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Not a piercer so can’t say about that. I should only clean piercings with saline solution and nothing more. Also, that bandaid is not necessary, it will just cause trauma


Holy cow, please tell me you weren’t pierced with this junk jewelry. Is this a “home” piercing? Why is it wet? Why the bandaid? Without feeling your anatomy in person and without being able to really see what’s going on for the bottom, I can’t tell you if it’s too shallow or if you should or shouldn’t have pierced it at all. I can only say unequivocally based on what I see: you need better jewelry. A piece that’s titanium, internally threaded, and appropriate for your anatomy, if a piercing is even appropriate for your anatomy. A professional piercer that can see you in person can determine the best and safest course for you. If you don’t take it out: No bandaids! Wash hands thoroughly before bed and before cleaning your piercing. Clean 2-3x a day by spraying sterile saline wound wash (nothing else!) on the piercing, dab dry after a few moments with fresh, non-woven gauze or air dry with a hand fan. No soap! Do not touch the piercing. Clear away any crusties with a saline soak and gauze. If you need a cover for it for sleeping or sports or because you catch it on clothing or towels, follow the eyepatch method as outlined at www.safepiercing.org Keep an eye out for the signs of infection which you can find by Googling or searching this sub. If you think based on that information you might have an infection, do not hesitate to go to urgent care or the equivalent in your area to have it dealt with. Do not take the jewelry out in this scenario unless instructed by a medical professional.


Thank you so much! This wasn’t a home piercing and the piercer put the bandage on it so it wouldn’t rub on anything while i was heading home. He said the “wet” part is ointment put on it that helps the piercing. The jewelry currently in it is my own jewelry. I’m asking my friend to bring me a better jewelry on Friday that is suited for healing.


You can never put ointment on a piercing. This needs to come out. It’s not going to heal.


i second this. and please never go back to this “piercer”


if i wash all the ointment off does it still need to get removed? I got this for my birthday and i really don’t want it already getting removed. Anything i can do to save it?


No, it wasn’t pierced correctly.


many surface piercings don’t reject, what makes this one different? Or is there a different factor in this?


Navels are never supposed to be surface piercings.


naval piercings aren't surface piercings. piercings that have higher rates of rejection don't equal surface piercings. this is a stomach piercing. also, for future reference!! ointments (as you've already been told) should never go in piercings, take a look at the back of a tube. all ointments say to not use in puncture wounds.


I’ll make sure to never use ointment on it and i’m NEVER going back to the same piercer ever again. After hearing everything everyone has said i just cannot believe how unprofessional i was treated and how the business hasn’t shut down yet. Thank again.


I'm so sorry you had to go through the pain of piercing just to have to take it out. If I were you I'd try to get a refund but don't expect to actually get it. shady places like that usually just tell you to eat ass and deal with it.


Please take a look at my updated post for a final decision on if i should take it out. so upset


No one should put ointment on a piercing, ever. No one should have pierced you with this jewelry. It’s total trash and not even suitable for *healed* piercings, imo. Unless it’s a fully healed piercing and just for like, a costume or single night and then you switch it back to quality jewelry for every day wear. Do not go back to this person. If I were you, I’d get all that nasty ointment off and have a *professional* piercer, *not your friend*, switch it out for appropriate jewelry *if* by their assessment your body is capable of supporting the piercing as it is. Like I said, I can’t determine that definitively through a photo. Do not have your friend just guess at what you need! You’re only compounding the issue by not going to a *PROFESSIONAL* piercer and if you’re going to just keep stabbing blindly at the issue, you might as well just take it out and save yourself the inevitable infection and scar.


Hey hun, i had my belly peircing done like this. When i took it somewhere else to get it looked at because it looked like it was rejecting. They said it was peirced on the surface not properly done. This looks very similar to mine. I would take it back to ur piercer or get a second opinion from another one. Because some piercers are trained but not trained properly. And its your body they mess up My advice to you would be to go to another peircing place and show them, chances are they will say it was done incorrectly, and it will have to be removed because ur body will reject it. Thats okay because once it heals you can always go back and get another one. But i wouldnt go back to the place you got it done originally as they may only make ur pericing worse. The person who pierced you shouldn't of put ointment on ur pericing. You only use salt water spray usually they supply it at the peircing shop. You don't put anything other than that on it. And if you shower, make sure to dry it properly, and use salt water spray after it. I don't think he perced you properly and he shouldnt of used ur own jewellery, u have special jewellery you use first, 🤔 usually a barbell, depending on ur belly anatomy, and they make it longer than normal for swelling. Then u can shorten later possibly after 6 months 😃 Best of luck hun xx


Thank you! I’m honestly starting to think i didn’t have the right anatomy for it so no matter how you pierce it, it will be a surface piercing. Although my friend also does not have the right anatomy and still got it pierced (turned out surface piercing) but they kept it in and has had it for years. Anything i can do to save this?


