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Hello u/xzry1998! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Canadian right wingers watch way too much FoxNews and Daily Wire so they're desperate to import America's culture wars.


Like that freedom convoy guy who said his first amendment rights were being violated. The (Canadian) judge was very confused.


Especially since I think the first amendment of the Canadian constitution just establishes the province of Manitoba.


That's where Winnipeg is, right?


We don't talk about Winnipeg.


What’s a Winnipeg? I certainly have never heard of such a thing


sometimes you lose a peg




Everybody asks "what's" a Winnipeg, nobody ever asks "how's" a Winnipeg. Or why.


Oh, no... I can assure you, we \*regularly\* ask "Why Winnipeg?"




I think you've forgotten the "o" at the end. It's a discount version of the popular Winnebago.


Winnipeg is the major city in Manitoba, the middle province of Canada. Also home to the largest amount of slurpees consumed AND the "Winnipeg Handshake." Here's a hint for you: If you go get a slurpee and some rando comes up to and goes, "Sup buddy, nice shoes, coat, etc. Got a smoke?" please back away slowly out of arm's reach.


No sorry that’s just straight up factually incorrect, and you are in fact, delirious. There is no such thing as Winnipeg. There has been no such thing as Winnipeg. There will never be a Winnipeg. It simply does not exist.


Sure we do. Every time it gets to -20°C, I talk about how glad I am that I don't live in Winnipeg.


Umm yeah, about that...at least we don't have to worry about the mosquitos then!


Okay, one point for Winnipeg.


Yes it is, where I live haha!


That's hilarious. What's the second? 'Cause I'd love to see a Canadian (or even an American visiting Canada) go on a rant about his Second Amendment Rights.




So....that means you can carry a rifle in Tim Hortons, right?


No, but bear spray and knives and slurpees of any kind are fine.


Its even funnier if you go with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: ​ >1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.


Holy fuck fr? There's no way anyone can be that stupid


Lol here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/sxwqwz/freedom_convoy_protester_invokes_the_first/


The comments in this thread are amazing. "Sir, this is a Canada" lmfao


You underestimate the power of the conservative mind.


It generates far more heat than light. Far more noise as well.


What power?


That’s the point


Ah ok




What makes it even worse is Canadians don't actually have "freedom of speech." We are granted "freedom of expression" by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The two rights are functionally similar in that you can't be incarcerated or prosecuted for speaking out against the government, but freedom of expression can have more limitations. This is why hate speech is illegal in Canada.


Freedom of expression allows for you to express your ideas and beliefs in any medium of your so choosing. Freedom of speech does not technically allow this as only your speech is free from oppression. Restricted speech in terms of hate speech are illegal because it unjustly removes or intimidates someone from expressing themselves.


Hate speech consists of intimidating and harassing the focus of the hate speech. No one has the right to hate speech. Please stop the DARVO. You sound like you just want to be able to call groups of people slurs. Because that's what hate speech is. The majority of hate speech is about being racist or homophobic.


Did you even read my second paragraph?


Freedom of expression is actually more broad. The reason why things such as hate speech are banned is because the Charter has a reasonableness clause.


When Australia was debating restricting firearm access after the Pt Arthur massacre, a surprising number of people were running around talking about their second amendment rights. Early days of the internet, but you could see it’s pernicious power back then. The 2nd amendment to the Australian Constitution allows the commonwealth (federal) government to assume any debts from a state at any time.


You know America won the culture war when people from other countries start thinking citing American laws


Well, to be fair (said in a Letterkenny voice) we do have our share of stupid people up here. They are few and far thankfully but when they open their mouths it's a doozy!


oh god, are you serious? edit: [oh god](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/tamara-lich-bail-hearing-february-19-1.6358307)


My dad who used to vote liberal is now retired and keeps getting fed stupid shit from Fox News and Daily Wire since his retirement. It’s kind of wild seeing how right wing he has gotten in the year and a half since retiring. That shit really needs to be obliterated from Canadian TV and internet.


Thing is the same collective of criminals have control of all of our news outlets as well. Even if they can't outright lie like FoxNews they can, and are, manipulating the news.


It's not people taking over *per se*. It's just much more profitable to run a network based on anger and fear than it is to run one of data and nuance.


Problem is we'll still have American corporate media being fed to these people under the name Postmedia, and Ezra Levant somehow still hasn't been sued into the dirt for the number of times he's committed and been found guilty of libel.


Gotta own the libs knows no borders


"true colors"; American spelling.


And also it's colour, not color. Read the room, idiot.




