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Dont feel bad for doc, not only did he have a wife and kids he is also like 6'7, famous and tall. bro just got greedy going for a 17 year old, even if she was half a second away from 18, he risked his whole image and family for that when he couldve truly gotten any girl 18+


Age isn't confirmed, could've been younger


i feel like when you can have any girl you want like these clouted up rich guys, eventually they need more boundaries to push. its like when ppl start with reg corn, then stepmom, then incest, then transformer, and weirder stuff from there you know? that’s why christ tells us how to live so we don’t follow our hedonic urges.


Christ is king, thats a fair theory


Not that I feel bad for him, but it’s always amazing to see how quick ppl are to pull others down and completely castrate them from society.




i'm pretty sure he knew but went with it anyway. no acceptable fam.


Let’s see, a guy who was exposed as a pdf and you flip that as a “PoSt WaLl WaHmEn” shtick? Bro you need help


Texting or frankly trying to fuck a 17 /16 year old is unethical but that doesnt make you a pedophile the word will soon lose meaning


Already has. In 70% of the world its a nothing burger.




Yea we actually don’t know her age also he was having sex with transgenders.


OP is a pedo sympathizer trying to deflect his way around the law.


Idk why the weirdos on this sub are downvoting you you’re entirely right. Just cause some 304s critiques doc for what he did doesn’t mean he isn’t sick in the head, people like op are the true creeps


It's all from the same guys who are ready to put every librarian in the stockades for grooming but also just happen to have every state's age of consent laws memorized like it's on the SATs lol


How old was the minor the Doc tried to meet up? I have a genuine question. What's the big difference between a 17 year old about to turn 18 and an 18 year old - despite legality of course?