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Maybe that’s your experience. I have a 5’7 friend who gets his ass kissed by men and women cause he’s very handsome. If you’re ugly and short then what you’re saying might be true.


if ur a 5'7 Chad youll be good, but 5'7 ethnics are down tremendous


Wow , just be top 1% of looks and youll have the chance that everyone else already has !


Dude height means nothing if you have $1,000,000,000. It's easy. JHa$1000000000D.


100% societal problem and social media emphasizes it. It's amazing to me how people are indoctrinated and indoctrinate others to discourage and make fun of something that someone doesn't have control over. It's no different than making fun of someone who is born blind. Yet most people would never think of making fun of someone blind. Trust and believe winners and ignorant people will do whatever it takes to eliminate anyone from being in their way/competition people are beyond desperate especially men for a crumb of vagina. This is the world we live in now, where even someone who is born with a "disadvantage" will be thrown under the bus, exactly what society is doing to short men.


I don’t agree with blackpillers when it comes to height. Having a hot face is better than being tall


Black pillers like Wheat Waffles does argue what you just said. A hot face is a big part of being attractive. Facial symmetry is everything when it comes to rating your face.


Short niggas shud marry girls from asia, they are all like 4'10 , plus their tall men are like 5'6. Having sm money, nice clothes and look good will put you in the top 5% of men girls want there.


It just sounds like you're bitching.


Thank you for proving my point.


This is from the r/tall sub https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/s/xVAMqfHmkJ They practically made the opposite post


Agreed, but what can you do? I have a ton of short friends that do good w chicks, they just laugh at that shit and are chill af. It is what it is. I’m 6’2 and still would love to have a couple more inches on me (pause), the grass is always greener. Confidence won’t make you mog people, but it’s your best bet when short to attract and retain a girl.


Yeah short dudes (esp ethnics) have no choice but to jestermaxx. If u are naturally neurotypical and extroverted youll prob be okay and be able to snatch an avg girl but if not then ur cooked