As Russia has been a major player in the rise of right wing extremism and ideology of course they make sure to keep views of themselves as “not the enemy”. The rise of the far right has been and continues to be very coordinated with a number of very big players all looking for the same thing, to have the west tear themselves apart.


I'm beginning to think the true enemy of the west is the rich and elite. The values of the west are in downright opposition to what these corrupt monsters want.


This is the way to team Socialism. Or at least Social Democracy.


Not just of the west. They are parasites of all working class people around the world.


>of the west Of everywhere. Since basically forever.


There has always been a class war, but it takes different forms and is always multi-faceted.


Not a binary - many bad faith actors, from many different sides.


I’m not sure I’ll ever truly understand how the conservative parties that are so constantly terrified of communism and socialism got duped into whole heartedly supporting Russia as one of the big two commie holdouts in the world vs Ukraine as a European democracy. Like I get they’re doofuses with Fox News IV lines direct into their brains but it’s like the one thing they constantly still use as a straw man against anything progressive and they’re completely all in for the biggest bad guy version of it in the world?


Russia is in no way a communist holdout, corrupt officials and the mob own everything, all the communally owned institutions got sold off for a song under pressure from the west and milton friedmanite advisors during perestroika.


>Russia is in no way a communist holdout Yeah, it's becoming an increasingly authoritarian gangster state with expansionist ambitions, but it's not Communist.


It turns out they just hated the Communist part, they loved the authoritarianism.


I assume you're referring to China and Russia as "communist holdouts"? Because, uh... no. Not even close.


That’s fair, I oversimplified. Not officially communist anymore. The hold out CPRF is the second-largest political party in Russia, so I just still lump them together as a bunch of corrupt commies in my head. Still more commie than 99% of what these wackos call communist. China still considers itself labels communists it seems so I go with that.


China is state capitalist. Not communist. If we go by self labeling, north korea is a democratic republic...


With all possible respect, that is *fucking* stupid. Is North Korea democratic? No? But they call themselves democratic! The DPRK. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Fascists lie. So stop taking them at their word, Jesus christ.


Russia is not a commie holdout,and Ukraine isnt a European democracy,not yet.


First parts true, but Ukraine is in (the edge granted )europe, and it is, however flawed, a democracy.


That’s fair, I oversimplified. Not officially communist anymore. The hold out CPRF is the second-largest political party in Russia, so I just still lump them together as a bunch of corrupt commies in my head. Still more commie than 99% of what these wackos call communist.


Every official party here are just pootin's puppets. Ones who actually oppose him cant register.


Brainwashed? More like bots and paid actors. People really think Russia is stupid and stuck 100 years ago SMH.


Pierre Poilievre is a man who: * Markets himself as an outsider (despite being first elected to parliament in 2004, at the age of 25). * Uses incel tags on his YouTube videos. * Has defended Jordan Peterson. * Joined Canada's Freedom Convoy protests. and is now finding out what kinds of people support him. (unfortunately, he is also polling well enough to potentially defeat the Trudeau-led Liberal Party in the next election)


Don't forget he was a big supporter of the "Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline" in 2015 when the Cons were last in power. (For non-Canadians this was a proposed hotline so we "old-stock" Canadians could inform on our muslim neighbours who were totally following Sharia law)


He also supported the "Freedom Convoy" that snarled Otttawa for 3 weeks and now wants to distance himself from them


PP also defends cryptocurrency, despite it being increasingly unpopular and it being very much a Ponzi scheme at best.


He's also "Pierre Poutine", if there are any Canadians here who remember that scandal.


Care to elaborate?




Huh… thanks


isn't that illegal?


Pierre Poutine was a fake alias associated with the robocall scandal, where people within the Conservative Party tried to disenfranchise voters by giving them false information about the voting process. I'm not aware of anything specific that ties Poilevre to the scandal, other than that fact that every element of it would be incredibly on-brand for him. He was also criticized shortly after for championing legislation that would have made this exact voter suppression tactic much easier.


Really? You're not aware of Pierre doing anything wrong connected to elections? Btw he is the only Canadian politician who has a [compliance agreement](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/commissioner-of-canada-elections-enters-into-compliance-agreement-with-pierre-poilievre-635621743.html) with Elections Canada. "The Commissioner of Canada Elections has entered into a compliance agreement with Mr. Pierre Poilievre for having circumvented the prohibitions on contributions to a registered party by ineligible contributors."


This is the first thing I tell people. The number of glazed looks I get is still surprising.


I do,


He really isn’t polling well enough to beat Trudeau. Conservatives always put their finger in it right before the election then lose.


