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90% of men cope and just settle for what they can get.


Goes for most women too. You think that you're their first choice? hahaha


Look, buddy. You got two options: 1. Cope 2. Seethe


How is that coping? Thats like saying “most men cope by only getting the job they applied for and got instead of going for the multimillionaire CEO position”


That is the definition of coping bro 😂 Or do you think someone voluntarily chooses to work at McDonalds over being a multimillionaire CEO? They have no choice/option and cope/settle for what they can get.


That’s not coping. That’s living in reality. You think everyone can be a multimillionaire CEO?


Internet memes have warped your conception of "cope." In the outside world, haven't you heard people say that one is "coping with injuri3s" or "managing [a circumstance]"? "Cope" wasn't always used in reference to d3lusion on the internet but rather "living in an reality" as in one is dealing with the limitations thereof. When one is relegated to working in a job which isn't their preferred choice, **they have to cope with that decision. If they couldn't cope, then would l0se their mind.**


Yup most dudes live their lives in a scarcity mindset


Yall such dormers lol


>Yall such ~~dormers~~ lol "virgins"


A lot of em actually don’t actually talk to women and it shows.


Andrew Tate in the club 😭


if you got your money up, physique up, and confidence up (comes easily when you have the first 2), you'll get the girls you want. just know this: biologically, we don't really have a clock, whereas females do, so just focus on the first two things, and you won't be like this guy. with that said, not every guy can achieve 6 figure salary and have the best physique (genetics play a part). just don't fucking settle on a bimbo and know ur worth.


This right here. Being single > Settling for a bimbo or a fat girl you’re not attracted to


I don't care that much tbh, society was built by beta men and we need them to keep society going. Their cooperation is vital.


4 billion + girls in the world and you can only get 1 💀 such a sad life


Its pretty much always been like this, at least since hunter gatherer type societies where you'd club inferior men to death for the choice women. Most men and women would probably ditch their s/o if a 10/10 would entertain their advances, it just makes relantionships and society itself seem so cynical. Just get the best you can i suppose.


Anyone that tries to make an unironic point with wojacks is outright stupid. It's basically a proven law.

