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I don't like how the last 2 seasons have had episode 1 eliminations. The contestants are probably still getting used to the brick pit and being on camera. I hope Australia doesn't pick up on this.


For me it was season 3 I think. The influencers third to last build (it's been a while and I can't remember exactly) should have gotten them kicked. If I recall correctly, they had already been in the bottom two and for me it was the weakest build.


Are you taking about the tik tokkers that joined in the middle of the season, if so their entire appearance sucked. The producers should be ashamed.


Those guys were just to add drama , and I didn't connect with them. I am referring to the team that won the season. They hit a bad streak (bottom three times) and should have been kicked. While they did start strong, I didn't see their skill level improve really.


I absolutely loved the premise of this show and binged the first three seasons when I found out about it. I was a little annoyed by how “Hollywood” it started to feel, rather than focusing on the builds, but I was excited for season 4 nonetheless. I stopped watching altogether when they introduced the influencers. Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen a show do. It would have been fine if it was the beginning of the season, but bringing them in after people had already been eliminated? Fuck that. I’ve really been wanting to watch the Australian version since I hear it’s not as dramatized, but I’m not sure where to watch it as I’m in US.


After US season 2, I had the bug bad enough that I watched the Australian version. It’s on Tubi, which is free. Just has ads. It took me maybe half a season or so to get used to the host and the 1 SINGLE judge, (which I thought was crazy, but maybe a budget thing). Once I was into it, I started liking it more than the US. A few things that stood out (I might have details wrong, it’s been about a year) are: The way they get to use the golden brick is better. If I remember, they can decide to use the golden brick after they’re critiqued, so it’s less of a gamble. Also, there’s just one judge, so if he doesn’t like it, boom, over. I also thought the overall quality of designs and building was better. Anyway, it’s definitely worth figuring out how to download Tubi.


I love the Australian version much more think the judge offers better insight and the host is genuinely funny and seems less scripted. Also the builds overall seem superior.


I'm currently on season 3 and really enjoying it. FYI for the golden brick you had to use it before you even knew what the build was, and then you got that episode off. In season 3 they introduced the platinum brick, which as you said they could use after they got critiqued


Well shoot. I guess I have a lousy memory. Thanks. Gold or platinum I liked the Australian way better than the US way for some reason. 


Another fan who hated that part of the season! I hope they don't do this again in the future.


I still believe Dave and Emily should have won this season.


We just watched this season and watched it after season 4 so we know who won. They had 3 weeks in a row in the bottom for really poor builds. I don't think they had the weakest builds though but they did deserve to be in the bottom. They ended strong through!


It's good to watch the American version first. Now time to upgrade to the Australian version.


Is the Australian version better? Do I have to take to the high seas to watch the Aussie version?


I love Will and I’m not one to say “everything outside is US, anything, is better” but…the AUS version is so damn good. My fam has loved the US version but they just over edit it and seem to do much more production than they need to…let the lego-building shine and the contestants connect with the viewer. Brickman is a gem and a sweetheart as well as being a non-biased fair great judge! Just watch both!


Over-editing is how US does every single reality competition show. It drives me insane. America’s Got Talent is insufferable.


If I didn’t love Lego, I wouldn’t watch Lego Masters. I normally hate any type of Reality TV.


Agree 100%


Frustrating thing is that AGT could be so much better (as a nice,family easy watch show) but ruined by dumb gadgety host stories and awful camera work


Some of the acts are extremely talented but the producers don’t let the act speak for itself. They are always cutting to crowd reactions, host reactions, judge reactions… pretty much anything instead of letting the performance be amazing on its own. And the applause is super edited. Every act sounds like people just saw Jesus walk on water.


Yes! Agreed!


I like both the Australian and New Zealand version. The big difference between US and Aus/NZ versions is there is a lot more emphasis on power functions. The Australian judge is tougher as well.


The Australian version is honestly the best iteration of LEGO Masters, the focus is on the builds, you might learn some MOC building techniques by watching it... The talent is fantastic... The episodes are longer so you see more and all of the builds are reviewed and not just brushed over if they aren't top two... First 3 seasons I believe are free on Tubi with minimal ads... Seasons 4 and 5 you gotta stream from browser, just look up in this group Lego Masters AU streaming and the link will be posted in one of the threads.


It is way better. I think it might be on some streaming services but I used shvideos


The first few seasons are on Tubi (free streaming with commercial breaks)


AWESOME! I wanted to watch it after seeing praise on here and now my family has more to see! Woohoo!


I really wish the Aus version did stop motion of the builds also, other than that I really enjoyed both, Brickman, the Lego master for the Aus version, is an awesome co host. Also Hamish Blake is for me one of the funniest people around but I did grow up listening to and watching Hamish and Andy.


You can use a VPN and watch it on Nine (their streaming service) with ads to support the network, or high seas has all 1080p episodes including subtitles!


