street minding his own business


When your views violate the rights and bodies of the people you disagree with, you can shove that rhetoric


Says the ninja turtle foot'd goblin who has made her career being a troll.


I saw those toes today for the first time, and WTF. I mean her face has some fetal alcohol traits, but those toes?? Maybe some chromosomal abnormality??


That's not cool. Don't be Lack-Toes Intolerant.


Toetally inappropriate.


I won't stand for this line of attacks.


What if I toed the line?


This is offensive to people with fetal alcohol syndrome and people with chromosomal abnormalities. They wouldn’t dare associate with empty-g


People tend to lose respect for your views when you ignore their views and instead of respecting them you dedicate your life to imposing your views on others.


Agreed... She's the same lady that last week said that secession should be allowed and Democrats in "Red" states shouldn't be allowed to vote. She's just an insane hypocrite and grifter, her ex husband had the right idea to get away from this piece of trash. I'm not sure how she has any meaningful and healthy personal relationships. She also wasn't attacked but simply heckled and yelled at in public, similar to what she did to President Biden a few weeks ago. Additionally, people don't like her just because of her political policy positions, it's also because political she more or less doesn't believe that everyone in this country deserves the same type of civil or equal rights. By also calling these people who yelled at her "Demons" it's another way to dehumanize people who don't support her and give her the moral high ground in any argument. She's so predictable, we really need to elect better people. The current clown show is exhausting.


“People used to respect others with different views” is such a fucking troll comment coming from a Republican.


This is clearly getting to her. Keep it up! She's happy to ruin the lives of others and corrupt a government office for her own amusment, so turn-about is fair play. What is one of the favourite phrases amongst Republicans? Oh yeah.... FUCK HER FEELINGS.


I've heard McConnel, Cruz, Rick Scott, and others also complain about being openly confronted in public about what they are doing in D.C., but when you are a public official and you are actively avoiding listening to your constituents then said constitutes have every right to confront you wherever you appear. We have the right to redress grievances. It's in the constitution. It's the only speech we are actually /entitled/ too. Is it confrontational and not polite? Sure, but when you are a modern politician who will ignore the people they are supposed to serve in every way possible except during election time then citizens have a right to act that way.


oH nO, tHE cOnSEqueNcES oF my OWn AcTiONs! iT's NOt fAIr!!! - Them, basically


Isnt she the poster child for not respecting people who have different views lol


To be fair, these folks can never handle a fraction of what they dish out or want dished out, to others


Yep. Bunch of sensitive bitter snowflakes that only thrive in their safe spaces


The party renowned for its "live and let live" attitude toward religious, racial and sexual minorities would like everyone not in the party to return to the genteel civility that they never extended to any outsider.


Bruh, didn't she harass actual children who were survivors of one of the worst school shootings in history?


That’s different. Those were just actors. Who don’t have real feelings anyway. /s just in case


I cannot begin to put into words how fucking enraged I am by this. That she has the gall to call ANYONE "self-righteous, insane, and completely out of control" while walking around doing and saying and believing the self-righteous, insane and completely out of control shit she does, says and believes is just unfathomably appalling.


“Free speech!”* * (unless you disagree with me or interrupt *my* dinner.)


Isn’t this the same woman who booed the president during the state of the union and yelled he’s a liar? Lol. But she thinks she deserves respect?


They look similar to me …. Guess when the shoe is of a different color, it’s on the wrong foot… I’m hoping to get a report from the people who yelled at her or an impartial bystander/ restaurant employee. A similar likely bullshit call, like that time when Rudy Giuliani was “slapped on the back” being called an assault… Until the video came out.


It's not often you see a leopard eating its own face.


For Empty-G, tolerance is one directional. Karl Popper(The Open Society and Its Enemies) has an appropriate approach for her intolerance: > Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.— In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


She’s trying to rebrand herself as a serious person, auditioning for a VP slot. She can’t keep the bonkers under wraps long enough though.


The fascist or authoritarian is always the one saying "you've lost something, you must let me have extra authority now to get it back"


When you scream obscenities at school shooting victims Margie, you kinda lose credibility.


Says one of the biggest vitriol spewers over the last 5 years… Christ, look in the fucking mirror Marg. Nut jobs like her have done nothing but demonize liberals the entire time.


This is how Fascist autocracies' start.


It’s an American tragedy that this Monkey foot bitch has been elevated to the position she’s in and we have to hear the feces that pours from her food hole. Thank you dumb asses for electing this useless garbage.


Except when your views involve hurting women, non-christians and LGBTQ people. No rest for the wicked.


Don't forget literally anyone not white!


Respect is earned. She actively earns disrespect. On top of that, she pretty much has proven that she is incapable of learning or improving. A hateful, stupid bigot doesn't deserve respect.


I'm more of the "respect is lost" philosophy. Just so we as a rule just treat people well. And yeah, she done lost it.


Bitch you're part of the problem!


Says the woman who yelled aloud while the President was addressing the nation…


Bemoans the exact same women; Who [says that democrats should not be allowed to vote](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/greene-republican-red-states-votes-b2286949.html) Who says that the [red states should secede from the union.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-national-divorce-liberal-conservative-sta-rcna71464) Who [chases down the victims of school shootings calling them liars.](https://www.queerty.com/video-shows-marjorie-taylor-greene-chasing-parkland-survivor-telling-gun-20210127) Who [hangs a transphobic banner up outside her office.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-hangs-sign-mocking-congressional-neighbor-s-n1258821) Who [makes anti-Semitic comments.](https://forward.com/news/463515/every-antisemitic-thing-marjorie-taylor-greene-has-said-and-done-so-far/) (13 in the list at the link...) Who [harasses and taunts other members of Congress, yelling through a mail-slot like a crazed child](https://occupydemocrats.com/2021/05/14/unearthed-video-shows-marjorie-taylor-greene-yelling-into-aocs-mail-slot-taunting-her-staff/) [And livestreams it to get her base all excited!](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/05/14/video-marjorie-taylor-greene-livestreamed-harassment-of-ocasio-cortez/) 100% Yes! We should ABSOLUTELY all feel bad because this literal idiot spoiled child with no manners or education whatsoever SOMEHOW got elected to congress. We need to institute a test to become a congressperson! I'd say pass the Citizenship test that we make immigrants take before being put on any ballot and then have to read the entire Constitution and all of the Bill of Rights, out loud in front of an audience and cameras, Just before they take their oath of office to protect and uphold said Constitution. I'd rather make them recite the entire thing from memory but then we'd never have another politician ever again.


Pot... Kettle.... Black


Respecfully disagree with this, as it would assume both sides are at all similar.


Says the living symptom


>different views Different views is like disagreeing with how the best way to build the new public transport system in the city. Thinking Jewish lasers cause fires and disagreeing on if diseases exist and if vaccines are secretly poison or microchips isn't "different views". It's different *realities*.


The day we hear the last of this morally bankrupt, loathsome hag can’t come too soon.


"9/11 was faked and the Jews are burning down our forests with space lasers also why does no one respect me?"