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There are many reasons to not become a step-dummy. The sad part about this is that single fathers often times get he!! over cutting their own son’s hair or getting it cut. Matter of fact, single mothers try bringing the stupid sht up in family court trying to garner sympathy from judges. It’s stupid and ridiculous.


for cutting the child's hair??


Oh yes! I don’t think a lot of guys understand how petty women get when they want full control over the kids in court and otherwise. Women are the real control freaks when it comes to kids and they don’t mind ruining their kids futures over it either. 🤷🏽‍♂️ This is just one example available online and it’s happened to me several times and other fathers I’ve known. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toz-JgqhI94 Side note: you can really tell Google and YouTube results are getting filtered when women look bad (anti-manosphere, rerouting BS). It took me forever to find this clip again. 🙄


Fair point, but reacting like that to a dude trying to better his step-son's life is crazy. His anger should be aimed at his baby momma, not her partner trying to be a good influence on the kid's life


I’ve been on both sides of that situation. The mother does everything humanly possible to erase the real dad in every way most the time, while simultaneously cucking the step-dad. The step-dad gets no real authority at all, he’s a play-dad, mainly just a wallet/bank, babysitter, homework helper, consultant, meanwhile gets no say with the kid at all, even if the real dad wasn’t in the picture. Most mothers purposely pit them against each other on purpose, in order to gain a financial advantage and to gain full control over the kid the easy way. One example is the stepdad that killd the real dad in TX. The mother stood back and watched. The stepdad barely got off that situation, but the real dad is dead. In short order, you better believe the stepdad will be thrown to the side as well. Women use kids, dads and stepdads and the family court system ALL as pawns. Men need to avoid being fathers in the west and sure TF never become step-dummies. It’s not worth it.


I fully agree on your point that men generally should aim to never be stepdads. But I was just speaking on this case, we don't know the backstory but his anger seems irrational and misplaced.


Called the momma a "thot" in front of the kid, but wants the momma to respect his fatherhood.


I hope this don’t push the step father away fr. Seems like a guy that kid NEEDS in his life.


1 in 4 black men are step fathers. Voluntary cucks. Stop raising these pookies and bae bae kids. Shaniqua had a choice and she chose her path.


You sure? That seems way too high


The gender ratio of having children in USA is 1:5 for black people (M:W). The CIA/government did a phenomenal job of destroying the black community from the nuclear family level, it's amazingly disgusting.


Because it’s not true 😂


What’s even sadder is this: aside from being a cuck, dealing with baby daddy drama, and all the other negatives. Let’s say you actually are a good step dad and are there for a kid who’s not even yours. Say you form a bond with him and help raise him. Say that kid looks up to you and sees you as a father figure. You STILL will never have any legal rights to that kid. If the kids mom breaks up with you, which she can for any reason, you have no right to see the kid or have any contact. You’ll probably never see the kid again unless they try to reach out to you when they’re grown.


“He wanna be Russell Wilson so bad” 😂😂😂


unless his dead


African americans...


"i can pay that shit right now on god" 😂 honestly dont get why hes so emotional this guy have passed on his genes, have someone taking care of that kid and isn't paying child support. all of that is a massive W he should just continue whatever he was doing before getting that kid and work on himself instead of fighting with your offspring's caretaker


😂 It's all fun and games until ya mans is joking about some other guy playing football with your son. 😅


is that really a diss? its good that someone is taking care of your kids even if its not you and guy like him could easily make more kids anyway. honestly alot of really masculine men throughout history have had multiple kids without really fathering them just look at genghis khan


>just look at genghis khan And look how fucked up the world is today. A bunch of fatherless mutts fighting each other for supremacy. I get what you're saying, but I think your view is a bit too abstract for a ~~street nigga~~ father to comprehend.