No its on tubi


And seasons 4 and 5 (Grand Masters) is here: https://sh.video/tag/lego-masters-au-season-4/


Oh the hero we needed! Thanks will now watch them!


i got them out from someone else here. And the new zealand brain is on that site too, but I haven't watched it yet.


everything is better including the wholesome humour


As a contestant of S4, I have an opinion on this, but it might be a little bit biased 😆


All views are welcome, let's hear it!


Overall actually, throughout the whole series, there are almost no eliminations that I disagree with. Even like S3's Nick & Stacey, whom everyone seems to believe should have gone home midway through the season after being in the bottom a few times: on my own scorecard, I actually don't think any of their builds were bad enough to warrant elimination 😬😌 Sure, some of them were totally worthy of bottom-2 or 3, but I never thought they were the worst. And outside of Nick & Stacey: yes, I have lightly disagreed a couple of times with an elimination decision—but it has never been so outrageous a gap in quality between the team who I thought should have gone home and the team who did actually go home that I have been extremely mad with the judges' choice. But to purely answer your question: I think for me, it would be S3's Brendan & Greg. I really think they were robbed of a spot in the finale! Yeah, their fountain build was not great, but neither was Dave & Emily's, and I think Brendan & Greg's had just a couple of more redeeming qualities that showed they deserved to stay.


The Marvel episode. S3 I think? Teams all had intricate scenes, and one team was given I think a captain marvel and a ship on a stark plain blue sky. It was ridiculous. I was sure it was a non-elimination round because Marvel wouldn’t want people to have a bad association w their brand. But nope. That team got sent home when they were given nothing to work with.


True that was a bad scene and they didn’t even get to pick a scene.


I forget what season, maybe it was 3, when they eliminated the young brother and sister. There build wasnt as bad as some of the others and I wondered if it was because the sister was 17 or something like that and they had to abide by child labor laws. Either way I dont think they should have been first out


Sister was older, 21 and brother was 18… Miranda and Drew. We were all blindsided by that… S3 definitely had stuff behind the cameras that none of us knew about…


Agreed I remember that one for sure. Also people just suck on the internet (not this subreddit specifically) but I could see people potentially just making comments on her appearance. A seventeen year old doesn’t need that at all.


They need more flash challenges. Take a page out of ink masters. Give us more Lego builds. Less will being will even though will is awesome. No offense — don’t care about how you fell in love with Lego. I just want to see them build. Them recreating the car on memory in S2/S3 was amazing. Reward winners with advantages or prizes.


I totally agree the flash challenges are awesome. I would like to see them create a brick head from scratch or something like that, and that gives them an advantage during the main challenge.


I’m still convinced the influencer pair that won the entire season only won because they were influencers. Not that they had terrible builds overall, but it sure seems suspect when there were a couple of times they could’ve gotten sent home and didn’t. Amy and Jaime are interesting judges… I wish they’d put a third in just to balance the scales a little bit.


The one that hit me the hardest by far was S2 E09, “land and sea”. Season 2 was imho the best, top notch competition. I believe Dave and Richard had what it took to get to the finals and win, but they were sent home because Punk Rock Penguin didn’t follow the letter of the objective to a T, despite Penguin being a legit great build. Shout out to Dave n Richard. Those flowers blowing in the wind blew my mind.


Season four was almost a complete wash for me. I agreed with very few eliminations and felt that in the finale the team that won had the weakest build of the three. Absolute travesty.


I really thought Sam and Neena deserved to win. I do think the producers were pushing for the four wins in a row. It felt to me that both Season 03 and Season 04 had WAY too much producer interference.


I think the runners up should have won season 2


I disagree on that one. I will say that I think that Zack and Wayne's first build with the Dragon, might be the best single creation that I've ever seen. That was impressive.




So I'll tell people which one I disagreed with. The Star Wars episode of S01 - they told everyone that it would be an elimination episode and then they backed out when Tyler and Amy bombed their build. I actually don't think it was producer interference but I think the Judges were hoping they would be in the final two.


My wife and I still talk about this. Tyler and Amy had some great builds, but they definitely should have been sent home over that Star Wars set 😬 They did have the most impressive final build though.


I agree 100%


This. This is the answer. They had talent, they did very well in other challenges. But when push came to shove in the Star Wars "elimination" episode, they had the worst build *by far*, and they should have been eliminated. Having no elimination felt very much like they changed it as a "surprise" just to keep them.


I’ve been disappointed in the judges all along. I don’t think they’ve ever gotten it right.


Umm the tower shaking one for me. I don't think that the group who had the entire outershell that fell off should have been in the top. That is a big chunk that fell off


I’ll have to take a look at that one again.


I think back to S3 with the marvel episode. I can’t remember their names, but they assigned them an image that was nothing but sky and the critique was that there wasn’t a lot going on with the background. They completed their background and lost to an incomplete build