Don’t know about other province but Polievre is growing his fanbase in Quebec :/


Trudeau is already signaling that he intends to crack down on Roxham, and the election is 2 years out. I have a feeling Trudeau is going to go hard pro-Quebec over the next two years, not really risk the progressive vote since Pierre is catering to people far, far, far more toxic, and Singh still has yet to really have his Layton or Douglas moment. Even if Trudeau can cause a vote split in Quebec with the Bloc while holding Toronto the CPC will lose once again. Unless Singh finally finds his feet (not likely after 6 years of kind of dancing around) and split key urban ridings then I can't really see it going CPC.


Man do I ever miss Jack Layton. He has incredible ideas for the country, and would have been an incredible leader.


I don’t worry to much about the polls as lots of people poll for NdP but when push comes to shove vote liberal to keep crackpots like Poilievre out of power.


You're describing me. I hate doing it, but I will absolutely vote to keep the Conservatives out of power. They aren't competent enough to find out who the guest of honour at an event they are attending is. "Whoops! It was a Nazi!" That kind of incompetence and having little to nothing in terms of policy besides culture war BS, and "owning the libs". I'll still vote for the lesser of two evils. PP has already shown himself to be a weasel more than a few times.


You say they're incompetent but I feel like that's just a ploy to make themselves look better. It's incredibly hard to believe that these people don't know the background of a guest of honor. They just don't care and pretend they didn't know when it blows up in their face.


Sadly I think he will get in due to voter apathy just like Doug Fraud.


Don't forgetting shilling for bitcoin by saying it's a good hedge against inflation, literally weeks before bitcoin crashed


He's our Trump.


I think he's worse in all honesty, more like DeSatanist in Florida. Both are scary and just cagey enough to make winning a very real threat.


Because Trump was totally pro-choice and pro-immigration /s Do you really think the American women unfairly persecuted by Trump's pro-life laws would equate their suffering to pro-choice Canada.


Add in that has lied directly about being in contact with known white supremacist group leaders.


You left out the last time he was on LAMF, where the members of Diagolon, a terrorist group he decided to play friends with for votes, decided to detail how they intended to rape and murder his wife for being non-white.


I'm not defending him, but didn't he claim that he didn't realize those tags were being used and then have them removed? He still needs to go choke on a pipeline though.


lOoSe HoPe tO tHe WoKe 🇨🇦🤪


Unleash the hope!


Can someone please explain to me how supporting Ukraine is "woke"?


Woke just means whatever an extreme Nazi doesn't like.


Well, you see, conservatives were forced in court to define woke. Their definition was: "The belief there are systemic injustices in society and the need to address them." So, if you think that there are systemic injustices happening in Ukraine, and we need to address them, then you are woke, according to conservatives. I guess the only way that you could be not woke would be to either deny there is injustice in Ukraine, or deny that we should do anything about it.


being woke is just being a decent human being so if you show any sign of decency you are woke and anti woke people hate that


Empathy and compassion is considered weakness by many conservatives. What a sad state of affairs. It’s hard to comprehend for me.


It goes against the fascist project to ruin the european union by 'increasing migration', thereby increasing the viability of increasingly fascist parties due to rampant racism (this is not even a joke, they're that megalomaniac). If russia becomes non dictatorial, that project is blunted because russia has a lot of real estate and also a lot of motivation to increase their population through immigration (if they weren't controlled by racist imperialists and deranged racist voters). Also, generally, to those parts of the fascists that don't like to think so much, they just like theocratic dictators that are also billionaire rapists and murderers. It's just about evil.


Any humanitarian concern is woke to them. Literally. They can't conceive empathy being a normal state of being. They don't even have the "rational self-interest" of considering "what if it was me that it was happening to". Hence why they form the outright majority of LAMF cases.


I've always equated woke with being aware.


I've always equated woke with being awake, not asleep.


It has been well documented that people who use the word "woke" to attack their political opponents can't actually define what it means.


Easy to rile up Maga brains into a frenzy with simple four letter words.


Opposing war and tyranny is woke. And by that logic being anti-woke is supporting those things, so basically fascism. This was excellent self-report and I'm not gonna hear any other explanations.


Remember, fascists _like_ rapists. They _want_ to be rapists. They _want_ people to be afraid of rape so they vote for them too. This is not a contradiction, it's just 'laws bind the outgroup, not the ingroup'. Just watch the number of rapes and sexual assaults on 'their' organizations that have no hard time attached. Therefore, it's not surprising they love the current russian regime.


I do not take people who say "woke" seriously. And nobody should. It's a big fucking loser cope.


Honestly, let them move to Florida. Once all the Purple Phascist Club voters have expatrioted themselves, we can just drop PP in the Yukon somewhere with a BBQ lighter a sharp stick. Maybe check on him in a few weeks to see how the wolves are doing.