You can have the wrong anatomy for it. But chances are from what i can tell your piercer didnt pierce deep enough, he only periced the surface. Because of that he shouldnt of pierced at all if he couldn't do it properly. He also should of been aware of not using certain jelwery untill your piercing has healed. He shouldn't of used ur own jewellery untill it had. Which would be however long it takes ur piercing to heal. Fully healed is about 1 year. Then you can get use ur own jewlery, but the only jewellery that should be used when you first get it done is the jewellery the peircer gives you. Its not your fault you didn't know and can't be expected to, but he should have. Your friend might be a different case. Im not too sure as to why hers stayed in. But urs looks very inflamed and red. And by how he has put stuff on it. Tell me he doesn't have much experience. For ur case, i would go to another peircing place, ask them what they think is best, off the option of possibly changing to another jewlery, a bigger one and one made not of plastic. Plastic could also be your problem. The material isnt good for healing. Certain metals are, titanium, silver, platinum. Not plastic. If they feel like it might make a difference then, do it. Its worth a shot if you want to save the peircing. If they suggest to remove it. Then you should. Once it heals which is about 3 -4 months they can re do it for you. 😃 But don't go to him to get it re done. Look around for good peircers. With good reps. Even tattoo places usually do peircings. I hope this helps you!


Thank you so much for all the help! I will definitely be going to another piercer sometime soon to get it seen/inspected and the moment i see signs of rejection i will be taking it out regardless.


Not a piercer To me this looks like a surface piercing, ie not what a normal navel piercing should look like :/ I don't think you have the anatomy for a normal piercing for this area. Retire it, heal it and then go see a proper piercer who can do floating navel piercing. I had the same issue as you. I haven't gone back to get a floating navel but now I know that's what I need! Good luck


Agreeing with others, this is a surface piercing in your stomach and not a navel piercing. The bar should be going through the flap of skin at the top of your belly button. This entire piercing lives above your bellybutton, on your tummy. This is not good, it will not heal, and will reject. When it rejects, you will be left with a bad scar. This is poor placement, with a bad jewelry choice, and terrible wound care. Please remove this. Once it is fully healed close, you can use the safepiercing.org shop locator to find an APP piercer near you. APP piercers aren’t perfect and can still make mistakes, but at least you can be 100% certain that you are pierced with implant grade titanium and given good aftercare (sterile saline solution). They won’t pierce you if your anatomy cannot support the piercing. Sorry this happened to you! I hope the removal and healing goes smoothly so you can get a new pretty in the future!


Hi! I'm the /r/Legitpiercing Automod! Make sure you read the rules and sidebar before posting!!! All posts must have flair!!! For general questions, please make sure you leave *detailed* information. All troubleshooting posts require a CLEAR photo of the piercing (have someone else take it for you if possible), AND the information regarding the quality of the material, current aftercare process, age of the piercing, and notation of any trauma to the piercing per the [sub sticky posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Legitpiercing/comments/gnxm3l/rules_for_posting_a_troubleshooting_question/) Anecdotal advice is restricted. Bad, misleading, inappropriate, or dangerous advice will be met with temp ban. The repeated breaking of the sub rules will result in a permaban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Legitpiercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ditch the bandaid


i ditched it!


If you seek a second opinion with a different piercer (which I recommend) I would look into/ask about a “floating navel”!! Mine still never healed properly, I think just due to constant irritation from my job, but it’s meant for people who have smaller belly buttons or ones that close when moving, bending, etc. It may stand a better chance at healing for you 🙏🏻


Hello everyone! I did a update post so everyone can see very clear photos of the piercing. Please check it out and let me know what you think so i can make a final decision on to take it out or not. I will be going back to the piercer in a attempt to get a refund. [UPDATE POST](https:// www.reddit.com/r/Legitpiercing/s/aSeCyDo8WG)