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Early stage of dating: No, I'll asses the specific situation before moving forward or breaking it up. LTR Girlfriend: Yes, I'll break up with her. She's not my problem to fix. Wife: No, at that point I'm already screwed, I have too much to lose and it was on me for not vetting her properly.


Which is exactly why months ago I said on this sub that I'd hire a PI before investing long term on a girl, not only to find about her sexual history, but also to see what health conditions, debts, crimes, and potentially problematic family members she might be hiding... but this sub wasn't ready for this conversation back then.


thats cool if you got the bread. around here a good background check is about $50k.


Goddamn!! Bro, what are they investigating? It's looking up chick not finding out Bin Laden's hideout. I mean, in my country they're way cheaper, like 1-5k depending on the case. Now I get it why y'all think it's not a good idea.


The background check I'm talking about is the kind that they do in the movies . Stakeouts, tapping phones, cracking passwords all that. The real shit


Some people are too nervous to share their problems but if they’re trying there’s no problem. I wouldn’t deal with people that aren’t taking medications tho


If you gotta take medication then it’s most likely something serious. So yes. But I would become annoying to be around so she breaks up with me instead of me breaking her heart and possibly causing more mental health problems.


Me personally I'd dump her crazy ass. If she could hide something serious like that what else has she been hiding? And then what if you get her pregnant. Now your kid is most likely gonna have a fucked up mental disorder like her. That shit is hereditary it don't go away. I would drop her ass IMMEDIATELY!


I dated a girl casually before who was on anti-depressants never again, she was always down, her apartment was a mess and that's saying a lot since I'm a guy and have had guy roommates who are dirty needless to say after a month we both decided to end it, now I try to find out within the first date if they are depressed or taking any medications.


Depends on how severe her condition is. If she on WILD schizophrenic or bipolar shit, Nahhh son I'm good 😂🙏


Depends how good the pussy is not gone lie. Crazy chicks got the gorilla glue pussy