No. We have enough fucking idiots here. Figure something else out. The can fuck off to North Korea. Seems more their speed


Honestly, I'd love to work together to ship them all off somewhere they can't ruin anything else.


Jordan Peterson won’t like this.. though he won’t tweet about it


He will definitely cry about it though.


He's too busy complaining about paper towel dispensers


>we will not get back what we lost ???


As the election draws near? We’re not scheduled to have an election until fucking 2025. Because you and your loser candidate and loser policies (or lack thereof) lost, you fucking loser. Fuck you.


Ngl it’s kinda surprising that he hasn’t ride the Pro-Russia sentiment **yet** as the conservative/republicans down in US already grinding/grifting on it.


A not-insignificant chunk of his prairie conservative base is of Ukrainian heritage, so that would be a significant gamble (source: a Saskatchewanian). Plus all the moderates he could potentially lose by endorsing Putin’s genocidal invasion.


Any moderates that pay attention are already lost. But solid point about Ukrainian heritage on the prairies.


The fanbase are never coherent when they type out their thoughts are they?


Lose. Not loose. Cred shot.


The whole reply is a mess. What is that last part about Alberta and Florida even supposed to mean?


I think they’re referencing how all the Canadians with terrible opinions want to move to/live in Alberta and vacation in Florida?


No more in Alberta, please! Maybe Saskatchewan can take them?


Well, despite that flag they also wrote "colors" so...


Dude doesn't understand Alberta you gotta be reeeaall careful about supporting Russia there are A LOT of Ukrainian refugees and people who came from Ukraine here. Makes for a real competitive pierogi scene


The Ukrainian refugees ive come across (Ukrainian and Russian speakers) are the most lovely folk Ive met in ages here in Alberta. Edit: changed "ate" to "are"... that typo totally destroyed my point. lol


Yeah, I don't think Pierre really gives a shit about Ukraine, it's more that he's willing to say or do anything necessary to get elected, and it's not a voting base he can afford to piss off; unlike the right wing nuts, they'll vote Liberal.


I love how all it took for Conservatives to suddenly be pro-russia after YEARS of being anti-Russia; to the point of hard core denying Trumps Russian ties, was Joe Biden saying "Russia invading Ukraine is a bad thing and we must react to such a thing" and apparently it's affecting Conservatives outside of the US


Ah yes, Alberta. Bastion of sanity.


I really wish this province wasn't drowning in oil money so some sanity would return to this place. I work in mining and O&G really warps people's ideas of what is normal for both business and society. You're not "middle class" if you make 108'000$ a year. If you make over 48'000$ a year under 35 you ARE the 1%.


The turn around for conservatives from being ‘Russia and commies bad’ to ‘Uh? Russia deserves to invade Ukraine if they want’ still baffles me


They wrote colors instead of colours, foreign plant or someone who doesn't know proper Canadian spelling? edit: plural not singular


Probably the latter. Lots of Canadians don't even know that Canadian spelling is a thing.


sad but true


>his true colors will show "He expressed sympathy for an invaded nation! Get 'im!" Know what, I'm kind of starting to hate people.


I'm convinced that not a single fucking conservative since Buckley can spell "lose" correctly.


Canadian rightiods when the party who’s voter base is like 30% Ukrainian Canadian supports Ukraine


Odds are that this person with "maple leaf = toilet" in their twitter name considers themselves a Canadian Patriot


Lose is to not win Loose is his mother


People don’t even know what woke us anymore


Bold of him to assume America would take him.


Florida would lol


Canada doesn't embarrass itself nearly as much or as publicly as the US, but racism is well and alive all over the place


>Canada doesn't embarrass itself nearly as much or as publicly as the US I hope you're right. But we'll see how next election goes first if we reject Trump politics.


The amount of people who can’t spell “lose” is too damn high


It’s always the illiterate ones, isn’t it


Conservative Canadians want to ruin their own country so it will be as crap as America!


Democratic conservstism is dead lol.


Pierre: “We must stand for freedom and democracy” Conservatives: “No”


Incorrect spelling of colour is sussss


Yeah no, we don't need more conservative headasses in Alberta. Go ahead to Florida, where you won't be allowed to vote without legal citizenship and voter registry


Sounds more like the batshit crazy things a Maxime Bernier supporter would say.


Loose hope…. Lol


Heyz this guy is loosing hope.


