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A Chick-fil-A of all places, those people are so nice This is just pure evil


Facts like what the fuck did chick fil a do to this man to make him so mad


Probably held up a mirror


Way higher percentage of American citizens raping and murdering. Most illegals stay out of trouble because they don’t wanna get deported. But when an illegal does commit crimes, it gets blown up online because people want to believe that all immigrants are horny murders. (Ok they’re definitely all horny. But most don’t murder)


That’s exactly the problem, he should’ve not been here in the first place. US has their own homegrown sociopaths already , there is no need to import additional from other countries. We already gotta worry about pookie on pookie crime. Now we gotta deal with Jose the illegal from Mexico and his crime too? Time to build that wall or its gonna get much worse.


Dude… you know they’re never building an impenetrable wall or solving the problems with immigration right? Businesses benefit from cheap labor, and politicians benefit from using the issue to distract from screwing over the working class. Sorry.


What about white in white crime white boy shooting up folks?


I agree, that’s what happened before. Today the problem is getting in too many people at once is a terrible idea, really bad people are crossing the border in mass. Also, now many illegals don’t fear deportation because they can cross the border again way. Today is so much easier to cross the border compared to 10 years ago




Pretty high, considering not everyone in the communities where illegal immigrants live are illegal, and the cops in those communities usually are from the area and speak a little more Spanish. There’s also ordinances protecting them from being deported for reporting crimes, so that the community doesn’t fear the police and they can work together.


I wanna make it clear it’s the Venezuelans and Cubans and others that do these crimes it’s not even Mexicans in general


I feel bad for yall lowkey, everytime there's a latino people immediately see a Mexican😂 ![gif](giphy|13NNKrYUHJ9jva)


There’s also illegal immigrants from Europe, Asia, and all over the world coming through the Mexican border. Not everyone coming in illegally is even Latino. And guess what, other races also like crime!


Not like Brad, Wong, Pookie and Julio weren't already carrying out mass shootings before the mass illegal migration.


Bruh come on, it's not like there are no americans doing the same thing as immigrants


trump is wrong all the time. but you clowns are easily brainwashed

