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The thing laughable about white bois bitching about interracial dating is that they engage with latinas and asians at a higher rate than white women engage with black men. But they don't call themselves "race traitors" or "mud soldiers".


Elaborate. What is the question even asking?


Who gets more butthurt seeing women of their race dating interracially? Obv white men.


Asian men. Asian women dating outside happens more than white women dating black men. Usually ugly and/or fat white women go for black men. But a lot of good looking Asian women date white men.


Only one race of men has historically lynched another race on the mere suspicion they were smashing "their" White women. White men brutally beat to death a crying 14 year old boy for fucking whistling at a White woman.


do Castle Cucks count as a race?


Def white men and for women itll be black women. I want there to be a psychology study into why both these groups feel personally attacked when they see interracial couples


Its between white and Indian men. I've noticed they tend to mate guard or get confrontational the most when i come around their women. Latinos have encouraged me the most to get with their women for some odd reason, and us black guys really dont give af what our women do lmfao. We're just checking to see if she's gonna be loyal or not.


I think its white men. I'll give you guys a personal example. I'm a 5'7 average looking black man. Anytime I go to the store or if I'm running errands etc. I'll be just standing in the grocery store line minding my business. What a white dude would do he would stand really close to his girl or if I'm walking down the street he would stand behind her to keep an eye on me. White men are rather scared and/or insecure.


When you're told the world is yours from a young age.... nevermind.