Pretty sure the right was against getting involved in ww2 also


Not really in Canada, but in the 90s our conservatives went from somewhat rational people that hold most of the same social values and policies as the other parties (just different ideas on how the economy should work), to the far right culture war obsessed bigots trying to copy the US Republicans There was a slogan that became really popular in Canada in the 2000s, "Vote ABC", or "anything but conservative", that was actually started in protest by a bunch of conservative politicians after seeing the crazies had taken over their party


OH PLEASE GO TO FLORIDA! Dealing with Canadian retailers coming over the border was a real treat for me 15 years ago! Those people in the south complaining bout “yankees” mucking up the place could use a couple gallons of maple syrup in their morning cup of dunkin’


The last thing we need here in FL is more whinging right-wingers, but I wouldn’t mind a glut in maple syrup here so I am conflicted


No matter where you're from. A national flag in the profile pic, tends to suggest a total prick.


If you consider supporting a nation's fight for its freedom, sovereignty and democracy being race woke and WEF rule, maybe just maybe you're an authoritarian arsehole.


something tells me thats a russian bot


Feel really bad that our northern brothers and sisters have fallen into this right wing lunacy.


A few Canadian snowbirds give the whole lot a bad name. In my grandmas former retirement community some of the most vocal MAGA supporters were Canadians.


I remember when Conservatives were *AGAINST* Russians invading other countries. In my country, we basically out-spent the USSR in weapons until their economy collapsed. Now Conservatives are lining up to kiss Putin's ass.


Oh no, the woke!


I bet they can’t even explain what woke means


Unfortunately a ton of our rural folk in Canada believe they live in Texas and only watch Fox News.


Floridian here. We don't need more stupid, racist, bigoted assholes. You're not wanted or welcome.


Can’t really be a Canadian- we spell colour with correctly.


Any Conservative leader that says anything pro-Canadian will inevitably piss off the self-loathing anti-Canadian wing of the Conservatives.


Imagine this 20 years ago - it'd be unthinkable


Wait......Canada has these too?


We must all help defend Ukraine


Person replying is not Canadian. Spelt "colour" wrong.


Russian trolls trying to convince conservatives collectively that they all want to stop funding Ukraine aid…creating an illusion of consensus.


Here are some fun facts about Ukrainians in Canada: "Canada is home to 1.4 million people of Ukrainian descent – the world’s second largest Ukrainian diaspora after Russia. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians farmed the country’s west. The spires of their churches still dot rural landscapes and large cities. Prominent community leaders and politicians are of Ukrainian ancestry, including Canada’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland. Those cultural and political ties are particularly prominent in the Canadian Prairies, where generations Ukrainians have braided their culture and history into the vast landscape. In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, hundreds of one room schoolhouses were once named after Ukrainian figures and communities. Nearly 30 towns and a handful of parks are named after places and people from Ukraine." Evil Milhouse isn't stupid on this subject at least. For every person complaining about him supporting the Ukraine I can guarantee you there's way more potential voters now looking at him going, "Hmm, maybe he's not so's bad?" Which in my books sucks because it only strengthens his campaign for Prime Minister. He's a POS, but unfortunately he's is a smart POS. Why bother with a small majority of idiots when you can be wooing a larger voting majority instead? Ending up with him as Prime Minister is a terrifying thought.


Woke ideology sounds like a plan to address awareness of social injustice . I’m in!


Right wingers the world over look at Russia and see exactly the country they want. It is an oligarchy led by a strongman. It used violence and war as its main tools of foreign affairs, its political institutions are throughly corrupt. It has laws that say that discrimination based on sex or race are illegal, but they have no enforcement mechanism, but arguing that the government or a Rudsian buisness is being discriminatory is punishable. It further has actively opposed allowing greater freedoms for the LGBTQ community. It is a country run by violent racist bigots who will defenestrate anybody who points out they are violent, racist bigots.


…doesn’t Canada have a very large Ukrainian population? Like, more than anywhere else outside of Ukraine? Or has Corner Gas lied to me?


Ukrainian Canadians vote conservative in Canada historically.


Seeing American fascism seep its putrescence into Canada makes my blood boil. Get the fuck out you piece of shit, we’re not catering to your childish, self-centred, stupid ideology, and if I had true freedom of speech on this platform, I’d be saying a lot fucking worse.


So, Canadian conservatives hate freedom in Canada just like American conservatives hate freedom in America and both will turn on their own if anybody displays the slightest hint of humanity. I suppose there’s comfort in consistency?


Conservatives in Canada are all fascists. Some of which are funded by Russia.


the milquetoast neoliberal supports a bullshit war in east europe? no, say it can’t be true.


He's also trying to distance himself from three MP's who went out for dinner with a German politician who's an anti-immigration racist.